Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rod Meredith: 63 Years Later And His World Is Still Coming To An End

Here is the logic that trickles from Rod Meredith's aging mind.  It is his PROOF that the end times is rapidly pounding down upon us.

I think all of us know that things are speeding up in the world – events are happening, that they are exciting. And many of the news analysts – famous news analysts – admit that there are more vast changes in this society than have ever taken place in hundreds of years; just one thing after the other. So it certainly shows that the end of this age is near, it really does, and that's exciting to me after been preaching these things for about 63 years to see them speed up to the degree they are.

Every decade brings about new and exciting discoveries.  This is nothing new.  It most certainly is NOT a forewarning of the end of the world.  It really doesn't!

He immediately jumps into his other trademark scare tactic...Big bad meanie Satan is on the warpath...again...through this blog and dissident members. Satan and the world HATE the LCG and is making life horrific for its members.

But brethren, as the end approaches we know that Satan's going to attack. God shows us the people of God are going to have a great deal of persecution, and also we're going to have Satan attack us. God describes a massive attack by Satan in Revelation chapter 12, where he fights God, he's cast back down to the earth, and he's going to cause trouble – the people on Earth are going to suffer as never before – we're not having that yet. But we need to be close to God, and we need to be ready for that kind of thing and understand what's ahead and really learn to put our full trust in Christ as the living head of God's Church and our living head. And the one that we walk with, talk with, personally know and have faith and trust in him and in his leadership.

Since when has the Church of God "walked and talked" with Jesus Christ?  How can the Living Church of God know anything about Jesus Christ when the church refuses to discuss him?  The law trumps Jesus Christ every time.

The first two paragraphs quoted above are the very first words out of Meredith's mouth in a sermon he preached on August 1, 2015.  Does Meredith have the capability of ever preaching anything positive and uplifting?  It's death and damnation from the get go in every single canned sermon he repeats anymore.  He apparently is incapable of coming up with new material.


  1. How can any of them come up with new material when they haven't read anything but their own literature for decades.

  2. Rod it's not satan who is attacking your followers, it's you and your gestapo elders and ministers. You're hard heartened attitude is what's doing it.
    Rod find the Lord when he can be found. How many of those 63 years have you really been looking?

  3. Well . . . maybe this time it will be right. NOT!

    I remember a time some years ago when something similar was proclaimed by Gerald Flurry and his friends. It went something like, “We’ve been telling you it’s all going to happen SOON! VERY SOON! We’ve been telling you this for over fifty years!”

    That anyone’s perception is so narrow that they don’t realize what a contradictory (to say nothing of stupid) statement that is to make! Meredith does similar here.

    The HWA message was so exciting and challenging when we first heard it, we wanted to jump in as soon as we could. Now we’ve heard it . . . and heard it . . . and heard it . . . and heard it . . .

    This stuff is like a commercial on TV that makes you rush to push MUTE when it starts.

    “ . . . we need to be close to God . . .” Close to God? He means stay close to this “church” you got yourself into. Don’t wander. Don’t spend money on things when you could send it to me.


    -- T.

  4. Rod said: "...I think all of us know that things are speeding up in the world..."

    Such baloney spoken decade after decade from his mouth! When will it end? Now, Rod is another day closer to his "dirt-nap," but just what things are speeding up in the world? If Rod wants to think about speed, why not think about the speeding up of events AFTER Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit!!!!!!!!!!!

    What would Jesus Christ say about Rod's words? Really! What? Just one verse:

    "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8:44

    What really makes Rod and his "little helpers" different from any of the religious leaders of Jesus Christ's day and age when He walked this earth as a 100% human being? Nothing speeded up in this area; it's the SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment was made regarding the Rod: "...Does Meredith have the capability of ever preaching anything positive and uplifting? It's death and damnation from the get go in every single canned sermon he repeats anymore. He apparently is incapable of coming up with new material..."

    Well, here is something very positive from the Book Rod professes to read:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, RECONCILING the world unto himself, NOT imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."

    Not only does Rod, and his leaders at their "living" headquarters, not understand what that verse means...........but, that verse is too positive for them to mention.


