Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, February 26, 2016

UCG Meeting To Determine What It Is They Actually Are Supposed to Be Doing

A person would think that after 20 some years of claiming to be the only true church doing the work of God on the earth that the United Church of God knew exactly what it was they were supposed to be doing.   Apparently not.

UCG will be meeting in Cincinnati this coming week to examine their mission statement, which apparently not too many of them pay much attention to.

Robin Webber writes
The Council of Elders (CoE) of the United Church of God meets in Cincinnati from Feb. 29 to March 3. We are called together once again to ascertain and oversee how we might diligently fulfill the mission statement of the United Church of God “to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, make disciples in all nations, and care for those disciples.” As followers of the Son of God we are to humbly yet boldly follow in His footsteps when He said, “I must be about My Father’s business” (Luke 2:49). He went on to further say in John 9:4“I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.”
Ever since UCG was started in back room shenanigans in the SOG Apartments in Pasadena, it has been trying to find its identity.  Even though we live in the 21st century and have new ways of communication and media, UCG still tries to emulate it's mother church.  The Worldwide Church of God's model was based upon Herbert Armstrong's early 20th century advertising techniques and how the church operated on the financial economic excess of the 1980's.  The WCG was truly an American made sect who failed to adjust to the peoples they tried to convert around the world.  Whether you were in Oklahoma,  France, South Africa, or South America, church members dressed, acted and did exactly the same things that the mother church in Pasadena did.

Flash forward to 2016 and look at UCG today.  It cannot relate to the citizens in it's own city, state or country.  It's magazines no longer draw members or coworkers in. It has had a string of epic failures in personal appearance campaigns, outrageously expensive billboard campaigns and public "Bible studies."

UCG is out of touch with the concerns of the people around them and of the world.  It cannot relate to African Americans or Latin Americans who make up a broad swath of American society today.  UCG  is still a white man's church that is run by American white men who promote subtle racist beliefs though Anglo Israelism specialness  It's no wonder that in 2016 they have to continually meet to determine just what it is they are supposed to be doing.

Where is the humility in the UCG power structure?  Where are the serving servants who get down other knees and wash the feet of the homeless or immigrants that does their landscaping?  Where are the humble men in the UCG?  These are men who are going to be god's one day, don't forget!

These two fundamental scriptures keep us in alignment with our purpose for meeting, and reminds all of us of the spiritual fervency needed now more than ever as we plainly see the ever-encroaching darkness of this age of man that confronts God’s desire for all humanity. What is “our Father’s business”? What has He granted us to understand by His grace? How does Scripture inform us what to believe and therefore what to do whether as members of a council or individual members within the Body of Christ? What spiritual principles guide the Council of Elders as we strive to determine with God’s guidance: 1) How to share precious spiritual truth and understanding both to the world and those in our midst, 2) How to best utilize the gifts and talents of the precious resource of our membership and ministry throughout the world, and 3) How to wisely utilize the faithful donations of our members and coworkers to this end to bear spiritual fruit?

Ah yes, the world is coming to an end and we have a message of hope to bring to the world, but first we need to tell you about all the death, doom and gloom that will befall you if you ignore us.

How has scripture informed the United Church of God when it ignores or puts Jesus on the back room as an inconvenient awkward relative they want to keep out of sight?  Much like that they do with their beliefs on their website, conveniently hidden from view.

After a list of things that UCG claim to believe in (but doesn't practice), Webber has this this comment:

This is “our Father’s business” and what we will discuss in preparing Strategic and Operation Plans and Budget touching on all these spiritual needs for the GCE’s consideration in May. These guiding principles touch all that we will do and decide next week in regards to reviewing doctrines and teachings and wisely placing them under the light of Scripture; producing and promoting evangelistic tools such as the Beyond Today magazine and program, our Internet home page, and public appearance programs so that God’s ageless truths and values might become personally relevant to today’s audience; assuring that our congregations on all six inhabitable continents have pastoral care; and focusing on the needs of our youth to learn God’s ways and to create and maintain meaningful bonding programs for them that will stitch the Church together in the years to come. 

