Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 6, 2015

Living Church of God: God Kills Nine So That LCG Members Can Have The Best Feast Ever In Myrtle Beach

Only in a Church of God will you have ministers gloating about the misfortunes of others so that they have a good time.  This was regularly done at the Jekyll Island Feast site in the 60's when hurricanes would appear at Feast time.  One Feast the minster (GTA, I think) stood on the stage gloating that the hurricane had turned around and devastated Cuba, while he and  everyone else sat there enjoying themselves.

I guess this only natural when you are blindly deceived that you are more special than the rest of humanity.

It is with great sadness that Rod Meredith announced that 9 had died the deacon/elder dinner was cancelled.  Why do COG members see nothing wrong in ministers making comments such as this?

Many of you have heard about the “floods of biblical proportions” as they were called in USA Today (October 6, 2015), that hit much of South Carolina. Although the Feast site I attended was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, it seems God directed the flooding primarily elsewhere in the state. So we only missed one activity—the Deacons and Elders banquet one evening. All other activities went on as scheduled, and the exhilaration of the brethren was outstanding. So God does intervene and protect His people! And remember—as I have often mentioned—it is not “Gore” who controls the weather, but our great God who reveals this over and over in His inspired Word! Yes, God is intervening powerfully in the weather not because of global warming, but because Jesus Christ predicted this over 2,000 years ago (Matthew 24:7). As in many other places in the Bible, Almighty God said because of the sins of His people:  “I also withheld rain from you, when there were still three months to the harvest. I made it rain on one city, I withheld rain from another city. One part was rained upon, and where it did not rain the part withered. So two or three cities wandered to another city to drink water, but they were not satisfied; yet you have not returned to Me” (Amos 4:7-8).


  1. Wasn't it always the deal that "those whom God is not calling at this time" were fair game, totally expendable, and there should be no tears shed over anything that happened to them? I mean as in "don't even pray for them, who are you to ask God to beget children?" How can the gospel even be preached and remain credible in an evironment such as that?


  2. Maybe the Roderick Meredith Biological Sketch will help you understand the narcissistic cult leader a bit better.

  3. Well, since I was never able to establish any connection with any god during my time in "god's church," I figured that I must not be being "called" (despite the fact my parents remain in good standing and the bible says the children are sanctified by the parents) and therefore I must be one of those "fair game" cannon fodder expendables who, for no particular reason, is merely god's trash. I mean, I don't think there are any gods, but that's how their theology goes, right?

  4. Well what do you expect, their hymnal is essentially 100 pages of "Dear God, plz kill everyone else in the world while I hide in a cave, k thnx bye"

  5. Thanks for the link Black Ops Mikey. What an eye opening read. I actually had to read it twice!

  6. Yes, it's a sickness that is strong in the splinter groups that are Herbie's legacy.
    In many ways I've seen this disease in those who were once in Radio/Worldwide COG.

    It's also seen in teachings of preachers on the more cultish fringes of mainstream Christianity- such as the ministries of preachers whose programs are aired on "successful" Christian networks including the Trinity Broadcasting Network and the Daystar Network.

    Such predatory preachers target those with "the sickness of needing to think they are uber-people" , knowing their tin-foil helmeted targets will lap up their wacky messages of blessings and cursings, beings holders of special truths, superpowers of discernment, supernatural protections, etc.

    In fact, because of many peoples' sickness in needing to be above others, such elements are part and parcel of the many religions that have had any lasting success.

    And, of course, from all the different religions with all their different deities, there's people tweaking events in their minds to make miracles out of natural events in order to convince themselves and others(via "testimony") that they've found the TRUTH.

    A sad part of it- beyond the self delusion- are examples of these tin foil hatters' inability to see themselves as equals within the larger community of their fellow humans, instead of the uberpersons with supernatural powers that they imagine themselves to be: Examples like these LCG members' allegedly deity-derived supernatural protections.


  7. Rod Meredith is right about the weather, and Al Gore is wrong.

    Some people wonder about the recent drought in California, USA. Is it caused by human activity? Well, maybe it is, in a roundabout way. When too many people sin too badly for too long (exactly like the people in Hollywood, CA, USA--always acting badly and pretending that evil is good and that good is evil), God will sometimes go over to the thermostat that controls the temperature of the sun and crank it up a few degrees to scorch their heads and punish them for their bad behavior. Since Hollywood is incorrigibly wicked and utterly refuses to repent, it uses its “artistic license to sin” to twist the matter and blame the drought on other people driving their cars to work, rather than on Hollywood perverts enjoying their fornication, adultery, and utter depravity of the unmentionable sort (unmentionable due in part to “politically correct” speech laws).

