Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Another Church of God Pedophile Sentenced To Prison For Child Molestation

Stephen Gough appears in the Waitakere Distrct Court. Photo / Jason Oxenham

A former woodwork teacher repeatedly molested children 
aged between three and 16 
while reading passages from the bible 
and posing as a churchgoer.

Another Church of God member has been sent to prison for child molestation.  This time it was a man in New Zealand.  He was a former member of the Worldwide Church of God in Auckland and has recently been the spokesman for Fred Coulter's Christian Biblical Church of God.

Earlier today I received several emails concerning this case.  I checked on Gavin's site and he also had the story up.

The London Daily News carried this story:  He Used Children As Sexual Toys

The New Zealand Herald has this: Teacher Molested Children While Reading From Bible
Christian Today:  Teacher Scentenced To Prison For Molesting Chidlren While Reading The Bible

I am on a Facebook page that one of his children is on and this person has spoken how he molested his own children.  They described recently how they had been testifying in court to lock the bastard away.

Amazingly this guy only got three and half years in prison, though the authorizes are expecting more people to come forward and will review the case against him to add more time.

The London Daily News says:

A former woodwork teacher repeatedly molested children aged between three and 16 while reading passages from the bible and posing as a churchgoer.

79-year-old Stephen Gough admitted to nine acts of child sex abuse charges on Wednesday at Waitakere District Court in New Zealand.

He received three-and-a-half years behind bars for his disturbing crimes.
The judge said that Mr Gough carefully orchestrated his acts and used the children as 'sexual toys'. 
While the story does not say if he molested church members children, it is highly likely he did since he was also molesting his own children.  I wonder how many of the WCG members testified against the guy?
It was revealed that Gough would read passages from the bible to the innocent children while sexually abusing them, between 1976 and 1987.

The court also heard that Gough watched children showering by carving out a peep hole under a house.

His crimes only came to light after his victims came forward last year.

The New Zealand Herald says this:

A former Auckland teacher posed as a God-fearing churchgoer but behind closed doors molested children while reading passages from the bible, a court has heard.

Stephen Gough - who can be named for the first time after name suppression lapsed - was jailed for three and a half years at Waitakere District Court yesterday after admitting nine sex charges.

The 79-year-old man, who propped himself up in the dock with the aid of a walking stick, committed "persistent, relentless and repeated" offences against three girls and a boy between 1976 and 1987.

Sentencing Judge Kevin Glubb said Gough, a former intermediate school woodwork teacher was an active member of the church and gained people's confidence by his standing in the community.
"It's hard to imagine a more gross breach of trust," he said.

Some of the most shocking revelations which emerged in court were that Gough would molest victims, aged between 3 and 16, while reading the bible.

The court also heard how the offender made a peep hole under a house so he could watch children in the shower.
The Church of God has a very sad history of covering up for child molesters in its midst.  Ministers and church leaders covered up for many of the molesters over the decades.  Some were ministers themselves.  They got transferred to other areas where they did it all over again.

Gough has apparently been caught doing this before since court records state that he has been in three separate programs to deal with his sexual deviance.

The court heard that by 1993 Gough had completed three programmes addressing his deviant sexual urges and now considered himself to be "fully cured of the terrible addiction".
 Compounding this horrible issue is that parents knew he was molesting their children and they did NOTHING about it!  This too is a long held standard in Armstrongism.  Parents refused to believe that another church member could do such a thing.  They did not want the embarrassment of having to tell the story and they did not want to bring shame upon the church.  It was preferable for the children to suffer instead.  This is still going on today in the Philadelphia Church of God and other groups.

One of Gough's victims told the Herald his offending had ruined her life.

She said people around her knew what he was doing, but never intervened. She struggles with that daily.

"It was horrible. My mother knew this was going on, the neighbours knew, other relatives... no one ever did anything," she said.

She also believed there would be more victims and was pleased his name suppression had lapsed so his crimes could be "put out there finally".

