Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 4, 2014

Bob Thiel: I Have Been Betrayed Just Like Herbert Armstrong and Jesus - Therefore That Makes Me A True Prophet

In yet another proof that Bob Thiel is a false prophet, he has placed himself on equal footing with Jesus.  Thiel has been betrayed just like Jesus was, but more importantly, just like Herbert Armstrong was!  The world is full of big bad meanies and Bob's delicate little soul can't take the humiliation.

 The Bible shows that the Jewish religious leaders somewhat knew about Jesus (cf. John 3:1-2), yet betrayed Him (Matthew 27:18).
 Sadly, although various LCG evangelists knew/suspected my role, in their own manners, they all betrayed me.

Notice something that Herbert Armstrong wrote:

PERSECUTORS HAVE CALLED me a "false prophet." Now how would you KNOW whether the accusation IS true-or false?...

Actually, it probably is not very important to you to know whether my persecutors are right or wrong, when they call me dirty names, hurl epithets, resort to innuendo, impute sinister motives, strive to discredit, attempt character assassination. What is important to YOU is whether what you read in The PLAIN TRUTH really is the truth-whether what you hear over The
WORLD TOMORROW broadcast is true-not whether I, as an individual, am true or false.

I think our readers know by now that we always say: "DON' T believe what we say because you believe in us." We say " Listen with open mind, without prejudice, then CHECK UP in your own Bible-prove whether it is true, and BELIEVE what you find proved! " I don't seek to induce people to believe in ME-I seek to lead them to believe in JESUS CHRIST!
As far as accepting what I write, I only expect people to believe me as I teach matters consistent with the Bible and facts. Don’t simply believe me, believe the truths preached that are backed up by the Bible and/or historical or other facts. Page 93


  1. But if he's like Herbert Armstrong, does that mean he's been committing incest?

    Not something I would believe, just like his prophecies and the rants against the CoG7 I called him on.

  2. All churches are sick and perverted. Sexual abuse and misconduct have cost the US Catholic Church almost $3 billion over a nearly 10 year period, according to a report released by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

    From 2004 to 2013, the Catholic Church spent $2,744,876,843 related to abuse allegations, which includes settlements, therapy for victims, support for offenders, attorneys' fees, and other costs.

  3. Imagine if you will...

    Rod Serling, Mr. Twilight Zone himself,...

    with his 1960's style skinny tie, and tight lapeled sports coat, with a cigarette in hand, and filmed in glorious Black and White stating the following...

    "There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man....

    It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition,...

    and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the THIEL ZONE"

  4. Oh my. LOL!

    Let's see about this. Bob says:

    "What is important to YOU is whether what you read in The PLAIN TRUTH really is the truth-whether what you hear over The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast is true-not whether I, as an individual, am true or false."

    I'd actually go along with all of that.

    What I read in The PLAIN TRUTH (a magazine of misunderstanding) really was NOT the truth. Far from it.

    What I heard on The WORLD TOMORROW "broadcast" was NOT true. Far from it.

    It was all hogwash!

    Bob goes on:

    "DON' T believe what we say because you believe in us. We say 'Listen with open mind, without prejudice, then CHECK UP in your own Bible-prove whether it is true, and BELIEVE what you find proved!'"

    I most certainly don't "believe in" you, Bob. In fact, I've come to see how this thing called "believing" which is another way of saying "accepting and trusting in unsupportable claims" is a fundamentally irresponsible thing to do.

    I have CHECKED UP on the claims the Pervert made—and you, Bob, are trying to make a living rehashing—as well as the bible itself, and found all of it to be rubbish.

    Bob continues:

    "As far as accepting what I write, I only expect people to believe me as I teach matters consistent with the Bible and facts."

    Which is it? Are you claiming to teach matters consistent with the bible, or matters consistent with facts? You can't do BOTH!

    Finally Bob finishes up by getting down to the paraphrase of the Pervert we all knew was coming:

    "Don’t simply believe me, believe the truths preached that are backed up by the Bible and/or historical or other facts."

