Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dave Pack Announces No One On Earth Has A Message Greater Than His

I finally decided to watch some of Dave Pack's 2015 Feast video.  It is the usual claptrap of damnation, destruction and death with a sprinkling of the kingdom of God thrown in.

Pack has always attempted to portray himself as the most sophisticated and most education human to ever grace the portals of the Church of God.  No splinter group leader has ever done as much as he has or been as righteous as Dave.

Around the 8:10 minute mark of the film Dave makes the following statements: 
"...I want to talk about the good news of the coming kingdom of God...and...I want to talk about mass sin and mass worldwide punishment. We've got the best news the world has ever heard and I have the worst news.  Ive got the very best things anyone could ever announce and I've got absolutely the dead bang worst.  There's no way ANYBODY exceeds what I have to say and we as a work have to say, either one of those." 
So there you have it.  No one on this entire planet has anything to say that is better than what comes forth out of Dave's mouth.  No one is more intelligent or godly than he.

One of his minions also makes the claim that the infrastructure of the campus is the most advanced that anyone has ever seen.  No one has better technology than Dave and crew. Meredith, Thiel and Flurry are whimpering in the corners of their offices at their utmost failure.

You can watch the video here:  Behind the Work 2015 -- 'A Glimpse of the Millennium'

Be forwarded....barf bags are necessary.


  1. “We've got the best news the world has ever heard and I have the worst news. I've got the very best things anyone could ever announce and I've got absolutely the dead bang worst.

    That is the interesting thing about David Pack. He is half right.

    David Pack is absolutely the dead bang worst thief since Gerald Flurry.


  2. We can know when this END TIME will be here:

    "When the Dandelion maketh her appearance on the 100 acres, Know this: The END (for Pack) will be nigh!"

  3. Who says things like "dead-bang" anymore? It's the sort of thing you might hear someone say on an old rerun of the Andy Griffith Show.

    Dave Pack is such an odd fellow. From his gangly crab-like physicality, to his unnatural mannerisms, to the 1950's-era clichés and catchphrases that pepper his speech. And then there's the awful personality deficit that manifests itself by his verbal and emotional abuse, the overweening ego, and the false prophecies.

    It amazes me that anyone looks at that man and thinks he's worthy of the sort of respect that his followers must give him.

  4. "There's no way ANYBODY exceeds what I have to say ..."


    There IS a way almost everybody IGNORES it, Dave. Doing that now.


  5. The Feast video is embarrassingly off on Lip-Sync - and not by just a few frames - indicating they have manpower deficiencies with respect to all that state-of-the-art technology.

    But I do like that new Manure Spreader in the Pole Barn!
    That's one thing they're good at!

  6. I love how he has all these young bucks as his key administrators. Easier to influence, I'm sure. His very own Brownshirt crew. That Denee guy looks like mini-Pack, which is pretty scary. I skipped ahead to spots in the video, and it looks like all they did was interview a handful of loyalists from "headquarters" and show clips of services and conferences at their building. Nothing about local churches, which are likely diminishing in size and location. Nothing about members. Nothing from international offices, which are most likely non-existent or, if they do exist, are ineffectual. But look at our cool buildings in Wadsworth, everybody! SEEEEEEEE? We have a farm! We have a warehouse! We have a TV studio! We're building BALLFIELDS!!!

    Total propaganda piece. Zero substance. Pack and the lieutenants in this video are a joke. And, as has been pointed out elsewhere, there are no longer any signs of Dale Schurter. Sinking ship, plain and simple.

  7. Not a mention or a shot of Dale Schurter to be found. Not in any managerial meetings, and certainly not on the farm clips.

    He has been "erased" from existence, like a strange Twilight Zone episode!

    Also interesting to see is how they bragged how the "brethren" are able to grow their own crops on the church property in Wadsworth. Yep, after Pack is done shaking them down, its probable all the food that they can get, grown on their own! (willing to bet that they have to tithe on the produce they grow too! )

  8. One thing that stood out to me was how many managers, Overseers, directors and chancellors they have. I bet there's 47 bosses and 2 actual employees. Another thing that stood out was all the talk about ruling in the millennium. Even when I regularly attended one of the splinters (not RCG), I never got that; the best leaders are reluctant ones.

  9. Herbert Armstrong, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack and other COG leaders create systems that are in effect no different than totalitarian dictatorships.

    One example of the similarity is in the way the totalitarian dictator creates a vertical hierarchy underneath him in order to remain above the fray and shield him from being blamed for the abuses that occur under his system. Then they employ propaganda and claim titles for themselves to foster in the eyes of the people a god-like status. But unbeknownst to the rank and file, the system was actually created by the dictator to make these abuses possible.

    Hitler operated above the squabbles of everyday life so that although Germans may have disliked particular Nazis they dealt with, Hitler's reputation remained untarnished. Instead, the myth of 'If only [insert glorious leader] knew' is propagated to function as a safety valve to protect the leader from the abuses he uses his system as a puppet to perpetrate.

    According to a German Police Report from 1935, "There is great sympathy amongst the population for the führer and Reich-Chancellor Adolf Hitler. I have never heard any negative comments directed at his own person. Rather, one hears now and then: yes, if Hitler could do everything himself, some things would be different, but he can't keep a watch on everything."

    The same thing was true in Stalinist Russia. Stalin conducted many purges during his decades-long reign of terror, but even though Stalin was the mastermind of it, he was able to blame it on an "overzealous police force," thus shielding himself from bearing responsibility for his actions. He was able to remain untouched as the great paternal leader who time and time again saved his people from calamity. Though Stalin would perpetrate a vast and unnecessary calamity of his own in which he would murder ~20 million of his own people, yet he he was able to use the Soviet system to protect himself from the consequences of these abuses.