"I have just about died five times in the last year. I've overdosed, I'm just so depressed, so pissed off with life - I'm just sick of it," she said.

"I hate him. He did this to me from when I was a little girl... I just want what he did acknowledged."

The victim said she was angry at Gough, whose "disgusting" offending had pushed her to drugs, alcohol and an eating disorder.

"I've been an alcohol and drug addict since forever. I had good jobs, I've been a good mum but what he did impacts on my life hugely."

She said his guilty plea was "a relief", but it didn't take her pain away.

"Two months ago I tried to take my life... it was pretty bad, they thought I was going to die this time.
It's pretty hard. He has totally and completely ruined my life, I'm a complete mess. I drink to forget... I've been to rehab four times, I got sectioned last year because of my drinking. I'm so f***ing angry."
She said Gough had apologised to her, but his words meant nothing.

"It wasn't just the sexual abuse, he had me living in terror. I will never get over that.

If you would like to speak to police about Stephen Gough, please call Detective Sergeant Murray Free at the Waitakere police on 09 477 5021.


  1. Well, his fellow prisoners will certainly come forward, even if other victims do not. They don't accept the professing of Christianity as a reason not to bully a molester, either.


  2. "The Church of God has a very sad history of covering up for child molesters in its midst." says who? If you insist on making a claim like that you should back it up with objective evidence...

  3. I believe the cog's are a breeding ground for such criminal behavior. Using the bible to justify the crime of incest is just unbelievable.

    Yes, the PT video 'Incest and the Apostle' has raised the ire of someone who defends HWA's incest. Read the comments: http://youtu.be/WXs4WtmsTu0

    The writer 'welliz quizon' defends the old bastard using the David defense. I must say that this individual shocked me by her callousness.

  4. He reminds me of the WCG deacon from Pasadena who joined up,with Rod Meredith to form Global Church of God and then Living Church of God. He was known around Pasadena for molesting boys at the church camp at River Glenn. Imperial School boys found him to be disgusting. WCG administrators covered up for him as did GCG and LCG admins.

  5. What terrible and vile crimes this man has committed. That is absolutely horrific.

  6. This guy is one of the truly faithful of Armstrongism. When he gets out of prison, all he has to do is start his own church and declare himself an "apostle," and then he'll have followed Herbert Armstrong's example, and will have done what Herbert did. He is obviously way more righteous than all these other poor schmucks who merely do what Herbert said. Isn't this what Armstrongists are supposed to be doing? I'm sure those poor schmucks will be headed for the lake of fire, but this guy will be ruling in heaven with a rod of iron forever and ever. Where he can molest the angels or something.

    I can't believe I was raised to think such a sick, kooky, disgusting cult was "normal." I'm just lucky I didn't get molested.

    If there were a real god, Herbert, sick bastard that he was, would have gotten arrested and thrown in jail, just like this sick bastard. I hope he gets shanked in prison.

  7. From our good friends at silenced:


  8. At November 13, 2014 at 4:44 PM Anonymous said "says who? If you insist on making a claim like that you should back it up with objective evidence..."

    Mr. Anonymous, as a current COG member and a strong follower of the doctrines of HWA, I can objectively separate my doctrinal beliefs from from the truth of what has taken place in the past. If you haven't seen a long standing pattern of covering up scandals in the Churches of God you clearly have your head in the sand or have done an effective job of lying to yourself. Here is a nice list of sexual perverts that have been protected by the COGS- that I know of- initials only: GTA, KD, JL, MC, MR, JC, PK, MS, BH. Is that enough evidence?

  9. At November 13, 2014 at 4:44 PM Anonymous said "says who? If you insist on making a claim like that you should back it up with objective evidence..."

