Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Standing On Holy Ground With Philadelphia Church of God at Robbers Cave State Park

Campfire song at Robbers Cave with PCG

PCG's Official YouTube Video of This Holy Ground Weekend With Godly Piano

The Philadelphia Church of God has an article up today about a "retreat" that the faculty and "college" students went on to Robbers Cave State Park, in Oklahoma.  Most of the things they describe sound like a typical Church of God camp out with all kinds of activities.  That is until this:

The Robbers Cave tradition goes back before 2002 to when dean of students Stephen Flurry read Malachi’s Message for the first time on July 16, 1989, while there as a 19-year-old. Since 2002, students and faculty have heard Chancellor Gerald Flurry deliver major announcements at Robbers Cave, including the Philadelphia Church of God’s copyright victory.

“Our most memorable experience by far was the announcement of the court case victory in 2003, at the same location where a year previous we’d heard Mr. Gerald Flurry share with us the new revelation from Habakkuk that this victory was prophesied,” theology and speech instructor Wik Heerma said.

Robbers Cave is a place with an immense amount of history, yet at the same time, it points to a wonderful future and gives vision in such an awe-inspiring way,” sophomore Joel Hudson-Stewart said.
Will Gerald Flurry now try and buy the state park for his own private use or move it to his cult compound?  Will he erect a monument there glorifying that lil' Stevie read Malachi's Message there?  Or, that  PCG paid WCG millions of dollars for the rights to publish Herb's foolishness, or that Gerald Flurry drank Coor's beer there?

The nonsense that COG groups deem "historic" and relevant to a Christians walk is appalling.  They can't talk about Jesus, but they hold as sacred lil' Stevie reading a plagiarized document there.

I am not worthy to be in the presence of such magnificence.


  1. I see that the demons are still at work on this blog.


  2. Re: "Standing On [shaky] Ground With Philadelphia Church of [Robbers] at Robbers' Cave State Park":

    When Gerald "That Robber" Flurry needs a break from his Robber's Mansion and his Robber's Auditorium at his Robber's Cult Compound, he can retreat to his Robber's Cave to count the money that he robbed from God.

  3. PCG fairly often claims events concerning Stephen FLurry have some sort of special significance.

    For instance Gerald Flurry once asserted that Stephen Flurry first read Malachi's Message three and a half years after HWA's death.

    "Finally, MY SON READ THE ROUGH DRAFT OF MALACHI'S MASSAGE ON SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1989--EXACTLY 3½ YEARS AFTER MR. ARMSTRONG DIED! (January-February, 2006, Royal Vision, p. 38, PDF p. 40.)"


    Also it is asserted within PCG that after Stephen Flurry was baptized on January 16, 1990 this was some sort of cut off date in regards to church eras. (But they seem to make exceptions to this rule when convenience dictates however, as is seen later on.)

    "The PCG began on December 7, 1989. My son was ready to be baptized soon after. He requested that his baptism take place on January 16, 1990, in order to coincide with the anniversary of Mr. Armstrong's death. That was a good choice! ... So, on January 16, Stephen became the first member baptized in the Philadelphia Church of God. ... But in general, ANY BAPTISM BEYOND THAT DATE - JANUARY 16, 1990 - IN THE LAODICEAN CHURCH IS NOT VALID."

    From Royal Vision, September-October, 2006, p. 41, as seen at http://www.pcog.info/ptmmtp.htm#January%2016th.

    However this seems to be not taken quite so literally in practice.

    "My son, Stephen, was baptized in the Philadelphia Church of God on January 16, 1990. Prior to his baptism, he had studied Mr. Armstrong's writings and Malachi's Message. In my sermon at Edmond last week (November 5), I pointed to his baptismal date as a cut-off point, after which baptisms within the Laodiceans churches became invalid.

    "This, however, is not true in every case. I should have stated that Stephen's baptismal date should be used only as an overall guideline for our ministers to work with in their counseling with God's people and with prospective PCG members. In considering this subject further, I am convinced that many, if not most, people baptized outside the PCG after January 16, 1990, and who then came into the PCG in the early 1990's, were undoubtedly counseled and baptized properly.

    "Today, however, it would be safe to assume that anyone baptized by a Worldwide Church of God minister would be considered invalidly baptized. In 1990, the Laodicean era was in its beginning stages. Today, the Laodicean ministry has rejected all, or most, of God's revealed truth."

    Pastor General's Report, November 12, 2005, p. 3 as seen at http://www.exitsupportnetwork.com/mike_ep/pcg/control.htm.

    So we can see that PCG's leaders have been developing a cult of personality around Stephen Flurry in order to set him as Gerald Flurry's successor once his father dies. Now they just have to hope that relations between father and son won't fall apart like HWA and Garner Ted Armstrong.

  4. They all think they are writing later chapters for the Book of the Acts of the Apostles, and that places like Robbers Cave rival the Mount of Olives, their auditorium is the modern day equivalent of the Temple (in spite of the graven images inside the building and outside in the reflecting pool), and apparently that Coors is analogous to sacramental wine.

    Like kids on a raft in a little pond pretending to be Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and African-American Jim on the Mississippi River, these guys are just playing a game of Bible. But, better this than really capturing the world's attention, giving them the visibility to totally screw up the gospel!


  5. "I see that the demons are still at work on this blog."

    I've recently added a couple of new words to my vocabulary, "theurgy" and "goety." Theurgy is "high magic" and goety is "low magic." Goety would be sorcery and witchcraft and by definition is always esoteric, but theurgy can be divided into "esoteric" and "mainstream." Your "esoteric christianity" would be stuff like Freemasonry. Esoteric Judaism is Kabbalah. See where I'm going with this?

