Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 18, 2015

LCG Collecting Facebook Screenshots of Members?

Those fun loving folk in Charlotte that are the worlds most humble shepherds to ever take care of the sheep of the Church of God are apparently resorting to more devious ways to spy on members.

I have heard recently that various devious people around the country regularly monitor the various Facebook  groups and other COG groups that have connections to the Churches of God (Worldwide Church of God and all splinter groups).  These people take screen shots of the comments made by LCG members and others and forward them on to the ministry.

Church of God members of various groups should be aware that PCG, RCG, LCG, UCG, and others regularly do this.  People are getting turned in all the time for comments made on social media. 

It is another pathetic example of how  little trust these controlling groups have in their members and that they cannot handle ANYONE questioning ANYTHING.

Remember brethren, If you cannot submit to these actions now how will you submit in Petra or the Kingdom?  You are being tested, sorely....


  1. Personally, I suspect they (at least one splinter group) are doing more than simply taking screen shots of social media. I believe the "spying" goes much deeper than that. If I was exiting, I'd have my computers and phones examined by a certified expert. Heck, I'd do it even if I was staying.

  2. Maybe it's time to fight fire with fire. Have a go at the ministers. Surveil them, and keep records. Photograph their homes, record their embarrassing statements. Hell, email the information to the Germans. Two can play the game.

  3. This isn't surprising. H.R. departments do this all the time to check out potential employees. Since members of the COG's are treated like they are cash machines this is likely a very common practice in all the COG's.

  4. It's what the sleazy UCG does, too.

  5. Please tell me that the ACoGs have collected enough information on me to finally disfellowship me once and for all!

  6. I know that LCG does this because we have a nosey gossip in our area that has turned in several people. The sad part is the the minister treats her like royalty now.

  7. If the United Church of God is indeed a transparent and open org. I challenge them to have a minister from their home office to go on this site to either deny or admit that they spy on members through face book or other social media.

  8. During 2010 when the debacle that led to COGWA was ratcheting up, UCG's Council of Elders had designated a minister in our congregation to monitor internet forums, especially facebook, to see who was loyal to the COE and who was not. Those who dared to criticize the COE (such as myself) were sent email warnings. Later I was contacted by a member of the Council who wanted to discuss some "issues" with me. Whether that was an aberration or just a time when standard policy became visible to me, I'm not sure. I didn't give a damn tho, as I was on my way out anyway. I went with COGWA for a time, and then left entirely. IMHO, religion is juvenile.

  9. I love the saying: "there is only one thing worse than having everyone talking about you, and that is having no one talking about you" This could be applied to spying too. Sometimes I miss those days of having everyone concerned and interested in my activities. Maybe I should join that church, I'll have to clean a few things up first though.

  10. Seems petty and silly to me... Almost to the point where I would say "cmon, they probably dont waste resources doing that" - but one of the major side effects from being a big fish in a small pond is petty, silly, vindictive behavior. So it would not surprise me in the slightest.

  11. "From a wolf to a sheep"

    I hate to mention it but there's a little thing called DNA that prevents that sort of transformation (and I know the sermon was about the Apostle Paul, but the trick here is dealing with the wolves who have already been 'converted' and have shown their true colors).

    The only solution to this is if the wolf wears sheep's clothing, but that doesn't change the basic nature of the wolf -- he's still a ravening false prophet and he's only changed his appearance and a sheep is not who he really is.

    Look for lambs disappearing and you'll come to the right conclusions -- the sheep supply is greatly diminished, the wolves are hungrier than ever and there's going to be a vicious war between the various packs.

  12. McNair and League personally approached me and told me to remove pics of church members (ministers included) from my Facebook page.

    The pics were of families. There was nothing crazy or inappropriate going on in any of them. Just mothers and fathers with their kids enjoying fellowship on a Sunday night.

    "What's wrong with that?" you might ask. Well I'll tell you.

    The host and hostess of this get-together had just returned from a trip to Greece. The party was Greek-themed and the guests came dressed as Greeks (aka togas). Apparently wearing a toga means you are engaging in an Animal House type fraternity party with drunken mayhem and other lude and lascivious behavior which "paints the LCH headquarters in a negative light". I was told that even if nothing bad happened at the party, "it was better to avoid the appearance of evil" so I needed to take the pics down asap.

    Many others were also told to take the pics down. Some did. Some refused.

    LCG headquarters (especially Richard Ames) believes that costumes are evil and that God's people should have no part in them. I was told that the Pagans used to wear costumes/ masquerade so that they could have orgy sex with each others wives without their identities actually being known. From that, coupled with the ever-evil Halloween, a true Christian can deduce that costumes are bad. Interestingly, other LCG congregations can engage in costume parties without retaliation. But in Charlotte not so much.

    In true LCG form, there are different rules for different people.

    I only wish I could share the pics with all of you so that you could see how harmless they were. Maybe I can email them to the blog owner and he can post them?


  13. Here is some good news (gospel) for the voyeuristic control freaks behind the WCG Splinter Cults. While some people question whether the printing press, radio, television, computers, and the Internet really were created specially for the COGs, surely there can be no doubt that this latest invention really was developed just for them.

    Churches Are Using Facial Recognition Software To Spy On Members

    Soon every churchgoer will be identified by facial recognition software! You read that right, churches will soon be using facial recognition software to identify you and your family. The company website brags: "First of its kind, Churchix provides you with accurate data on members attendance in your events and services. The software also allows you to sort and manage your videos and photos."

  14. Churches Are Using Facial Recognition Software

    As Montgomery Burns of the Simpsons would say, "EXCELLENT!"
    If it's worth it, it will also tell how much money and volunteer time a member has contributed, as well as any notes on attitude.

    As a side note, I recently visited my local Christian megachurch to check it out since that was recommended by someone. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY SLEAZY AND DISGUSTING!!!

  15. It has been suggested on multiple occasions from the LCG pulpit that it might be better to not be on Facebook at all. Many of my LCG friends have shut down their FB pages all together in obedience to this suggestion. After all, if a minister says it, it's as if Christ Himself said it so the people obey.

  16. I also live in Charlotte and I have been asked to take pics down on two occasions.
