Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Snap Judgment: The Missing Dimension in Sex


  1. LOL! That was great. The MDS has to be one of the dumbest books the church ever published.

  2. This evokes 2 distinct memories:

    My attempts (failures) to read MID beginning to end, like a good little Armstrongite, had me thinking how strange . . . that the early "Family of God" stuff was so confusing and murky, but the part (which I jumped to) where he talks specifically about the sex act, and how that goes, was lucid and interesting. The TANGLED WEB book spends time on HWA's sex hangups, which explains that.

    And then there was the local elder who told me that a couple was worried about their salvation because . . . the only position talked about in MID is Man on Top, and they tried something else. Lake of Fire for someone so undisciplined! Right?

    Oh, barf!

  3. The women who say "oh, Corky...oh, Corky" are excommunicated but the ones who say "Oh God, Oh God" have discovered the missing dimension in sex.

    Seriously though, when my first wife read that book she said, "I'm not attending that church with you anymore, that's it! I'm done!"

  4. A female friend borrowed my copy and it became very popular with the coeds at Texas Tech for awhile in the mid 1960's. It was one of the better explanations of the act that I had read at that point.

  5. What is the missing dimension in religion? The answer--reality.

  6. To protect your privacy, and for security sake...

    This post is being delivered to you in a "Plain Brown Wrapper". Discretion advised.

  7. Well, Mr. Armstrong did an awesome job with the chapter on cunilingus and fellatio. It was very enlightening, and put most of us WCG members on the very cutting edge of the sex revolution! I also enjoyed the chapter on fetishes, and how to maximize the enjoyment of them.

    Oops, my mistake! Wrong book!!!


  8. After the college closed I spent a few nights in HWA's "cottage" there, probably in the late fall of 1976. In his study I found the book from which he had plagerized the "technical" portions of MDS, with the passages underlined in pencil. That was when it clicked for me that God's method of revealing new truth to HWA was to have him read stuff other people had written and to then claim it as his own. Later that evening I remember drinking Dry Sack sherry in the living room while listening to my copy of James Brown Live at the Apollo Theater on HWA's stereo. A surrealistic experience

  9. I liked "Night Train" but for the most part, brother James went above my head. When I was working at a record store in Pasadena, a pretty black lady with some foxy blue eyeliner was almost in tears when I had to tell her that we didn't have "I'm Black and I'm Proud!".

    But, hey, to each their own. I'd love to have partied over some Colt 45 at HWA's cottage and listened to some Jimi Hendrix, Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters, or Wilson Pickett! Didn't know you were into the cool music back then, Glenn!


    1. Bob,

      I suppressed much of my real self to fit in at AC. That led to a lot of anxiety and depression eventually. I don't think I ever had even one conversation at AC in which I said what I really thought about anything concerning the WCG, AC or HWA. After I left the organization in 1979, reestablishing my connections with R&B and Rock music was one of the things that eventually allowed me to regain my sanity and sense of personal identity.

  10. Glenn,

    That whole place in space and time was an illusion. We all did whatever we had to to survive. In the absence of freedom, that's usually what ends up happening.

    It's good to be free now.