    Okay, I followed your instructions, Bob. I hope you like the results!

    I don't "believe" you, Bob. You're not preaching any "truths." The bible doesn't "back up" the facts, it contradicts them. Neither the Pervert, you, or that ancient mystical volume warrant any trust.

    Sorry, Bob, not into "believing" you or anyone else anymore. It's either documentable "knowledge" (facts) or GTFO! Someday you should raise your standards too, Bob!

  5. If Thiel had had any credentials, he left them in Charlotte, kind of like HWA (one of the 70) left his credentials in Salem.

    All this splitting and discord has plagued the entire Miller, Adventist, and Church of God movement from the very beginning. If anyone has a scintilla of doubt about this, read the history written by Richard C. Nickels. Believe it or not, apparently prior to Herbert W. Armstrong, the predominant teaching was that the Laodicean so-called era began in 1844!

    Thiel fits right into this whole sorry mess. Why not?


  6. In the first place, here is the meaning of "church" ekklesia...

    1577. ekklésia ►
    Strong's Concordance
    ekklésia: an assembly, a (religious) congregation
    Original Word: ἐκκλησία, ας, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: ekklésia
    Phonetic Spelling: (ek-klay-see'-ah)
    Short Definition: an assembly, congregation, church
    Definition: an assembly, congregation, church; the Church, the whole body of Christian believers.http://biblehub.com/greek/1577.htm

    Notice NOT a denomination and most definitely NOT a building, but the whole body of Christian believers...(followers of Christ)


    Matthew 24:11...And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many...Matthew 24:11

    And not to forget the Grand Mason of false prophets of this era...>THAT PROPHET> not THE PROPHET but >THAT PROPHET> GERALD FLURRY of the Philadelphia Church of God, Edmond, OK. (NOT OK).

  7. "Listen with open mind, without prejudice, then CHECK UP in your own Bible-prove whether it is true, and BELIEVE what you find proved!"

    Well, after about 35 years of "believing", I finally called his bluff about 9 years ago -

    I couldn't believe how much difference there was between the bible and the teachings of HWA and his lackeys. (whoever and whatever and wherever they were)

  8. Bob Thiel: "I Have Been Betrayed Just Like Herbert Armstrong and Jesus - Therefore That Makes Me A True Prophet"

    A more accurate statement would be...

    Bob Thiel: "I have a double dose of mental illness, and I think I'm a Prophet!"

  9. A true prophet does not have to tell everyone that he/she is a prophet. They draw attention to themselves by what they teach and prophesize and the miracles and healing that proves that they are prophets.

    It is therefore obvious that he is not a true prophet.

  10. Theil's absurd delusions don't require all of this discussion, let alone a response.

    He's caught up in a bizarre and pathetic world of fantasy and self-indulgence. People who willingly send him money should have their heads examined.

  11. old EXPCG hag said...[In the first place, here is the meaning of "church" ekklesia...] and then goes on to use Strong’s to define the word, which in and of itself can be a bit misleading.

    Being relatively new (only the last 9 of my 72 years) at actually trying to understand what the words in the Bible meant in their “original” written language and actually doing so with an “open mind without prejudice” (as HWA recommended) and without religious overtones or preconceived traditional understanding, many surprises were found. One of the things learned was that Strong’s was written from a religious KJV point of view with “religious” overtones. Actually, in my opinion, the Greek word mistranslated as “church” has nothing to do with religion, except from traditional religious beliefs. Therefore G1577, ἐκκλησία, ekklēsia, ek-klay-see'-ah has nothing to do with “church” or religion from an original understanding of the word. There are actually three other uses of G1577 ek-klay-see'-ah in the NT which are not translated as “church”. One may want to check out Acts 19: 32-41.

    The word “kirk” is Scottish for “church” and has as it origin the word “circe”, a Greek word with an interesting origin. (one may want to search “circe” “kirk” and “church” together) Keep in mind that King James was King James VI of Scotland before he became King James I of England.

