Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 23, 2015

Is Dave Pack The Most Benevolent Man On Earth Today? Only Flaccid Critics Think Otherwise!

A reader here from Dave Pack's personality cult has objected to my postings and to your comments.

Apparently we are ignorant of the fact that Davey is the most benevolent caring COG leader to live in this dispensation. No one is more merciful or caring than Davey.  Davey has the utmost concern for the spiritual welfare of his church members so how dare we think differently!

How dare we criticize members as scared little walking Stepford citizens! Every single member is allowed to think, believe and do what they want without Davey ever stopping them. Everyone is free to question. Everyone is free to think what they want and interpret Dave's teachings as to how best they fit their lives.  Everyone cashes out their retirement accounts because they love their benevolent leader soooooooooooooo much.

Apparently we all need Viagra since we are all so flaccid.  That might be a hard thing to do since Davey has bought it all in order to keep up with his younger bride.  Declining age is certainly a bitch!

I'm sure the moderator will filter this one out! "No need to share an alternate viewpoint" on this blog of critics.  

I have worked at RCG HQ in the past and I can personally state that Mr. Pack is one of the most genuine, caring and concerned people I have ever met. He repeatedly tells the staff "not just clean - but squeaky clean" in all aspects of the Work.

Mr. Pack is very concerned with the spiritual well being of not only RCG members - but of all of God's people spread around the world (in the splinters and slivers).

There is a saying in the vernacular "walk the talk" and I have personally witnessed this in Mr. Pack in all my time in RCG.

All RCG members are independent persons - free to operate at our own will. Through the guidance of God's Holy Spirit and His living Word - we govern our own lives - upholding God's Commands, Holy Days and doctrines.

The trite and infantile comments on this blog are a testimony to the depravity of those who participate. In one moment the bloggers are criticizing what is termed as "Armstrongism" and in the very next sentence they use WCG doctrine to adjudicate their criticism.

You boys really need to grow up and get a spine. One day soon God will show you how flaccid you are.


  1. They obviously haven't delved into the Book of Hebrews, especially chapter 7 and particularly vs.12 & 18.
    Bye the bye, where does scripture define income as increase??

  2. I think what Dave's apologist meant to stay instead of being "squeaky clean" is that Dave expects them all to be prelubed so when he fucks with their lives it won't hurt as much.

  3. In addition to that, they use the 'catch cry' from "Mal_3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
    but neglect to tell you that the 'storehouse', along with the Temple, was destroyed in AD70 and that there is no scriptural evidence that it was reestablished as a PRIVATE BANK ACCOUNT anywhere!!

  4. II Timothy 3 is more like it.

  5. Jews today do not tithe because there are no Levites to pay it to and the temple is gone. For a church leader to demand tithes and accuse members of stealing from God if they don't pay it to them - - - who is the real thief, I ask?

  6. Several things came to mind as I read the RCG member's comments.

    Because his or her employment at RCG headquarters is apparently in the past, perhaps this is an effort to get that employment back into the present. The comment is "too perfect" in that it comes off either as a whitewash, or as the special construct of someone's marketing or public relations department.

    I am also sure that Dave is concerned in some form for the ACOG splinter people around the world. The question would be, is this a benevolent concern, or is Dave seeing these members as a function of himself? We know that he is preoccupied with people failing to acknowledge him as HWA's only legitimate successor.

    Last, the poster's closing paragraphs demonstrate how uncomfortable a member can be with the concept of free speech! A high school Civics course would inform him or her about the value of public opinion in terms of basic checks and balances on public figures. The problem is that Armstrongism places its leaders above the system, and considers it normal behavior to give them a pass just because of the religious philosophy which they teach. The qualifications for a bishop include being above reproach, not being given protection from or immunity to reproach. There is a huge difference!

    The commenter did break RCG protocol in posting here. Whether they are forgiven for this infraction because they presented a positive picture of RCG is the big question. There are two kinds of "damage" possible. Perhaps the most serious, from their perspective would be the damage one suffers from reading our flaccid comments. Not enough flax seed in our diets, I guess.


  7. Pack is 67 years old. There has been no tip or tell about who might be his successor. Meredith has Aames, Flurry has his son, Rittenbaugh a son , but not a single indication on who would succeed Pack. Any insights on this?

