Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Does Servant Leadership Exist in the Living Church of God?

Here is a quote from Rod McNair's Pastors Manual where he is talking about "servant leadership."

Since when has "servant leadership" been the "hallmark" of the Living Church of God?  When has it ever been the "hallmark" of ANY of the 700 some Church of God splinter groups over the last 80 some years?

When has Rod Meredith ever got down on his hands and knees and cleaned up a mess in church, helped sit out chairs and hymnals, or cooked for a social or potluck meal on a Holy Day?  When has he ever used his own money to take care of the homeless and childless?  When has he ever cared for his neighbors that are nonCOG members?

When has he ever not been sitting in the chair of "worshipfulness" status?

When has any of the LCG elite ever done this?  When has the ministry ever got down on their knees and washed the feet of the lowly members?

Servant leadership should be the hallmark of our ministry.  If we are not servants, we are not fulfilling our calling.  If we are not leaders, we are not fulfilling our duty.  We are preparing to become kings and/or priests in the Kingdom of God (Revelation 1:6; 5:10).  We should be teaching and leading the members of the body of Christ to become rulers and teachers of God’s way.  Servant leadership has been emphasized by the Presiding Evangelist, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, since the beginning of the Global Church of God in 1993, and remains the operational keyword of the ministry today.  


  1. This just occurred to me. Wouldn't it be nice if they were legalistic and obsessive-compulsive about following some of the common sense items from their own handbook?


  2. No, no it does not and never has. That would have been a career killer in the ministry.

  3. What a load of horse shit!

  4. Should say, "Serve-the-Leader" instead of servant leader

  5. Isn't the head of the LCG- Meredith- the guy who got exiled to Hawaii because even Herbie thought Meredith was too big for his britches?

    And isn't the head of the LCG- Meredith- the guy who claimed he was Number Three in heavenly realm status, just behind God and HWA?

    And isn't the head of the LCG- Meredith- the guy who left a trail of human destruction as he maneuvered his way through churches on his way to become Grand Poobah of the LCG?

    That doesn't exactly sound like a servant who acts lovingly toward others.

    What's also strange is how members of various armstrongist splinters find it easy to criticize other splinters like the LCG, when their own leadership is just as guilty of such heavy handed methods of dealing with members.

    Case-in-point: How some ministers of WCG secretly plotted to form the UCG, and how they disfellowshipped and marked many members while lying and doing so for believing EXACTLY the way they themselves did, just so they could carry out their plot to retain positions of power.

    Religious types often have a propensity to get too big for their britches and treat the people who they consider as "standing in the way of their great mission" rather poorly.
    Heck, apparently even HWA realized that!

  6. No, absolutely not, and David Havir explained where this lack of humility came from -- straight from Herbert Armstrong.

    No one can make this right because it is ingrained in the ACoGs from the very beginning: A hierarchy with leaders at the top instead of congregations who have the actual control, and by Scripture are supposed to manage these things.

    If the so-called leaders think they are really in charge, watch what happens when the congregation stops paying their salaries -- the people have the real power and it's about time they exercised it and rid themselves of the sociopaths over them.

  7. Savant leadership would be preferable to what passes for leadership in any ACOG.

    ~Miguel de la Rodente

  8. Rod McNair's Pastors Manual states: "...We are preparing to become kings and/or priests in the Kingdom of God (Revelation 1:6; 5:10)..."

    How did Rod McNair know that God was going to make kings/priests out of anybody from the Living group? Perhaps Rod McNair and/or Rod Meredith should first prove that God has anything to do with their group. Well, McNair is deceased and Meredith will be following him.

    Rod cited 2 verses, and if the Living group is anything like the former Worldwide Church of God and an association like United or cogwa, they all believe they will be kings/priests at some "second coming" (of course, they have to first turn a blind eye to another "second coming" when Christ returned to earth for a 40-day period after Christ went to 3rd Heaven after He was murdered, in the grave for several days and then resurrected.) Are they that much concerned about dominating it over fellow brothers and sisters only?

    Consider only Rod's citing of Revelation 1:6, for an example, with a little context:

    Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

    :6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

    :7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

    Verses 5 and 5 say that the kings/priests will be "MADE" such by Christ who, as the "Good Shepherd," knows how to make them. It is nothing that any group or association has a responsibility to produce.

    For another thing, these verses have noting to do with their 2st resurrection. How do we know?

    Verse 7 says that not only will every eye see Christ at His coming, but that "...they also which pierced him..."

    Well, we know those soldiers, those Roman soldiers, won't exist until a later resurrection.

    Hence it appears that these kings/priests won't be doing anything until much later in time that people suspect.

    In any event those of the Living group seem to like to "overlord" it over people, to dominate others, so they put lots of emphasis on being kings/priests and possibly continuing with overloading.

    The Apostle Paul did not read Rod's Pastor manual, but he provided some excellent advice: don't overlord or dominate others! Huh?

    "Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand." 2 Corinthians 1:24

  9. "To Serve the Leader"


  10. I have been in LCG for over a decade and I have never been served by any of it's leaders. They are very consumed with cliques and brushing shoulders of those higher ups. Ministers are in an officers club of sorts. Unless you are a major smoozer, rich or related, they don't really think you're important enough to have to dinner or even talk to. They are higher ups. We are lowly members. I can't imagine them ever getting their hands dirty or sacrificing too much to serve a lowly member. Now they might, might delegate the teens or someone else to do it. But it's not too likely their doing much more than that. They might get their slacks dirty.

  11. Meredith serves lies

    Fresh, hot, steaming lies

    Never committed a major sin, 3rd in all the universe, lies
