Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 24, 2015

Living Church of God member says if you disagree with leadership you have to remain quiet

A comment in the posting on Rod McNair confirms something that almost all of us know here.  We have all experienced this at one time or another.

McNair "wants all LCG members to know that they CAN disagree with those in authority in the LCG without ANYONE disciplining them for doing so".

I'm a member of LCG Charlotte and I can verify that this isn't true. If you disagree and you're smart, you keep it to yourself because if you don't you risk your membership. I've watched them systematically weed out anyone with the courage to be honest and open about disagreements. I can't imagine that anyone who's been in the Church for long believing that line. It might be what they're suppised to do but it's not what the ministry practices.

I stay for the fellowship. I agree with the overall message that LCG preaches but after watching how the leading men act over the years I can no longer believe that they truly have love and concern for the brethren.


  1. "If you disagree and you're smart, you keep it to yourself because if you don't you risk your membership."

    Forget your membership LCG. It's worthless. LCG teaches a different Gospel and a different Jesus. If you disagree with LCG and you're smart, you shouldn't be afraid to risk everything. Please read Matthew 10:37-39.

  2. As was mentioned in that earlier post

    As it's been mentioned countless times before, tyrants get Meredith's respect and are exaulted. Ministers who are fair, loving and decent are stomped on by the Bob League and Rod McNair types in LCG.

    When fair, loving and decent ministers discover problems in LCG, they go to Meredith and alert him to the lies and power politics surrounding those problems... only to find out that Meredith knew about, and may even have started, the lies and power politics. Once Meredith knows you trust in God more than Rod, it's only a matter of time before you make your choice to compromise and obey Rod, or stand up for the truth and obey God.

    When Dibar Apartian and Carl McNair and John Ogwyn stood up for the truth, the coward Meredith backed down. Since their deaths, Meredith has been much more careful to surround himself with hirelings and lackeys and power-hungry monsters that will do whatever Rod says.

  3. It's a cult.

    What do you expect?

  4. McNair wants to trick members into feeling he's safe and approachable so they come to him with their concerns which will be tucked away in their personal file until such time as he feels he's stock-piled enough "concerns" to slap on the "causing division" accusation so he can go in for the kill (even if it's years later).

    At the same time prodding you to share the names of your other friends that might have questions, concerns or differing opinions so that they too can be added to his list of potential dissidents for future interrogation which will most certainly involve isolating the wife 1st to get as much info as possible, by preying on her fear during the bully inquisition, before then using and twisting that inforrmation to question the husband at a later date whom McNair will then ask for names of any others that might need to be "counseled".

    It's like a snake eating it's own tail. LCG is destroying itself from within and they are completely ignorant to their involvement in the destruction.

  5. "When Dibar Apartian and Carl McNair and John Ogwyn stood up for the truth, the coward Meredith backed down. Since their deaths, Meredith has been much more careful to surround himself with hirelings and lackeys and power-hungry monsters that will do whatever Rod says."

    Don't forget Charles Bryce, Don Davis, and Davy Crockett. They would tell it like it is, and Meredith got rid of them.

  6. "I stay for the fellowship."
    Really? And you consider yourself a Christian? Matt 10:37 "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me." You apparently love even your buddies more than Jesus.