    Immoral school kids love Al Gore's man-made global warming nonsense because it allows them to imitate all the rotten examples that Hollywood sets in everything while pretending that they are brave and noble heroes concerned about saving the planet.

    All those bad actors in Hollywood need to stop acting badly, and find honest, useful work to do. The rest of the people in California need to turn off their televisions and stop watching all the bad behavior as if they like it and approve of it. They need to do this, not just to save the planet, but to save their own hides from being removed from that part of the planet and relocated to neo-Nazi concentration camps where they will be forced to concentrate seriously rather than continue producing and watching ready-made daydreams--and nightmares.

    P.S. I am still not interested in Rod Meredith's “doctrinal upgrades” (that is, his doctrinal changes). As Herbert W. Armstrong once told Rod Meredith in a letter dated March 14, 1980, while Rod was in Hawaii, “You have a WILL to lead, but not the qualifications.”

  8. 1:24~. I suppose the seals and polar bears at the north pole are just horrible sinners? Or the chipmunks, birds, and bears who live in the melting permafrost areas? Climate change is reality. Exxon even built its business and financial model on it, starting in the late 1970s. Man may or may not be responsible, but surely mankind as a species can have an impact on reversing or slowing the process. Mankind has a strong history of ameliorating hostile natural forces in order to survive. Unfortunately, the dittoheads have been duped into denial and not even trying.


  9. Anon 1:24, thanks for that wonderful example of Poe's Law. For a moment that rant almost might have come across as serious, but when you then hilariously conflated it with Godwin's Law by randomly invoking the Nazis I recognized it for the elegantly crafted parody of a sterotypical maundering dissociative street corner preacher that it was clearly intended as. Nicely done.

  10. Remember Joe Tkach Sr.'s donations for -- what was it? Earthquake relief, I think -- given right at Feast time?

    Gerald Flurry, who was just becoming a name we all knew, lamented that money spent on food, water, and medicine for people in need might instead have been used to print more copies of Mystery of the Ages.

    As I said on other occasions, "You insensitive bastard!!!"

  11. Suggesting that people were spared because they're in this or that COG, rather than encouraging them to pray for those who were affected, is pure ego, nothing more. It's a favorite bromide of COG leaders, not to mention Pat Robertson.

    Sadly, when COGers sing "We Are God's People," most are thinking, "we are God's favorites."

  12. Anon1:24PM wrote:

    "When too many people sin too badly for too long...God will sometimes go over to the thermostat that controls the temperature of the sun and crank it up a few degrees to scorch their heads and punish them for their bad behavior."

    a) And you know this how?

    b) According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, scientists have been tracking the sun, and have ruled out global warming being the result of a change in the sun's output.

    c) Congratulations. Your thinking has progressed not at all since 700BC.

    "Immoral school kids love Al Gore's man-made global warming nonsense because it allows them to blah blah blah."

    OMG. Will the "Everyone knows that what I believe is true, but are incorrigible and want to find any excuse to do what they know is 'sinful' EXCEPT FOR ME" trope ever grow old? You think you are special, and so much gooder than everyone else, but you're just not.

  13. Hey kids! It's time to play the great new game...

    The rules are simple-
    -Build your homemade conspiracy theory to meet your psychological needs, no matter your level of dysfunction. (That's what puts the "fun" in "dysfunctional"!)
    -Build it from anything you've ever heard, no matter how absurd.
    -Feel the Holy Spirit sweep over and within you, giving you a thumbs-up.
    -Share it on the interwebs (To achieve a maximum confidence factor).
    -While dismissing criticism(especially from family and friends), further entrench yourself.
    -Believe that God is working directly with you, as a part of His "Wondrous and Grandiose Plan" to save mankind.
    -Collect tithes if your bookshelves are crooked so you can at least buy new ones from Ikea.
    -There's no need to give credible references for the 'facts' supporting your homemade conspiracy theory, since people asking for credible references obviously DO NOT have the real Holy Spirit's given POWER of discernment.
    -No matter what your conspiracy theory is, let the acceptance thereof be a chance for others to to be a 'BFF' to God, almost like you are.

