Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dream Weaver: Why Having A Nightmare Now Makes You A "Legitimate" COG Leader

Ever since Loma Armstrong had her dream/nightmare that spurred her husband on to start a money making empire, various Church of God wannabe leaders have attempted the same thing.  Dreams and visions have produced a plethora of incompetent abusive COG leaders.  Just look at the hierarchy of any of the larger COG's today and you sill see what those nightmares have produced.

Using dreams as a tool to legitimize yourself is also another attempt to cover up the fact that these men have no original thoughts in their heads.  Everything they do is copied from the actions of Herbert Armstrong. Even though they all live and have churches that exist in the 21'st century, they still rely on a model from the late 19th century work/power ethic.  Just like Herbert Armstrong, these men have never held legitimate hard working jobs where they have had to toil with their hands and get dirty and sweat.  God forbid if a COG leader ever had to sweat from physical exertion!  Basketball maybe, but never physical work.  Any how, that's another story.

Today, we have another self-appointed COG leader who is trying to legitimatize his apostate brand of false Christianity.  Bob Thiel is back with another poor attempt in trying to prove he is something more than another crazy Californian.

The self-appointed prophet/apostle/chief overseer and world renown expert on the Mayans, writes this about himself, though he uses HWA's own words to discredit himself.

Do dreams and prophets have any place in the Christian Church today? Did any precede the start of the old Radio Church of God?  What about the Continuing Church of God (which did not officially form as a declared entity until December 28, 2012)?

The Bible records that God often has used dreams to give messages (Genesis 20:3-7, 28:10-17, 31:10-13, 31:24, 37:5-10, 40:5-18, 41:1-32; Numbers 12:6; Judges 7:13-15; 1 Kings 3:5-15; Daniel 2:3-45, 4:4-27, 7:1-28; Matthew 1:20-25, 2:12, 2:13, 2:19, 2:22; Acts 16:9).
I had a dream prior to the start of the Continuing Church of God, as did someone I did not know who lived in New Zealand.

While some may wish to discount what happened with me, let us also look at something that the late Herbert W. Armstrong wrote about dreams:
Let me say here that in about 99,999 times out of 100,000, when people think GOD is speaking to them in a dream or vision in this day and age, it is pure imagination, or some form of self-hypnotism or self-deception. I have only come to believe that this dream was a bonafide call from God in the light of subsequent events. (Autobiography of Herbert Armstrong, (Volume 1), chapter 10, 1973, p. 194)
And that is correct.  Most dreams are not from God, even if people think that they are.  Notice what the Bible teaches:
7 For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity. But fear God. (Ecclesiastes 5:7)

Most dreams don't come from God but from the minds of delusional self-adsorbed men...except in Thiel's case.  Since he is the ONLY legitimate TRUE COG leader on the face of the earth today, his dreams are 100% God inspired.  No nightmares for Bob!

Like I said above, Thiel goes on to elaborate how he has patterned his mini-cult after Herbert Armstrong's example.  Just because Loma and HWA had dreams, Bob can too!

Loma and Herbert Armstrong were married in 1917.  They were specifically told that they would have a work to do. Furthermore, the bright lights in the dream may have had to do with doing a work (cf. Matthew 5:16)–a work that seemed to vanish and return (flash). Thus, there was a dream from God given to a woman in the 20th century that preceded the start of the old Radio Church of God that Herbert W. Armstrong led.  The Radio Church of God represented the start of the Philadelphia era and the Philadelphian work–a work that is not finished (cf. Matthew 24:14-15)–and Herbert W. Armstrong claimed that a dream given to his wife was from God, prior to the start of the Philadelphia era.

Since the Philadelphia era was raised up years after that dream, a question to ponder is would God do anything similar to point to the continuation of the end-time COG remnant of the Philadelphians?  Consider that in Loma Armstrong’s dream that there were two sets of flashing stars–there were two parts to the dream. Herbert Armstrong is now dead and there was a pause between the work God had him to do and the completion of the final phase of the work to finally fulfill Matthew 24:14 (cf. Isaiah 29:14).
In the past, like in 2013 and 2014, I have called the time between his death and the formation of the Continuing Church of God the transitional phase –which is consistent with Loma Armstrong’s dream. God will cut that final work short (Romans 9:28) which results in the famine of the word (Amos 8:12; ) which is consistent with the vanishing stars in Loma Armstrong’s dream (though there could be other interpretations–we in CCOG are continuing the Philadelphia work and expect to be the ones God will use on earth to help finish it).
With a few hundred US members and several hundred poor African members, Thiel is set to take his mind-boggling work to the leaders of the world so that the entire earth will hear the message of the kingdom before the end happens.