  8. Mad Libs

    I used a random word generator to help me fill out my own Mad Lib of this comment (although I cheated on a couple of them! See if you can spot them.)


    I'm sure the moderator will [feature this comment in it's own dedicated post]! "No need to [hide a ridiculous] viewpoint" on this blog of critics.

    I have worked at RCG [Flying Pig Factory] in the past and I can personally state that Mr. Pack is one of the most [manual], [introverted] and [symbolic] people I have ever met. He repeatedly tells the staff "Not just [smudged], but [tasseled]" in all aspects of the Work.

    Mr. Pack is very [careful] with the [jewelry] of not only RCG members - but of all of God's people spread around the world (in the [gargoyle] and [gumdrop]).

    There is a saying in the vernacular "[raise] the [glass]" and I have personally witnessed this in Mr. Pack in all my time in RCG.

    All RCG members are [solemn] persons - free to [mollycoddle] at our own [pancake]. Through the guidance of God's [salmon] and His [hairdo] - we [abdicate] our own lives - [humanizing] God's [alternator], [kindergarten] and [panda].

    The [ominous] and [dusty] comments on this [flagpole] are a testimony to the [suitcase] of those who participate. In one moment the [nipples] are [bribing] what is termed as "[piggyback]" and in the very next sentence they use [floss] to adjudicate their [saddle].

    You [hooters] really need to [spank] and get a [cipher]. One day soon God will show you how [nutritious] you are.


    It think my version actually makes more sense!

  9. "Pack is 67 years old. There has been no tip or tell about who might be his successor. Meredith has Aames, Flurry has his son, Rittenbaugh a son , but not a single indication on who would succeed Pack. Any insights on this?"

    If we live in a lucky universe, nobody.

    On a related note, who will take care of RCG if he pulls a Weinerdude and get sent up on tax evasion? He's already failed spectacularly at the prophecy game, just like Ron, so maybe prison time is next?

  10. I think the bigger question is, in producing all that "Pack is really a nice guy" rant, why the writer never told us the fate of the three shepherds Pack devoted so much time and space to. Its not exactly ancient history.

  11. I'd have to guess that most of the splinter members expect "the end" to come prior to the death of their particular "apostle" or "prophet". Age does not seem to be a factor in their splinter selection decision-making process.

    There are not a multitude of examples of deaths and succession. However, the death of GTA most certainly did not spell the end of his group. And we have to consider all of the negative factors behind the scenes in that specific case. It is not as if any of these groups are going to attain the level of prominence enjoyed by WCG in its "golden" age. And, I beleve that most of the members of the splinters have quietly made peace with greatly diminished expectations.

    Nobody has surfaced in Armstrongism within the past 30 years with special gifting of the super charisma needed to feed the movement, and basically, that is what it would require for any of the groups to take it to the next level. Part of that is that such gifted persons know better than to get involved in Armstrongism, which, due to increase of knowledge and the failure of all the prophecies, is essentially passe. Also, today, there are so many talented individuals in every field that it is very difficult for any one of them to capture and sustain public attention and acclaim. We seem to be down to that 15 minutes of fame thingie.

    The Armstrong movement is like the fading photos in Back to the Future.


  12. I shall succeed Pack!
    My name is Durwood C.Puck and that is close enough for government work.
    I am ready to step into his size 30 shoes at a moment's notice.
    Yes, I play Bigfoot on the weekends but that is not a concern, I will free up my Saturdays for this great service.
    I will profit-sigh better, longer and to the tune of larger bank accounts than ever thought possible in the C of Gs,all 989 of them.
    I am ready, willing and able and I have never used Viagara (affidavite available on request).

  13. Gary,

    You need a bullshit button next to this hacks comments. Davies history speaks for itself.

  14. * There are to many of us eye witnesses on the other end of Packs lies and crappy treatment. No doubt this is really his son- in- law who will be the successor.

  15. I thankfully never worked at the Wadsworth complex, so I can't testify to Dave being the vicar of Christ, however I can testify to him being a megalomaniac. And the reason he still has followers, and the reason he has lost so many for that matter, is because he believes he is Christ's sole representative on earth-----as well as Joshua, the 21st century apostle, the watcher over the Israelite nations, the one who will measure the temple, the being who chooses the two witnesses, the person who these two witnesses report to, and, of course, the one who has been given the authority to decide who goes into the tribulation and who spends time with him in the wonderful place of safety.

