Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Thiel

Our favorite self-appointed false "profit" of Armstrongism has a new look.  "Profit" and Chief Overseer Bob Thiel has left the crooked bookcases and door knobs behind for vintage 1960's curtains that many say remind them of the Sound of Music.  Remember that scene where Julie Andrews makes clothes for all the kids out of curtains...

The self-appointed profit should send those drapes to Africa to make clothes for the 336 kids that he counts as members of his splinter cult.


  1. Someone needs to teach this moron proper video techniques. A person can make simple backdrops out of ordinary materials and still look professional. Crooked bookcases and light shining through curtains is not pleasing to the eye. Better he used a plain wall in his house than opaque drapes.

  2. Aspects from the backgrounds he creates act as a distraction, and steal the show from him. If he were a more proficient or powerful orator, he would naturally capture his viewers attention. Do it yourself Armstrong franchisees should realize that while there is shame in promoting Armstrongism, there is no shame in seeking advice from professional consultants.

    Personally, I believe he should do one of those TMZ Harvey Levin cartoonized sequences of himself at the end of his broadcasts, in which his jaw flaps as he proclaims, "I'm a Prophet!"


  3. I'm glad that there are people out there like Profit Boob whose presentation, intellect, and scholarship are all at the same abysmal level. 95% of Armstrongists preachers give the other 5% a bad name. Without them, people might get the wrong idea about Armstrongists. I mean, after all, who would believe "biased" blogs like this one, except you can go right to the horses's mouth and get the sad truth of how pathetic and bankrupt they are.

    Great job! Keep up the half-assed work of your almighty god, Bitter Boob!

  4. Did Bob skip Spokesmens Club? He really should go join up. And there should have been a rating system for it too.
    "This Weeks Speaker is rated a 2 out of 10 in Spokesmens Club, so bring a snack folks.""
    Bob, buy a folding screen or better yet, make yourself a nice painted background out of 4 X 8's. You can cover them with material or just paint those suckers.
    But, yeah, I suggest Spokesmens or Toast Masters.
    Your delivery is flat and you flail those hands around far too much.

  5. The video is about Satan's plan.

    Apparently, it has something to do with drapes in videos....

  6. Pink? Flowers?

    Ha, ha, Rod would be mortified!

  7. Does he still have the farting noises in the background?

    ~Miguel de la Rodente

  8. Couldn't he at least center himself and the curtains in the frame?

  9. This is hilarious! Who would actually sit and listen to this guy with his hands flailing away and has poor speaking abilities?

  10. Those drapes do seem to resemble the drapes made into clothes in the movie Sound of Music.

    Is there some connection between Thiel's drapes resembling the ones from the movie Sound of Music and the Worldwide Church of God? Let's not forget actor Dan Truhitte who played Rolf in the movie once attended God's College, Ambassador College, in Pasadena, Ca. At the time, Truhitte, Chess Champion Bobby Fischer and of course, Garner Ted Armstrong, were the only ones associated with the Church and College that attained celebrity status outside the Armstrong cult.


  11. The curtains look home-made. the pink flowers are distracting.

    Did he film this in his bedroom?

    I only lasted a few minutes into the video. All the hand action -- is that supposed to make it more believable?

  12. Also, there appears to be something amiss with his water glass... :)
