Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Living Church of God Member's Nastiness Comes Out On Facebook

A reader here sent me some screen shots of a Living Church of God Facebook page.  They included the following:

It's a good expose' of the underbelly as you put it. LCG tries in vain to present themselves as caring for the world, but in reality are quick to blow off anyone whom they feel is not being called. Did you notice how many "likes" the guy's post received? The woman that Michael unfriended, named publicly, and slandered is in no position to take legal recourse. She's incredibly loving and generous and has dedicated her life to helping hungry African children, on location. She's like a Mother Theresa and I won't tell who she is because she doesn't deserve attention in this context, thus I hid her name.

I can guarantee you that Michael and those who high-fived him have NEVER dedicated their lives to helping the less fortunate, fed the hungry, made lunches for the local prostitutes on Thanksgiving Day or traveled to Africa to fed the hungry kids there.  All they do is sit in their nice warm and well furnished American homes using their high tech devices while drinking their Starbucks sitting next to their wide margin Moffitt translation Bibles with a Mystery of the Ages sitting on TOP of the Bible.

Double click to enlarge to read comments from members of the church of brotherly love:


  1. LCG can't help others with any type of genuine outreach program because that would take money and they greedily hoard as much of that as they can. Lil' Jimmy needs an inheritance after all. I wouldn't be at all surprised if RCM was stuffing his mattress with it.

    Lying is RCM's strong suit. Not love for fellow man.

  2. LCG is great at "rebuking" people they don't think are as worthy as themselves.

    Though I'm not sure how they think their behavior is Christ-like.

    Didn't Chrust eat with tax collectirs and prostitues? How else can you be a light to others?! Are the well in need of a physician?

    People in LCG, especially but not limited to the ministry, are so high on themselves and full of self righteousness.


  3. "Hey, everyone, look at me! I'm publicly shunning this person because they don't meet my standard of righteousness! Any other of the righteous folk care to chime in on the unrighteousness of this person compared to us, and validate my own righteousness? Won't somebody please notice me? I'm so lonely."

  4. There is a saying, "If you really want to know a person's character, watch what comes out when they are stepped on." There is also a Bible verse that states we are to be judged in accordance with how we judge others.

    I'm thinking that if someone were on Facebook, looking for a loving church to attend, they now know one of them to avoid.


  5. sounds to me like the woman was telling anyone that would listen whatever was necessary to get a donation out of them....I guess it's ok to lie if you are doing a greater good, huh?

  6. Anonymous said...
    "Hey, everyone, look at me! I'm publicly shunning this person because they don't meet my standard of righteousness! Any other of the righteous folk care to chime in on the unrighteousness of this person compared to us, and validate my own righteousness? Won't somebody please notice me? I'm so lonely."

    Insightful in this day of "tell everyone how you feel about every experience and thought you have about it all." It's easy to do and have done it myself at times I am sure . It can be an expression of loneliness or a momentary need to be understood by folks who probably could not care less and have their on stuff to sort out in life.

    A kind heart and a gentle touch towards all, as long as they don't bite, is probably the best approach. COG types need to dropped words like "called", "chosen", "the truth", "deceived" , "called out" , "unconverted" as well as "Apostle", "Joshua", "Zerrubabel" , "types", "one true" and "send it in." :)

  7. Wow, Dennis hit the nail on the head. Just....whoa.
    I am still a member of the church and you just woke me up. I have been guilty of some of this, maybe more than I really know.
    Thank you,

  8. How did you get this because I had a look on Facebook and I can't find it?

  9. what living church group page is it? if you don't mind my asking, im trying to find it

  10. I don't know which FB page it is since they are screen shots. I doubt if it is a public one though.

  11. People in LCG are so prideful and arrogant; totally lacking humility. All that vanity and pride roll right down from their pompous leader (he's 3rd in all the universe after all). Who so ever counts himself first shall be last.... Be a light to the world....and 1000 other scriptures apparently don't apply to them because they are soooo great they transcend the Word of God.

  12. A-7:44, to understand why this is true, all we need do is look at cause and effect. The very illusion of "knowing" the truth, and removing this truth from the possibility of challenge, debate, or compromise is going to cause arrogance in 99-49/100% of the people who buy into it, or "drink the Kool-Aid" as we say. Likewise, being observant to somebody's picked and chosen Old Covenant laws or rules in an attempt to qualify for the gift of salvation, is automatically going to cause people to look down on others who may be less observant, or non-observant.

    This is what we mean when we say that, like communism which always fails because it corrupts those who practice it, the Armstrong package of doctrines always produce the fruits of arrogance, self-righteousness, judgmentalism, and the tendency to believe that those who are undergoing any sort of hardship are somehow being punished by God and should not be helped. It produces uncompassionate authoritarianism, with no possibility of appeal or due process.

    We tend to be, as human beings, exactly like the leaders whose violations we overlook. If you give your local pastor a pass for running roughshod over someone whose hair style he doesn't happen to like, that is the example you will follow in your dealings with the people around you. In a sense, that is the real meaning of "from the top-down"