    Mikhail Gorbachev has said that, "Even my grandfather who was the victim of Stalinist repressions, he was able to survive, and he did not complain about the Soviet power or even about Stalin. He felt that the local leaders, the local bosses were to blame."

    This is exactly how WCG was set up. Herbert Armstrong created the church in order to abuse people for his own financial and narcisstic purposes, and used the same myth of "If only Mr. Armstrong knew, things would be different," to shield himself from the responsibility for the abuses he was actively perpetrating. The same dynamic is at work to shield Flurry and Pack from being blamed for their abuses.

    The fact is, if Mr. Armstrong did not know about a particular abusive episode perpetrated by his church upon you or your family, then thank your lucky stars, because if he had known, and could have changed things, he wouldn't have righted any wrongs, he would have done an even better job, and it would have been even worse! Do not think that things are any different in the churches created Flurry, Pack, and other COG splinters.

    The only real difference between Hitler and Stalin and Herbert Armstrong and his mini-me splinter leaders, is the amount of power they are able to wield. I have few doubts that if they held similar power to that of Hitler and Stalin, they would perpetrate abuses on similar scales. The only thing that restrains them is a lack of opportunity. They are all cut from the same totalitarian dictatorship cloth.

  10. “A vast library of literature, cutting edge web sites, initial staff and ministry, headquarters campus, buildings, immense infrastructure of all kinds and more;
    an amazing campus, so stunning, so visually beautiful as to stagger the imagination has been built. This truly magnificent campus is almost complete- at just
    under a 100 acres, its central features parallel Pasadena and Big Sandy with even some reminders of Bricket Wood. It can comfortably handle over 100 more employees

    An extraordinary video filmed last Fall introduces what will soon be everyone’s headquarters- as gorgeous as the campus was then, it has advanced far beyond what
    the video reveals. The last polish phase should be done in a couple months; any final buildings would come later.”

    And to think, RCG’s campus is conveniently located right next to the Giant Eagle supermarket in beautiful Wadsworth, Ohio!!!


  11. in The Office:
    "Could someone run over to Giant Eagle and get a can of HILLS Bros., and make sure you get a receipt!"

  12. Breaking News!
    Latest figures for attendance at Church of Yehovah 2015 Feast of Tabernacles.

    Location..Melbourne Victoria
    Number in attendance..............1

    Shown rejoicing "Here" (Still having fun!)



  13. In the Office part II.

    Pion: "I can't go to Giant Eagle now, the Security Gate is locked!"
    -"Walk around it silly!"

  14. Dave said: "...I want to talk about the good news of the coming kingdom of God...and...I want to talk about mass sin and mass worldwide punishment. We've got the best news the world has ever heard and I have the worst news. Ive got the very best things anyone could ever announce and I've got absolutely the dead bang worst. There's no way ANYBODY exceeds what I have to say and we as a work have to say, either one of those."

    With "news" like that, our glimpse of Dave Pack's "mickey mouse" millennium may very well be like the following:

    Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
    12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

    Oh, and Mickey Mouse has something Dave Pack doesn't have: A huge TV Network...and a Mickey Mouse Kingdoms on earth....

    For Dave Pack. Your news is far exceeded by the Apostle Paul's world news to come:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;..."

    Even Donald Trump can't trump that...........



  15. Anonymous said...

    “The only real difference between Hitler and Stalin and Herbert Armstrong and his mini-me splinter leaders, is the amount of power they are able to wield. I have few doubts that if they held similar power to that of Hitler and Stalin, they would perpetrate abuses on similar scales. The only thing that restrains them is a lack of opportunity. They are all cut from the same totalitarian dictatorship cloth.”

    I used to think that all the world's problems would be solved, and that it would be so wonderful, if the so-called COG were in charge of the world. This is, of course, what the COG had taught.

    However, I have been forced to see that the so-called COG is just not ready yet. In fact, I am now extremely thankful that the only power it has is that which you might foolishly give it to lie to you, rob you, abuse you, and slander you.

    The plain truth about the situation on the so-called COG scene today is that it is far more complex and difficult than many imagined it would be. With satanic impostors like Gerald Flurry and David Pack doing nothing but evil continually in God's name, the current church age will not be a good one.

  16. OMFG!
    Ralph's in a homemade Feast tent!
    I love the shawl he's wearing.
    Ha Ha Ha Ha!
    Good job Ralph, you are giving the Three Stooges a run for their money!

  17. No one on earth has a greater message than Dave's..well, except cosmologists, paleontologists, archaeologists, biologists, well trained theologians, psychiatrists, psychologists, geologists, planetary scientists, Buddhists monks , Richard Dawkins, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Eckhart Tolle, Bart Ehrman, Robert Price and the now deceased George Carlin.

    One of my favorite messengers with a message much more real than Dave's...


  18. on October 27, 2015 at 8:31 AM
    Anonymous said..

    "Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

    So glad you could at least raise a smile! LOL.


  19. Anon. 8:31. What's up with your childish mocking of Ralph, not everyone shares your ha ha ha ha, what are you 8? You have your beliefs and he has his, but somehow you think only you are right and he is wrong, how about explaining your self righteous mocking.

    RALPH...Good for you, glad you are enjoying it, you sound like a nice person and thanks for your comments, at least they aren't making fun of others.