Theil thinks his new cult is the fulfillment of the second part of Loma's nightmare:

Notice that the dream was to go until the end of the world and the coming of Jesus–since Herbert Armstrong has been dead since January 16, 1986–if the dream was from God then, does it not make sense that the second half of the dream would be fulfilled by another in the 21st century? We in the Continuing Church of God are fulfilling that second part of stars.
Perhaps it should be mentioned, Herbert Armstrong had more information about what I am referring to as the first set of stars in the dream. He wrote:
It was a dazzling spectacle…People by the hundreds came running into this broad intersection looking up to see the strange phenomena … A vast multitude of eyes were upon us… I have only come to believe that this dream was a bonafide call from God in the light of subsequent events. (Armstrong HW. The Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, 9th installment. Plain Truth, August 1958, p. 18).
Eyes of a vast multitude suggest that the dream was saying that the work to be done was to have a witness to many. This happened with the old Radio and Worldwide Church of God under Herbert Armstrong’s leadership in the 20th century. The second set of stars in the dream, which he did not mention in the August 1958 Plain Truth, article, but did in his published Autobiography, may pertain to what I have called, for years, The Final Phase of the Work. But even if it had applicability to the ministry of Herbert Armstrong only, the dream, which he shortly before his death he confirmed he believed was from God (per Aaron Dean, who I discussed this with on October 30, 2015), shows that one did precede the COG work he was involved in.
Thiel's work now surpasses anything Dave Pack, Rod Meredith and Gerald Flurry are doing.  Even with all their expensive media campaigns they are poor imitations of the greatness that is Bob Thiel!

Thiel then goes on to express his bitterness he STILL holds against Rod Meredith's rejection and later church wide public humiliation.

Several years ago I had a dream, which while I did not understand it at first, as it became more and more fulfilled over the years, I began to understand it and believe it was from God.

I was 50 at the time (which essentially makes me an ‘old man’ per Numbers 8:25; cf. John 8:57). In my dream, there seemed to be two parallel lines. Living Church of God (LCG) evangelist Roderick Meredith was on the top line and I was on the line much below. In the dream, I kept calling up to Dr. Meredith, but he never would respond. This lack of response made no sense to me during the dream. Then after what seemed to be a long time, the lines-crossed with his line dropping and my line going up.
One reason that I did not understand it at the time was that I was on relatively close speaking terms with Dr. Meredith then (he repeatedly told me he considered me to be his friend, plus he had appointed me an adviser to LCG on matters of doctrine and prophecy), so that aspect of the dream made no sense. Also, since I had no intentions of leaving Living Church of God then (and certainly no plans to start a separate church), it was not clear what the dream was saying. Another reason I was unsure about the dream then was that I had not had any anointing for the Holy Spirit beyond baptism when I had that dream.

But these matters changed eventually. For one, I was unexpectedly anointed for a ‘double-portion’ of God’s Spirit (cf. 2 Kings 2:9) on December 15, 2011 by an LCG minister named Gaylyn Bonjour.
Furthermore, over time, Dr. Meredith became more distant from me, would not keep various promises to me, and ultimately stopped speaking with me. And after I got a letter from him on 12/28/12, it was clear to me that there was no way that the Philadelphia mantle could be with him or any of his leaders. These subsequent events showed me that the dream was being fulfilled.

The fact that Americans are sending this moron money shows how gullible and naive people really are.  God never expects this kind of loyalty out of any Christian.

You can read Thiel's entire long winded post here: Dreams, the Radio Church of God and the Continuing Church of God.

Be prepared to be dumbfounded at the sheer arrogance and audacity of Thiel.


  1. What would a psychiatrist have to say about this? That Bob Thiel has written this for his own benefit, to justify himself and to prop himself up? If God were really doing a vital end-times ministry through a person, fantastic results would make it unnecessary to write such things. Why does he need to continually come up with these little "Hey, fellas, look at me!" diatribes?

