Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 29, 2014

New Movie PLASTIC: Thievery, Lesbian Sex, Killings - All Taking Place On God's Bricket Wood Campus

Filming has finished for the new movie PLASTIC which is soon to be released.  Who would imagine that God's most holy Bricket Wood campus would be used for murder, sex, and mayhem!  So much for the idealistic representation of the kingdom.

Film crews set up camp in Hanstead Park - the site of the old HSBC training centre - which proved a fruitful location for production, with woods, an office building, and a university-style building readily available.

Terry Stone, founder of the production company behind the movie, Gateway Films, enthused about the filming location this time last year: "Somebody contacted us about it and said it has just come on the market."

"When we looked at it, it was just brilliant. There was big mansion we used as a five-storey hotel." Herts Advertiser, UK


  1. Thievery, Lesbian Sex, Killings , et al on the Bricket Wood campus?

    So that is "new" news??

    Thought that all went on in the 1960s there!

    Id view the movie as either a documentary or as a sequel to WCG Bricket Wood!

  2. Several months ago, right here, there was breaking news to the effect that St. Peter's remains were sent by the Catholic Church to be interred on this property. But, WCG always taught that the RCC didn't know the difference between St. Peter and Simon Magus. Could the filming of this megasinful movie be corroboration that the former campus is Simon Magus's final resting place? And, if so, what does this say about a group which made horrible life-wrecking false prophecies partially based from this location?


  3. This is putting the Bricket Woods Campus to a far better use then spreading nonsensical, exploitative heresies.

  4. The question is, why did God let this all go to hell in a handbasket after Herbert Armstrong died?

    Is it because either God was not involved in the first place or that God wanted to show the Armstrongists that they were not of Him in the first place, in spite of the name(s) of their cult(s)?

    Note that the first answer also works for atheists, deists and agnostics.

    Both answers could work for the rest of us.

  5. Just one more thing for all the old WWCOG tithe payers to be pissed about!

  6. Interestingly, I had a friend at AC Press in Pasadena who had once worked on the gardening crew. Highly trusted, one of his regularly scheduled tasks was the mowing of the lawns surrounding the ministerial homes peripheral to the college campus. It is unknown whether some of these wives forgot the weekly schedule, or perhaps the schedule was disrupted, but when my friend opened the gate to one of the back yards, he discovered that a group of the wives were sunbathing in the nude around the pool.

    I can't even begin to imagine the total shock, and how everyone involved would attempt to deal with this! People would have seen one another at church as the weeks and months elapsed, the huge egos and righteous indignation of the ministers themselves would have come into play, and presumably heads would have rolled in the Buildings and Grounds Dept.

    I have no idea what wives were involved, or whether this took place on Orange Grove or in the Waverly neighborhood, because my friend never shared those details, and iirc, the event happened prior to the unfolding of the first GTA scandal. It had to have been a mess, but somehow did not make it into the normal HQ gossip circuit. I was told about it in strict confidence and never said anything about it until now.


  7. This happened on a Waverly Drive property. All the faculty home son Orange Grove had easy access for visibility into their backyards.

    In another home on Waverly that a deceased minister used to live in, I house sat over the 4th of July weekend in 1976. In the master bedroom on the husbands side of the bed was a large stack of Playboys, and on the wife's side was a stack of Playgirls. That was the start of the realization that COG ministers lived in an alternate universe than the rest of us.

  8. The only ministerial homes I was ever in were Paul Royer's (Ambassador Club barbecue and meeting), Howard Clark's (Ambassador Club), Richard Plache's (a personal friend's wedding), and Al Portune Sr.'s (my parents stayed with them during a ministerial conference). Mr. Plache's home was in the Waverly neighborhood, and Mr. Portune's on Orange Grove.

    I used to know where each executive minister in Pasadena resided, but haven't used that knowledge in a bunch of years, so much of it has faded.



  9. Blogger NO2HWA said...

    This happened on a Waverly Drive property. All the faculty home son Orange Grove had easy access for visibility into their backyards.

    In another home on Waverly that a deceased minister used to live in, I house sat over the 4th of July weekend in 1976. In the master bedroom on the husbands side of the bed was a large stack of Playboys, and on the wife's side was a stack of Playgirls. That was the start of the realization that COG ministers lived in an alternate universe than the rest of us.

    March 30, 2014 at 2:18 PM
    LOLLL...that figures!
