Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 5, 2016

UCG: Even though the ship is sinking, we love spending money to patch the holes.

Vic Kubik sent out a letter the other day discussing the latest from Cincinnati.

One telling thing he pointed out is their Beyond Today flagship magazine.  For some reason they have been dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars into another failure.  No matter how much advertising they do, they cannot retain subscribers.  They have a 72% failure rate.

One very important benchmark is the reach and circulation of Beyond Today magazine. As 72% of readers do not renew their subscription, we need to constantly seek new subscribers. This costs money. We use everything from card decks and print advertising, to online keyword marketing to tell people about the gospel message. The more people that subscribe, the more who will ask for other literature and become engaged–even to the point of becoming donors and coworkers. Then some of these will eventually come to repentance and be baptized.

A reader here mentioned something I missed.  Its obvious from the above quote that the UCG is more concerned about number of subscribers first.  The more subscribers you have the more money that comes in.  Maybe a few will repent and be baptized, but its more important to have then numbers first.

Suely there is an editing error there.  I’m sure what he intended to say was first the reader will come to repentance, be baptized, then become a donor.  This unfortunate editing error will lead people to think  that their primary purpose is attracting donors not in bringing the plain truth about the good news to the attention of sinners.

What does UCG really have to offer? Thousands of members and 3/4 of the ministry felt that it had nothing to offer and left a few years ago.  UCG's income is not keeping pace with their expenditures and expectations.  Its still trying to be the WCG from the 1980's and it cant do it.  The glory days are gone in the Churches of God, never to return.

The January Beyond Today cover is prophetic, the handwriting truly is on the wall!


  1. Nope, no editing error. The recent split a few years ago was all about the money too.

    There's another tell revealed in his wording: the belief that anyone who isn't a part of UCG already couldn't possibly have repented or have been baptized "properly" before. Because, as we all know, UCG is the only path to salvation.

    As council member John Elliott boasted, of all the people on earth, the ministry of UCG has inherited the mantle of the Levitical priesthood. Don't try to trace that line of succession as the Levitical priesthood mantle was passed down through the centuries, especially after the destruction of the temple, just take his word for it. I guess Jesus meant to say, "For you are Peter, the new Levitical High Priest, and upon this rock, um, starting 1900 years from now, I will build my church," but he screwed up.

  2. Money,Money they can Teeckle their own Farce-sins. The Handwriting is on the wall...

  3. I just read some of the articles in this current issue. Iike in the previous Good News magazine, the articles are flat, flat, flat. Did I mention that they are flat. They ask "Will you repent, will you rise to the challenge?" Christ said by contrast, 'repent or likewise you will perish.' At least that's incentive. They should be saying 'repent or God will best the crap out of you.' Or 'repent or you will be soooo sorry in the coming tribulation.' It's obviously a policy of not making waves or not ruffling any feathers. But then why have the magazine?

  4. Most magazines have about an 80% failure to resubscribe after the first subscription expires rate. Thereafter, it tends to be about 50% renewal rate, so this is nothing new in the magazine business.

    Times have become so bad for magazines, that even Playboy will discontinue nude pictures in its magazine starting sometime this year. Newspapers are going into bankruptcy nearly daily.

    What surprises me about UCG is the continual insistence to being dedicated to have a magazine and all of its associated costs at all. Certain things become entrenched, employees and all, and free market forces do not get properly responded to.

    It is self evident and apparent that the internet has succeeded radio, television, newspapers and magazines, and will soon drive all of those franchises into oblivion.

    Corporate vision should be to go "all internet" and the sooner the better. More economic by far, and it is how anyone under the age of 60 is finding information and resources.

  5. UCG has a 72% failure rate. This site has a 99.9% failure rate, and ZERO income. Who is the bigger failure?

  6. It sure sounds like the UCG is in a state of continual shrinkage. God sure is working powerfully in that organization. About the only churches that are growing are the modern churches that preach a mainstream Christian set of doctrines. Sure there are a few exceptions but do you really think a church like the UCG really has any chance of growing considering the weird set of doctrines they hold onto. People are loosing interest in the old denominations. It is delusional to think that they would latch onto something even more ancient, the old testament doctrines of the UCG.

