Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Satan Discusses Why He Keeps the COG's Divided

Now we know why there is division in the Churches of God and why they don't like to talk about Jesus!


  1. Funny!
    These guys have a good sense of humor...
    More churches need to be able to laugh about the craziness within Christianity- it can make changes for the better come more easily.

  2. Everybody knows King James is the only way to go... LOL!



  3. Love it! Kept them divided Big Red and the will soon be gone.

  4. My problem with the ACOGs is that they totally ruin the weekends, a time when most normal people don't have to wear socks or underwear.


  5. The CoHAM (Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia) actually don't need Satan -- they've done it all on their own.

  6. Byker above:

    Where is it written that you have to wear underwear to church? :-0 !

  7. The guy in the video is a retard. He make a pile of inaccurate statements. Is this the best Satan you can find? What a waste of time.

  8. I guess it isn't, Connie, now that you mention it. In fact ditching it might be a great personal joke against some of the fanatical ACOG leaders that require you to wear your sabbath best even when you watch their broadcasts on the internet.

    Attention ACOG members! The sabbath which falls on Saturday, April 19 is hereby proclaimed as no underwear day!


  9. Anon at 2:04 PM,

    I'd recommend you remove your underwear- it seems to be in a twist.

    Would you like to give us the reasons why you believe, "...He make a pile of inaccurate statements..."?

    And please, be generous and pass out the better Satan. Don't keep him all to yourself!

  10. The reason they are so divided is that they are personality cults - just like the 1st, 2nd and 3rd century churches were.
