Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Aaron Dean Comments About David C Pack's Elijah Status

I was sent this comment the other day. It is reportedly by Aaron Dean.

So sad.  I read much of what he wrote and he tries to answer (justify) things I have pointed out to him - with his spin that he accuses others of having - which some do - but I venture from first hand knowledge his is as bad or worse.

One question people should ask after reading any of his self stylized history, is: "If he was so close to HWA, why didn't HWA even consider him for a position on his 12 man Advisory Council of Elders during the last 5 years of his life."  It was for good reason which by this self proclaimed position should make it obvious to all.  Those who seek position always say they don't, while their actions, pride and ego state otherwise.

He will damage a lot of people who will be left with little money and total disillusionment.  

Mr. Armstrong would not be pleased...or surprised.


  1. The real problem is that some people have never been taught the skills to avoid a used religion salesman.

  2. "Mr. Armstrong would not be pleased."

    As Matt Foley would say, "Well, la-di-frickin'-da!"

  3. Dave was too busy screwing up local churches to serve on the bored.

  4. IF this is truly from Aaron Dean, GOOD GRIEF! Why does everything have to come back HWA? He is dead, and has been dead for a long time .... longer than he and many of we expected. BUT --- for some reason HE is the standard by which the pros and cons of HIM seem to think is so important. People who hate him use him as the example of all that is wrong. Those who for some reason follow HIM, even after he is dead, look to him for validation. Pack is an obvious nut and IF Dean wrote this, he is focused on the wrong person! Why even respond in such a way?? To elevate HWA?

  5. Why doesn't Mr. Pack use his supernatural powers and strike Mr. Dean dead or cause his house to be swallowed up in an earthquake???

  6. Would Dave ever dare to be as open and honest as LCG's Living University, which has published its IRS paperwork, openly documenting that in 2013 LU paid Dr. Germano $101,561 and Dr. Scott Winnail $94.284 (see page 7)?

    Living University 2013 Disclosure

    Dave, how much is Elijah paid?

  7. If Pack was so close to Armstrong, why isnt he in any pictures with Mr. Armstrong (that i have found anyways) in the Envoys or magazines? The only two pictures i have found are if his senior picture and one of him playing basketball.

    Mr. Armstrong never mentions him in sermons or bible studies, which he does occasionaly with some, even acknowledging them in the audience.

    I knew one day one of the knuckleheads at the head of the splinter churches would claim that title, but i really thought it would be Flurry, since hes got like 34 now anyways!
    Sad, i hope Packs follower (and Flurrys) wake up soon to reality!

  8. Yes, based on the history Dave has created for himself, one would almost wonder how Joe Sr. ever became HWA's chosen successor! There is one thing about dead people. They are unable to either confirm or deny, though people often seek their posthumous support.

    Totalitarianism lurks in the hearts of a certain percentage of humanity. Such people often try to create God using a totalitarian sort of anthropomorphism to validate their own totalitarian yearnings. One sure indicator of a totalitarian leader is the titles he chooses for himself. No doubts about Dave. Any layman can see him for what he is; no need for a degreed psychiatrist or psychologist, because this is not a difficult call to be made concerning a borderline situation.


  9. Aaron, where's your brother Dean Owen hiding out? Does the UCG got a little cabin out in the sticks somewhere?

  10. Not fair James! Is Aaron his brother's keeper? Oh, wait...

  11. Anon 2:25 wrote:
    "Why does everything have to come back HWA? He is dead, and has been dead for a long time ...."

    Well Anon, for anyone who regularly or intermittently visits this site or has any remote interest in the subject matter (WCGdom), HWA is pretty much the central figure. The Don Quixote of the novel, if you will. :-)

    For better or (usually) for worse, HWA is the raison d'etre of any of us even casually being here or having anything in common. He created the whole motley crew.

    Naturally, it's always going to eventually come back to HWA...

  12. So far as Herb goes, "they" revere him as much as we revile him. As the central figure of his own personality cult, transformed into "God's endtime apostle", he was more at the forefront of our belief system than Jesus himself. In fact, HWA very subliminally played down Jesus by stating on many occasions that somehow, throughout history, the gospel had become changed, so that it became about the person of Jesus, rather than the gospel that Jesus preached himself about the Kingdom of God. He claimed to have reverted to the original gospel, teaching what Jesus himself had taught. But then, HWA wasn't above inserting himself into his message, writing his own self-aggrandizing autobiography, using the PT as his own collection of photo-ops, etc.

    If we were to survey splinter members, and if they were to be honest, we'd learn that the broad majority regards the current crop of leaders simply as temporary substitutes for HWA, agents of maintenance to the faith. . Nothing particularly special or noteworthy about them at all. They eagerly anticipate that HWA will return with Jesus Christ, and will lead them into the Kingdom, with maybe a wink or nod or an "attaboy" for their splinter leader. They tolerate these substitutes, and their antics, because of their belief in church government, and the fear this produces in their lives.