  7. Ever since the first splits, the gravy boat has been getting smaller and smaller with each splintering and springing leaks. The hard, cold fact is that all those old members have had to retire, are earning practically nothing and many have died. They don't have a message compelling enough to attract savvy young people who are turning their backs on the empty promises of religion by the droves. You can't sell their brand of bullshit on a mass scale anymore -- not in the google age.

  8. I wonder if this is registering with everyone who reads this post. A 72% failure rate means that they have not been able to establish sufficient common ground with their readers that the readers would even consider renewing their free subscriptions. You would also have to wonder just how engaged the remaining 28% might be. To be successful, generally your break even point would be at least 50-1/2%.

    Is "Beyond Today" a microcosm for what is going on with all of the ACOG publications? If the leaders were to be honest with their figures, would we find that this 72% figure holds true for all groups that publish a similar message? We know from the figures that Redfox has been reporting over at Living Armstrongism that the Trumpet's circulation has been contracting on a month to month basis. What of the others?

    This goes to basic relevancy. The message and methodology pioneered by HWA was apparently time and date stamped. The freshness guarantee has obviously expired.


  9. This site and others continually prophesy that the various COGs are going to go under, but they never do. I think they don't go under because God blesses those who are sincerely seeking him, whatever doctrinal position they may take. I realize the COGs would not agree with that --- they figure Satan is blessing all those pagan Catholic and Protestant churches --- but it is virtually unheard of for denominations to go under, be they Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, COG or whatever. Individual churches do go belly up on occasion, primarily because of aging members in a particular region, but denominations just go on and on.

  10. 12.39 PM, I've read that Playboy is trying to sell its Playboy mansion for $700 million dollars. But with the sale contract insisting that Hugh Hefner be allowed to live there till his death. I must admit, I'm touched by the loyalty of the company to him. From another angle, it's kind of pathetic for a 89 year old to be living that lifestyle. He's lived a long life, but what does he have to show for it?

  11. 4.27 I assume you meant 'whatever doctrinal position they may take,' providing they accept the ten commandments. God doesn't just bless them, he answers members prayers as well. Which is a dissident viewpoint on this blog.

  12. Yes, the approach that HWA used was "time and date stamped." It's old and antiquated now. No one will type out on a typewriter and mimeograph film a magazine with sensational unsubstantiated articles about prophetic nonsense and then laboriously print them and expect to get a bunch of backward, basically uneducated and gullible people to buy in and start tithing because they happened to tune into one of few the radio stations they could get (with no competing TB, internet, etc) and hear the bombast that piqued their curiosity. These clowns like to imagine themselves his heirs but I suspect even he could not have succeeded as he did under modern media realities. It was a unique time with unique circumstances. That "wine skin" is much too old and rotten to hold anything that will produce results now. Besides, none of them would even consider living the way he did when he started out, just barely surviving economically for several years.

  13. Wow. A 72 percent non-renewal rate for a free product? What does UCG have to offer? This:


  14. This is based on opinion here, all the ACOGS are sinking ships based solely on the fact that they even offer printed literature. It's a waste of money in today's society. The only reason why they hold onto it so dearly, again based on my opinion, is to keep more people at their headquarters and under control. If they didn't offer literature they wouldn't have so many employees. Not as many employees needed, therefore not as big of a headquarter congregation. The old fogeys that have no concept of computers do play into it too. I'm sure without printed literature tithes and offerings would go down. I can't speak for United but I know that LCG ministers really do push the idea that the internet is dangerous because heaven forbid someone actually takes it upon themselves to "prove all things". In conclusion, it all comes down to control, money and ego.

  15. The Church of God Seventh Day doesn't seem to be having a problem with the Bible Advocate.

    But let's give Beyond Tomorrow some time.

