Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 5, 2014

God Instructs Convicted Felon's Church Men To Not Wear Jackets When Temps Are Above 70 Degrees

There are wars going on around the world, people are starving and Christians are being systematically slaughtered in Iraq, but God is more concerned about what a person wears to church.  Armstrongism's god certainly has better things to worry about.  Those people are going to die anyway because they are "false" Christians.  Besides, God is only concerned about those few hundred people in a little splinter cult who claims to  be the "true church."

Weinlands's god is so concerned about his "true" men that he does not want them wearing their jackets when it is 70 degrees or higher.

This brings us back to addressing how we come before God on the Sabbath. If we are in the privacy of our own home, perhaps with even a handful of people joining us for Sabbath services, it is not good to go into a private home “over-dressed.” Again, this is about a balanced and moderate example we are seeking to set for our neighbors. So there is a “balance” in this. We should not “dress-down” either, as with wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt, or other exceptionally casual clothing. In such instances, nicer casual clothing is fine and proper to be worn before God in such a meeting location. However, a suit and tie for a man or a dress or pant suit for a woman can be too much for such a private home meeting. In a “more formal gathering” of a special meeting location for the Sabbath, such as a hotel meeting room or other rental location, a suit (or sports jacket) and tie for a man is proper, as is a dress or type of dress suit (nicer dress pants and blouse) is proper for a woman.

The exception to this formal attire for a more formal gathering (not at a persons home) on the Sabbath is when temperatures outside are reaching the mid 70′s (Fahrenheit) or around 23 degrees Celsius and above. At such times, jackets need not be worn at all on the Sabbath. This also includes wearing a tie. There is no requirement for a tie on the Sabbath when temperatures reach such levels. The physical body does not function well under such conditions and at such times less will be able to be gleaned from sermons when people are so uncomfortable. It is far more important that we receive all the spiritual food we potentially can on a Sabbath without such encumbrances.


  1. Just go ahead and wear the sort of apparel Weinland wore to the Blue Man Group concert in Las Vegas on PKG tithe money (emulating his apparel that he wore for the cruise on PKG tithe money may be considered "too casual").

    Of course, when he gets out of prison, he may show up in his $1,700 suit like he did at his felony court trial (enraging the jury with his hubris), but that's he's special, elite, better than the rest of the members of the PKG, which he is treating as utterly stupid.

    If PKG members were smart enough, they'd be furious at Weinland's insults directed at them (ha, ha losers, I've conned you good!)

  2. Quit acting normal, Ron. These little changes are not going to compensate for your multiple false prophecies, or for the fact that you failed to render unto Caesar and got caught.

    Besides, the people you poached who were once part of WCG are going to wear their jackets or suits to services even if the temp is 95, and they will continue to call you "Mr." because that's what their "apostle" taught them. In their minds, you are just a substitute until the rez. Not even a real apostle (of course neither was HWA, but you can't tell them that.)

    Actually, it would be more impressive if Ron taught that we're already paying the moral equivalent of third tithe through our Federal and local taxes, which fund the welfare and food stamps of today. But, the redundancy means more mad money for BMW's for their "Levites".


  3. There is no requirement for a tie on the Sabbath when temperatures reach such levels.

    So where in the Bible is the requirement for a tie on the Sabbath at any temperature? Did the apostles wear them? Really??

  4. Given the background of Herbert Armstrong, his insistence of business suits for men on the Sabbath with ties is not surprising: It looks very much that he viewed the Kingdom of God as a giant Corporation with God as the CEO and Christ as the President (and more likely than not, he saw himself as an executive vice president).

    Herbert Wolf Armstrong was an ad copy writer who just happened to fall in amongst Corporate managers, CEOs, directors presidents and vice presidents. Couple this with the fact that he never really understood his own father and you get a success driven narcissistic advertising man wanting desperately to be "important" to those who had status in this world.

    He was embarrassed by manual labor and didn't want anyone ever catching him doing it because he viewed himself to be superior and better than that. In the 1970s when he started to have a moderate success in building HIS work, he naturally gravitated to the only world he really knew: The corporate business world.

    It is unlikely that he would ever have understood what God the Father is really like and have no clue as to the nature of Jesus. He committed adultery with his own daughter for 10 years at the beginning of his ministry and, as the theory goes, would not have the Holy Spirit, would not have any of the Fruit nor would he be able to relate to those who were moral and ethical in any real sense. Studies have shown that sexual predators can seldom be rehabilitated. Herbert Armstrong was not qualified to be a minister by Biblical Standards.

    So it is, that men were forced into physical rituals as dictated by the framework developed within Herbert Armstrong in the early 20th Century.

    This explains the "Mr." titles of respect not unlike Mafia Dons and the requirement for members to dress like corporate executives on the Sabbath.

    If anyone has a better explanation, it would be nice if you could share it. I'm doing research....

  5. Well, Ron has demonstrated himself to be a Laodicean slacker... Dave Pack and his goons in Wadsville are coat and tie no matter what.


  6. Is there any subject that these leaders are not experts in?
    I hope next week he will explain "boxers versus briefs" then "the proper width of lapels". Can the men even decide what to where anymore in his group?

  7. PKG members need to consult the Orange Papers Cult Test.

    How did you do, PKG?

  8. Should a member sitting in the shade be required to wear a suit and tie, while one sitting in the sun could relax on a recliner and get a tan?

  9. I'm surprised Ron doesn't want all men to wear orange jump suits, like he does.

  10. Nah. Considering the demographic of the ACOGs, the big debate is Depend vs. Poise to protect one's sabbath wear.


  11. Assistant Deacon said...
    I'm surprised Ron doesn't want all men to wear orange jump suits, like he does.

    MY COMMENT - Speaking of Ron and orange jumpsuits, has anyone seen the false profit (Oooops, I mean prophet) doing something useful like picking up the trash along a highway with the others in the chain gang?


  12. "I hope next week he will explain "boxers versus briefs" then "the proper width of lapels"."

    The Mormon church settled that issue long before HWA- church issued underwear... Herbie had nothing on this!


    You can even buy your own without having to give your tithes to Mormon, INC.



  13. You are absolutely right, Ronco-

    The Mormons' magic underwear was a brilliant sales technique.
