Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 3, 2015

Vic Kubik Proclaims UCG's Stance Of Gay Marriage While His Own Church Is Morally Bankrupt

Vic Kubik is speaking out with his interpretation of what he and UCG thinks marriage is.  Vic declares that the UCG only acknowledges the Supreme Court of Heaven and not the decision of any human court.

Anyone that has ever followed or been part of the United Church of God or any other Church of God for that matter,  know that marriage has never been held up as a pinnacle of virtue by some of its leaders and members. Adultery has been rampant in the COG for decades.  UCG is filled with it.  Even its own leaders have been guilty of it.

What about the embezzlers in the COG that steal Church members tithes and offerings for their own benefit?  What about COG leaders living lives of excess and luxury as members suffer?

If the UCG and the other COG's really uphold what they are claiming to hold dear from the Bible, then why do NONE of them aid the homeless, help the suffering, feed the hungry, care for the prostitutes or care for the environment?  When have any of these Churches ever set foot in an AIDS hospice or cared for people with AIDS?  When has any of them ever worked with gang members to help them get out of that life style?  How many of them have ever worked with children who are stuck in the system without parents?  How many have ever set foot in a local school and tutored disadvantaged kids and been role models to the parentless?

How many of these men have ever actually sit down and had a deep conversation with the gay and lesbian members sitting in their own churches this very day?  They are sitting there in UCG, LCG, PCG and RCG. Imagine what its like to hear their so called leaders stand in the pulpit and say some of the absurd shit that they are currently doing!  Imagine sitting in an LCG service with Rod Meredith!!!!!  Bloody hell!

When the Churches of God get their own corrupt sin-filled houses in order then and only then might world actually sit up and take notice of them.  Decades of placing emphasis on the law instead of Jesus and grace has left the Churches of God looking rather maladroit.


  1. The more fundamental problem is that there was NO literal Adam and Eve as our first anything from which to draw these analogies and "truths". One cannot appeal to myth to prove realities. No real God said anything but rather, these are the words much later than the context of these myths, of priests laying down the rules.

  2. Well, Anon 12:54,
    It appears you have done some research and study rather than accepting the words of some. That is: "We have men who have studied all of this, just believe what we tell you." Maybe there are several other myths which could be pointed out. However, some desire to keep their heads (and hands) down and not question what they are told, even if they have a question.

  3. Anon 12:54 So we are supposed to believe you rather than scripture. You make yourself out to be the all knowing, the one who has absolute truth. You call them myths - well prove it.

    The point of the matter is that whatever one says is only their OPINION. I include myself in this as well. So in the end, it is one opinion against another. No one is going to know for sure until there is some outside intervention to prove one opinion is correct, while the others are wrong.

  4. An overwhelming preponderance of well-supported biological and geological evidence is not an opinion.


  5. In the past, Victor Kubik learned that he could go along with whatever Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. wanted him to go along with in order to collect a paycheck from the WCG

    In the present, Victor Kubik is learning that he can keep quiet and go along with all the adultery in the UCG in order to collect a paycheck from the UCG.

    In the future, Victor Kubik will learn that he can go along with whatever the Supreme Court tells him to go along with in order to continue to collect a paycheck and stay out of jail.

    Failure Blockhead is a fast learner whenever money is involved.

  6. You say:-
    “If the UCG and the other COG's really uphold what they are claiming to hold dear from the Bible, then why do NONE of them aid the homeless, help the suffering, feed the hungry, care for the prostitutes or care for the environment?  When have any of these Churches ever set foot in an AIDS hospice or cared for people with AIDS?  When has any of them ever worked with gang members to help them get out of that life style?  How many of them have ever worked with children who are stuck in the system without parents?  How many have ever set foot in a local school and tutored disadvantaged kids and been role models to the parentless? “

    In reality this is of course completely untrue. I am sure that the publishers of 'Banned' are fully aware of this, so shame on you for publishing such lies.

    There are many undocumented charity outreaches of UCG, but the forefront charity organisation of UCG is Lifenets, which touches upon all the areas stated above.

    Check the site to see recent projects. An example of a few:-

    Water boreholes in Zambia

    Cows for kids project Zambia, Kenya, Brazil, Ukraine

    Vinogradov Street Children's Program

    Health clinic in Malawi

    JohJan Acadamy Childrens school in Migori Kenya

    Orphans in Mufumbwe Zambia

    Tractor to Legacy Foundation in Thailand

    Typhoon Haiyan Releif in Philippines.

    The Children of Chernobyl – (effects of the nuclear disaster of nearly thirty years ago)

    Izabal Project, Guatemala (disadvantaged children)

    Relief to elderly and families with children in East Ukraine.

  7. QuesterUK. I realize that being in the UK that you are cut off from the political intrigues and manipulation that goes on in Cincinnati, particularly with Kubik. Those of us that attend here know first had what he is like. Lifenets was originally started to help COG members, first and foremost, in Africa and elsewhere. It also came to include Sabbatarians from outside of the Church of God. Its goal was never to help the world at large and still is focused upon these two groups as its first priority.

    The conflict so many of us have in the UCG is why Kubik is in charge of his charity AND in charge of United. It is a horrible conflict of interest that many members are opposed to. We are also regularly gilt-tripped into contributing to his "charity." I would much rather give money to organizations that truly feed the homeless, hungry, orphans and poor around the world than to any COG related charity. Like many others here in Cincinnati we are getting sick of the politics and corruption that surround our leaders.