    Where will it be in 100 years?

    Hey, you know, The Plain Truth still exists... somewhere... but it certainly isn't what it was. I wonder if Greg Ulbrecht will bring back the mimeograph machine? The Plain Truth currently has 8 pages per bimonthly issue. Online, it's in color, there's PDF and Flipping Book format.

    The Bible Advocate is free for the printed version sent to you monthly, has 32 pages and you can read it online as a .pdf or in Flipping Book format.

    Guaranteed that the readership of The Bible Advocate is much much greater than that of Beyond Tomorrow.

    And for the UCG there will be no more Good News from now on.

    Of course, Scientology has Freedom Magazine. Now let's see which will last longer, Freedom Magazine or Beyond Tomorrow.

    -- Or --

    Why don't you go read Ensign Magazine from The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints (in case you don't get it -- that's Mormons).

  16. The 'writing on the wall' article made no mention of Americas massive wealth transfer via the taxation system. And the reason? Why, because they do the same thing with their 'give way.' At least Obama is up front when he mentioned 'passing the wealth around.' The splinters by contrast, are sneaky, calling it the 'give way.' No mention of trade anywhere, and no blessings from God. What do these people pray? Perhaps, "please Lord, call more people into the church so we can rob them blind, and give it the nice label of 'the give way.' Please Lord, send more suckers and victims, err, I mean, more church members. Amen."

    Cheers The TradingGuy

  17. Black Ops Mikey said..."...And for the UCG there will be no more Good News from now on..."

    And United Ass. did not have any Good News BEFORE b/c from their perspective it was only the self-righteous ministers who believed that only they would qualify to make it into the Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) for a 1,000 years as spirit beings........unless, of course, you behaved just like them also qualified and earned your "right" to be there with them.

    And what Good News was there about the MMM? After 1,000 years of whatever these self-righteous ministers thought they would accomplish on earth, supposedly reigning with Jesus Christ, then what?

    Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit (Rev 20:7)! Where was Jesus Christ? He wasn't there with any of them reigning on earth!

    The Day of the LORD occurs AFTER Satan is loosed from the pit: not BEFORE! The entire world is again deceived (Rev 20:8) worldwide! Where is/was Jesus Christ?
    And what will the self-righteous ministers have accomplished? Nothing, but bad news based upon their false theories regarding the millennium.

    What other "Good News" is there that the United Ass. teaches? They teach a Day of the LORD that occurs before the MMM, don't they? It's a lie!

    Zechariah 14:1 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.
    :2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

    Those in the United Ass., and numerous xcogs, still sing the song about those words and they do so without realizing that those events surrounding Jerusalem don't occur until Satan exits the pit...AFTER their supposed MMM! Jesus Christ wasn't around to prevent all of that deception, the taking of Jerusalem, ravishing the women, half of Jerusalem goes into captivity, etc.

    So, United did NOT teach Good News. They taught, and still teach a MMM, which does not teach the truth. I personally think it is a good thing that they removed that "Good News" title from their magazine, but "Beyond Today?" The 1,000 years, that MMM, is part of tomorrow, but the leaders in the United Ass. are still only babes, still not weaned from the milk of the word, and do not understand what will really happen tomorrow, beyond today. It should be embarrassing to them, but they are also blind babes, and as somebody else said, many of their articles in that magazine are "flat."

    They can't "see" it! If they were to change the magazine's title to "Milk of the Word" it may be more relevant and appropriate, unless they secretly begin to change some of their basic doctrines. Well, if that were to happen, just change the magazine title again.......to perhaps something like: "Junk Food".


  18. What the UCG and other COGs put out is a load of shame based religious crap! Who wants to read this crap? And they wonder why 72% do not renew subscriptions?

  19. What percentage of the remaining 28% are UCG members receiving the magazine and renew every year? The percentage of nonmembers not renewing may be more like 80% or slightly more.


