Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gerald Flurry's Edstone House UK Financial Boondoggle

Potential Herbert W Armstrong College, United Kingdom

I had a discussion with a former church member who lives in the UK about Gerald Flurry's latest financial boondoggle.  He was delighted to hear that the internet campaign to bump Flurry off CBS Reality UK was successful.  He then went on to mention that there are ex-members in England who are also warning the government about how dangerous Flurry's cult is.

Another person told me some of the obstacles that Flurry's cult will be facing when attempting to start his "college."

With the recent explosion of Muslim related schools popping up in the UK and the problems they are causing, the UK government will be paying close attention to what Flurry's cult "college" will be teaching.  He will have to offer the national curriculum and promote diversity.  That right there is going to present a HUGE issue for Flurry and his cult.

Armstrongism has always had a great disdain for higher learning offered by the "world's" colleges.  Gone are the days when the WCG had its first college in Bricket Wood, England.  In those days, while still monitored by the government, the college could teach pretty much what they wanted.  Those days are gone and Flurry will have to bow down to the current UK educational standards.

Add to that issue the problem of promoting diversity and Flurry will be in even hotter water.  He will be required to open his enrollment to ALL religious creeds and sexual orientations.  Imagine a gay pride group at Herbert W Armstrong College UK!  What a hoot that will be!!!!!  The UK government will be looking at the mix of students that are allowed to study there.  How many Caucasian, Black, Asian, etc. will be taken into consideration and he is required by law to meet those standards.  They will  require him to have an anti-bullying policy in effect.  That alone is going to create huge issues.  Flurry bullies ex-members and threatens them, he is anti-gay, a rabid Catholicphobe, anti-Muslim, and promotes racial identity of the white race as superior to all other races through his promotion of British Israelism.

In regards to the area that Edstone House is located in, its an expensive area!  Taking care of 22 acres in addition to the manor upkeep and restoration is going to be a HUGE finical drain on Flurry's cult.  Electricity and heating oil expensive will be astronomical.

The UK is not like the U.S. where religious institutions have huge tax breaks and many times pay no taxes at all.  In the UK the only church that gets a tax beak is the Church of England.  All other churches and cults have to pay some form of tax.  As my friend in the UK says, "And we English are highly taxed."  The only way Flurry's cult can get out of paying huge taxes is if he offers a non-religious education to private students following the national curriculum. If he does that then the UK government will help fund his adventure.

As my friend in the UK said at the end of the conversation, "Best close it down then."


  1. As has been observed here, Gerald Flurry is about being the best possible imitation of Herbert he can provide; as has also been observed here, he misses the target by a mile over and over.

    Can anyone suggest a reason why he's doing this other than "Herbert did."

    He's been assuming all the time he's been on the air that if he uses the same phrases and buzzwords on his TV program, he'll sound just as persuasive as Herbert did and attract the followers he needs to finance idiocies like this.

    He assumes here that because he thinks it's a project he should undertake (because Herbert did something similar), that, like in the long past Times of Herbert, the money will be there when he needs it.

    Sorry, Jerry! I just bought a new Christmas tree and I can't help you out.

  2. Here are questions for the dumb tithe slave sheep of the Philadelphia Church of God to consider:

    1) How do you spell "BANKRUPTCY"?

    2) How do you spell "Bankruptcy Trustee?"

    3) What happens to corporate assets when bankruptcy occurs?

    4) Who makes the decisions regarding how your tithes and offerings are used, and what happens to your Church's assets while operating under bankruptcy re-organization? The Apostle Flurry or the U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee?

    Before the dumb tithe slave sheep are asked to give everything they possibly own and can borrow to finance and bailout this Flurry boondoggle fiasco under threat of eternal and Lake of Fire damnation, please consider the questions above.

    Did you idiots in the PCG learn anything from the Tkach heist of the Worldwide Church of God assets?


    Quote of the Day - "You can fool some people ALL THE TIME" - B. T. Barnum

  3. This should be interesting to watch. I have a client who produces all of the printed materials for a company that deals in high end real estate sales. One recent event involved the offering of a well known sports figure's mansion. As these properties rise in price, there is a smaller and smaller pool of potential buyers or investors who could purchase, obtain financing for, or even afford the upkeep on such a property. The buyers are often whimsical. Some will even demolish the original structure, although it is still serviceable, and start from scratch.

