Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Church of God Murderer, Rapist And Pedophile Admits He Cut Ankle Bracelet Many Times

David Renz is back in the news again admitting that he had cut his ankle bracelet numerous times to sneak around.  Each time he did it the authorities did not follow up with him so he got bolder and bolder till he kidnapped, raped and murdered a mother and her 10 year old daughter.

A convicted rapist and murderer has said he was only able to commit his horrific crimes because he could take off his ankle monitor without authorities noticing.

David Renz was sentenced to life in prison without parole last year after murdering a librarian and raping her ten-year-old daughter in Syracuse, New York.

Renz, 31 - who was out on bail at the time for suspected child-pornography offences - admitted carjacking Lori Ann Bresnahan, 47, and her young child on March 14, 2013


  1. I'm sorry, but every time this guy appears in the news, he just gets more reprehensible.

    I don't even have an ankle monitor, which means I am even more able to commit horrific crimes. So then, what stops me? Simple, I have no inclination to commit horrific crimes! What is wrong with this guy that he DOES want to commit horrific crimes?

    I don't think people like this are rehabilitatable. This was not simply a "mistake." No one can argue that under the circumstances this seemed like "the right thing to do." And you don't "accidentally" do things like this. "Whoops!"

    I know, he hasn't had an easy life, but there are plenty of other people out there who also haven't had easy lives, and it doesn't make them want to rape children and kill their mothers. The fact he hasn't had an easy life, IMHO, is unrelated to his desire to rape and kill people.

    Also unrelated to his desire to rape and kill people is his time in Armstrongism. What is significant however, is that his time in Armstrongism, despite it's vaunted claims about the powers of the holy friggin' spirit, in no way transformed him into a person who doesn't want to rape and kill people.

  2. Not all life is sacred.

    This kid is a piece of shit. He may of had a tough life but that is no excuse for murder.
    Execute the little bastard and be done with him!

  3. "Also unrelated to his desire to rape and kill people is his time in Armstrongism. What is significant however, is that his time in Armstrongism, despite it's vaunted claims about the powers of the holy ... spirit, in no way transformed him into a person who doesn't want to rape and kill people."

    We don't know this for sure, do we? It is possible that had this freak not been exposed to Armstrong's emphasis on keeping the commandments, living as Christ lived, loving one's neighbor, etc., he might have raped and killed more people. We simply cannot know for sure whether or to what extent his time in Armstrongism influenced his behavior.

  4. 8:19: Whether or not his exposure to Armstrongism influenced his criminal behavior is probably dependent upon whether or not his parents practiced the child beating principles. Extreme and disproportionate punishment causes great anger within an individual. The majority of the people in jail and prison are individuals who were overly punished and subjected to abuse. That produces anger much more frequently than a permissive upbringing, although permissiveness causes its very own set of undesirable symptoms. Rape and murder are horrible crimes that are accompanied by extreme anger or rage. Someone who grew up not being permitted to exercise any personal control over vital elements of their lives may erroneously view rape and murder as forms of control. Hitler was filled with extreme anger and rage, further fueled by methamphetamine. He exercised "control" by gassing and torturing everyone who annoyed him.

    I have no idea what Renz's baptismal history might have been, but you are no more likely to receive the Holy Spirit through Armstrongism than you would be by smoking marijuana. That's kind of like the old Country and Western song "Lookin' for Love in all the Wrong Places." Ol' Herbie Pervie was known for his flaming, irrational temper. Had he been kinder and gentler, probably the reports of incestuous rape would have simply died a quiet death before ever going mainstream.


  5. Church of God murderer, former church of God murderer, church of God murderer in the news again. What's with the overkill on Church of God as if they had something to do with it, and former church member at that. If he went to another church, say Mormon or Catholic, in the past, nothing would even be mentioned about it. So what if he was a former CoG member at one time, what's that got to do with anything now that it deserves this kind of headlines using the Church of God?

  6. To Sept 28 @ 8:19,

    True, that, "We simply cannot know for sure whether or to what extent his time in Armstrongism influenced his behavior."

    However, we do know that one of Herbert Armstrong's favorite hobbies was raping his daughter, and that Herbert Armstrong murdered many people via his healing doctrine.

    As far as Herbert Armstrong's emphasis on "keeping the commandments, living as Christ lived, loving one's neighbor" goes, he sure taught some strange, harmful, useless and counterproductive interpretations of those principles!

  7. Maybe since "12:50 commenter" is unhappy with this blog entry, he can write his own headline and contribute it here.

    But first, let us take him to school to teach him that this is neither an ex-Mormon or ex-Catholic blog.

    He seems to be lacking the basic bones to build a compelling argument on. His bones may be all wibbly-wobbly from listening to 'herbilly-werbilly'.

  8. "As far as Herbert Armstrong's emphasis on 'keeping the commandments, living as Christ lived, loving one's neighbor' goes, he sure taught some strange, harmful, useless and counterproductive interpretations of those principles!"

    Perhaps so. But my point is that any connection we may make with anything HWA taught or did, good or bad, with the former CoG member's crimes is theoretical. Some who post on this site seem to always connect the bad behavior of a CoG member (present or former) with some aspect of the CoG. As I would tell RCM on some of his cause-effect claims, it just ain't that simple.

  9. One thing we do know for sure , if this convicted rapist been expunged from the earth he would not have harmed anyone else from then !!!! Where is the love that lets these types run free among a defenseless population !!!! ? All in the name of “love”. For the vile? So that they might continue to spread their evil .

  10. * A rapist and murderer is shown to have been a member of a destructive cult that was founded and led by a rapist and murderer.

    * A blog entry is written about the rapist and murderer who was a member of a destructive cult that was founded and led by a rapist and murderer.

    * A commenter gets his panties in a twist over the blog entry. Wants no lines drawn between the rapist and murderer member of the destructive cult, and the rapist and murdering leader and founder of the destructive cult.

    * Hmmmmmmm..... Actually, in the blog entry there were no lines drawn, and there are only imaginary lines in the head of the panty-twisted commenter.

    * 'Panty-twisted commenter' needs to stop setting up straw men.

  11. Pant twisted commenter, you sound like a 8 year old and besides that the so called panty twister is right.
