Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Team Ephraim Whips Manasseh's Ass!

Oh those fun loving folk at the Philadelphia Church of God compound! I feel so left out not be able to witness these miraculous events.

A new soccer "Cup" was formed in Edmond to be a feminine counterpart to the masculine and manly Joseph Cup.  The new feminized soccer "Cup" is called the Asenath Cup.

The contest is named after the mother of biblical brothers Ephraim and Manasseh and serves as a feminine counterpart to the Joseph Cup.
Then one of God's greatest MEN segregated the women according to nationality.

Team Ephraim consisted of students and members from Britain and its Commonwealth nations, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. Two American wives of local Ephraimite members also laced up for the foreign side. Women from seven American states played for Manasseh.

British Israelism crap involved in a soccer game.  Only in Armstrongism!

Just as the United States is now suffering from corrupt government, team Manasseh had a hard day too.

The remainder of the half contained more of the same for the Manassites, who just couldn’t convert on ambitious shot attempts and dangerous crosses. The crowd groaned in agony several times as chance after chance came up empty.

What did it feel like to whip Manasseh's ass?

“I’m elated,” Haddad said. “It’s great. I waited three years for this moment.”


  1. So what do they do with players from neither Anglo political lineage?

  2. Where the heck is TEAM ASSYRIA when you need them?

  3. Did Team Asenath walk like Egyptians???

    If not, they certainly should have. Manasseh and Ephraim were multi-racial. Half Israelite, and half Egyptian. But, hey. Amstrongism turned all of the significant people in the Bible white, so failed to teach us this very important fact.


  4. They could have the Vegan vs Carnivore Bowl maybe?

    It could be Teams Cain and Abel?


  5. Blogger Byker Bob said...

    Did Team Asenath walk like Egyptians???

    If not, they certainly should have. Manasseh and Ephraim were multi-racial. Half Israelite, and half Egyptian. But, hey. Amstrongism turned all of the significant people in the Bible white, so failed to teach us this very important fact.


    May 13, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    Yea, what about that!?