    Mr. Anonymous, as a current COG member and a strong follower of the doctrines of HWA, I can objectively separate my doctrinal beliefs from from the truth of what has taken place in the past. If you haven't seen a long standing pattern of covering up scandals in the Churches of God you clearly have your head in the sand or have done an effective job of lying to yourself. Here is a nice list of sexual perverts that have been protected by the COGS- that I know of- initials only: GTA, KD, JL, MC, MR, JC, PK, MS, BH. Is that enough evidence?

  10. Herb was an evil piece of shit.

    So are some of those who frequent here.

    But I doubt if the WCG was in general worse than the world as a whole or those that frequent this site, many of whom are obviously liars.

  11. I left the WCG and attended with a church of the "world".

    Sadly, they were just as screwed up and dictatorial.

    And I met a former pastor who was defrocked for sexual misconduct.

    Sorry, but it goes on all over.

    Yeah, it seems this guy was a perv. But that is not a phenomenon unique to the so-called church of God.

  12. <<
    I hope he gets shanked in prison.

    If I had said that, the haters on here, like Leonardo, would never let me live it down.

  13. How long has it been since anyone posted under the name Leonardo? If someone wants to defend the "honor" of a child molester by criticizing me for criticizing, whatever. I think they're the ones who will look the worse for it.

    I wish Herbert had gotten arrested, thrown in jail, and been shanked too. When a child molester gets shanked then there's some justice in the world. When it doesn't happen and sickos like this turd get released back onto the street after 3 1/2 years (Weinland, now this goon?) to do it some more, not so much. Better to just put them out of everyone's misery.

  14. Anon. I thought the same thing. Leonardo hasn't been around for quite some time. If he has it has been anonymous and and hasn't posted his junk. When Velvet pitched her fit and left he disappeared too.

  15. WOW!!He fooled me If this is the same guy, which I'm almost positive, I met him when I was in the PCg and he was living in South Africa about four years ago. I met him at the NTBMO at some other PCg members home that night. He wrote to me several times and always asked about my son, whom was probably 10 at the time.


  16. Why should we be shocked: This goes on all over the ACoGs because the founder did it first and the whole cult is seriously dysfunctional. The boy lover elder in Seattle is dead now, but the 'leading' women had to watch him closely, particularly on the holydays -- and Pasadena covered it up and did exactly nothing to fix the problem.

    But it isn't just pedophiles, folks -- it's stalkers too, and THAT problem is bigger than people give it credit for. I paid the attorney's fees for the couple being stalked by a United member so they could get their restraining order in court.

    For the skeptics, just remember that Garner Ted Armstrong himself estimated that he had date raped 200 women -- most of them coeds and the future wives of ministers who served under GTA and knew how heinous he was, while his father did NOTHING until it became too public to restrain the info getting out.

    And no one has any advocates for any of this in the Armstrongist churches. If you have a problem, you're on your own and if you object, expect to be disfellowshipped.

    And while the Catholics may have problems with their priests, just how many people are excommunicated for bringing it forward? They may cover it up, but they move the priests around and hire lawyers instead of silencing people through excommunication.

    Let's just say that you attend the Cult of Armstrong Mafia services at your own risk and you also risk your children.

    I'm not particularly happy that a man in the CoGWA was stalking my wife last year. I got one of his phone calls.

    Yet another reason to obey Scripture which says, "from such turn away".

  17. What does anyone who has ever been part of an ACOG think would happen if some kid came home from, let's say a church canoe trip, and said to his parents, "Mom, Dad, there's something I need to tell you! While we were on the canoe trip, Mr. So snd So (deacon or other respected authority figure) gave me a blowjob. I tried to fend him off, but he was just too strong for me! Now, I'm worried. Does that mean I'm gay?" Considering the depths of these peoples' beliefs, that kid would probably be spanked for lying, or even be suspected of being demon-possessed! The sad thing is that we now know that molestations pretty much like that actually happened.


  18. Seeing as how, as it often is, the molestations were likely reported to the local minister or even directly to Fred Coulter.

    Here's the deal that most of the Armstrongists don't realize: If leaders in the church become aware of felonies within the ministry and either don't address them or, worse, cover them up, they are accessories after the fact.

