Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, February 16, 2015

Elijah David Passover Pack

Passover Dave's Seder plate and Elijah Cup

The craziness continues.  Elijah Pack is also David C Passover.  Is he the thing that Jews have been waiting thousands of years for? 

115: For thousands of years uncounted millions of Jews have set a cup for Elijah at Passover. Now, what if Elijah is revealed just before this time and has the name David Passover? That's my name. But such a man must look and act like Elijah. This could be bigger brethren than we have thought. Otherwise I'm just a guy with an assertion who's got some interesting self-directed, self-focused theology. To be Elijah you have to come and look like Elijah; it's a very different circumstance than John's time. There are two Elijahs; we can look back at that original and the first type, and they did very different things, but they were very related in parallel. Are we looking for one more like the original or for one more like the first century? It should be obvious. Circumstances will not bear a John the Baptist type Elijah, we're looking for something bigger, more. And the circumstances tell you that.


  1. Dave...please don't wonder who is telling you this. You are truly the self absorbed and self directed theological fool you must occasionally suspect yourself to be. David Passover???? Really Dave?..... Get some mental health counseling before you begin to hear the voices of God in your head ......

  2. The surname Pack derives from the Old French "pasque", which means Easter. I guess that's what Dave means when he says his name is David Passover. However, his name is actually David Easter, although he probably would not want to be associated with that name. But at least he didn't conjure the name out of thin air. He's nuts, but not quite that nuts yet. Just give him a little more time. He'll get there.

  3. Back in the day, occasionally, something so weird, so outrageous, and so abstract would be said from the pulpit, that I would get the urge to just get up, collect the wife and kids, and walk out. But we never experienced anything of the current magnitude of David Pack's flatulent ego back in those days, and I doubt that anyone ever visualized that such a thing would be possible within the church. I'm thinking, he also must spend great amounts of time practicing nonchalance in front of the mirror, so it will be honed to perfection as he expresses his Elijah-hood to his members!

    I don't know what is going to be the ending of this episode of sheer anal expulsiveness. Normally, based on our past communal reading materials, we'd expect certain things from Elijah. Like some of the things he said were going to happen actually (gasp!) maybe, uh, taking place? A little accuracy would certainly help his cause.

    Sometimes, I believe he knows better, but just says the things that he does out of a perverse desire to piss off all of the other Armstrongites. It's as if he's saying, "Alright, you people who called my ministry a reign of terror, you people who thought I was a spiritual bully, and that my personality sucked! Now, I'm Elijah, and you will be forced to join with me, or cease to exist!"

    I'm not going to wish anything bad on the man. However, this cannot go on forever. His pathology is accelerating. My hopes and prayers would be that as few people as possible are taken in by or affected by his ministry.


  4. Did a tree ever fall on David Pack's head??? It would explain a lot.

  5. I'm not going to wish anything bad on the man. However, this cannot go on forever. His pathology is accelerating.

    Considering his so-far-failed predictions of the deaths of other ACOG leaders, I wouldn't want to see Pack anywhere near an LCG congregation on the 10th anniversary of Terry Ratzmann's murder-suicide.

  6. I believe the man is losing his mind. Be careful people.

  7. " A little accuracy would certainly help his cause."

    Thank the gods there's none of that to be found anywhere. Imagine how big his ego would have swelled up to if there were even a smidge of evidence that any of his pre-announced announcements had any bearing whatsoever to reality.

    I can't say why Jesus has chosen to humble this—his obviously most chosen and special cup bearer, apostle, prophet, messiah, high priest, prophetic Elijah and Joshua, empowered miracle worker, restorer of all "truth," and grand poobah of the one and only REAL end-time "work" on earth today—but for some reason he has decided to completely ignore and embarrass him for the time being. Or at least, so it seems to any disinterested third party.

  8. "Get some mental health counseling before you begin to hear the voices of God in your head..."

    It's too late for Dave, as well as many other religious folks.

    Some hear God telling them something so unique that they start their own churches.

    Some hear God telling them, that which confirms what their preacher is preaching.

    Some hear God telling them what is a combination of those two.

    But, all people simply hear what they want to hear, on some level.

  9. The surname Pack is from quod iumentum or the later used Pakus Assinus Animal, 'Pack animal', an ass or mule used in the middle ages to transport dung and fertilizer.

  10. Actually the name Pack is really Puck as in hockey puck.

  11. He's starting to make Flurry look sane.

  12. Oh, you know how all this stuff works: Well, the Passover's coming up, so on that night, he takes it and all will be forgiven, there will be no repercussions and he'll be good for another year.

  13. This would be funny if it was not so dangerous to my family. I am ashamed that my spouse continues to go to this "church" and worships this psycho. :(
