Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

COGWA Stabs UCG in the Back Again!

Life is never dull in the land of COGdumb.  For being God's most highly favored people to ever exist in 1,900 years, they certainly are the nastiest ones out there.

COGWA has reportedly stepped on UCG's toes by pre-booking the  building that UCG used this year for the Feast of Tabernacles.

COGWA is setting up its Feast sites as close to UCG sites as they can in an effort to gain from the increasing divisions in UCG.
It appears that COGWA now plans to have a Feast site in Bend, OR for 2015 as they apparently have already booked rooms at Eagle Crest Resort, one of the main housing locations used by United. This after hosting a site in Steamboat Springs, a long standing United site this year.


  1. And the UCG will stab the COGWA in the back in return. What a wonderful world we will have when the COG's are in control of it.

  2. Across the country, members have proved that the UCG is indeed a personality cult.

    In districts where the honchos jumped ship to the COGWA, the sheep have mostly followed.
    In districts where the honchos stayed with the UCG, the sheep have mostly remained.
    In both cases, the sheep continue to be fleeced.

    "Baa, baa, leaders,
    Have you any truth?
    Yes, sheep, yes, sheep,
    Three tithes full."

    Silly me, for thinking that after all these years, that 'God's Elect Ministers' would have instilled in their members the concept of 'thinking for themselves'.
    It's still all "top-down" bullcrap.
    The only "bottoms-up" concept they've instilled in the members is the need to drink the honcho ministers' Flavor Aid.

  3. If COGWA really wanted to "bring em in" they should just schedule one feast site and make it...


  4. Not really Bend, Oregon. It's Redmond, Oregon.

    Bend is bigger and has better places to eat.

    Or used to.

    Before it began to look like a ghost town.

  5. Redmond, Oregon. A perfect nearby place to protest a cultist event!

    Just what will the community say? I do have an idea!

  6. COGWA broke away and has shown itself to be even an even worse version of UCG. While the recent UCG campaign was an expensive flop, at least you can say they tried. I know it's not much, but COGWA might as well be David Hulme's secret cult. You know the one you don't hear much about and wonder if it still exists. COGWA leadership seems very content to collect paychecks and not much more.

  7. My Mom thinks that the COGWA and the UCG are both equally shitty.

    Although I think the UCG is shittier, I won't argue with Mom.

  8. Oh, come on now!

    They are all cults!

    All of them!

    And in wars amongst psychopaths, expect the one that has the least conscience to win... normally... usually... unless it's a matter of innovation, in which case the more inventive psychopaths will win... or the ones with the most resources stolen from their membership....

  9. This is partially a backlash against what people actually observed through encroaching Tkachism in the late 1980s. Both parties now realize that much control is directly tied to retaining the assets which the original group of people had generated. There is no "walk away" this time. The opening shots began months ago with the cows.


  10. At the WCG's peak of membership there was about 100,000 members or maybe a little more. Now if you add up the total of all the COG's there might be around 50,000 members, or about half. The question is, what happened to the other half?

    The answer is simple, the other half has seen Armstrongism for what it is, an abusive religion in doctrine and the way it was/is administered.

    The problem is those who remain enslaved in Armstrongism for whatever reason can't see this religion for what it is. My advice to those people is, question everything, and look at the bad fruit of Armstrongism. It is there to see if you look hard for it and there is a lot of it.

  11. "The opening shots began months ago with the cows."

    What's with the cows?
    Have the UCG and the COGWA been trying to steal overweight lady members from each other?

    If so, even they may be 'cash cows', let's be kind and say they're just big boned.

  12. "The problem is those who remain enslaved in Armstrongism for whatever reason can't see this religion for what it is. My advice to those people is, question everything, and look at the bad fruit of Armstrongism. It is there to see if you look hard for it and there is a lot of it."

    Indeed there is a lot of it, so if you have to look hard for it, you're not doing right. The bad fruit is everywhere so it's not hard to find at all, provided you take off the "rose-colored glasses."

  13. The cows. Vic got UCG involved with a charity that provides cows to some of the poor subsistence farmers in Africa. UCG apparently made a donation, and utilized this charity's services to make the cattle available to some UCG members in Africa. About this time, a splinter occurred. Some of the recipients joined the COGAWA. Ownership of the cattle was then contested.

    This was the first example of members of the animal kingdom being affected by an Armstrongite splinter. Plus sized ladies were not involved, and I would never use the hurtful term "cow" to describe a lady.


  14. Several thoughts come to mind from this post:

    1. If you can't beat 'em.... well, COGWA can't really join 'em, because they left 'em.

    2. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - even down to where you have a Feast.

    3. The Southern Baptists had their annual convention in Las Vegas in 1989. Did it lose or add members from that?

    In contrast, COG's tend to avoid holding Feasts in states with a lot of gambling and casinos. Check Feastgoer.org to see there were none this year in MS/NV/NJ.

  15. COG's tend to avoid holding Feasts in states with a lot of gambling and casinos. It would distract from the offerings, excess 2nd tithe, etc.

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