    In this case, we need a closing theme song, something along the lines of Shooting Star's "Only Flesh and Blood" to bring poor Bob Thiel back to earth. The only one he is impressing is himself, and appears that he is very easily impressed.


  2. Ah, yes, and we must also note and remember that Loma's dream morphed into Dorothy's nightmare!



  3. “For one, I was unexpectedly anointed for a ‘double-portion’ of God’s Spirit (cf. 2 Kings 2:9) on December 15, 2011 by an LCG minister named Gaylyn Bonjour.”

    When did mere “ministers” suddenly get this ability to anoint some nobody to the position of “prophet,” and without even knowing that they were doing it?

    I can totally believe that Bob Thistle was “unexpectedly anointed.” That is to say that Bonjour suddenly had a bad day and never saw it coming. The Devil has a way of coming up with totally unexpected and unforeseeable twists like this outrageous one that completely blindside those who don't realise how warped and sneaky he really is.

    At this stage in the history of the so-called COGs, there does not appear to be much hope for anyone who would fall for Bob's baloney. They can fully expect (but probably do not expect) that their lives are going to be wasted reading, and listening to, a lot of nonsense.

  4. "Don't believe me, believe your Bible!

    "Except for this dream I had. You need to believe that, too. The Bible, and my dream. And Loma's dream.

    "That's it, for now."

    It's like a Monty Python skit.

  5. Bob Thiel: The Accidental Prophet

    "When did mere “ministers” suddenly get this ability to anoint some nobody to the position of 'prophet,' and without even knowing that they were doing it?"

    In fact, when did anyone ever get the ability to anoint anyone to any position?

    In the christian world in general, there's this obvious fiction that a man who's been anointed suddenly gets the Jesus juju to anoint someone else, and that, somehow, in some way, there must be an unbroken chain of ordinations going all the way back to, well, Jesus, who started the ordination juju chain, right?

    But is there such a chain? No.

    The people with the best claim of that is the catholic church, and even their claim isn't very good with a gap of several hundred years that cannot be adequately accounted for. Nobody in the protestant world can lodge any kind of claim for a chain of ordinations back to the Jesus juju. Ol' Herbie got himself "anointed" a protestant minister in COG7D which doesn't claim to trace itself back to Jesus or his ordination juju. So by whose authority do they claim to ordain people? Nobody really.

    Which means that anointing is an illegitimate ritual signifying nothing. In various church settings down through the centuries charismatic guys like ol' Herbie come along, and every so often ordain themselves. And everyone looks up to them and imagines there's suddenly Jesus juju oozing from their pores. But there isn't. The whole institution is make-believe.

    Literally, Herbie, Meredith, and Bitter Bob might as well have anointed themselves for all the significance their ordinations have, regardless of who did it or how many times they had it done.

    And all this assumes that Jesus actually existed.

  6. Nothing has changed. Somebody had a nightmare centuries ago and it became the Book of Revelation. Before that, a Maccabean Jew had another nightmare or flight of fancy in a similar vein and it became the Book of Daniel.

  7. Prophecy is closed for our time. It was over and done with after the apostles passed away.God communicates with us through his word and HWA and Theil or any of the others are not the word. Not by a long shot.
    If there were dreams and prophecies they would be scripture and scripture is closed.
    These people are false prophets and money grubbing adventurers who use their old tried and true methods of scamming the people to make a buck.

  8. Is there a video presentation from Bob Thiele anywhere? I wouldn't mind seeing how good he, or not good his presentations are.

  9. I found him on YouTube. In my opinion, his speaking is clumsy, he keeps stumbling over his words. It comes across like he didn't do public speaking in the church speaking clubs. For a church leader, his public speaking should be better.

  10. All of Armstrongism are sects of a cult. There is no viability to any of them.

    Herbert Armstrong was a godless fraud.

    How long are people going to fall for this insanity?

    It's a cult. It's a cult. It's a cult.

    Why buy into any sort of legitimacy to even discuss the fantasies of the delusional?

  11. If Bitter Bob thinks he is any kind of religious leader of significance much less the most significant....he is dreaming.

  12. All these claims to legitimacy of Biblical titles. But, no growth, no visible impact. The only time any of them get into the news, it is either as a result of tragedy, or perhaps having been caught publicly saying something that is just phenomenally ridiculous, or getting caught at a crime.