  20. The UCG's magazine certainly is Beyond The Pale. The basic problem with the UCG is what someone recently called “the morally challenged character of the average church member.” Why would any normal person ever want to go to the UCG and put up with all the immoral and malicious unbelievers who are welcomed in and allowed to hang out there? Why would any normal person ever want to waste their time reading all the nicey-nicey hen-scratch in their magazine while always having to put up with the perverts in the UCG in real life every week? The typewriting is on this Blog for the UCG!!!

  21. 1:07, do you just sit around trying to figure out stupid comebacks?

    "The JERK store called, and they're out of you!"

  22. The basic problem with the way Armstrongism works on the human mind is that it conditions people to consider all possible outcomes to variable situations, and then to focus in on the worst or most negative scenario as being the probable outcome. Under such thought patterns, even the blessings for living a Christian lifestyle can't be enjoyed in this lifetime as an example to others, you have to wait for the next life to enjoy them. Also, don't even expect loving encouragement if you go in to counsel with your minister, expect a serious ration of crap, instead. And especially expect the worst if you need to interface with someone from "the world"!

    When they are writing articles for their recruitment magazines, this negativity is just so ingrained, that they can't suppress it! That is what flows outward as the takeaway. Who in their right mind would want such negativity in their homes, and in their minds? The people who don't renew are most likely the positive thinkers who realize that mankind is capable of high level problem solving.

    One of the aspects which makes churches grow today is a positive message, a message that people can influence the surrounding community or culture towards good. The example of Lot is cited, in which God promised to spare the majority for the sake of a small number of righteous, or where Israel and Judah had punishment postponed multiple times when God saw even encouraging signs of partial obedience. You just don't walk into an ACOG sabbath service and hear a message about winning the community for Jesus Christ. Instead, the messages are about how minorities are going to start race wars for no reason, or how the homosexuals are going to convert everyone to their "lifestyle", and then outraged and morally superior Germans are going to need to come over here and mop everything up for God. Droughts, floods, new diseases, and demon activity. They have all manner of toys or tools to use on the unsuspecting. People just do not respond positively to such negative coercion. Nobody wants to live in circumstances of entrapment. That is not what makes the human spirit thrive!


  23. on February 6, 2016 at 3:22 PM
    Byker Bob said...

    "The people who don't renew are most likely the positive thinkers who realize that mankind is capable of high level problem solving.

    Hi BB. Any suggestions as to which positive thinkers can solve this problem:-- "Today’s (USA) Federal Debt is about $18,997,123,338,000." 'FOUND HERE'

    It brings to mind the prophet Habakkuk who wrote:- "Hab 2:5 Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gathereth unto him all nations, and heapeth unto him all people:
    Hab 2:6 Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb against him, and say, Woe to him (the USA) that increaseth that which is not his! how long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay!
    Hab 2:7 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?
    Hab 2:8 Because thou (the USA)) hast spoiled many nations, all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee; because of men's blood, and for the violence of the land, of the city, and of all that dwell therein."


  24. The human mind is infected with endless wishful thinking, lies, propaganda, brainwashing, bad logic, and self-delusion. The human race is a lost cause. NATO is amassing troops in Eastern Europe and the Russians have no response but tactical nukes which they are now putting in place. The media won't talk about it because they don't want public pressure to force NATO to back down; the idea is to put all the pressure on the Russians to do the backing down like they did when the USSR collapsed. If the plan works, the NWO will take over Russia, then China. If the plan backfires, then all of our asses are fried.

    In case this is my last post (cause ya never know with the neocons on the job) ... it was nice knowing _some_ of you. Adios.

  25. "1:07, do you just sit around trying to figure out stupid comebacks?"

    No, actually it only took me 0.05 seconds to think of it. And you have no response (except to call me a jerk) so my "stupid" comeback was more clever than what you came up with, which was nothing at all. Heck, anyone could say "jerk". That's called a personal attack and it has zero merit in formal logic.

  26. bb,
    Most analysts on armstrongism agree that it is a mold of different belief systems. (This is what makes it an American church, that was only succesfull in European areas with large exposure to American culture (soldiers)).