    As most here realize, I am an enthusiastic participant in the vintage car hobby. I have several relatives who are also into this, but on a high end scale. My worst nightmare would be somehow finding myself bequeathed with one of these grand automobiles in someone's will, because there is no way I could afford to properly maintain them, and do not know how to walk and talk comfortably with the socioeconomic groups that would normally be buying and selling them. Finally, this would be on such a level that I couldn't even fake it. Let's face it, I'll take a Bud over a glass of Dom Perignon any day of the week, and prefer Led Zeppelin or Charlie Daniels to Beethoven.

    I see Flurry as being in the same boat with this mansion. As Dirty Harry used to say, "A good man knows his limitations." This Edstone House thing is just plain pretentious. Imagine the British tabloid headlines: Okie to purchase vintage mansion for cult college.


  4. The question is-does Flurry really believe what he is doing is of God or is he just a scam artist?

    If he is a scam artist he is not a very good one but good enough to control a few thousand gullible people.

    If he really believes what he is doing is from God he is a nut case.

    Which would be worse?

  5. It would be just like Six-pack to dump a lot of money into a project without looking at it closely. I guess it will just be another asset to liquidate in the end. That auditorium in Edmond will make for a fancy distribution center for some business in the future.

  6. I would prefer that you convince those who read this blog on behalf of Flurry to buy and invest in that property than talk about in this blog how dumb such decision is. You want him enmeshed in inextricable debt, don't you? You would be happy that he falls into a pit for such foolish decision, don't you? Then by all means, encourage him and sneeringly tell in this blog how his god would definitely bring him out of the pit when bankruptcy beckons and he can escape to Petra with the stone of scorn of Ireland . . . ooops, Scotland . . . Don't laugh yet . . . just watch the developments . . . Rule 1 in any warfare is never reveal your weaponry to the enemy. You know it is a foolish decision already, so by all means tell him how wise such real estate purchase him.

  7. Even Perbert couldn't sustain a Pretentious-Photo.Op-Propaganda-English"University".

    Flurry needs to take the loss now: Liquidate for £2m; it will only sit on the market consuming maintenance costs at the original £3m.

  8. Say, that building looks like it's going to require expensive repairs.

  9. I would prefer that you convince those who read this blog on behalf of Flurry to buy and invest in that property than talk about in this blog how dumb such decision is

    Totally wrong approach -- even if he reads this blog, he's not going to believe what we say here; in particular, he'd scoff at the idea that he's going to be a failure.

    The more we taunt him the more determined he's going to be to prove us wrong.

  10. "I would prefer that you convince those who read this blog on behalf of Flurry to buy and invest in that property than talk about in this blog how dumb such decision is. You want him enmeshed in inextricable debt, don't you? You would be happy that he falls into a pit for such foolish decision, don't you? ... You know it is a foolish decision already, so by all means tell him how wise such real estate purchase him."

    Actually, I'm fairly certain that nobody here wants any of this to happen, it's just that the only way the Flurries will stop is if the carpet is yanked out from under them.

    What we want is for the Flurries to stop snowing people, making suckers out of them in order to con them out of their money so that they can use it to live in luxury and to build temples to their egos and to the icon of a pedophile. We want them to stop destroying families and individuals. We wish Gerald would just pack up shop and redistribute these funds back to those he's conning and apologize instead of taking on inextricable debt.

    However, no matter what we say here, it will have no direct effect on what the Flurries decide to do or not do. If it would, then we would just tell them what to do and they would comply. Nothing will deter the Flurries from hawking their lies and continuing to ensnare people in their god-trap. So the only way the dangerous cult known as PCG is going to disappear off the face of the earth is if circumstances force it to happen. And the only way the issue can be forced is from the bottom up, through the erosion of their financial base. And we'll settle for that in any way we can get it, through insufficient income or through too much outgo, tho the former is preferable to the latter.

  11. The Flurries will automatically do the opposite of the prevailing opinion here. They shun the people they define as being God's Laodecean era, so how much more the people who were wise enough to completely apostasize?
    Our words and opinions here, though often full of wisdom and experience, are interpreted by PCG as if they had been given by Satan himself.

    Even if you are a church with deep pockets, you can't continue indefinitely making poor financial decisions. Sooner or later the chickens do come home to roost.


  12. Anon 8:38 wrote:

    "Nothing will deter the Flurries from hawking their lies and continuing to ensnare people in their god-trap"

    Not even God could deter the false prophet Flurry from his folly. I hope to see his name on one of my pages soon. God willing.....


  13. Years ago Gerald Flurry was already writing about how his PCG cult had been “FLOODED” with all sorts of “NEW REVELATION” (that is, doctrinal changes AWAY from what HWA had taught).

    Many PCG people DROWNED spiritually in this FLOOD of Flurry's doctrinal changes, went down the sewer, and are now spiritually DEAD.

