Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Internet Campaign To Force Flurry Off The Air In England Worked!

Some time back the Philadelphia Church of God boasted on how it was being granted access to CBS Reality in the United Kingdom in order to broadcast their Key of David program to the UK and Europe.  Of course God was the one responsible for this.

There has been a concerted effort recently by several Facebook groups and web sites in letting  CBS Broadcasting corporation in the United Kingdom know that they should not broadcast Gerald Flurry's cult program over its airwaves. Apparently it has worked.  Many  wrote to the company to let them know how the Philadelphia Church of God has broken up families, destroyed marriages and caused suicides. 

Two different pro-COG sites are reporting the story:

British CBS CBS Reality cancelled The Key of David shortly before it’s first broadcast, at 08.00  am on Sunday, 7th September. The program continued to  be listed for a while but has been dropped from the schedule. CBS has not published the reason for the cancellation, nor has there been any comment from PCG. James Malm

PCG announced that, “In mid-July, we received approval to begin airing in Britain. The Key of David will debut on CBS Reality a few weeks before the Feast of Trumpets .... With mounting tension in Britain and Europe, it looks like God’s timing is perfect for launching The Key of David to the general population. Pair with that the possibility of expanding Herbert W. Armstrong College into Britain, and we could muster a labor force ready to take calls, process requests and do other support work for the program.”

“God’s timing” proved not to be perfect, as CBS cancelled The Key of David shortly before its first broadcast was due, at 8.00am on Sunday, 7th September. The program continued being listed for a while (probably due to an appeal by the PCG), but has now been dropped from the schedule. CBS received complaints about the church, but has not published its reason for the cancellation, nor has there been any comment from PCG. Church of God News


  1. Nice.

    What the PCG story was: "God told us about all these doors he was opening for us to walk through with perfect synchronicity."

    What really happened: "Disgruntled" ex-members who have fallen victim to "the wiles of the devil" and CBS executives kicked Armstrong's puny non-existent god and his "perfect timing" in the ass.

    What the PCG story will be: Chirp chirp chirp...

    Yep. Sure he did. I hope they keep counting those chickens before they hatch. It only serves to disprove their whole ball of wax.

    If the property falls through too, that would just cap it all off in epic style.

  2. Sound the trumpets, because THAT's what I call "The Good News", brothers and sisters!

  3. What wonderful news. This is a good thing that people of conscience have done and deserves to be remembered.
