Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 6, 2014

Gerald Flurry: If Slutty PCG Women Don't Stop Wearing Their Short Tight Garments They Will Suffer The Plagues Of God!

Someone sent this to me regarding Gerald Flurry's scathing comments directed towards women in the church, students at his cult compound "college" and summer camp.

During his Philadelphia Youth Camp (pyc) sermon before the campers on July 9, 2005, Pastor General Gerald Flurry mentioned that some of our ladies and their daughters need sharp rebuke about their skirts and/or dresses because they are either too short or too tight. He tied this in with Revelation 18:4 and how God’s people have been called upon to come out of Babylon. Someone has to tell you, paraphrasing my father, if you don’t change your garments, you will suffer through the plagues of God.

Apparently Satan is busy trying to make all the women and young girls in the PCG into slutty whores:

Every year at the pyc, we encounter some problems in the way our teenagers dress—especially among girls. Satan is doing everything he can to get our ladies, both young and old, to be dazzled by sexy, slutty clothes. For some of our girls, it can be used as a way to attract attention from the opposite sex. Maybe it’s because they aren’t getting attention from a father. Maybe it’s because of their parents’ lax standards. Maybe it’s because of ignorance. No matter the reason, God’s standards in dress must be upheld.   Upholding God's Standards In Dress


  1. Is that Stephen preparing for the Feast talent show?

  2. You should change your short tight garments!

    I change mine every day! Anything less is downright SKANKY! ;-)

  3. Yup. Nothing but hatred of the female body which is classic Armstrongism.

  4. God's standard in dress is evidently animal skins - according to the story in Genesis - fine linen is reserved for the elite, upper class of the middle eastern trash.

  5. If Slutty PCG Women Don't Stop Wearing Their Short Tight Garments -

    If sluttty PCG Women stop wearing their short tight garments I'm quitting church... That would be my last good reason to keep attending PCG!

  6. Well you know most men think about sex practically every other thought lol. Gerald Flurry is no exception. He just hates it that his thoughts will never be any "purer" so he blames the women.
    And it doesn't matter if they wear their dress to the floor, he would still be obsessing over S..E..X!

    Just confess and admit you have sex on the brain Gerald and REPENT BOY!!

  7. If Anyone knows a slut, it Gerry.

  8. Is Flurry coddling to his ministers and deacons?

    Many of them would be delighted to council those young ladies and help them out of those clothes, all the while hoping to keep them to sniff on, in bonerific fashion when nobody's looking.

  9. This just in. God has communicated to That Prophet that if the ladies wish not to take part in the plagues of God's fatwa against Babylon, that they must now wear the burqa to church services. No matter the reason, God’s new standard in dress must be upheld. No exceptions. Allāhu akbar.


    Stephen Flurry

  10. Sane Con said, "Yup. Nothing but hatred of the female body which is classic Armstrongism."

    MY COMMENT - Not true, Sane!

    Garner Ted Armstrong loved the female body so much he is reported to have bedded with 200+ young bright eyed Ambassador College girls and Church members.

    GTA's affair with Church jet stewardess Gail Weber, originally from my Washington D.C. WCG congregation whom my brother once had a date with, was a knock out beautiful woman! No hatred there!


  11. Anonymous old EXPCG hag said...
    "Well you know most men think about sex practically every other thought lol."

    Well, yes, we do dwell on the subject pretty frequently; but then recent studies show women think about it too. Not quite so often as men, but the thought does cross your minds from time to time.

    A non-traditional (older) student in one of the literature classes I taught was a delightfully smart grandmother. In relation to a problem in a story we were studying, I threw out a then-current statistic about how frequently people think about sex, based on questionnaires handed out to college students. Then I added, "Of course, at our age, Mrs. P. and I probably don't think about it that often."

    She shot back, "Speak for yourself!"

  12. Hi, everyone!

    Just wanted to stop by and check what the Important Flurry Topic of the Hour was before finishing up watching my Xena Warrior Princess DVD.

    “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.” Psalms 103:8.

    Evidently Gerry has to find something over which to work himself up into high-volume, high-intensity “righteous” anger, regularly, to feel alive.

  13. The Abrahamic religions have a love/hate relationship to sex. Their stupid founders wanted it constantly, just as any normal person past the age of puberty does until late old age when I find memories have to suffice. Doesn't take away the basic drive even then.

    I'm fed to my teeth with hearing the blather of idiots who should be glad that urge was there or the human race wouldn't still be around with all the dangers it had to face. Wiser societies embraced sexuality and glorified it.

  14. Short tight garments aren't slutty.
    Sleazy maybe. Besides women in most states are allowed to walk around topless so they would be equal to men in that regard.
    I wear as little as possible around the house and have noticed positive results. The JW people don't ask too many questions, and the mail lady rings my doorbell for the smallest packages, which would fit in the mailbox. I must be a good example to her. She has lost weight, tanned her legs, has a better hairdo and smiles a lot.

  15. In the Old Testament, you had to do something to your genitals to demonstrate your loyalty.

    I'm surprised that Flurry hasn't ordered all of his followers to shave theirs, or use Nair.


  16. Then its settled, we send a portfolio of Connie's shortest and tightest to Edmond...

  17. Oh everybody grow up!...and think about sex...sex,sex,sex,sex,sex,and more sex...and sex...and sex, sex,sex and more sex and more sex and and sex,sex,sex...and..glad I never think about it!