    These spiritual ZOMBIES need one expensive project after another to keep them moving and give them (false) hope. Whatever happens with any of Flurry's PCG projects is irrelevant, since Gerald Flurry will always be a false prophet and his PCG will always be an impostor cult and a complete fraud. Ultimately, everything that Gerald Flurry and his PCG cult do will always turn out to be a totally futile waste of time, energy, and money for those who get ensnared by them.

  14. I hope Flurry does this. No joking around or sarcastic remarks in this message. The BI doctrine has been proved to be wrong by the science of genetics - Armstrongism is dead whether followers know it or not. Nobody is going to fall for that bullshit anymore. The very backbone of Armstrongism is broken, it's going nowhere anymore. It has no 'new' product to sell since BI proved to be bullshit. Anyone left in Armstrongism would be wise to leave now while they are still alive and still have a chance at a normal life.

  15. I believe he is looking forward to them kicking him out in order to fulfill this prophesy...

    Amos 7: 10Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of Israel: the land is not able to bear all his words. 11For thus Amos saith, Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land. 12Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou seer, go, flee thee away into the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and prophesy there: 13But prophesy not again any more at Bethel: for it is the king's chapel, and it is the king's court.

    14Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit: 15And the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel. 16Now therefore hear thou the word of the LORD: Thou sayest, Prophesy not against Israel, and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac. 17Therefore thus saith the LORD; Thy wife shall be an harlot in the city, and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword, and thy land shall be divided by line; and thou shalt die in a polluted land: and Israel shall surely go into captivity forth of his land.

    The liafail stone is in Scotland now, same stone used for centuries to coronate Kings over Ireland, Scotland, and England. The same stone that was under Queen Elizabeth's coronation chair and was sent to Edinburg castle 1996.

    This is the stone Gerald Flurry wants to take to Jerusalem with him after he is kicked out of Britain. The stone represented the government of God. This stone Jeremiah the prophet brought with him and one of Zedekiah's daughter's whom married a King of Ireland thus continuing the line of Judah(David)in Britain eventually with Queen Elizabeth.

    The stone is to be back in Jerusalem when Christ returns and sets up the government of God there... This is the plan.

  16. I'm just wondering if Brian Davis aka Diotrephes is still being allowed by Gerald Flurry to lie, slander and throw people out.

    I don't believe Christ would agree with Flurry there.

  17. I keep wondering who Ed Stone was, and how he managed to build this edifice.

    But, seriously, folks, why is it that the particular HWA college building model that most appeals to Flurry involves old mansions? Doesn't he have some wealthy farmers in PCG to contribute some land on which to build a redwood and a steel tabernacle, and a city composed of booths on which to base a college?

    Back in the late 1940s, it made sense to buy and renovate an old mansion. Restoring them, even in San Francisco, had not yet become any sort of trend. Even in the late '60s, they were considered so valueless, that the hippies used them as crash pads. They could be had for pennies on the dollar. In today's marketplace, the equivalent would be buying an old mall, or industrial building that had seen better days, and using one's own employees or volunteers to refurbish the facility. Scientology and Calvary have both utilized this as cost saving measures.

    Seeing as how the ACOGs are not growing at 30% per year, are all but imperceivable in their attempts to use media, and are seen as being ignorant of scientific, historic, and philosophical advances, this is a case of what we might call "all show and no go". Herbie was admittedly a "flash cat", but being a man tuned into the zeitgeist of his times, he also had international attention, and an incredible income as compared to other pioneering televangelists. Nobody in the current ACOGs has figured out how to manipulate and exploit the current zeitgeist on a par level. They use the HWA era zeitgeist, and expect the same level of success. It's like deaf people tapping their feet to music because they see the people around them who can hear doing it.


  18. So, if Flurry removed Brian Davis, you'd go back?

  19. "The BI doctrine has been proved to be wrong by the science of genetics - Armstrongism is dead whether followers know it or not.
    Nobody is going to fall for that bullshit anymore."

    Not so fast, Corky... The Mormons teach that some Israelites came to America a few hundred years BC and Native Americans are their descendants.
    So far, not a shred of evidence of DNA link with Jews today but Mormon, Inc is growing by leaps and bounds like never before, building lavish
    temples all over the globe.

    And for a mere 10% of your income, you too can have the privilege of wearing church-issued special underwear.


    Oh, and for your entertainment:



  20. Anonymous said...

    So, if Flurry removed Brian Davis, you'd go back?

    October 25, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    I'd love to know who this Anon is.

