Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pat Roberstson and David C Pack: Two Malignant Frauds

Its easy for us to mock  Pat Robertson here as he tells an 80 year-old women who cant afford to fix her car to go out and sell her possession eBay and to look for a job while she is still expected to send in her tithe money. Those of us that have left abusive cults and religious bullshitters like this know abuse when we see it. Tithing is NOT a command of a the new covenant and is NOT a requirement for Christians, but that's another topic.

Armstrongism has been filled with similar hucksters like this.  Herbert Armstrong expected the same thing of his followers.  Gerald Flurry has told his followers to do the same thing.  They sell personal belongings, refinance homes and sell businesses to help fund the PCG cult compound in Edmond, Oklahoma.

David Pack, ensconced on his cult compound in Wadsworth, Ohio who does the same thing too.  While he lives in a huge home and has millions of dollars at his disposal, the poorer members are expected to keep Pack's personality cult afloat with their tithes and demanded offerings.  Delusional and narcissistic Pack also feels he has the capability to deny salvation to anyone who does nto send in more money.  See: David C Pack Cult Believes It Can Deny SalvationTo Disabled Member Unless He Starts Giving More Money


  1. Yes, Pack thinks we can buy our way into the Kingdom of God. That's scriptural isn't it? I speak as a fool.

  2. Right. The solution is to pray so God can show you how to make more money. That way you can give more 10% on it. At 80 years old, there's plenty of ways to make extra money. Just ask Warren Buffet. No, don't -- you're supposed to ask God. You know, the God who let your car break down and your body break down so you have to go into debt to cover it. Just keep giving your money to the minister of light -- you know: The one who works for Lucifer. God will really bless you if you give 10% of your income to Satan the Devil's servants. That will really work out for you.

    So Pat Robertson should have answered that God absolutely will not bless them as long as they are giving money to him because he's a charlatan. No, God can't bless you at all.

    Now from Robertson's perspective, it's clear that he's blaming the 80 year olds who aren't being blessed. That's insulting. Blame the victim.

    So the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia aren't the only ones who

    Lie to you
    And then take your money.

    And give a tithe of more than 10%? How is that possible? A tithe is one-tenth. You can't give a larger tithe by definition.

    But that's just it, isn't it?

    These scoundrels just define everything into and out of existence on a whim, don't they?

    And by the way, who made these frauds experts, anyway? It sure wasn't God.

  3. Pack and Robertson avoid the example of those who have done so much with so very little in relative poverty to promote the gospel of redemption: Instead, they do so little with so much in wealthy prosperity.

    What did Jesus say?

    Better start exercising now to get that camel through the eye of the needle.

    It's wasted effort.

    More likely, they should practice leaping so they can jump into the Lake of Fire.

  4. What a useless piece of shit that war mongering retard neo-con Robertson is. Why does he not cut this women a check and then tell her to save her money for her husband and herself?

    I hope he dies badly!


  5. "What could we be doing wrong?" -- Audrey

    Probably lots of things. Number one might be following some Sunday-keeping false minister like Pat Robertson. You sound like one of those women who loves to say "Lord, Lord" but does not like to do the things that He said. What makes you think that all the laws of God are bad and done away with except for that one idea that tithing to just any old Sunday-keeping religious fraudster will help you win the lottery? You are lucky to be alive yet at age 80 after supporting such false ministers and their teaching of rebellion against the laws of God.

    Of course, even if you repent of your Sunday-keeping sin and start to observe God's biblical, weekly, seventh-day Sabbath of rest, you still have to beware of the truly numerous religious fraudsters on the so-called Church of God scene. They invariably imagine that they are prophets and come up with many wrong prophetic guesses that they teach in God's name. Financially supporting these religious fraudsters can also make you guilty of helping to spread lies in God's name.

    Be careful. It is a crazy world out there.

  6. OK, Mr Quack's, I mean Pack's grand COG reunion tanked last year but the prophecy was not a total failure, it's just a matter of timing... Let's not forget the Haggai prophecy- 'on the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month in the second year of King Darius.' Last year that fell on Aug 30, this year it is Sept 19... I'll be watching from the parking lot of the Wadsworth Giant Eagle!


  7. While i agree with you that these cult leaders do abuse the tithe principal, 1 Corinthians 9:5-15 clearly implies what need not have even been made explicit in the first place because the jews of the time did tithe.

  8. Look at Pack's Mansion:
    402 Pheasant Run, Wadsworth, 44281-2376 ?

  9. I wouldn't call Packs house a "mansion".

    Viewing his property on Zillow, it is about a 3000 square foot house on a slightly oversized lot , with an estimated value of about $279,000.

    SEE HERE :

    I would call this an upper middle class house. Monthly mortgage payment for this (principal and interest) would be around $1300 a month. You cannot even rent an apartment in a major metro for that amount.

    All that said, Pack is still a BUTTHOLE for many other reasons!

  10. While i agree with you that these cult leaders do abuse the tithe principal, 1 Corinthians 9:5-15 clearly implies what need not have even been made explicit in the first place because the jews of the time did tithe

    The tithes were used to attend the Feast of Tabernacles and were dedicated under the Old Covenant.

    New Testament Christians didn't tithe to the Temple. If they had gotten anywhere near it (before 70 A.D.) and caught, they would have been executed by the Jews.

    What and how much the Apostles were to be given for their service is not clear. It certainly was not Levitical Tithes.