    Next thing you know, someone is going to claim that they were in an elevator one time back in the day with HWA when he "cut one", and that in breathing it in, suddenly received a vision of their calling, but didn't realize they should act upon it until a recent nightmare. That is not any more far-fetched than what some of the terminally off-balance have been telling us about themselves and their ministries.

    The people that I cannot understand are the ones who believe that one ACOG (the one they either attend or preside over) is different from the rest.


  13. "Prophecy is closed for our time. It was over and done with after the apostles passed away. God communicates with us through his word and HWA and Theil or any of the others are not the word. Not by a long shot. If there were dreams and prophecies they would be scripture and scripture is closed."

    And you know this how?

    It's not that I disagree. I think prophecy is "closed." I just don't think it was ever "open" in the first place. Otherwise Jesus would have come back when the canonical gospel of Matthew twice says Jesus unambiguously said he would:

    Matthew 10:23 When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next; for truly I tell you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

    Matthew 16:27-28 For the Son of Man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay everyone for what has been done. Truly I tell you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.

    Either gospel-Matthew was speaking of his own accord, or Jesus was a false prophet. Somebody was fibbing. At the very least, Matthew cannot be the word of the god Armstrongites claim to worship, and by the christian canon's own internal logic, Deuteronomy 18:20-22 says the book of Matthew is to be disregarded and maybe even somebody is supposed to be put to death.

  14. Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream which decades later became a reality. Dr. King's dream has a better track record than the dreams of "God's true Church elect" Loma Armstrong and Bitter Bob combined. Of course, the true Armstrongite tithe slave sheep would be blind and clueless to this reality.


  15. What would a nocturnal emission tell the prophet to do? What hidden meaning might there be in that? Isn't dream interpretation much like other subjective assessments, like the ink blot test? If the prophets to see God speaking to him in his dreams, that is what he will understand it to be.

  16. Both Jesus and Paul ended up badly mistaken about reality of their times

  17. Complaining about abusive, mind twisting, exploitive ministers is one thing. But taking cheap shots at Christ is a no no. Doing so is living dangerously. Why blame the Gods for the crimes of humans?

  18. Bob Thiel said: "...Then after what seemed to be a long time, the lines-crossed with his line dropping and my line going up."

    And a comment from God's Word appropriately is:

    "But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil." James 4:16

    For Bob Thiel: why all of that boasting you do? Is it b/c of the following?

    You went on to tell us: "...I was unexpectedly anointed for a ‘double-portion’ of God’s Spirit (cf. 2 Kings 2:9) on December 15, 2011 by an LCG minister named Gaylyn Bonjour..."

    Well, Bob Thiel: who are you? Are you speculating that you may be one of God's sealed Firstfruits, one of His sons? Are you MORE than a son?

    If you think so, and believe so, then your "god" is a respecter of persons. Why would god be a respecter of persons and give more of His Spirit to one son, one sealed Firstfruit, than another? Why you? Is it your dream tied in to HWA's comments? Such boasting would be evil!

    Now, we know that Elisha was not a sealed Firstfruit. Maybe you are not a sealed Firstfruit also????????

    Jesus Christ was the first of the sealed Firstfruits, remember? Elisha was one of God's prophets...kind of like Isaiah, who also was a Prophet, a true Prophet...something quite different from what you profess to be.

    Isaiah will not come up in the first resurrection. How do we know that? The real Prophet told us so:

    "Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead." Isaiah 26:19

    Did you "catch that" from a true Prophet?

    Isaiah will be resureected along with "they dead men!!!!!!!!!"

    So, Bob T, stop the boasting!

    "But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil."

    Oh, and while you are at it, why not stop comparing yourSELF to the likes of Rod Meredith, (Doug Winnail...name any "living" group leader, cogwa leader, united association leader, etc.), HWA???????/

    2 Corinthians 10:12 "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."

    Even if you boast about double anything....don't do it!

    Oh, forget that. You, like other leaders, are white, clean and pure in your own eyes and you will continue to insist on "doing things your own way."

    Well, at least you didn't vote yourself into office where others can so easily vote you out when they get tired of listening to your endless boasting and justifying of SELF. Am I still writing to Bob Thiel here...or is it Dave Pack or Ron Weinland or Gerald Flurry?????


  19. Legitimate Armstrongist CoG leader?

    No such thing.

  20. Bitter Bob
    Do you think you're what you say you are?

  21. Bob always seems to be trying to magnify himself. His need to satiate his ego at every outlet is obvious to everyone but himself. Its almost a form of delusion.