    If he were so concerned about the spiritual condition of God'a people and wanted to grant them complete freedom, why would he fire people who have been supposedly led by the Holy Spirit to obey "God's commandments" but not agree with "Dave's opinion" that he is Joshua, or a prophet who can predict ministers deaths, or one with sole authority to use scripture to "prove" who he would like you to believe he is.

    There will be no replacement to Dave within the RCG after he dies because anyone who exhibits any type of independent leadership strength will be fired. The top two loyal executives to Dave grew up in the church. One was friends with his son, the other is now a son-in-law. They are both very solid, dependable people. But they do not possess cult leadership qualities. I don't think RCG would become like CGI, who was operating largely in spite of GTA for some time before his ouster, but more like Hulmes group and just disappear into living room churches.

    I actually think it hurts the movement when leaders like Pack, Flurry and Meredith rise up to convince the people that they are God's chosen leaders.

  16. "And the reason he still has followers, and the reason he has lost so many for that matter, is because he believes he is Christ's sole representative on earth..."

    Does he really believe this?

    Or does he just want people to think, not only that he believes this, but also that it is actually true? I have many doubts that HWA ever believed he was the sole representative for any deity either, or that he was doing any "work" on behalf of said deity, although he definitely was out to convince others of the truth of that proposition. He managed to convince my parents, and together, they all hoodwinked me for a time. But now I just see these self-proclaimed representatives as people who will say any ol' outrageously unbelievable thing, as much as anything to see how many people are stupid enough to believe it when people say such utterly self-serving things about themselves!

  17. If I may be an Architectural critic for a moment, I have to say that Davey's Funky, Goofy-looking "Hall of Administration" is no match for Herbie's Modern marvel. And why does he need 40,000 sq ft, over four floors, to "administer", rule over, and whip into submission his 1,500 miserable beat-up peasant slaves?

    Its grand opening attracted local and state politicians hoping for a miracle Rust-Belt Keynesian-Recovery on the backs of Pack's amazing mega-donors: said to now comprise a mere 1,500 very over-worked/worked-over Titheslaves.

    Davey's arch nemesis, Gerry, has the jump on him by already having his $24m Herbie-Auditorium completed. Davey must now fast-track his own planned Crown Jewel which must outshine the glory of Gerry's stunning $24m Palazzo on the Plains.

  18. I have never met or ever heard about this guy Dave Pack until I got on this site. I still do not know his real personality. I was in the Philadelphia Church of God and can tell you they are basically all saying and doing the same thing but of course it's Gerald Flurry whom declares himself as the one and only TRUE PROPHET because his group were the only ones whom went to court to fight for HWA's books and booklets. So this is proof according to GRF, that he and his are GOD'S TRUE PEOPLE.
    So how do you like that all you FLACCID people!! hehehe!
    PS...I DO really know some TRUE flaccid people though.

  19. Sanity has never been the strong suit of Armstrongists.

  20. I think BB nailed it. The only thing I would add is that HWA and others like him did not face the Internet ,utube and Facebook. There was no place to post your atrocities where more than a handful could see. I grew up in WCG and I never heard of Ambassador watch until I was already out. I don't think anyone can duplicate WCG on the scale of HWA in the connected society we live in.
    Thank God for that. They will keep trying though.

  21. I remember, years ago, HWA stated in a sermon that on a hot day, he might get what was then known as a "Baby Oly" from the refrigerator, take a couple of sips just to kind of open up his throat, and pour the rest down the drain. He said that it never went to his head, and he never got drunk. That was what he wanted members to believe was the totality of his practices with alcohol. (Obviously we know better, today!)

    Soon, many of the brethren at HQ were reciting this, as they would a mantra, almost to the point of having all the punctuation in the same places, as being their own drinking experience. Why? HWA had identified it as being the "proper attitude" in this area of life. To repeat this was an affirmation of total commitment to Armstrongism, and to HWA's alleged apostleship. This sort of thing happened a lot!