    Be reminded that Paul wrote, "know you not that you should judge angels?" Wait! What?


    Not until you mentioned it.

    Just what does that mean, anyway?

    Like so much of what Paul supposedly wrote, there is wide latitude for misunderstanding and confusion.

    Particularly if you compare the epistles to the rest of the New Testament.

    And giving any money to the frauds of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia makes you complicit as an accessory to their evil deeds. You certainly aren't giving money to apostles since there aren't any today.

  11. "Be careful. It is a crazy world out there." - Anon 6:31

    Given that you just judged, condemned and threatened her with death over a simple (and likely edited) question, I would say you definitely know what crazy is.

  12. Zillow says there is Jacuzzi in Pack residence!

    Google Satellite view shows he has since added elaborate concrete back patio entertainment area. Where does he get the money? Did he divert construction crew from the must-have-it-done-before-the-Feast 'WORLD HEADQUARTERS' SHOWPLACE?

  13. There is no evidence that you will be blessed if you tithe. From what I have seen from a lot of other people that I knew that tithed and from my own experience tithing causes nothing but much more of a strain on budgets and forces families to cut back on basic needs.
    I think it is unethical for any minister to even suggest that church members should tithe.
    Shame on them!

  14. Maybe I could run over to the local Kingdumb Hall and get some JW's to pay Mr Pack a visit- after all, Herbie stole more than a couple teachings from them. Maybe they could exchange literature- how about a Watchtower for the Real Truth?

    Better yet, maybe a buddy and I could pose as JW's and give the Apostle a heaping dose of Watchtower schpiel!


  15. Word is out that Pack lost one of his top men Bill Behrer just recently.

  16. Here's some information from the Wadsworth county property tax records:

    402 Pheasant Run


  17. Anonymous said...

    "Given that you just judged, condemned and threatened her with death over a simple (and likely edited) question, I would say you definitely know what crazy is."

    Judged her? Condemned her? Threatened her with death?

    No such thoughts ever even occurred to me!

    I was simply trying to answer her question so that the truth could set her free.

  18. The latest from disgruntled former Packite Michael Venish...
    Get out your wallet because it all belongs to Apostle Pack- oops, I mean God...



  19. Yes, it looks like Bill Behrer is out at Packs church.

    A look at his resume' at "linked in" shows a sudden departure from several job titles at Packs outfit back in July 2014...


  20. Behrer was a high ranking official in Packs operation. He was actually featured before here on BANNED...


    His Pack Loving blog has also been quite silent over the last several months where he is listed as Executive Director of Operations for RCG...


  21. Bill Behrer leave RCG no way. Do tell more. He is the most legitimate suck up of the sixteen yes men.


  22. Anonymous said...

    "...I would say you definitely know what crazy is."

    Well, yes, I suppose I do definitely know that your type is crazy. Easy call. After all, why would anyone not want that sinful and wicked woman that Satan has kept bound in ignorance—for lo these 80 long years--to learn the truth and be set free from her sins to which she has been a slave for an entire lifetime?

    Now, my curiosity is getting the better of me. Why do you not like God's ways? Why do you think that Satan's ways are better? Etc.? Etc.? Etc.?

    Also, consider yourself lucky that I am not a psychologist, or I'd probably just have to ask you, “Why do you hate your mother?”

  23. I can't decide if I fed a troll or simply engaged an unthinking parrot...


  24. Ronco,

    Michael Venish's video includes (at the 4:40 mark) this very interesting audio clip from one of David Pack's announcements:

    "...that message on what you have in your savings account, if you are called into the church, essentially belongs to God and you have to turn it over."--DCP

    It sounds like David Pack wants more money. His group is becoming more desperate, controlling, abusive, and secretive all the time. Shame on David Pack for copying Gerald Flurry's methods, and shame on Gerald Flurry for copying these methods from Adolf Hitler.

  25. Someone needs to tell my mother to stop "seeding" her money to those assholes. This is another term false ministers are using. She's 84 years old and is being scammed out of all her SS. She swears up and down she is being blessed. I told her I am being blessed without seeding. Try it sometime!

  26. Just checked the latest issue of the Real Truth magazine and William Behrer's name is no longer listed as "Senior editor" or "contributing writer." So it appears that he is gone.

    A bit surprising since he was amongst the top 4 in power of Pack's church and probably the most senior. I thing his titles were "Director of Publishing, Media and Public Communications" as well as "Director of Community Relations".

    But not surprising in the sense that the Armstrongist governing model of despotism, with the leader's vision and decisions being akin to God's, creates an atmosphere not conducive to seeking the truth----or honesty, candor and openness.

    Rather it is an atmosphere which by its very nature, intimidates, makes cowards of men, and forces conformity to those in authority.

    My guess is that if Behrer has truly left, as it appears he has, he probably came to the conclusion that the continued oppression of the Pack regime actually prevents the growth and development of the people and got tired of the ungodly tactics employed by "God's representative."

  27. When I attended RCG I thought Behrer was a nice guy. That being said he was paid to work the room. He could work the room with the best politician in Washington. Check his LinkedIn profile. One of talents is politics. Make no mistake what ever he is doing is just as calculated as Pack. Every time it was my turn for Behrer to come by and give me my twelve seconds I always checked to make sure my wallet was still there. The whole group of sixteen are slimey

  28. Behrer must of left in "good standing"...he still shows up on RCG's members FB pages.
