Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Gerald Flurry Confirms That PCG Is Buying Property In England So They Can Dig For The Ark of the Covenant in Ireland

If you thought the silliness of Gerald Flurry was starting to come to an end because of declining income and membership, get ready for something unique to Armstrongism.

Gerald Flurry confirmed in the commencement address to graduates at his Herbert Armstrong "college" that the PCG was buying property in England.  They had previously said they were buying parts of the former Bricket Wood campus in Hertsforshire, England. 

In his commencement address, Chancellor Gerald Flurry told the audience that HWAC education transcends America, history and time itself, much like the British Empire transcended borders, history and time. “That’s something that inspires and moves us,” he said. “That is, in a nutshell, what Armstrong College is all about.”

Mr. Flurry discussed the college’s intention to open a new campus in Britain and how a beautiful environment, such as a historic estate, is conducive to effective study. “Why establish a new college?” he asked. “Because our education transcends America.”

PCG has an ulterior motive in purchasing property in England.  That motive is based entirely on the widely disproven theory of British-Israelism.   Armstrongism is based solely upon the belief that the 12 tribes of Israel became the American/British nations as wells as most of the European nations.

PCG is now taking that belief even deeper into silliness by stating they will soon start and archaeological dig in Ireland looking for the Ark of the Covenant.  Besides looking to the Ark, delusional Gerald thinks they might be able to acquire the Stone of Scone from Scotland as well!  As if!!!!!!!

There was an announcement made last July 13, 2013 during the PCG Youth Camp at Edmond, Oklahoma about the prospect of the PCG returning to the Bricket Wood, Hertfordshire County, England where the second Ambassador College campus was once situated (1960-1974). Pastor General Gerald Flurry said that they wanted to have another college there and eventually establish an office which would also be used for the planned archaeological dig in Ireland in search of the “ark of the covenant” and the possibility of acquiring the stone of destiny as well. It has not been quite clear though if they are just planning to buy it or has already bought some parcels of the real estate for $6.8 million. But the final deal or negotiation however, would most probably be sealed around September / October 2013 according to their previous estimation, but as hinted at a latter announcement, they suggested an April 2014 timeline. Nevertheless, whatever the date might be, one thing is for sure, the purchase of Bricket Wood shall surely come to pass according to God’s prophecy. 
Can delusional Flurry really be that crazy?  You bet!  Part of the reason Flurry wanted the Bricket Wood Campus is because of Dan (yes, the 12 tribes Dan) whom he believes is Southern Ireland.  Flurry feels that he has a "work" to do in Ireland.  Whether he buys Bricket Wood or elsewhere, I don't think the native residents want another American cult in their midst.

Now let us consider again recent Church history: During a Bible study in PCG Headquarters in Edmond Oklahoma, there is one verse that was asked by a PCG minister in Jeremiah 4:15 which reads;
“For a voice declareth from Dan, and publisheth affliction from mount Ephraim.”(From Mr. Flurry’s sermon titled “Revelation 12”, dated December 08, 2012).
Dan, as Mr. Flurry said refers to Southern Ireland. It was Mr. Wik Heerma, a PCG Headquarters pastor, who asked that QUESTION regarding Jeremiah 4:15, which Mr. Flurry said he himself had some further questions about it. But during that sermon of his, he mentioned that this particular verse gives an indication that a work has to be done in Ireland even emphasizing the possibility of finding the Ark of the Covenant in it. And he also said that the PCG shall be having a feast site in Ireland by 2013. 


  1. Its not going to be bricket wood.

    Red snapper

  2. Well Sherlock, if its not Hanstead House, as PCG has claimed, then where is it?

  3. But surely these are grown men. What on earth can be wrong with them?

  4. I m just helping to keep it accurate on here, but they re still negotiating a better deal.

  5. First of all, ol' Uncle Gerald better lay off whatever he's self-medicating himself with, because he's starting to compete with E.W.'s level of insanity and delusion.

    "HWAC (pronouced "H-Whack" I think) education transcends America, history and time itself, much like the British Empire transcended borders, history and time. 'That's something that inspires and moves us,' he said. 'That is, in a nutshell, what Armstrong College is all about.'"

    So, H-Whack is about empire building? Not too surprising really.

    "Dan, as Mr. Flurry said refers to Southern Ireland."

    Since when? Ol' Uncle Pervert always said "Dan" was Denmark. Duh, isn't it obvious? Research is simple. Just connect the obvious dots, don't check to see if you're right, and you're done. If you're going to start saying Dan is Southern Ireland, that doesn't make any sense at all. "Dan" doesn't sound anything like "Southern Ireland."

    And the game of musical tribes goes on. What's next? Reuben isn't France anymore, now it's Reumania? Whatever, just so long as they always fit neatly into nice tidy boxes...