    What the RCG poster shared was the traditional "proper attitude" towards church, church authority, the system of beliefs, and the particular leader whose authority he or she has accepted. Also, the "enlightened" perspectives regarding outsiders and their fate. He or she either does believe this, or aspires to believe it. But, it is recognizable as a shibboleth of Armstrongism, just another of several plastic mantras. It is difficult to find any real depth in it, or to take it seriously. But, they want to keep it out there.


  22. If you take a close look at Daveys hall of ad it look like it is built upside down. Imagine it flipped over and it makes better sense.

  23. Built upside down? I guess that means that if Dave wants "government from the top down", he's gotta have a first floor office. Makes perfect sense. Like Big Brother in 1984, they practice and teach doublespeak.

    ~Miguel de la Rodente

  24. 9:45- - -yah. Also, it's about as intelligent to take an ACOG for a spin as it is to gently leave a "test fart" in a crowded elevator.

  25. January 23, 2015 at 11:20 AM
    Byker Bob said..
    "Nobody has surfaced in Armstrongism within the past 30 years with special gifting of the super charisma needed to feed the movement, and basically, that is what it would require for any of the groups to take it to the next level"

    Might I suggest that HWA fully exploited an "idea whose time has come". But that idea has come and gone and so far there is none to rewplace it.

  26. Did anyone notice Davey's scheduled date for completion of the "Imperial Auditorium" and the "Student Center"? It was 2014! You can find this by using RCG's internal search box. He was crowing about these bold plans in the summer of 2013 when the Hall of Administration opened with great fanfare.

    Last time I checked, it's now 2015 - and no Auditorium or Student Center! His income projections must have shrank/reversed and, unlike HWA, the Bankers knocked him back!

  27. Hey Ralph, yes, an idea is important. But lots of ideas die a quiet death because there was not a charismatic salesman to promote them. So, in this case, we are both right.

    Unfortunately, both are dead to the current ACOGs. Nobody with charisma, and an idea that has long since become passe. So, basically, you've got the equivalent of a bunch of trust fund kids, unable to accomplish further growth, and just riding out whatever inheritance and legacy they can latch on to.


  28. Look at Pack's TV stations guide, it's worthless, program only on in the very early AM morning hours! His Business Model for growth - Television & Sheep-stealing - is not working!

    Cult in death spiral, building schedule stalled,
    Auditorium & Student Center missed projected dates, on hold.

  29. Dear RCG Member/Employee, You must be a semi recent convert to Dave Pack's sect. You obviously never heard about how he was tossed from one church area to another, leaving a trail of misery and anger behind him. WWCG found him unmanageable, and kicked him out on his ass. He had no other marketable skills so he does now what he is so good at, brow beating, and debasement of his minions. Instead of defending this corrupt excuse of a human being, research his history.

  30. " He [Pack] had no other marketable skills so he does now what he is so good at"

    Sounds just like that good-for-nothing, perpetually broke loser, Herbert Armstrong in the 1930's.

  31. Does anybody know what really happened to the health food store he inherited? One of the things he bragged about giving up for his ministry was owning and successfully running a million dollar business. That still firmly places one in the small business category, but a person can live fairly well on the profits from such a business.

    It is certainly true that the majority of the ministers would really struggle if they were forced to seek other employment. I'm not an apologist for the man, obviously, but am not sure that this normal cliche applies in Dave's case.

  32. The Base for 9:36 PM comment is an assertion from the lips of DCP.
    To be kind, that is a gross over statement. The business was built and continued because of the kindness and good will of his parents. This apple rolled down a long hill after hitting the ground.
    What ever the real value of the Health Food Business, should have been split three ways. (two other siblings)

  33. I think the money from the health business was PLOWED INTO 'THE WORK'.
    -- Poured into the Wadsworth Disneyland MONEYPIT.

  34. If you take a close look at Daveys hall of ad it look like it is built upside down

    Topcap looks like a UFO or Revolving Restaurant but would look better, like steps, upside down!

    Being a pathological sycophant, he should have mimicked the Herbie mid-century honeycomb radical-Modern!

  35. To the best of my knowledge, Dave inherited the business from his parents, then sold it to one of his sons in the late nineties. I believe the son then sold the business in the mid 2000's to come work at headquarters. I don't think the health food business belongs to the Packs any longer.