    Well, that's it for the rules of the "HOMEMADE CONSPIRACY THEORY JAMBOREE" !

  14. Heck, I don't have a conspiracy theory for "THE JAMBOREE" game myself, now, but I'll include my nephew's, which goes like this-

    "Herbert W Armstrong always spoke the truth. Then Radio Swan came and he got into the CIA stuff that would put any 007 movie to shame, but he still always spoke the truth and the United Nations set HWA at the head table there at the United Nations- above all others- because of the incredible funding of CIA operations that the HWA-led WCG was involved in. Stan Rader, being baptized in a bathtub, was a part of a covert CIA plot in Japan called, "Operation Bubblebath"
    What about global warming?
    Starting in the late 1970's, Exxon even built its business and financial model on it.
    Yes, and in 1989 the Exxon Valdez was on a CIA/WCG/UN funded mission- working with those who were tops in evil Hollywood- breaking the ice and heading ever northward in the Valdez, equipped with the latest technology including large screens facing out from the deck showing evil Hollywood-generated pictures of gay seals and polar bears at the north pole engaged in gay fornication, trying to turn seals and polar bears into gays. When the TRUTH of this ship's evil Hollywood mission was about to be discovered, it was sunk by gay Hollywood squirrels trained by the CIA in backstage of a World Tomorrow taping."

  15. "They need to do this, not just to save the planet, but to save their own hides from being removed from that part of the planet and relocated to neo-Nazi concentration camps where they will be forced to concentrate seriously rather than continue producing and watching ready-made daydreams--and nightmares."

    You mean like in the Kingdom of God, where the entire Erf will be transformed into a giant re-education camp?

    Paul Ray


  16. October 30, 2015

    NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

    A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

    The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.



  17. The battle against global warming: an absurd, costly and pointless crusade

    White Paper drawn up by the Société de Calcul Mathématique SA

    September 2015



  18. Byker Bob said...

    “1:24~. I suppose the seals and polar bears at the north pole are just horrible sinners? Or the chipmunks, birds, and bears who live in the melting permafrost areas? Climate change is reality. Exxon even built its business and financial model on it, starting in the late 1970s. Man may or may not be responsible, but surely mankind as a species can have an impact on reversing or slowing the process. Mankind has a strong history of ameliorating hostile natural forces in order to survive. Unfortunately, the dittoheads have been duped into denial and not even trying.”

    Byker Bob: Rebel or Conformist--Which?

    In his youth, when his parents tried to train him up as they thought best, Tricycle Bob was rebellious and resisted it. His parents had GTA's Plain Truth About Child Beating booklet on their side. But little Bob had the Bible on his side: “Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him” (Proverbs 27:22, NIV).

    Upon growing up and attending AC, when he heard HWA teach that everyone should obey God's good laws to try to make the world a better place for everyone, Byker Bob got duped into denial and not even trying. He wanted to be a rebel, just like all the other rebels out there.

    In his old age, when godless people came around preaching the New World Religion of man-made global warming, Mobility Scooter Bob was easily converted and conformed to the behavior they expected of him. He still did not think for himself or put up any resistance to that sort of thing. He just meekly conformed to the wishes of the dark side, as he had done for a lifetime.

  19. 7:38 ~ is that your best shot? Hope you feel better now. I just don't know what you proved.


  20. Keep on igging out, 6:05-6:10. After all, ignorance is bliss. While I'm happy for the people who live south of the equator, 90% of the world's population actually lives in the northern hemisphere. So, Arctic ice melting, permafrost melting, and glaciers melting all on the northern hemisphere are a really big deal, regardless of what happens on the Southern hemisphere. It is estimated that the glaciers and snow pack that feed the rivers which become the Ganges River will all be gone, as early as 2030, reducing a once mighty river to an occasional seasonal monsoon event. Do you know how many people depend on the Ganges for life itself? And that is just one of the rivers fed by glaciers. The glaciers are a buffer, accumulating, storing, and releasing precipitation in a controlled fashion, one of the things that makes our planet fertile and life-giving. Anyone who is not concerned about disappearing glaciers is simply lacking in intellect, or has an agenda.

