Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

COG Member Leading America to Repentance By Running to be President of the United States! Woo Hoo!

It has always been preached in Church of God circles that it would be a follower of Herbert Armstrong that would lead the United States into repentance and usher in the Kingdom of God.  Oh wait, wrong scenario!  Invading Germans, concentration camps, slavery, meat-hooks to hang children off of, rampaging Chinese and Muslims...but I digress...

The real savior of the United States that will restore the country to greatness and equality is none other than our own Eric W. King!  Woo Hoo!!!!!!

Eric W. King for President of
The United Sates of America
2016 Presidential Election

“This world is now, as of August 9th 2014 at war. All we have to do is determine what percentage of this planets population is at odds with itself. The older religions of this planet have not evolved with current technology. Most all humans are living in the dark ages when it comes to true spirituality, philosophy and religion.” ~ Eric W. King
CEO of SOCT/COGSR running for President of the United States of America in 2016. Here we give a short list of the policies that Mr. King would like to instigate as President.

President Eric's platform he is running on includes some of the following:

  • Keep taxes low
  • Low property taxes
  • Relieve red tape for small business owners
  • It will be a time to return to "common sense" instead of the divisions of political parties
  • Americans should have the right to vote for their own health care
  • Have the right to opt out of Obama care
  • Gay marriage should be allowed for those that wish, government does not have right to tell who can marry who
  • Lobbyists and big money should not have the power they do today
  • Richer nations should assist poorer nations
  • Religious tolerance should be taught
  • Wants the government study the brain more with the Brain Initiative
  • Need to focus on free energy - wind and solar
  • Country needs to invest in water desalinization plants
  • 2015 will be the Year of the Robot
  • Develop private space companies
  • Close Gitmo Bay
  • Country needs to understand global warming better
  • Reign in Russia, with military force if necessary
  • Require full disclosure of UFO's and Extraterrestrials in our midst

If you want to discuss these issues with President Eric then he invites your email.  Truly!

Note: All of the above issues may change and be modified according to constant changing world conditions. If you would like Mr. King’s viewpoints regarding other issues not mentioned here simply email him at: trulyeric@yahoo.com


  1. Well hallelujah! Pass the green beans and bacon. We are saved!!!!!!! No more concentration camps! No more meat hooks! No more Rod Meredith!

  2. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled;

    It's good that he supports gay marriage, for once two people of the same gender are married, Scripture says that their 'bed [is] undefiled'.

    Hopefully, his election to the Presidency will end all that fornication and make being gay honorable.

    I know!

    Amazing, right?!

  3. Going from posting to posting on BannedHWA is like going from patient to patient in a mental hospital. Lol. No two diagnosis the same

  4. "Most all humans are living in the dark ages when it comes to true spirituality, philosophy and religion."

    And then there's E.W. King, singlehandedly creating his own private dark ages...

  5. How can a KING be a PRESIDENT??

    Very confusing!

  6. Connie Schmidt said...

    "How can a KING be a PRESIDENT??"

    On the other hand, how can a PRESIDENT be a KING? LOL

  7. I think it's great that E.W. has decided to run for the highest office in the land. Skip the intermediary steps, like mayor, judge, state or even US senator. Go right for the top in one unbridgeable step that he'll never in a million years succeed at. That way he'll never become dangerous in more ways than he already is, which only grows more likely the lower the office he runs for.

    While not necessarily forcing him to spend more time living in "reality" as the rest of us know it, it will at least force him to spend more time addressing "secular" issues that people who do live in "reality" have to deal with. So that might force him to expend some of his rocket fuel toward bringing him back into an earth orbit at least, instead of deep space. Or maybe not, but one can hope.

  8. They are going nuttier and nuttier as time passes.
    The Church of God is becoming a laughing stock.

    You might like to change reign to rein.;) Unless he really does want to be king of Russia and we can't discount that either can we?

  9. When you think about it, it makes perfect, and logical sense. If Eric is elected, the fake apostles and fake prophets will respect him much more than they would if he simply followed their examples and ordained himself.