    Here's what that means: They are considered coconspirators in the crime and are subject to prosecution and prison.

    If Fred Coulter knew about this and did nothing, he is now an unconvicted felon worthy of a prison sentence.

  19. accusations are not evidence; but accusations without proof are slanderous. Unless you are able to go to the relevant authorities with evidence of child molestation, etc. you are nothing more than a lynch mob.

  20. This incest thing, and how people react to it, is a perfect illustration as to why we really should stick to refuting the Armstrong doctrines. I have no doubt that Herbie was porking his daughter during the exact time period in which he was plagiarizing and concocting the so-called restored truths. But, it is so much more efficient in attempting to raise serious doubt as a take-away for the benefit of the zombies, as well as for lurkers who are listening in, to just nail the British Israelism theory to the wall, killing it dead in devastating and final ways, with actual facts. I mean, that has totally been done!

    We must also realize that people are totally capable of being willfully ignorant, and that there is nothing we could possibly do to educate such ones away from their self-imposed mindsets. Such ignorant people have no power over us. Why should anything they could possibly say even matter? In most cases, when we are combatting such people in public venues, the credibility is on our side rather than being on the side of the ones who would advocate for fanaticism.


  21. Child's primer on ACoGs:

    Oh, oh.

    Look, Jane, look!

    Here comes Steve.

    Run Jane, run!

  22. Anonymous said...

    "accusations are not evidence; but accusations without proof are slanderous. Unless you are able to go to the relevant authorities with evidence of child molestation, etc. you are nothing more than a lynch mob."


    I do say, a man is known by his character.

    'Former Worldwide Church of God member who was the cult founder’s niece and suffered physical and emotional abuse as a child.'

  23. When you call the cops on your local pervs be sure to mention R.F.

  24. The real problem here is that as long as people in the ACoGs are in denial, this sort of tragedy will be repeated again and again.

    For those in denial: You need to finally figure out that you're in a cult. Expect this kind of behavior. You should never be surprised.

    And realize that you help create this cult environment by participating in it.

  25. According to HWA's own grandson, on a facebook forum, Herbie really did molest and rape his daughter. If Armstrongists want to continue to believe he did not then they also need to realize that it is common knowledge among the members of his own family.

    I don't have the statistics but I would be willing to bet that if research was done, we would find that the more religious a person is the more likely he is to molest children. It does seem to be a thing among religious fanatics of all stripes. Plus, we already know that they are more likely to beat their children than the more worldly people.

  26. Herbert Armstrong screwed his own daughter for 10 years in preparation to screw all the rest of us.

    Role Reversal: The wife became the child, the child became the wife and instead of his ministering to us, we ended up ministering to him for all his wants and needs.

  27. Questioning the ratio of pedophiles in different churches is a rather disturbing proposition.

    So, just how many pedophiles should each sect of Armstrongism have to match the general population?

    Is there a minimum number of pedophiles that each ACoG should have?

    I always thought that one would be too many.

    I guess not -- apparently they don't have enough.

  28. So, just how many pedophiles should each sect of Armstrongism have to match the general population?


  29. Gough's deception was so slick that his many friends, myself included, had over the years no inkling whatsoever of his crimes against his own family and others. Whenever any of his victims were showing signs of stress, I put it down to their being bullied at school, and none denied that at the time. Our whole family liked Gough and his wife and I am thankful that both my parents are dead and don't have to suffer the ordeal of confronting their oily, smarmy hypocrisy. If he gets roughed around in prison, I will be indifferent. However, NZ is notably nice to its crims, and pedos are kept apart from the main body of prisoners because there would be either permanent injury or murder. There was, over the years, a great deal more abuse of teens, especially the girls, by other erstwhile members of this group of delusionaries, the Summer Camps being prime stalking ground. My association with this group began gradually from 1965 and ended about 2000. I now happily consider myself to be an agnostic.