    William Tyndale translated the Bible into English in the mid 1500’s and did not use the word “church” in his translation. The translators commissioned by King James I used approximately 85% of Tyndale’s version. The reason the word “church” is in our Bibles today is because King James required it to be used by the translators he commissioned for the 1611 version. It was one of fifteen edits by King James. After all, he was King of England, which made him the head of the Church of England, which was originally part of the Church of Rome. As the head of the Church of England he had all authority over the church. Sounds a bit like heads of other “churches”.

    Just a few things to consider.

  12. Correction: In the last paragraph of my last post the sentence should read:

    It was one of fifteen edicts by King James. (not edits)


  13. "Bob Thiel: I Have Been Betrayed Just Like Herbert Armstrong and Jesus - Therefore That Makes Me A True Prophet"

    As usual, Bob Thiel has it backwards. It is, in fact, actually BOB THIEL who has BETRAYED everyone else. Studying Mayan prophecies and Kenyan prophecies and Catholic prophecies and other pagan prophecies (rather than studying biblical prophecies) until he got so mixed up that he claimed to be a prophet just made him another false prophet.

  14. In response to old EXPCG hag's definition of "church":
    Notice that UCG, LCG, and the rest are NOT churches. A church is either the entire body of believers (the church Jesus said He would build) or it is the local congregation. LCG and UCG are not churches, they are simply organizations of men that call themselves a church.

  15. The following is the first paragraph of the introduction to "A True History of the True Church" by Herman L. Hoeh, c 1959 by Radio Church of God.

    "Is Christ divided? There are more than 250 major denominations in America alone-and other hundreds of little groups and sects. Why? When did this confusion originate?"

    Who told us that there must be one "true" church, and then defined that church in such a manner that only his church could fit that billing? And, was this for the greater good, or was it for the purpose of self-aggrandizement and empire building?

    What if conversion were seen as transformation of the heart, God's government from the bottom-up, exercised one Christian at a time? Would individual expression of worship, with the common predominant element of a particular honorable, ethical, and loving mindset be confusion? Or, would a collection of different groups with diverse methodology all devoted to expressing the same worship be a greater concept that simply eluded people of smaller minds?

    In the early COG-7 debates over who should be the recipient of tithes back in the 1930s, it was duly noted that one minister and his family could live very comfortably from the tithes of 10 families. There were also debates over church authority, presumably an outgrowth of the Stanberry-Salem schism.

    The concept of one true church perverts Christianity into a corporate, rather than an individual relationship. It lays the ground work for empire building, and abuse of authority, as opposed to fostering a particular condition of the heart. In our constitutional form of government here in the USA, we have cross over precepts to tithing and church government in the form of taxation, and civil authority. These are regulated or mitigated by the Bill of Rights, and the various amendments to the Constitution.

    My question for cult members is where is the equivalent of your Second Amendment rights within your church government? How about your First Amendment rights? These are carefully protected in the major denominations with real boards of elders or directors. They are not when one person decides that he alone speaks for God, and must be supported and obeyed.


  16. "...Where is the equivalent of your Second Amendment rights within your church government? How about your 1st Amendment rights? These are carefully protected in the major denominations with real boards of elders or directors. They are not when one person decides that he alone speaks for God, and must be supported and obeyed."

    Even in UCG with its faux mimicry of corporate structure, there's no such thing as 1st Amendment rights. The reason why UCG does not have a real board are two-fold:

    1) In a real board, the board members' are elected by the constituency of those who have invested financially, and whose interests they must serve or else be thrown out of office, just like in civil governing structures. In UCG you have to be "ordained" (initiated into the sacred mysteries) to have a voice. These people are "members of the corporation." The corporate board is only obliged to serve the interests of "members of the corporation."

    Those who have invested financially with "tithes" (mandatory "donations") but are not "ordained" are misleadingly referred to as "church members" in the Rules of Association. In fact they are members of nothing. They're disenfranchised. They have no recourse over what policies the board enacts, how the corporate officers decide to spend their money, or whether or not that money is generating a return (it's not).

    At least, that's what you would think. Actually it's worse.