  5. I had a feeling that this quote might have been from the summer. About that time, posters on some of the blogs had made comments about events speeding up. Some responded with "Huh???" I assumed that by speeding up, they were referring to gay marriage, changes in the marijuana laws, and the recent stock market correction.

    I bet they will be having a lot of fun this coming sabbath at Charlie Sheen's expense, and will be discussing how the acts of terrorism in Paris are going to galvanize Europe into the Fourth Reich.

    Submitted for your approval: What if God had an end time message, and gave it to a man who then preached it as he lived a debauched lifestyle, screwing his daughter, lying, cheating and stealing to get the gospel out, and living the lifestyle of an alcoholic? What if the man's son was a gambling, drunken, womanizer, playing the part of a duplicitous tom cat within his father's empire, even as his father was complicit to these activities, looking the other way until his hand was forced? God's own character would have dictated that He simply could not validate these people by making it appear that such ones worked for Him as messengers. After all, these people were claiming to be the gatekeepers to end time events, the alleged place of safety, and even the Kingdom! Had Jesus returned in 1975, the Armstrong empire and prophecy mold would have appeared to have been authorized, validated, and vindicated. Weren't we told that when Jesus returned, He was going to establish Armstrongism as God's government on earth for the millennium and all eternity? also, had the events happened in accordance with any of the splinter leaders revised plans, the spawn of this evil empire would be seen as working for God. Not good.

    Could it be that as with the Israelites, wandering about aimlessly in the desert for forty years, God is allowing a group of people who did not meet His standards to die off, so that He can use a totally new and fresh group to get the job done? If somehow we were actually reaching the end of man's rule on earth, that is the only thing that would make any sense. Most of us here realize that the Armstrong prophecy mold is based on too many baseless theories only supported by unreliable self-proclaimed apostles and prophets to be true, in any way. The so-called stalwarts who appear to be being allowed to die off should carefully consider what is really going on in their disintegrating empire. Church eras were just one more baseless theory. Something entirely different is going on here, or perhaps nothing at all.


  6. Cuando veo este tema en el blog, me doy cuenta que su autor es un ignorante, lo digo con respeto porque si leemos la biblia, el mismo Jesucristo advirtió que el Reino de dios se ha acercado, el mismo hijo de dios les decía a las personas de la época, velad y estar atentos a los acontecimientos de nuestro entorno. Rod Meredith es un hombre que ha predicado por años acerca de lo mismo que predicó nuestro señor Jesucristo y uds. manga de torpes se ríen sin saberlo de lo mismo que dijo ya nuestro señor, Dios perdones vuestras burlas porque no saben lo que hacen, se ha extraviado de vosotros la cordura y escriben basura de gente que no les hace nada.

  7. Completely agree with BB. It seems that with so many people and groups who are so, so "right", God must have a very hard time wrapping his mind and approval around the MOST RIGHT ONE. If memory serves me, raising stones is another option mentioned in scripture when the human element fails, but that would never be a realization for the COG multitude of witnesses, apostles, prophets and all around most righteous group(s) that promulgate the exactness of their own self worth and ability to look into the future.

    Since Kool-aid must be the preferred drink for the many still waiting for at least one prophesy to come to pass, I wonder how it will taste when all the exactness and zeroing in on every event that they think will take place, doesn't go their way?

    Sadly, it will never end as long as people can be convinced that they must have a minister to tell them exactly how to live, what to believe, and live in perpetual fear for things that might even could take place, instead of just living a life that is worthy of God's praise and notice and not a man or a group.

    The lesson of Job might have been about his self-righteousness, but in the end God reminded all in the equation, just where they all fit in the bigger picture. Tragically, we still have a large contingencies of individual and group-like Job's, who are still playing one-up-man-ship and trying to out guess God, when the real purpose is very simply... live right, treat others well, and seek a humble way of life...

  8. Scoffers are only scoffers inside the apocalyptic cults. Outside of the cult they are correctly observing reality.

    1. diehl, the bible is full of examples of scoffers who were outsiders, and it is that variety that the apostle Kefa (Peter) is referring to...

      the biggest difference between the scoffers of the prophet's day and those of today is that in ancient times the scoffers did so in the name of paganism, whereas today we in the western world do so in the name of self worship...