    Your analysis is quite right on the wcg string that came from John Calvin, through scottish protestantism to hwa. On the whole it is quite wrong to describe "armstrongism" this way since in colloquial terms "hwa borrowed from many religions". Like the quite forward, modern and practical quakers and I can cite thousands of examples countering the narrow definition that you recognized through the Calvinist string.
    Man even the birds on the obelisk in front of the temple were named "Aspiration".

    The very collapse of wcg was caused by a lack of education and managerial skills.
    The lackk of succes of all the splinters is also largely caused by a lack of marketing skills.

    Based on (the propaganda) booklet "history of the true church" it is my firm belief that if market conditions would be right and they will every hundred years, a string of the original belief will be succesfull again as a product. (Even if among the last white population of the USA that fled to the Rocky Mountains after some cataclysmic disorder of nature.)

    Now before you call me stupid again. This morning when you put your Nutella on your bread think of the Waldenzes in the Piedmont valleys that perpetuated the hazelnut industry in the Piedmont bringing you Nutella to this day.

    You give an apt description of the lack of market and marketing skills in present cog. (And indeed there is no substantial market for the old package.)

    The influence of "the mold" was far greater than is figured on this blog or can be seen from the sad off shoots. Man even this morning I was handed a "final" report on one of the archeological digs ac and the rothschildts were involved in with huge archeological and political implications. (Nearly 25 years after ac ended its involvement.)


  27. 8.08 PM. I think you have watched too many episodes of the X files.

  28. 3.22 PM. I agree, they have been excessively negative. There should be a balance between the positive and negative. But the positive means appealing to peoples self interest and profit motive, both of which are taboo in the churches. The reason? Profit and self interest have a name, it's called trade, which the churches reject. Most church members can't succeed in the real world, so they rig the rules to the effect of 'what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine.' They call this theft by rule rigging, the 'give way', with the converted doing the giving, and the tares doing the getting. A den of thieves, as Christ called it.

    Cheers. TheTradingGuy

  29. 8:14, it's a quote from pop culture. Get your head out of Armstrongist literature and live a little.

    I'll say this, this blog never ceases to entertain.

  30. nck ~

    Paragraph 1: Agreed

    P-2. What Calvin thread? I have a life outside of this blog, and once threads have aged or gone into archive, I forget about them.

    P-3. If you mean by your statement HWA's lack of education, and the fact that he had to compensate for this through a tyrannical management style and Hitlerian temper to hold it all together, then we agree. Sooner or later, tyranny falls.

    P-4. We aren't going to be around in 100 years to know if your speculation is true, so who cares? The so called "True History of the True Church" has been proven false through more effective scholarship, and honest research. There are already many militias consisting of white separatists who live communally in undesirable remote areas of the USA today. Their lifestyle is based on many fears, like of the new world order, the collapse of the world financial system, or unusual beliefs, like the practice of polygamy. Their only similarity to Armstrongism is that they believe there can be a place of safety.

    P-5. What is Nutella? Also, the Waldenses were the people who wore sabbots as their footwear, and because the word sabbot was somewhat similar to "sabbath", HWA's researchers assumed that they were sabbatarians, and included them in the so-called history of "God's" church. They are the WCG's equivalent of Piltdown Man.

    P-6. It was not only marketing and management deficiencies that have marginalized Armstrongism. This was a religion designed to exploit a demographic consisting of mostly simple people and it worked only so long as the sophistication of the masses remained on a rather low level. The information superhighway has all but obliterated Armstrongism's tenability.

    P-7: (ah, yes, just got to have 7 points or proofs). Aside from their excellent candy bars, who even cares about the Rothschilds? They are the Kardashians of the international conspiracy cottage industry. The fact is, like impoverished Africans, the people of Israel accept donations from anyone willing to throw money their way. It is fallacious logic to assume that Rothschild contributions to a given cause somehow give relevance by association to a pissant like HWA. PBS has many, many, rich and famous benefactors, who simply love knowledge and research. If I send in my contribution, that does not make my influence visionary, or equal, to say the Koch brothers, George Soros, or the Annenbergs.