    2) The way it works in practice is a bit different. You see, the 12-man board is really just the old position of "Pastor General" divided up between 12 different guys. These guys can't really do wrong any more than the Pervert could do wrong. They profess that their elections are magical rites in the OT tradition of drawing of lots or consultating the urim & thummim, followed by the Nike of Divine Victory swooping down from Olympus to deliver the 12 laurel wreaths. After that, the more royally they screw up, the more mysterious are the ways in which god is working powerfully through them. Same old, same old. Referendum? Democratic? You gotta be kiddin.

    On the plus side, though, at least when someone squeals on the chairman, for PR reasons at least, they make him step down (But you can't escape the logic that sometimes god wants an adulterer as chairman for a while!) In the old days, if someone squealed on the Pervert, it'd be hushed up and the squealer would be banished to the lake of fire. Also, we shouldn't overlook the right to remain silent.

    And on the minus side, the "church member" still doesn't have 5th Amendment rights like due process, or 6th Amendment rights like the right to confront.

  17. I didnt have any real experience with RCM as some of you others did, but I have a hard time seeing him create an official "prophet" office as BT claims he was planning to do at one point. It seems out of step with the old COG paradigm of pre-1986. But maybe I'm wrong... - RSK

  18. Anonymous said...

    In response to old EXPCG hag's definition of "church":
    Notice that UCG, LCG, and the rest are NOT churches. A church is either the entire body of believers (the church Jesus said He would build) or it is the local congregation. LCG and UCG are not churches, they are simply organizations of men that call themselves a church.

    April 5, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    I never said LCG, UCG, etc. were churches. And however someone tries to get around the definition of "church", well that's their choice.

  19. Actually, it's true that the original usage of the Greek word "ekklesia" was not religious.

    It means "called out" and by extension, the Greeks used it to refer to the democratic assembly of a city's eligible voters. In 5th century BCE Athens, a quorum was as high as 6,000 members! When the "call" went out, if you were an eligible voter, you were supposed to get your butt down to the ekklesiasterion and participate in government. Sometimes people were apathetic, so they sent around patrols of slaves carrying ropes coated with red dyes or pigments looking for truant voters who they would hit with these ropes, staining their clothing. Anyone caught with these red stripes on their clothes was subject to penalties and embarrassment.

    Centuries later the christians needed a name for their assemblies. They weren't going to use "synagogue," another Greek word, since it had already been conscripted by the Jews. They settled on the word "ekklesia" for their religious assemblies because they felt they were the special "called out" ones. So this term was co-opted by the christians.

    In the NT Greek it gets used both to mean a specific congregation that assembles literally, such as in Philemon 1:2, and in other places it is used figuratively to mean the entire collection of all people who were supposedly "called out" even if they never assembled, such as in Colossians 1:18.

    Whether it's legitimate, biblically, legally, or otherwise, for a corporation to call itself a "church" or not, well, I will leave that to the theologians, lawyers and believers to sort out. Personally, I think more apt choices in modern parlance would be "asylum" or "sanatorium," but heck, that's just me.

  20. To the poster that wrote:

    In response to old EXPCG hag's definition of "church":
    Notice that UCG, LCG, and the rest are NOT churches. A church is either the entire body of believers (the church Jesus said He would build) or it is the local congregation. LCG and UCG are not churches, they are simply organizations of men that call themselves a church.

    The person that wrote about the use of the word 'church' was not speaking of the true definition of the word church, but rather, the word church has meanings that have nothing to do with an organization or spiritual body.

    The word 'church' shouldn't have been used in the text, as it has occultic roots, leading some to even think its roots reaches into witch craft and worst.

  21. Actually, in the interest of accuracy, we should probably begin referring to the splinters as "covens".


  22. I don't see the difference between Christianity, the occult, witchcraft, etc. You're just beseeching a spirit you think can help you get something you want. Just because you happen to think that the one you're seeking an audience with is "the good one" doesn't necessarily mean you're correct, nor does it change the essential nature of your rituals.