  9. Looks like Humberto does not like seeing his idol Spanky being picked on here. Meredith has proven to be a liar, so why do you cling on to every word he says as if God spoke it?

  10. we in this country make the mistake of believing that just because things are relatively good here that end time events are not occurring, even though they are happening right before us all around the world...

    there is real suffering going on in this world due to events that were prophecied long ago, not the least of which is that the arabs are pushing heavily against the europeans just as Daniel 11 said they would;

    the next thing to occur will be europe suddenly and heavy handedly pushing back and running roughshod over the arabic nations...

    but as long as americans are not affected, as long as our bellies remain full and our society remains relatively civil, the scoffers among us will clown...

  11. Humberto es un hombre muy divertido.

  12. Humberto,

    Por favor traducir su discurso. No todo el mundo aqui es fluido en espanol. Sus opiniones son valiosas para nosotros.

    Motociclista Roberto

  13. No, BB. It's fine if Humberto writes in Spanish. Those of us who cannot read Spanish but want to read his comments in English can readily avail ourselves of an on-line translator - which I have just noticed does a pretty good job of Spanish to English.

    Keep it up Humberto.

  14. "...the biggest difference between the scoffers of the prophet's day and those of today is that in ancient times the scoffers did so in the name of paganism, whereas today we in the western world do so in the name of self worship..."

    Spoken like a true insider of an apocalyptic cult.

    Outsiders see a bigger picture than the one afforded by the blinders of your belief system.

    1. how so, anon 8:31? many of you people come on here and make these "because i said so" statements and only demonstrate you are no better than the cultists you point the finger at...

    2. first off, anon 8:31am, i am not an insider of any cult, nor have i attended any church in more than a decade, so there goes the validity of your "insider" statement, which frankly was typically presumptuous and a shot in the dark like many of the remarks on this blog...

      secondly, scoffing is scoffing, regardless of whether one is doing so from within or without the Church, and it is was prophecied as being one of the many signs of the end time, but has been practiced from the days of Moses and the exodus, as usual, motivated by self interest and disbelief...

  15. Por favor soplar hacia fuera el culo Humberto .
    Usted chupa un millar de penes de Herbie .

  16. For some strange reason, the Holy Spirit is tugging at my taste buds and wanting me to go have lunch at Chipotle.

    Who am I to deny God's Will? (Plus, I have a Chipotle coupon and the local taco truck isn't even in town today.)

  17. Somehow I'm following all this Spanish stuff. Must be the gift of tongues!

  18. Once again Rod goes preaching out of the book of Crazy 24:7

  19. I am a member of LCG, and the more I think about it, how can members who want to know about God and His Word and have Bible studies, be put out of the church? Not sure what is happening. Thank you for this website where we can come and see and hear what might be happening and not really being reported? Can you ever conceive of someone being put out for studying their Bible? Think I'll ask my local minister.

  20. Lord have mercy. Persecution? When on earth has anyone in the LCG every suffered any actual persecution? I wouldn't rate the worst of it above "mild, self-inflicted hardship."

  21. November 18, 2015 at 2:27 PM

    Daniel 11: I read something on the Greeks, yes they are sure pushing the Europeans. Something about Medes. Don't see much about Arabs or their great army? I sure hope you don't mean Iran. No Arabs live there.

    Perhaps by Daniel or David you mean Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz who are sponsoring European politicians with big dollars to say the very thing you are saying.
    Or should I say Yell in stead of Say. Since Gellen means exactly that.

    2:27 Just be careful who you are actually quoting. I see Pipes quoted a lot in cog publications. We are on them, folowing the money stream. Rest assured.


    1. in the bible the wind is a metaphor for spirit, and Daniel 11 speaks on four winds, i.e. four different spirits; spirits influence flesh, both man and beast...

      although flesh and blood dies, spirits do not die; the greeks at on time ruled egypt, today the arabs rule egypt, and the same spirit of adversity that the greek ptolemys had against the area north of the medi, and vice versa, persists today despite the death of the flesh...

    2. and regarding your statement that no arabs live in iran:

      ethnic arabs and arabic speakers live in the khuzestan province of iran. most of them self-identify as iranian arabs, or ahvazis...