    I'm so happy not to have your world view, or your retrospective on HWA. A person would almost be better off being a "Sons of Anarchy"
    groupie. But, hey, whatever makes you happy!


  31. Ralph, the US national debt has been used as one of the Armstrong "boogey men" since the mid-1950s. Fear of it is rooted in the same type of thinking as their always postponed prophecies. Bottom line is that so long as we have fiat currency, and due to the dollar being the international standard, can control the number of dollars extant through quantitative easing policies, the chickens will not come home to roost. There was concern and alarmism that China would replace the USA as the predominant world financial power, and they might have even been on the path to do that. However, their economy has recently been exposed as having feet of clay. The oil nations were also floating ideas regarding an alternative predominant currency for exchange with their product, but then their commodity tanked.

    Also, to know the real significance of national debt, you have to view it as percentage of GNP. Being conservative, I'd like to see it paid down. but I just don't see it as the boogey man that HWA made it out to be.


  32. Paragraph 1: Agreed

    PFF glad we found common ground in something..

    P-2. What Calvin thread? I have a life outside of this blog, and once threads have aged or gone into archive, I forget about them.

    That is funny how you read that. What I meant was that wcg belief system consisted out of a fabric of different threads. In your analysis you focussed on the Calvinistic thread in that fabric. That came to hwa through scottisch protestantism. HWA was a benign leader in comparison to those terrible founding fathers over in New England. And I have the 17th century reports from other colonies reporting about the situation in new england at my disposal.

    P-3. If you mean by your statement HWA's lack of education, and the fact that he had to compensate for this through a tyrannical management style and Hitlerian temper to hold it all together, then we agree. Sooner or later, tyranny falls.

    Again in your hwa bashing fetish, you focus solely on hwa. hwa was not running an organisation with 700 managers. Certainly not while travelling 320 days per year without internet and international telephone connections.
    So yes I meant a lack of education among most of those in positions of leadership. Although in referring to the collapse of wcg I was solely pinpointing at the Tkach's.

    P-4. We aren't going to be around in 100 years to know if your speculation is true, so who cares? The so called "True History of the True Church" has been proven false through more effective scholarship, and honest research. There are already many militias consisting of white separatists who live communally in undesirable remote areas of the USA today. Their lifestyle is based on many fears, like of the new world order, the collapse of the world financial system, or unusual beliefs, like the practice of polygamy. Their only similarity to Armstrongism is that they believe there can be a place of safety.


  33. I was referring to the basic tenets of armstrongism to which you yourself admitted on the Otagosh website that there might be a constituency in the future if market conditions would change in its favor. (wars and rumors of war for example)

    P-5. What is Nutella? Also, the Waldenses were the people who wore sabbots as their footwear, and because the word sabbot was somewhat similar to "sabbath", HWA's researchers assumed that they were sabbatarians, and included them in the so-called history of "God's" church. They are the WCG's equivalent of Piltdown Man.

    You just earned yourself 3 million dollars my friend....


    P-6. It was not only marketing and management deficiencies that have marginalized Armstrongism. This was a religion designed to exploit a demographic consisting of mostly simple people and it worked only so long as the sophistication of the masses remained on a rather low level. The information superhighway has all but obliterated Armstrongism's tenability.

    This one is worthy of discussion sometime in the future.
    How it was that very intelligent people were attracted to armstrongism and still are.
    To me common thread in all armstrongists is a failed relationship with their birth fathers.

    P-7: (ah, yes, just got to have 7 points or proofs). Aside from their excellent candy bars, who even cares about the Rothschilds? They are the Kardashians of the international conspiracy cottage industry. The fact is, like impoverished Africans, the people of Israel accept donations from anyone willing to throw money their way. It is fallacious logic to assume that Rothschild contributions to a given cause somehow give relevance by association to a pissant like HWA. PBS has many, many, rich and famous benefactors, who simply love knowledge and research. If I send in my contribution, that does not make my influence visionary, or equal, to say the Koch brothers, George Soros, or the Annenbergs.

