Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 28, 2014

New Book: Walking From Lockney To Jerusalem: My Life In The Worldwide Church of God

For those interested:

From Amazon:

It’s a walk of faith--and it also involves a “faith of inconvienence”...Join Coy Reece Holley as he takes you through a "walking tour" of his life in this unique "memoir with a twist in ”Walking From Lockney To Jerusalem: My Life In The Worldwide Church of God". This book will help you see evangelical Christianity through totally different eyes and will provoke you to explore issues not only in religion, but also in society that you may not have otherwise considered. He also recounts his own unique journey as a member of the Worldwide Church of God originally founded by Herbert W. Armstrong (now called Grace Communion International) through an insider's perspective of what happened in the years shortly before Joseph W. Tkach, Sr.'s 1994 "Christmas Eve" sermon as well as the aftermath of "the changes" within WCG/GCI that followed. Mr. Holley tells the story of how those "changes" have impacted both past and present WCG/GCI members even to this day.

News article here: Plainview resident to release online books

From Authonomy:

Come join me on a TRUE "walk of faith" by reading "Walking From Lockney To Jerusalem"!
Second Corinthians 5:7 reminds us that we "...walk by faith, not by sight." For most people in evangelical Christianity, this particular verse is a hard passage to put into practice. But my own life has proved to be an continued practical lab experiment that my God has used to put abstract spiritual concepts on the bottom shelf and make them more easily understandable. "Walking From Lockney To Jerusalem: My Life In The Worldwide Church of God" serves as an autobiographical account of not only my own personal life story, but also particularly emphasizing the personal journey I underwent in becoming a member of a church that just 25 years ago was once called a "cult" by many in orthodox Christianity, but which has since renounced previous unBiblical teachings for the cause of Christ. In "Walking...", I recount from an insider's perspective both the positive experiences as well as the trail of tears that myself and many other WCG members experienced after "...the changes". I also use some of my own stories as a way to give voice to other WCG brethren who still to this day have problems in expressing how they feel about what has happened in WCG/GCI.

1 comment:

  1. There could always be more to the picture than what was written here, but it sounds as if this guy has found healing, and is on a good path.

    Because Armstrongism was such a powerfully warping modifier, I tend to be skeptical of anything forthcoming from a present or former member or minister. But, I think I'd give Coy the benefit of doubt enough to at least investigate one of his books.