    And I'm pretty sure the coronation stone isn't for sale. Even if it isn't what legend says it is (it's just a piece of lower old red sandstone from Scone, not from the Middle East), and even it isn't the original coronation stone of the kings of Tara, it's still the stone that English kings have been crowned on since Edward I took it in 1296. It's pretty delusional of Gerald to think he can just "acquire" it. And why would he want it? Does he place his faith in relics now?

    And as far as the ark of the covenant is concerned, I hope he spends a LOT of money digging for that relic in Southern Ireland.

    I'd say Gerald has lost his mind, but like other COG leaders, I'm not convinced he ever had one.

  6. Where is the hard evidence that Flurry is losing members? All I ask for is evidence. Hard evidence. Does anyone here even know what hard evidence is? By asking for that I will likely be hated and attacked by some here. Just watch it happen.

  7. IIRC, one of the old BI "proofs" for Hebrew occupancy of the Isles was the arrival of the legendary "Tuatha de Danaan", which they claim means "Tribe of Dan". The problem is that they want to apply Jacobs blessing to the Isles, so they have to relegate Dan to Ireland only in the end. I remember hearing WCG ministers talk circles around this in the 80s.

    The Ark of the Covenant connection comes from identifying Ollham Fodha as Jeremiah and somehow enabling him to escape Israel with multiple relics - which objectively makes little sense, but thats how the theory goes. Whats interesting is that the "stone of destiny" from Ireland is generally held to be a different stone than the Stone of Scone. The Stone of Destiny is identified with a monolith on the Hill of Tara, not the more portable Scottish stone. But British Israelism has always been overly selective about their "evidence", so thats not really a shock. -RSK

  8. "Anonymous said...

    Where is the hard evidence that Flurry is losing members? All I ask for is evidence. Hard evidence. Does anyone here even know what hard evidence is? By asking for that I will likely be hated and attacked by some here. Just watch it happen.

    May 20, 2014 at 2:28 PM"

    Try here:

  9. Hey, Anon 2:28, good point about the hard evidence. Evidence is crucial. Tell you what; let us know when you find hard evidence that Gerald Flurry is a prophet.

    Unacceptable answer: "Because he said so."


  10. Anonymous said...
    Where is the hard evidence that Flurry is losing members? All I ask for is evidence. Hard evidence. Does anyone here even know what hard evidence is? By asking for that I will likely be hated and attacked by some here. Just watch it happen.

    May 20, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    I am a long-time, ex-PCG member and am contact with several who have only left within the last few years.

    When I was in PCG they claimed to have 7000 members worldwide. Try and find out how many they have now?

  11. I actually hppe Flurry finds the ark, and handles it improperly. Instant Flur-Uzzah.

    Seriously, there are already so many theories about the ark that are more credible than it ending up in Ireland. It was M.I.A. for the post-exilic temple, and Herod's temple as well. The people who lived during those eras were not so far removed from its disappearance as we are today, and one would imagine that a concerted effort was made to find it, possibly even with the help of the Romans and Persians. I remember reading somewhere that it had collapsed from internally due to antiquity.


  12. Tell Flurry that Stan Rader sued George Lucas and Steven Spielberg over the Raiders of the Lost Ark script. Flurry's head will probably explode.

  13. I remember many years ago watching some documentary about some guy trying to find the Ark of the Covenant and he ended up going to somewhere in the British Isles following vaguely occultist rumors. Flurry is no better than that guy.

    So Anonymous wants hard evidence that is Flurry losing members?

    First of all PCG tries very hard to hide information of that sort.

    But consider this, in 2010 Stephen Flurry boasted that PCG had an annual income of $20.6 million.

    In 2013 Gerald Flurry boasted in his Colossians booklet (2013 version) that PCG had an annual income of "around $19.5 million annually as of 2012."

    Income went down $1.1 million.

    That is not a good sign. PCG hiding such information will not improve things for them.

  14. Gerald Flurry is of Irish descent. This is the infatuation with Ireland and all things Irish...such as Irish Dancing.

    Why do they need to find the ark of the covenant?(Old Covenant Law for God's PHYSICAL nation Israel)

    Didn't Jesus make a new covenant for His holy spirit filled/SPIRITUAL people?

    Of course if you are still living by the Old Covenant you might want to do that, just for kicks...especially if you don't have to spend your own money doing it! All about >That Irish Prophet< you know!

    Stone of Destiny? Still the Old Covenant. Now we know all that, can we get on to bigger and better things...such as Christ's message to His disciples?...

    (New Testament):
    So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12

  15. Seems like pretty much every Caucasian in America whose grandparents didn't come over from somewhere documentable thinks they're Irish anyway. Flurry thinks that's special?