    I like your observation that there were 7 points. Must have been on the sublimanal level.
    Again in your constant misrepresentation of my postings you assume 100 percent of the time that I credit hwa by association. And I repeat it again as I have done before. I am just saying that even the few dollars you donated to wcg as compared to those who remained even after 1975 (good for you) my point only is that a lot of those dollars are still at work. That was my point about the report I just received this week.

    And by the way you constantly assume that I invoke the Rothshildts in conpiracy mode. I have stated before that to me the Rothschildts are just the people on the other side of the road that run the bank that I own (partly). The only conspiracy involving the Rothschildt that I am aware of is that Obama is threatening all countries that hide assets for tax reasons while the Rothschildt assist the USA in setting up Reno Nevada as the biggest tax haven in the world. One of the reasons I find the USA has abandoned their positive mission in the world and turned into a totally hypocritical nation ready to fall, unlike your analysis of the rise of chinese power.

    I'm so happy not to have your world view, or your retrospective on HWA. A person would almost be better off being a "Sons of Anarchy"
    groupie. But, hey, whatever makes you happy!

    Whatever makes you happy. To me you come across as one not happy. Actually still stuck in a negative relation to hwa. You are not zen with hwa. I do not fault you for that. Just observing. Kinda liked being hooked to rothschildt candy in the knowledge that it makes you fat.



  34. nck, you present a false standard for happiness, friend. It is not possible to become zen with HWA. It is important to react negatively to him so that others might avoid being victimized. As the old reggae song says, none of us are free so long as one of us remains in shackles.

    My old bud, John Trechak started something good, and when I see him again, I want to be able to tell him some of us kept the heat on.

    In the meantime, I'll settle for overall contentment rather than overwhelming happiness. That's a bargain for now.


  35. 4:20

    Yes! I understand. We have to come to terms with the very meaning of the word satire. "Mixed bowl of fruits." There are different genres and styles and perhaps 17 definitions of the word.

    Some keep the heat burning to melting level. Others insert identifiers.
    Anyhow. We could not do without the satirical main poster.

    Of course the standard of happiness as presented here falls within the containment of the main subject. My and probably our, day to day lives are far removed from others struggling still in the mold/shackles.

    In the meantime I have to correct a major mistake I made in my second paragraph, comparing my heroes the founding fathers to nutcases. By the time frame I presented, the odd reader might have observed that with nutcases I referred to tne Pilgrim Fathers. That I consider a major mistake.

    It was their contemporary colleagues the original Governors of the Isle of Mannahattas concluding that these Puritan people were dangerous and farcical in application of law.

    They were unsuccesfull in containing those strange people within their boundaries.
    So in 1683 Thomas Dongan Lord Proprietor of New York creates a rough list with all new religions in town. "Church of England, Calvinists, French Calvinists, Lutherans, Roman Catholic, "Singing" Quakers, "Raging" Quakers, Sabbatists, Anti Sabbatists, Anabaptists, Independents, Few Jews, adding representatives of all faiths, non having a majority.

    What is my point? Perhaps it gives solace to most if we burn hwa to ashes as a person. I'm sure that others who come here and have given the subject more study find some identification in recognizing that they have not been crazy all of their lives. But that they have been wearing a coat of many colors. One that started to itch really badly of course. Otherwise they would not be reading this post.

    It is up to a personal decision to decide what caused the itching and rash. Was it the fabric, was it the weaver, was it the nice coloring that attracted, the warmth of the coat, the poor wool, the crazy tailor. I consider it my niche to at least unravel the coat a bit before I leave it to the wolves to burn it to ashes.


  36. BB the national debt to GNP has been skyrocketing in the past decade. There is reason for great concern for economy.

  37. Now I am going away to do my breakfast, afterward having
    my breakfast coming yet again to read additional news.