  22. The problem with dreams is that everyone gets them. Most are just related to one's desires. Usually it is just one's mind fantasizing and has nothing in common with reality.

    Since everyone has them, it is truly amazing that others will think that your dream is more important than theirs, given the reality that dreams don't normally bring forth what we want.

    To actually believe a dream with no physical evidence, is foolish. One should expect laughter, and if this isn't the case, then welcome another crazy to your fold.

  23. Dreams are very important evidence. After all, it was on this evidence that over a dozen people were convicted of being witches in Salem in 1692-93.

    And since there's even better evidence that there were witches in Salem than for anything claimed in the bible, if you believe the bible is reliable, then you must also believe that the people executed in Salem really were witches. That is, if you want to be at all consistent.

    And besides that, the Apocalypse of John, the last book in the christian canon, claims to be nothing more than the recounting of a particularly vivid dream. Dreams also figure prominently in the OT books of Daniel and Genesis. And all of that shit is, after all, the word of god, right?

    So if you're a bible-believing christian, you have to also believe that dreams are messages from beyond, and that they contain reliable information, and are valid evidence for reaching "reasonable" conclusions. If you want to be consistent, that is. No matter how much of an idiot it makes you sound like.


  24. Bob Thiel studied pagan Mayan, Kenyan, and Catholic false prophecies until he decided to become a false prophet himself. His reasoning was that Satan and the demons had supposedly revealed true prophecies to the pagans. And besides, the Bible and its prophecies probably seemed boring compared to the stuff that demon-influenced people come up with.

    When Roderick Meredith refused to go along with all of Bob's baloney, bitter Bob decided to pick up his marbles and go play by himself in his own Continuing Cult that he started. The problem, of course, is that Bob had already lost all his marbles.

    Roderick Meredith was absolutely right when he wrote that Bob Thiel had begun to think of himself in terms that are “not realistic.” In fact, that is putting it mildly.

    One of the reasons that people stay with the Living (but about to die) Church and put up with Rod Meredith's “doctrinal upgrades” is that people who leave the LCG often get into even worse disasters, like Bob Thistles' Continuing Crap, for example.

    About fifteen years ago, some people left the GCG/LCG to go with David Pack and his new Restored Church. David Pack complained bitterly that Rod Meredith did not believe that Herbert W. Armstrong was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to restore all things, and always accused Rod Meredith of secretly desiring to be the Elijah himself. Along the way, David Pack's ever-increasing greed caused him to “restore” the doctrine of “common,” which basically meant that everyone was supposed to turn over to David Pack everything they owned. Since HWA had never taught this, David Pack reasoned that he himself, and not HWA, must be the Elijah with the power to “restore” doctrines. So, in 2015, after three two-hour sermons, for a total of six hours of impure noise, full of 130 mind-numbing non-proofs, anyone in the Restored Cashgrab who still believed that HWA, and not DCP, was the Elijah ended up with raging Dave Pack of lies shouting that they were an “idolater.”

    Again, one of the reasons that people stay with the Living (but about to die) Church and put up with Rod Meredith's “doctrinal upgrades” is that people who leave the LCG often get into even worse disasters, like David Pack's scorched sucker policy, for a second example.

    Too impatient to wait for the lake of fire, or even the Great Tribulation, one person even jumped out of the LCG frying pan and into the PCG fire. If you are going to join a cult, why not go with the very worst satanic impostor cult around? Why not go with the drunken runt who quickly put an end to preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and replaced it with a commission to “warn the Laodiceans” by teaching all the brethren to hate each other, as well as to hate even their own family members? Why not go with “That (False) Prophet” who steals Christ's titles and who uses Herbert W. Armstrong's name and photograph to attract former Worldwide Church of God people so he can teach them the exact, diametrical opposite of everything that HWA had ever tried to teach? Why not go to where old sex perverts can run wild? Why not go with Satan's own runtman, Gerald Flurry?

    Yet again, one of the reasons that people stay with the Living (but about to die) Church and put up with Rod Meredith's “doctrinal upgrades” is that people who leave the LCG often get into even worse unnatural disasters, like the “new revelation” sewage that “flooded” the PCG, for a third example.