    In the first place, the removal of Brian Davis or any of the asshole ministers, should have been done long ago, if this was THE TRUE CHURCH. The second place Gerald Flurry shouldn't have lied and told members "his door is always open" when it was not, if this was THE TRUE CHURCH...I could go on and on and on and on...and on.

    I write my comments about Brian Davis especially for Brian Davis to read as he is like the devil stirring up trouble behind the scenes and then running and hiding.
    That Joel Olsteen wanna-be, Warwick Davis look-alike, (only Warwick Davis is better looking), not only gave me such a bad attitude about religion, he killed my son's attitude. My son was six when we started attending, he is sixteen now. My anger against the PCg is because they messed up my son. I will get over it, for myself but I will not get over it in his case.

    Brian Davis has a son my son's age. How would he like it if someone did HIS Son that way?
    Brian Davis no more thinks that is THE TRUE CHURCH as I once heard him tell me "Welcome to the club!"
    People get on this site and comment..."the church is each individual". (Hebrews 10:25
    Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.)
    So obviously it is an individual thing but you are to assemble with Christ's people.
    Yes each individual Christ has called (wheat). Satan has his (tares) growing up among the wheat also. Christ will sort them out eventually.
    But a leader knowingly refusing to correct abusive ministers...what do you think Christ will do about him? Just because you are "warning the world"...you're also letting abuse go on? Is this a TRUE CHURCH or a TRUE LEADER? Or a TRUE ANYTHING??

    1. Again, if he suddenly decided to remove him over abusive behavior... would you go back?

  21. Anonymous said...

    Again, if he suddenly decided to remove him over abusive behavior... would you go back?

    October 26, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    Wow, like I really like answering questions from Anons. Why don't you call me. Then we'll talk??

    1. Simple question, asked honestly. Would you?


  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Again, if he suddenly decided to remove him over abusive behavior... would you go back?

    October 26, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    ...and for all I know you could be the Pope or Antichrist. Wouldn't that be special.

  23. ...BTW October 26, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    (867-5309)...ask for Jenny

  24. Anonymous, people don't just leave one of these deceptive and Satanic splinters over a single issue! It is usually a combination of things, including no longer believing that the teachers or doctrines are suitable or effective as guides to the Kingdom. Corruption of the ministry or their poor bedside manner sometimes opens the door, but once people realize that lynchpin doctrines like British Israelism, church eras, and the need to keep Old Covenant rituals that Jesus already fulfilled are false doctrines that are used in exploitative ways, what would be the point in going back? A second helping of spiritual abuse?


    1. I cant say I agree; I dont think everyone comes to that realization at all. The number of posters here who still spout Armstrongist beliefs yet are unaffiliated with a COG makes that much clear.

  25. Imagine if the Antichrist was female and the Pope married her.

    They'd be "power couples"!!!
    (Like Mark and Grace Driscoll, Paul and Jan Crouch, Garner Ted Armstrong and Shirley, Paul Franklin Crouch, Jr. and his slutty wife Tawny, or the freaky Joel Osteen and his sleazy money-grubbing wife Victoria!)

    Bow down to the power couples!

  26. I believe it's about the dumbest question anyone has ever asked around here. It's the kind of thing Velvet, the Kitchens, or one of the Flurry Zombies would ask.

    ~Miguel de la Rodente

  27. "Would you?"

    I think the correct answer is "no" since, regardless of how much any one particular minister may piss anybody off, they could only ever justify or get away with doing these things in an abusive, vile, cult system. And what's not abusive, vile, and cultic about PCG? Hmm. Can't think of anything off the cuff.

  28. Whoever it is is schooled in Armstrongist Authoritarian Assholism. I mean how dare they be so demanding? The hell with them if they think they can get away with their cultic crap here. I never met him, but from what I understand about the man, they are acting just like this Brian Davis.


  29. WOULD YOU... ask the dumbest question anyone has ever asked around here, while wearing the special Mormon underwear?

    I wish we'd had special underwear issued by WCG HQ to keep at the ready for when we'd flee to the Place of Safety.
    Wearing them would be akin to rubbing blood on frame of your entrance door, so God would notice you're special.

    They could have been called, "tighty-flighties"!

    (Having the largest size as only XL would keep some fatties out of Petra, but Netflix could then have a new reality show called, "Left Behind because of their Enormous Behinds", or, "Huge is the new Small")


  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Would you?

    October 27, 2014 at 4:30 PM


    This is the funniest comment on here...ROTFLMAO

  31. Funnier that you dont give a straight answer.

  32. Imagine that. An anonymous anus asking a question and demanding an answer.
