Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Elijah Dave Pack: "I Teach More About Prophecy Than Any Man Ever!"

Did you know that Elijah Dave knows more about prophecy than any other man in human history?  This must be a major butt-hurt for Prophet Bob Thiel!  Ouch!

Sermon 2  Around 30:00
"Elijah was a prophet.  So let's ask, and this should be obvious, I'm not bragging... Who has learned and taught more about all of prophecy than any man ever?  I don't come as a prophet but I teach more about prophecy than any man ever..."


  1. Dave is the fulfillment of a type. A type of religious fool who has mastered proving "to analyze" does not begin with "Anal" accidentally

  2. This, coupled with authority from the top down, is the shit ingredient of Armstrongism. It's the one that never happens, and yet is continually being used to coerce and manipulate members. Better to concentrate on Christian values!


  3. Dave Pack said, "I don't come as a prophet but I teach more about prophecy than any man ever..."

    My comment - I would have liked to have read the full quote. Without it, its hard to comment.
    Did he say that he "teaches more about prophecy than any man ever"? Or did he say he "teaches more about prophecy than any man ever...since Herbert Armstrong's death?"

    If it's the former, then obviously it indicates more delusional thinking slamming Jesus Christ who taught much more about prophecy, and slamming his own former boss - God's end time Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong who taught more about prophecy (erroneous though it may have been) over 50 years than Pack ever will.

    If it's the latter, then Dave Pack is slamming the other WCG splinter group leaders and is only engaging in puffery of his own self importance among the ACOGs to garner the lost sheep to keep his income stream going.

    Either way, regardless of the full quote, Dave Pack is obviously suffering from some unknown stress and those that have suggested that he and his ACOG franchise is in financial distress have probably hit the nail on the head.


  4. I thought the idea surrounding Christianity was about salvation.


  5. "Elijah Dave Pack: 'I Teach More About Prophecy Than Any Man Ever!'"

    This might just make him one of the most dangerous and harmful false prophets around if he continues to get everything all garbled up like he did with his August 2013 prophetic fantasy.

  6. Richard asked: "Did he say that he "teaches more about prophecy than any man ever"? Or did he say he "teaches more about prophecy than any man ever...since Herbert Armstrong's death?"

    I listened to rant. It was any man ever. Period. :-)
    Apparently an illness in college caused him to nearly flunk his finals, so to make up for it he wrote up a paper on prophecy, thereby sealing his place in history as the most prolific writer on prophecy. Ever!
    Although he does say "man", leaving the loophole that some woman somewhere has taught more than he has. ^o^

  7. leaving the loophole that some woman somewhere has taught more than he has

    Her name is Karen Ray, and for several years she was Dave Pack's ghostwriter, until she saw through his lies and departed. Without her work, Dave would never have risen to the prominence he has now achieved.

    Oh, and her name is also Shirley Pack, who did most of the actual work in rewriting the old HWA booklets for RCG.

    Dave is at most the third-best prophecy teacher who has been in RCG.