    Anyone thinking about leaving the LCG--and they should consider leaving it--needs to give more careful thought to where they will go next so they don't end up in an even worse cult doing even worse things. RCM is bad, but some of the other false prophets out there are even worse.

  25. Of course, Bob decided that being a "prophet", receiving a "double portion" of anointing for diarrhea or whatever his "minor physical ailment" was, and leading a tiny splinter group wasn't good enough. He's been busy trying to imply that he and possibly a relative are the two witnesses.

  26. Bob is a Warlock evident by his dreams. Burn the witch!

  27. As long as the C of G leadership remain protected from criticism, they continue with their abuse. For those who have been disfellowshipped, why not embarrass the church and leadership by holding a peaceful protest at HQ? If a local television station give them coverage, the church's PR and advertising efforts are for nothing.
    They have NO authority over former members. They need to be exposed for who they are. Can you imagine the leadership peeking out the windows and being unable to stop a demonstration? They embarrassed members who have left, damaged their reputations, etc. When do these former members strike back?

  28. "For sure, the LCG presentation is miles above those who would have crooked items in their backgrounds, those who would allow weird noises resembling flatulence to remain in the ambient white noise, and those who would wildly flail their hands."

    In order to protect the guilty, we won't mention any names...


  29. If the ACOG groups still operate the same way as they once did, 1:27, they pretty much trash the people who leave or are put out. Most people do care what others think of them, and ex members would like, if possible, to still be regarded as "good" people, or at least not demon-possessed or tuned into Satan. This is why people often fade, hide, and develop totally new groups of friends, rather than confronting their unjust tormentors.

    In the classic old school days, the Armstrongite ministers could not be gotten through to with criticism. Now, no longer insulated, they have to live with it every day, and in these days of shooting videos for Youtube on one's smart phone, it is probably even going to get more intense. Thanks to the internet, the past situation of complete helplessness has been reversed, and the greater pressure is now upon those ministers. The funny thing is, they still don't modify their behavior. They refuse to acknowledge or repent of any of the sins and badness that they learned from HWA. Obviously, this type of arrogance and behavior cannot go on forever. To paraphrase the mantra of a national movement, "Former ACOG members' lives matter!"


  30. "If the ACOG groups still operate the same way as they once did, 1:27, they pretty much trash the people who leave or are put out. Most people do care what others think of them, and ex members would like, if possible, to still be regarded as "good" people, or at least not demon-possessed or tuned into Satan. This is why people often fade, hide, and develop totally new groups of friends, rather than confronting their unjust tormentors."

    rAmen to that.

    I remember reading a book by an islamic theologian to explain islam to non-muslim westerners, in which he explained that islam is only a religion of peace "from me a muslim, to you a muslim." If you are not a muslim, then it is not a religion of peace to you.

    That's the same way as it is with Armstrongism. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" only means "others in your splinter group." You can feel free to do unto anyone who isn't in your splinter group any ol' thing you wouldn't want anyone to do to you. What does it matter? They're only going for a swim in a lake of fire when this is all over anyway, right?

  31. RCM used to be a Golden Gloves boxer in his youth. It takes a special kind of courage to be involved in the martial arts. It takes intellectual courage for him or other C of G leaders to appear on the television programs where theology is discussed, John Ankenburg's program, for instance. As long as they can teach unchallenged, they feel free to bully the passive, helpless members of the church. This is why if they won't defend their views in public, while being challenged, they should be forced to by protestors outside their HW buildings. Paul went into the synagogues to "reason with the Jews." He confronted them! RCM and others won't allow themselves to appear in any format that doesn't give them the advantage.
    Byker Bob is right: "Former ACOG members' lives matter." Why don't they make the churches pay for what they have done to them?

  32. To 8:26 "Why don't they make the churches pay for what they have done to them?"

    Why don't you do the thing everyone here accuses the COG ministers of not doing? Lead by example, in other words, you first.

    All this bitchun and moaning ain't worth anything. You are all hypocrites unless you all take action. All of you.

    I will boast from foolishness, I have focused on me, changed myself and my life. I don't need to complain about these liars and thieves anymore. So when I do find myself complaining, I remember the scriptures that denounce it.

    Instead of complaining, whining and puffing your chest up (because you know you are better than these men, because you have no sin) show some courage, get a camera and confront all thses men.

    Record them eating out in the sabbath while being served by active sinners breaking the sabbath. Ask them how they feel about the waitress sinning to bring them pie!