    Permafrost melting is a major event also. The once frozen dead vegetation will soon rot, causing even more greenhouse gasses, accelerating climate change. So, who is really not thinking? I believe it is the people who are once again being duped by a powerful radio voice, the people we call "ditto-heads". Watch NOVA. This is hardly junk science.

    Really, it doesn't matter what people think. The only thing that really matters is what is actually happening. If climate change is taking place, it will eventually come to a point where nobody can deny it.


  21. 8:50 and 9:05
    Your parody or summarization is just plain hilarious. I love it.
    Let's just stick with the official version then.

    The bathtub conversion was a spiritual event. Spiritual ranks had nothing to do with director roles in wcg.
    When in the seventies one called the most shielded men in the world for a photo opp this was instantly granted. The State Department never debriefs people visiting the leaders of our allies.
    Japan is self sufficient in energy so when the frontmen of the most powerful families in Japan (one party state) fly in the GII to Kuwait this is for the purpose of riding camels.
    After that they fly to South Africa which is the only nuclear power in Africa because South African wine is so good. Israel and South Africa engage in nuclear exchange. Former WCG top leaders have in their resume that they are consultants for Israels high technology to Asia.
    When 6 US senators visit our newfound ally in Egypt (Sadat) on schedule, it is very common to make them wait for an hour or more because some sketchy religious figure is visiting for a photo opp.

    Radio Monaco and Radio Free Europe were great music radio stations helping the US music industry find new markets.

    Speaking to defeated Samurai in suits about an "unseen hand from some place" it never occurs to them that this "cia cleared" person is warning about another nuclear attack like the other 2 before.
    No one challenged me on the Okinawa issue or other "uncouth" statements.

    You go and live on in your John Ford world if that suits your life. The Indjuns don't care much for John Ford or mythical John Wayne.

    nck (the nephew)


  22. Byker Bob said...

    “7:38 ~ is that your best shot? Hope you feel better now. I just don't know what you proved.”

    Okay, I'll try to explain this one more time really simply so that even you might be able to understand it, though I am afraid that you still “just won't get it.”

    What that absolutely, conclusively, scientifically proves beyond the shred of a reasonable doubt is this: You are both a rebel and a conformist at the same time.

    You rebel against the ways of God while you conform to the ways of this world.

    You should really try to do it the opposite way even though it might seem too difficult for someone like yourself.

    Hope this helps!


  23. 4:34 AM said... “You think you are special, and so much gooder than everyone else, but you're just not.”

    Am too!

    Special and so much gooder!!

    So there!!!


  24. Byker Bob said...

    “Keep on igging out, 6:05-6:10. After all, ignorance is bliss.”

    Nay Bob, you need to STOP igging out. Ignorance is dangerous!


  25. Climate Change Timeline: 1895 – 2009

    There is most certainly a pattern to climate change...but it's not what you may think: For at least 114 years, climate “scientists” have been claiming that the climate was going to kill us … but they have kept switching whether it was a coming ice age, or global warming.



  26. Byker Bob said...

    “This is hardly junk science.”

    Totally agree. This is not even junk science. It is not science at all. It is politics. It is a false religion.

  27. Ah. Finally got it, although I generally like to give even anonymous posters the benefit of doubt. But, it has become obvious that I've apparently been attempting to conduct logical and civil discourse with someone who is still intoxicated on the HWAcaca, to such an extent that he has equated the HWAcaca with "the ways of God". Fact is, it really doesn't matter what the cult zombies say, think, or do. Armstrongism is its own punishment. (Dorothy's nightmare). LOL.

    Decades ago, in high school, I learned that there is no such thing as nonconformity. In being a nonconformist, one is just conforming to a different standard for conformity. It's rhetorical, and probably directly relates to Derrida.

    BIOYA, Coglodyte!


  28. just wondering how people are marked in LCG, if anyone knows? do they tell them? or do you just get quietly marked a trouble maker? and put under the microscope

  29. BB


    Just for the record. I sign by nck and make myself recognizable by my atricious punctuation. I was not in the "climate debate". Of course I have an opinion on climate too.
    I don not discuss this topic with people denying climate change since I witness it on my doorstep. I do however appreciate the different opinions as to what causes the phenomenon.

    Just so you know,