    But then take your mainstream christianity. How is a catholic relic different from an amulet? How is the Hebrew tabernacle/temple with all it's implements and rituals not sorcery by another name? How is a prayer different than an incantation? Gods, demi-gods, saints, angels, demons. It's all the same stuff, man.

    High, low, white, black, how is any of it not "magic"? So put that in your peace pipe and smoke it.

    Demons, lol! Take your fundamentalist sorcery somewhere else.


    Using whose calendar? On the Hebrew lunar calendar there's no such thing as "exactly" a half a year. You can only say that if you're using a solar calendar, like the profane, evil, Roman one.

  6. Stephen is being setup as the Christ after the old man dies.

    Watch and see if I am not right.

  7. Anonymous said...

    I see that the demons are still at work on this blog.

    March 15, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    Demons at work? So you call exposing hypocrites and liars demons at work?

    Speaking of Robber's Cave where Stephen Flurry first read Malachi's Message...

    You mean the book that Gerald Flurry copied from Jules Dervaes writing "Letter to Laodicea" http://hwarmstrong.com/flurry-the-fony.htm...
    >"Robber's< Cave" a fitting place to read Malachi's Message.

    What I noticed by watching the first video is what a change,or should I say totally different image the PCG is trying to portray in an attempt to appear normal, you know >mainstream Christian<. I'm sure it's because of all the well deserved persecution they have been receiving all these years because of their "idol worship"(Herbert W. Armstrong, and now Gerald Flurry). You rarely ever heard them promoting Christ's teachings. They may teach a class on Christ's teachings, but that's it!
    Did anyone notice all the long-haired Jesuses?? The PCG has always adhered to the scripture...
    Corinthians 11:14 "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?"
    They believe that Jesus kept the commandments and did not have long hair...so what's up with this hypocrisy??
    What about Jesus's out stretched arms with palms facing up?
    Here's a scripture HWA believed in..."Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth". Exodus 20:4.
    No one knows what Christ looked like according to PCG, why show images when this is totally against what the PCG believes??
    And let's talk about the cross that was shown. The PCG believes crosses are pre-Christian. We were TRYING TO FIT IN WITH THE WORLD<??

    "WOW, What a revelation!"

  8. "When Gerald 'That Robber' Flurry needs a break from his Robber's Mansion and his Robber's Auditorium at his Robber's Cult Compound, he can retreat to his Robber's Cave to count the money that he robbed from God."

    Robber's Cave certainly is a fitting name. Nice video. Totally misrepresenting what's going on, like the fact that the people in the video are all in the middle of being robbed. But it makes being robbed seem nice. Like it's something we'd all enjoy. Meh.

  9. Anonymous said...

    "When Gerald 'That Robber' Flurry needs a break from his Robber's Mansion and his Robber's Auditorium at his Robber's Cult Compound, he can retreat to his Robber's Cave to count the money that he robbed from God."

    Robber's Cave certainly is a fitting name. Nice video. Totally misrepresenting what's going on, like the fact that the people in the video are all in the middle of being robbed. But it makes being robbed seem nice. Like it's something we'd all enjoy. Meh.

    March 16, 2014 at 5:03 AM

    I love this!^

    And one more thing...Gerald Flurry, Where's my child support you robbed my son of?????

  10. I don't know what it is, but the Flurry video reminds me of a video ad that runs late at night from an ADDICTION CENTER , with the same kind of videography and appeal to sappy emotionalism. Judge for yourself and see the similarities...


    (Copy and paste into browser)

    There is an ugliness in the PCG, just like there is in addiction. Fancy videos and sappy music does not cover the reality. I hope the people who pay thousands to the addiction center find what they are looking for. The thousands spent at PCG are spent in vain, guaranteed.

    Joe Moeller
    Cody, WY

  11. Hah! Most people want to enshrine the place where they lost their virginity, and here the Flurrys are, making a shrine out of where Little Steven read a plagiarized interpretation of the works of a minor prophet. This, and him deliberately planning his baptism for a numerology-influenced pseudo-anniversary of HWA's death are nothing but blatant showmanship. This is vapid, and completely without substance. I mean, most of us celebrated HWA's death, too, but not as some sort of quasi-Biblical figure to be revered or imitated.


  12. IMHO, churches are addiction treatment centers. First they tell you there's this thing called "sin," (which doesn't exist). Then they tell you you're addicted it to it. Then they tell you they have the cure. Except it's all made up and they don't have anything. And whatever problems you have that are the reason why you were ever in the market for any cures in the first place? all those get shoved onto the backburner while they send you off on a wild goose chase over a generic "problem" they saddled you with in the first place. Then they make videos with sappy music (with or without puppets) and featuring people they've managed to mislead and disorient for the sole purpose of taking their money. The thousands spent at UCG are also spent in vain, guaranteed.

  13. Head Usher writes, "But then take your mainstream christianity. How is a catholic relic different from an amulet? How is the Hebrew tabernacle/temple with all it's implements and rituals not sorcery by another name? How is a prayer different than an incantation? Gods, demi-gods, saints, angels, demons. It's all the same stuff, man."

    That's exactly right!
    I used to wonder how it was that the Bible condemned people for doing the very same things that were awesomely and cheerleadingly OK for the heroes of the Bible to do.
    (Sorcery and magic, astrology, millions of murders commanded by God, as well as many many other examples.)

    Then, I figured it out- That it's simply because of the age old belief that it's OK for YOUR side to do the same stuff that you declare it's a SIN for the other side to do.

    I've even seen that belief in action, right here in this blog!

  14. The same robbers cave where 5 ministers children were involved in inappropriate sexual behaviour a few yeas ago. I think it was a Cocomise, Burns, Culpepper son and two other girls, don't know their names.