  10. With his creative take on science fiction and theology, I'm not sure I'm sold on his presidential candidacy but I'd be willing to give him a shot at being Dungeon Master.

  11. This ought to usher in the persecution and getting kicked out of the U.S. like Gerald Flurry said was going to happen. lol

    Maybe Sarah Palin can be his Court Jester.

    "President Eric's platform he is running on includes some of the following:
    Wants the government study the brain more with the Brain Initiative"

    Yes, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should study Eric's brain, and maybe even quarantine it.

  13. A basic understanding of Civics and the branches and levels of government might help Mr. King. Keeping property taxes low is a noble cause but is legislated at the County/City level and is not something a President can influence at the Federal level. As suggested by a previous comment, my suggestion to Mr. King would be to try running a City, County or State to get some experience in the Executive Branch of Government.

    Of course, like anything else related to Armstrongism and its long history of wasting peoples time, money and effort, King's delusional run for President will yield little or no results.


  14. If not for this site, nobody would have ever heard about Eric King. So who cares?

  15. "Reign in Russia"? That's a pretty lofty ambition for a U.S. President. I think King had better rein in his ambition.

  16. Politicians wind up not doing a lot of things they should, while doing a lot of other things they shouldn't.

    The most important thing politicians are supposed to do is come to the table with a recipe of policies that responsibly acknowledge real-world trade-offs, and ideally, people vote on the recipes. In this respect, E.W. is starting right off by proposing not to do the most important thing that politicians are supposed to do.

    For example, take the first plank on E.W.'s "platform" (if we can even call it that): Keep taxes low. Ideally, we'd all like to have low, or even no taxes. But what about services? What about the national debt? What about the trade deficit? What about military spending? It isn't realisitic or responsible to have no taxes, lots of services, and incur lots of debt. You don't keep taxes "low" in a vacuum. Tough decisions have to be made. If taxes are going to be "low" what are we prepared to sacrifice in order to live within our means? Without grappling with the "tough decisions," he hasn't even presented a platform.

    Good Ideas:

    Relieve red tape for small business owners
    Gay marriage should be allowed for those that wish, government does not have right to tell who can marry who
    Close Gitmo Bay

    Nice Ideas But...

    Lobbyists and big money should not have the power they do today
    ...how is anyone going to stop money from conferring power?

    Richer nations should assist poorer nations
    ...a complicated issue with non-intuitive and often pernicious incentives depending upon the sort of "assistance" you're talking about.

    Country needs to invest in water desalinization plants
    ...don't we need to invest in R&D to develop an economically viable technology first? Plus, see the next point:

    Develop private space companies and Focus on [sustainable] energy - wind and solar
    ...history shows that industries/technologies subsidized by governments flounder, while ones that flourish are "neglected."

    Low property taxes
    ...as already discussed, this is the jurisdiction of local government.

    Americans should have the right to vote for their own health care and Have the right to opt out of Obama care
    ...either be for socialized medicine (in some form) or against it, but not both.

    Require full disclosure of UFO's and Extraterrestrials in our midst
    ...there's probably nothing to disclose.

    Flat Out Bad Ideas:

    It will be a time to return to "common sense" instead of the divisions of political parties
    Hitler said the same thing. This is tantamount to setting oneself up as Dictator for Life.

    2015 will be the Year of the Robot
    ??? How far has E.W. thought? He proposes "running" in 2016 for a term that starts January 20, 2017. At that point, he wants to retroactively declare 2015 to have been the Year of the Robot???

    Reign in Russia, with military force if necessary

    So vague as to be meaningless:

    Religious tolerance should be taught
    Country needs to understand global warming better
    Study the brain more with the Brain Initiative
    To what end?

    Finally, what about the post 9/11 abrogation of constitutional rights?

  17. We care about King because he is a prime example of the idiots that Armstrongism has produced. While he may not have a huge following, his foundation is Armstrongism. He is just as nutty as Meredith, Pack, Flurry and the others. He is less dangerous that Pack and Flurry, that much he has going for him. Pack and Flurry are suicides waiting to happen.