    The rest of us realize that we probably never will completely rid ourselves of the many warping effects of Armstrongism in this lifetime. So, yeah. You're not going to see that damnable name disappear any time soon. Both sides have a reason for its continuing presence in our lexicon.


  13. So far as Herb goes, "they" revere him as much as we revile him. As the central figure of his own personality cult, transformed into "God's endtime apostle", he was more at the forefront of our belief system than Jesus himself. In fact, HWA very subliminally played down Jesus by stating on many occasions that somehow, throughout history, the gospel had become changed, so that it became about the person of Jesus, rather than the gospel that Jesus preached himself about the Kingdom of God. He claimed to have reverted to the original gospel, teaching what Jesus himself had taught. But then, HWA wasn't above inserting himself into his message, writing his own self-aggrandizing autobiography, using the PT as his own collection of photo-ops, etc.

    If we were to survey splinter members, and if they were to be honest, we'd learn that the broad majority regards the current crop of leaders simply as temporary substitutes for HWA, agents of maintenance to the faith. . Nothing particularly special or noteworthy about them at all. They eagerly anticipate that HWA will return with Jesus Christ, and will lead them into the Kingdom, with maybe a wink or nod or an "attaboy" for their splinter leader. They tolerate these substitutes, and their antics, because of their belief in church government, and the fear this produces in their lives.

    The rest of us realize that we probably never will completely rid ourselves of the many warping effects of Armstrongism in this lifetime. So, yeah. You're not going to see that damnable name disappear any time soon. Both sides have a reason for its continuing presence in our lexicon.


  14. Is Pack using Debt?

    This would not work because HWAism has very high attrition.
    The 1980's proved this with record marketing spending unable to outpace attrition.

    Pack must keep feeding the Marketing/Propaganda money furnace bundles of $100 bills just to keep his ~1000 workers.

    Is this why when I click on "Give" at RCG, I see a box that says:

    "Non-cash donations are now accepted. You can make a huge impact almost effortlessly by donating jewelry, electronics, vehicles, stocks, business inventory, motorcycles, boats—anything you might not be using."

    Say Whaaaaaaaat???

  15. "Non-cash donations are now accepted. You can make a huge impact almost effortlessly by donating jewelry, electronics, vehicles, stocks, business inventory, motorcycles, boats—anything you might not be using."

    If Dave has taken on too much debt, financial insolvency might be closer than we realize! This reeks of financial desperation. It's an indication that the ship of RCG is listing.

    It's possible that the reason why Dave has been behaving in such a manic fashion this last couple of years is because his ego has written checks that his followers can no longer realistically make good on. Behind the scenes, Dave might be sweating bullets at the bilge pumps just trying to keep RCG afloat. He sure has been pumping out a LOT of bilge lately.

    If foreclosure proceedings begin on the RCG compound, the organization might quickly collapse as people realize that as a group their well has run dry, what few pennies they have left will never fill up a 30-ft-deep hole, there's no sense in throwing good money after bad, and last, but certainly not least, "god has 'closed the door'" in Dave Pack's face! People will quickly scatter.

    Is the only thing preventing the ship of RCG from nosediving to the bottom a bulkhead of silence about how many compartments have already flooded? I hope so.


  16. ”And no one—NONE!—to our knowledge out of thousands who heard has disagreed, and we have heard from virtually every pastorate in the world!”

    No doubt those tragically unlucky, scammed and defrauded, emasculated, cowardly, lying RCG members are now terrified that DCP will yell and spit and rage at them and throw them out of the RCG (while keeping all the money they turned over to him under duress) if they don't happily claim to agree with every new thing DCP says, and claim to be able to see it all clearly, and claim to be able to prove all of DCP's latest teachings for themselves from their own Bibles. These used and abused RCG paupers and destitutes will have to become either brain-dead or else very good actors (in English) or hypocrites (in Greek).

    Why do things always have to take such strange twists in these satanic cults?


  17. "Non-cash donations are now accepted. You can make a huge impact almost effortlessly by donating jewelry, electronics, vehicles, stocks, business inventory, motorcycles, boats—anything you might not be using."

    There is a booklet at the Restored Church of God's website called End All Your FINANCIAL WORRIES by David C. Pack. There is also a booklet called Taking Charge of Your FINANCES.

    So sadly, and as usual, you can expect reading this literature to START All Your FINANCIAL WORRIES. You can also expect to LOSE CONTROL of Your FINANCES.

    These two booklets will now need to be either deleted or else revised to explain that you just give everything you have to DCP.

  18. I honestly doubt that Pack will have his campus foreclosed upon. However, look for a massive drop in any paid evangelism, a cancellation of the TV program, and any mailed literature. Look for all the ministry to become "unpaid" elder status as well.

    If he does all that, he might have enough to cash flow the Wadsworth location debt service.

    RCG will have its "white elephant" Wadsworth location, and a website and thats about it.

  19. If Mr. Pack is in financial difficulty, maybe he needs to be Elijah, so he can magically disappear to a country with no extradition treaty with the USA. Swiss bank accounts???
