Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The REAL Shining Light

A reader here sent in a new picture for James Malm to have on his blog site.  Malm considered himself tot  be the ONLY authority in the entire universe that is preaching the truth of the law.  For the last several weeks now he has been working over time on the latest COGWA controversy concerning the use of the pagan Roman calendar and "true" calendar he promotes.  Apparently COGWA kicked out two members over their insistence that the church was using the wrong calendar.  He has been taking their letter and commenting on their research and then taking a response from COGWA and ripping it to shreds.

Malm has been working overtime these past few years so much so that he cannot maintain a REAL job and has to rely on handouts from gullible chruch members.  He is typical of so many in Armstrongism who think they have been given new insights by their god that they are required to deliver to the Church of God.  All of theses people down through the decades have been nothing more than bloviating windbags.

Malm has spent many years now turning the hearts of the children against their fathers.  He actively seeks to disrupt various COG's by claiming he only wants to tell them the truth and that he desires they "wake up."  Just like those he condemns, he cannot and will not talk about grace, justification or sanctification.  Instead it is 24/7 about the law.  there has been no other man in the history of the modern day COG that has been as sinless as Malm...well maybe except for Rod Meredith.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Is that Jack Nicholson?
    January 20, 2015 at 10:46 AM
    Anonymous said...

    No, it's Saint Nicholson! lol

  2. Yeah, Malms blog is a " shining light"...

    Like a policeman shoving his flashlight in your face while he tazes you, or being ran down by a Freight Train!

  3. Comment was made that James Malm: "...actively seeks to disrupt various COG's by claiming he only wants to tell them the truth and that he desires they "wake up." Just like those he condemns, he cannot and will not talk about grace, justification or sanctification. Instead it is 24/7 about the law. there has been no other man in the history of the modern day COG that has been as sinless as Malm...well maybe except for Rod Meredith..."

    The Bible is very clear about describing such Zealous individuals filled with such SELF-righteousness. For example, we have this for one such description:

    Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
    3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

    James Malm with his zeal has established his own righteousness, but it has nothing to do with the "righteousness of God." It is pure SELF-righteousness. He zealously compared himSELF with all others and sees himself as the best, but he still lacks the righteousness of God. James thinks he has impressed God, wants to impress us, but he only impresses himself with his own righteousness. No flesh will glory in God's presence.

    The Apostle Paul could see right through people who focused on God's law via their own righteousness: their own self-righteousness:

    Phil 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

    The Apostle Paul did not want that righteousness that was "of the law," which is what Job also had. He was righteous of the law, but what righteousness is best?

    It is: "...that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:"

    And only God can give that righteousness!

    Because of James Malm's self-righteousness he does not believe God when God says this:

    Leviticus 23:35 On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.
    36 Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile work therein.
    37 These are the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing upon his day:

    In other words, God specifies only 2 days to be holy convocations during that 8-day period. There would be a 3rd day only if a weekly Sabbath occurred on day 2 through day 7 during that 8-day period; however, James Malm, like most xcogs, is going to "outdo" God by having 8 holy convocations.

    The way of SELF-righteousness with lots of zeal without God's knowledge is not the way to go, but "...that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:" is the way to go.....and James Malm has yet to demonstrate that righteousness of God.


  4. So what does he look like? I imagine an old guy firing out rebukes with an unhappy disposition.

    I have experienced that he deletes comments/posts that disagree with him, or that try to add to his 'knowledge' and this goes to show that he is not a balanced person and has an inferiority complex.

    Writing his long blogs with continued repeats of the same sentence, comes across stranger and stranger.

  5. He is definitely down some rabbit-hole and seeks to suck others down into it too. He perceives what's down this rabbit-hole to be good. Unfortunately this is the opposite of anything healthy. It's more cult-like, not less. It's the antithesis of the right way to proceed.

    He sees being down the rabbit-hole as being even more "special." I imagine he thinks Jesus is going to return, and he and the dozen or two who spend 9 days at "the feast" bathing in his special "mélange" are the only ones alive today who will be spared. Of course, in order to be "worthy" one must adopt the austere, anti-social, and hyperfocused deathstyle of the zealot. Anything less than wall-to-wall waking hours immersion in the "mélange" isn't good enough. He can't see how unhealthy it is, and that it isn't even living. It's a form of death.

    He's severely unbalanced and needs professional help and medication. But I have a feeling it's too late for him, because he has an infection of the cultic mindset trojan horse hijacking his senses on top of whatever chemical imbalances he may be dealing with. To show just how sick he is, he'll be a cult of one if necessary. His son should be trying to get him help, but instead, he seems to be aiding and abetting his father's mental illnesses.

    He thinks he's original, but he's not. Many people during recorded history, and many people of various religions or ideologies today have also slipped down not-dissimilar rabbit-holes. Think of the Stanford Prison Experiment, Patty Hearst, Charles Manson, the Taliban, and ISIS, as just a few examples. Ultimately, their rabbit-holes led only crises, not salvation. His heretical doctrinal "mélange" recipe is the only thing "unique" about him. Everything else has been done before, usually with pretty bad results. There is no reason to think that this special "mélange" recipe will save anyone, when other recipes haven't saved anyone, but led always to personal catastrophe.

  6. Anon 12:44 PM wrote: "...He sees being down the rabbit-hole as being even more "special." I imagine he thinks Jesus is going to return, and he and the dozen or two who spend 9 days at "the feast" bathing in his special "mélange" are the only ones alive today who will be spared..."

    Whether 8 or 9 days for the FoT James Malm treats them all as "holy convocations," and God nowhere commands that. James Malm does not know how one may rejoice for 8 days and do it with only 2 or 3 holy convocations as God has specified.

    So, who do we believe? God or James Malm, who insists on being more righteous than God and insists each day be treated like a holy convocation?

    Well, James Malm says that if we follow man (In this case James Malm himself), then we are guilty of idolatry...worshipping man in place or instead of God.

    Well, I choose not be guilty of committing idolatry to James Malm. I will follow James Malm's advice by striving to do as God has commanded regarding the FoT/GLD and not follow after James Malm, who is doing the "same thing" as virtually all of the xcogs by having a holy convocation for all 8 days when God never said to do such a thing.

    And other examples could be cited. James Malm is striving to impress God and us in trying to do "his part" but it isn't "of God." However, it may be "of god," but he does not yet know it because he is too much into SELF.

