Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Gerald Flurry: To Reject Herbert Armstrong is to Reject God

Did you know that the only way to true salvation is in the idolatry of Herbert Armstrong?  Gerald Flurry thinks so.  He claims that if you reject the teachings of Herbert Armstrong you are also reject God.  It is funny to see Flurry write such things considering the fact that Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God have CHANGED Herbert Armstrong's writings to FIT the theological stance of the PCG.  Even the most holiest of Holy Books in the PCG, Mystery of the Ages, has been changed in order to make Gerald Flurry's claims of being a prophet/apostle legitimate.  Numerous other books have had entire sections deleted and Flurry's words inserted.

Flurry is using that rejection of Herbert Armstrong as the main excuse in forcing his gullible members into cutting off all contact with family members and friends who are exCOG.

Mr. Flurry writes: “We must fellowship in the context of the God Family and our engagement to Christ. We can’t even begin to fathom such depth without God’s Holy Spirit. The world does not understand fellowship with God—they are cut off (Genesis 3:22-24). Unless our fellowship is with the Father and the Son, we are just another deceived church. … The Laodiceans rejected Mr. Armstrong’s office and most of God’s revelation through him. That was the single most significant way they stopped fellowshipping with the Father. Is it logically possible for someone to have family fellowship with God and still reject the man God used to restore all things?”
That imagined rejection is what makes PCG members throw their teenage children out on the street.  This imagined rejection is also what makes PCG ministers tell parents of disabled children to take them to the mall and abandon them so that the State will take care of them.  This is the imagined rejection that belittles and intimidates women to the point they commit suicide.This imagined rejection is what makes PCG parents cut off all contact with children and grandchildren.

Of all the Churches of God out there, with maybe the exception of the Restored Church of God, the PCG has the potential to turn deadly at some point in the future.  We have already seen what aberrant teachings did in the living Church of God when a disturbed member killed seven LCG members after being pushed over the edge by one of Rod Meredith's doom and gloom sermons.

What is it going to take to wake PCG members up and place their faith in someone OTHER than Herbert Armstrong or the demonic rants of Gerald Flurry?


  1. Absolutely!

    To reject Herbert Armstrong is to reject the god of this world.

  2. In a way, yes. Herbert created his version of God in his own image. So, yes, I reject Herbert W. Armstrong, and Herbert's "god". Both are useless. I am compelled to reject them in order to develop and work on a relationship with Father God, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.



  3. “Gerald Flurry: To Reject Herbert Armstrong is to Reject God”

    Yes, indeed, that does appear to be Gerald Flurry's problem.

    If you honestly consider all the truly monstrous and absolutely outrageous doctrinal changes that Gerald Flurry has “flooded” his PCG impostor cult with, it is clear that he has opposed, changed, deleted and rejected Herbert W. Armstrong's teachings.

    If you honestly consider all the extremely perverse and demonically malicious people that Gerald Flurry has set up as fake PCG “ministers,” it is clear that he has rejected God too.

  4. In a way, yes. Herbert created his version of God in his own image. So, yes, I reject Herbert W. Armstrong, and Herbert's "god". Both are useless. I am compelled to reject them in order to develop and work on a relationship with Father God, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit.


  5. I find the whole "holy rock" thing to be...creepy.

  6. So in rejecting Herbert Armstrong's sexual advances and demands, Dorothy Armstrong was rejecting God?

    Nice of Gerald to clear that up for us.

  7. I got a "Word" from the Holy Spirit, telling me to poop on Flurry's precious Prayer Rock.
    It will surely "build up" the Rock to new heights, and probably result in some Holy Laughter.

  8. The Rolling Stones ostensibly named themselves after Herb's rock.

    If course, some of their song titles had to be tweaked because the world was only ready for the milk and not the meat-

    Here are some of the original song titles.

    (I Can't Get No) Sabbathfaction

    Herb's 19th Nervey Shakedown

    Dance Little Daughter, and Diddley Daddy, and Let's Spend the Night Together

    Everything is Turning to Gold

    Fool to Tithe

    Hound Dog (Kosher version)

    I'm a King Her-Bee

    Luxury (More Dom PĂ©rignon please, it's almost bed time)

    Oh No, Not You Again(tribute to John Trechak)

    Ruby Tuesday(but why not the Sabbath?)

    She's So Cold (so I think I'll break my own rules and divorce that bitch!)

    Time Waits for No One (Although the end times I prophecied are apparently inaccurate and non-existent)

    Under My Thumb (I love you dumb sheep!)

    Sympathy for the Devil (I actually liked Stan Rader for awhile)

    You Can't Always Get What You Want (but if I try sometimes, at least I get your mind and money!)

  9. "If you reject the 'Great Con' you shall surely reject ME! No man cometh to the 'Great Con' but through ME!"
    Revelation of Saint Scurry 6:66

    Silly Little Stones for Stoners! What a great joke. God is punking you guys but you are too vain to see it. So, just keep holding old Herb's head on high and watch out for the hailstorm.
    Besides, we are all still stuck on the bigger rock.


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  12. Hey, hit-and-run, you only need to publish things once, they don't show up until they're approved.