    Then post it on YouTube. Otherwise you are all just full of hot air, propping up your own egos with your own bullshit.

    Stop being a coward and do something.

  33. Just as an aside. Something for the 'unbeliever'!
    Found "HERE"

    1. How is that interesting? Hezekiahs existence hasnt been questioned.

  34. "Just as an aside. Something for the 'unbeliever'! Found "HERE""

    Ho hum. Doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know from the Sennacherib prisms and Lachish relief. What's nice about this bulla is that it was found in a scientific excavation, so there's no question as to it's provenance and authenticity, unlike the other bulla and coins that have been found. All it does is corroborate the authenticity of these previous finds that have been floating around the antiquities market. All of which, taken together serve to establish that Hezekiah wasn't a monotheist, he was a pagan probably because the bible would not begin to be written for another eight decades. So yes, something for us "unbelievers," to be sure. Something that bolsters the consensus of secular scholarship and suggests that bible-god and his "word" is a less reliable source than the Assyrians.

  35. The Thiel problem probably never would have developed, germinated and caught if only Uncle Roddy had forced Bitter Bob to shut down COGwriter as an LCG brown nose site the minute it surfaced. HWA wouldn't have allowed any crap like that. The outcome was perfectly predictable from day 1.


  36. "Just as an aside. Something for the 'unbeliever'!"

    One also might notice the huge Egyptian influence evident on Hezekiah's seal. Also...there is no connection between what an unbeliever might not believe and this or any other historically valid or genuine find. Even Malachi 4:2 says...

    "New International Version
    But for you who revere my name, the SUN of righteousness will rise with healing in its RAYS. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves." showing more Egyptian influence on Hebrew concepts. Christians read "SUN" as "SON" but it does not say that and the inference is clear.

  37. "...he explained that islam is only a religion of peace "from me a muslim, to you a muslim." If you are not a muslim, then it is not a religion of peace to you."

    exactly....their definition of peace is "absence of opposition"

  38. "Record them eating out in the sabbath while being served by active sinners breaking the sabbath. Ask them how they feel about the waitress sinning to bring them pie!

    Then post it on YouTube."

    I'd love to see something like that!..... might wake up some folks.

  39. For preparing those videos, I'd prefer to see our priorities shifted a bit to the most egregious violations of basic goodness. Videotape kids having the tar beat out of them as the parents go on a surreal rant invoking the various shibboleths of Armstrongism. Keep a videotape of the final days of members' lives, as they slowly and painfully die, denied proper medicalmcare, or so much as the relief provided by an aspirin.

    By the way, these videos can be somewhat like some of the musical videos for which a concert performance was not available. As an example, while your minister is disfellowshipping you, you can record the audio portion, and then later, fill in with some still shots of the participants in the harangue. Instead of an album cover, you show the seal of the lion, lamb, and little child. Pictures of HWA, your splinter leader, and his lackey type enforcer follow, just as the music video on Youtube might contain pictures of the singer, or group.


  40. Hezekiah's seal has Assyrian influence.
    "Any how, that's another story."Re: ministers actually working for a living.
    Yes, it is another story and one you should address sometime!

  41. Legalism in the church leads to just such people as Thiel, Pack, Flurry and the incarcerated "profit". They lose their minds because they are trying to gain salvation with their own work. Their work is never good enough.
    This leads to competition amongst the people as to who is most righteous because of strict law keeping.
    They never have any assurance of salvation at all. They gain and lose, over and over. No wonder there are people who despair in those groups.

  42. I dreamed this thread ended...........


  43. Ahh, your dream will ultimately come true------just as soon as there is a new thread.


  44. The C of God are a money scamming operation. It is all about money.
    . Very ugly system .
    Whilst out buying gold, HWA sent out letters asking urgently for money, money, money.
    All of these false ministers and 'profits' see the gravy train and hop onto it.
    They use the congregants as cash cows for whom they have little respect.
    The CoG tries to equate the ministry with the Levites but no such link exists.
    Thiel just wants his piece of the pie.
    This minister destroys the thought of tithing completely:

    They cherry pick which parts of the Old testament they want to use and discard what is inconvenient or hard. They hate the part in the NT where the priesthood changed and the law was changed.
    Here is a wonderfully funny, but true , cartoon that describes the church and their tithing scam.
    It should be seen by everyone in the churches.
