Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, September 22, 2014

LCG Makes It Easy To Send In Excess Second Tithe This Year At The Feast

Rond Meredith and his Living Church of God is now accepting PayPal donations at the Feast this year.  What better way to send in excess second tithe than this! 

 PayPal Payments Deadline: September 19—Repeat Announcement
Friday, September 19, is the cutoff date for Feast PayPal payments for most U.S. Festival sites.  Brethren attending U.S. sites should now wait until the Feast to pay for any additional activities.  Please check with your local Festival Site Coordinator for details of payment methods accepted at the Feast.  For international sites, please check with your Festival Site Coordinator for more information.


  1. Now, Connie, we were always taught that our gold teeth were for "the Assyrians", if we didn't happen to make it to the place of safety. Also, tattoos would be for their soldiers to put their cigarettes out on, and it would be especially difficult for interracial couples and their children!
    I have a strange feeling that these were all things that Herbie personally disliked.


  2. The COGs observe the Feast of Tabernacles in the wrong way. The whole point of Sukkoth in the Old Testament was to remember that the Israelites wondered in the wilderness. The Israelites celebrated this Feast by making tabernacles in their own homes. Or on their flat roofs.

    They did not make a big solid building, falsely call it a Tabernacle, and get relentlessly indoctrinated for eight days.

    The idea that this particular feast celebrated by the COGs is a faithful recreation of what the ancient Israelites did is total nonsense. It is a tradition of man, a false misreading of how the Feast of Tabernacles was actually celebrated in ancient times.

    It is hypocritical that the COGs make such a fuss by banning Christmas and Easter because they are (inaccurately) condemned as Babylonian and "not in the Bible" and then these COGs invent their own traditions regarding the Feast of Tabernacles and pervert it into an eight day indoctrination session. How disgusting it is. It is all wrong.

  3. I have yet to find anyone that can show me a biblical requirement to give any leftover second tithe to the Church.....therefore I have never done it.


  4. Blogger Connie Schmidt said...

    Are they accepting gold teeth yet?

    September 22, 2014 at 5:54 PM


  5. Sooner or later, one or more of the ACOG despots, in their never ending hunger for money, is going to come out with something like the following:

    "Brethren, I have been examining some of the reasons why many of our members are simply not being materially blessed, in spite of years of tithing, and giving generous offerings. Do you know that failure to tithe is not like most other common sins? Let's take fornication as an example. As you come to knowledge of the truth, you realize that fornication is a serious sin, and you repent, that is you stop that sinful activity. You are forgiven, and you move on. However, failure to tithe is not only sin. It creates a debt! And, that debt does not go away, just because you have ceased and desisted, and repented of that sin.

    Brethren, you still owe the tithes that you failed to pay before you were converted! Our elders are going to be working directly with you to help you in satisfying this debt, so that you can be financially blessed. They have been instructed as to how to help you determine what you have earned through your lifetime of employment, and what the proper amount of your first and third tithes should be on that increase. We will be setting up accelerated payment plans for you, by which you can retire this debt. Now, a word of caution! You are not to let up on your current tithes, offerings, or contributions to the building fund while taking care of your past obligations!"

    Coming soon to an ACOG near you!


  6. I wouldn't be surprised if a some point you could donate your old automobile (running or not!). If David Pack goes so far as to say "undisable yourself", perhaps RCOG will call for selling plasma and kidneys.

  7. Excess second tithe? You gotta be kidding. Anyone who could afford to send in excess second tithe had a lot more money for the feast than my family did. We took some nice trips, but we had a relatively small amount, and I made sure every penny was spent. Never sent in a dime of so-called "excess second tithe". The old WCG and the various offshoots have got to be the only churches on the face of the earth to even come up with such a concept.

  8. DO NOT SEND ANYTHING VIA PAYPAL! The sum of the alphanumeric values for the letters in Paypal is 71, and 71 multiplied by 9.3802816901 equals 666!

  9. If you look into the origins of the COG holly days they are just as pagan as the mainstream christian days of Xmas and easter.

  10. The Jews have a couple of different terms, d'oraisa (a biblical command) and d'rabbanan (a rabbinic tradition). The Jews all know what is actually commanded vs. what is merely Jewish tradition. Not that it actually makes much difference, as, i.e. the wearing of yarmulkas is d'rabbanan. But at least they've gone through and separated the two.

    Half the stuff we did in WCG was merely traditional. Like making the feast into both a vacation and xmas, all rolled into one, having 11 church services during an 8-day period, or sending in "all your 'excess' second tithe." This was all stuff invented by WCG if not the Pervert himself. The difference would be that nobody had ever separated "WCG tradition" from "stuff actually in the bible" and people did not know the difference.

    Once during the feast, I made the "mistake" of telling someone that I was going to take an all-day trip in the middle of the feast and that I was going to "miss" a service. They were shocked! They had no idea that the bible does not command people to have "holy convocations" 11 times in 8 days—don't forget that "evening service" to "kick off" the feast, when you're exhausted from traveling, haven't had a chance to unpack or eat. It's a "sin" if you're not there—according to who?

    Those in-between days in FOT aren't even "holy days," and are no different than the in-between days in UB. If FOT is a pilgrimage feast, and so is UB, then why did we keep UB so differently? About the same as the Jews keep sukkot? Instead of having a "booth" made out of palm fronds for 8 days, they eat unleavened bread for 8 days. The reason is that this was tried, I guess in the early sixties, and people just didn't have the time off of work, let alone the financial resources to do this twice every year. In addition, this was probably going to mean no more "excess" second tithe! Not to mention what to do about Pentecost, the other pilgrimage feast. As always, what "god wants" is always dictated by men, usually old ones, never by gods.

    There are some people now, who reason that if they go somewhere for FOT and have 11 church services in 8 days, then they must be doing something wrong by not doing that for UB as well. Wrong! More people "figuring out" what "god wants" who can't even figure out what is and is not in the bible! Instead, if these folks had half-a-brain between them, they'd start keeping FOT the same way they've been keeping UB all these years. But *sigh* we were mostly zealots, weren't we? And easily manipulated idiots too.

  11. My word! I just saw this testimony from an old Christian based anti-cult documentary.

    "My mother sincerely decided that she wanted to become a member of the Worldwide Church of God and in order to become a member at that time which was back in about 1955 she was required to leave my father. And at the age of ten I lost my father to the Worldwide Church of God.

    "She spent hours on her knees crying and praying in order for God to give her the strength to do this. She had been married to my father for twelve years and they had a happy marriage.

    "Shortly after that she married the youngest brother of Herbert Armstrong, Dwight Armstrong."

    The documentary is entitled The Cult Explosion and was hosted by Walter Martin. I have never heard of this before. That is just terrifying.


  12. That is indeed interesting, Redfox! Dwight stayed pretty much in the background while I was part of the church, a mystery to most members, other than us partially knowing him through his hymns. The most I personally ever knew of him came from the recent Troy Fitzgerald interview of Deborah, Dwight's daughter.

    At one time, I had listened quite regularly to Walter Martin, and knew somewhat of his anti-cult work, but mostly listened to his "Bible Answer Man" program because I felt he was a learned scholar who might have some insights into many of the scriptures which we were taught supported HWA's teachings and theories. And, he did. It was helpful. I also enjoyed Dr. Gene Scott, but mostly for entertainment value. Walter Martin appeared to be horrified by Dr. Gene's behavior and some of his comments, particularly when Dr. Gene would trim his cigar, claiming he had just "circumcised" it prior to lighting up on TV.

