Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Columbiana Church of God - - More Drivel for the Theologically Bankrupt Church of God

One thing Armstrongism has accomplished over its eight decades is that it has created some of the craziest and theologically bankrupt men the world has ever seen.  If you thought Bob Thiel had poor speaking abilities then you have not seen this guy.  I have a feeling that Bob Thiel gets his training from this guy.

This guy also has ties to Sir Anthony Buzzard's "One God" group that promotes "Christian monotheism."  Restoration Fellowship


  1. That was fucking horrible! Whats with all the rocking back and forth? Looked as nervous as a whore in church!

  2. Guy is a wacko. Acts like he is on a dry drunk.
    Lay-a-da-see-ya is an interesting way to say the word.
    They are all pointing the finger at one another and looking down their noses at everyone else.
    Very ugly

  3. James, what's with all the gutter talk, many people read these comments and they all don't appreciate the foul language, just saying that's all.

  4. Are those file cabinets crooked?


  5. The "F-word"...

    Byker Bob has explained that it's a Christian word.

    Just sayin'.

  6. So Mr. Diehl you have falsely lumped me into being a follower of Herbert w. Armstrong. Nothing can be further from the truth. Have the guts to post this video I did on H.W.A. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EilToe-Ofwg

  7. Columbiana
    Mr. Diehl did not post your silly video that is part of the legacy of Armstrongism. I did!