Twenty years down the line and a few years after a major church break off, UCG is reviewing doctrines to change.  One must not forget that all of these men in charge UCG were the very same men who disfellowhippeed and rebuked WCG members during the doctrinal changes when members disagreed.  These very same men were enforcers of Tkach's reforms until it was obvious that the gravy train they were on was going to be soon be brought to an end.  Money was too important to them.  They could not step out in faith from the very first as they planned a new church, but instead had to connive and plan for months and moths while still on WCG payroll.  Even today these very same men, after one epic church failure after another, still stay in power as UCG dwindles slowly down, refusing to do what is right.

Browsing through their magazines, web site and booklets a person has to look really hard to find anything specifically on Jesus Christ.  That inconvenient dude is usually only invoked in the last few paragraphs of any article as an afterthought...IF...he is mentioned at all.  Its only Hebrew scripture  heroes and prophets who get the headline articles.  Its Hebrew scripture personalities that make the magazines articles and web site stories.  Jesus be damned when Abraham, Issac and David can be invoked!

Perhaps the UCG leadership should focus entirely upon on Jesus for week and see what they might discover.

You can read UCG's "mission" here:  Robin Webber Letter


  1. And the most fundamental definition of a Christian is 'one who follows Christ.' ignoring Christ is also consistent with their policy of hiding that God directly leads every church member. Copeland and others teach this, but not the COGs. Seems the ministers want members to regard them as middlemen between them and God, or God forbid, they secretly want to be looked up to as God Himself. It appears they got this from Herbie. The only time he mentioned Christ was in the manipulative sense, 'only a few years left, on the authority of Christ.' When I was a member, it was obvious that many, including ministers, were worshipping Herbie and his church rather than God.

  2. What's wrong with these people?
    The answer is obvious:


  3. Looks like a bunch of crusty old white guys to me...


  4. United is doing exactly what it set out to do: Provide salaries and retirement to the original forming parties, some of whom have retired now.

    But the glory days are past and the goal is pretty much accomplished. Just a few more retirements to go.

    What United actually is supposed to be doing is preparing for shutdown and going out of business. They can choose to do a slow, graceful cessation of business or try futiley to keep going on pretty much nothing until they crash and burn.

    The problem is that those who actually understood the processes by which they could keep it going are now gone and it is now being run by incompetents.

    They've had 20 years.

    You'd think that would be enough.

  5. Well, wouldn't it just be a gas if these ACoG splinters were chapters ot the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club, and if members got to vote on their leaders being stripped of their club offices and patches, and having to meet "Mr. Mayhem"?


  6. You would think that if the UCG was a vibrant and growing church there would be at least one or two young men on this board. Under 60?

  7. 2:09 PM The fact that the ministers AND the members are "crusty old white guys" should tell people that the COG churches are no ordinary churches. Stating what should be obvious, God hasn't added to these churches in a long time, since time has run out. Hence the Churches of Old Farts. These aren't the churches of Herbie, as people here keep religiously stating. They are Gods people.

  8. This isn't the first time UCG has gotten together to massage their mission statement. It won't be the last.

    If you want your crusty old white membership to buy into something they didn't sign up for in sufficient numbers so as to keep your pension fund in tip-top shape long enough for you to find a new clientele, then you have to do things s-l-o-w-l-y...lest they notice and head for the hills.

  9. The Wanderer
    I'm over 50 and starting a Blues band..wonder if any of these young wipper snappers would like to...no...I just don't think I would fit in. I have often wondered about what happens to highly creative types in COG a mania. I know what happened to me. Would be great to see d ome posts because I'm sure there are very talented folks out there from A to Z and all kinds of areas. Were some of you "Special Music"..(I know you know about this)..folks who went astray? By that I mean you would rather praise Him (always good and should no doubt) with a Vince Gill song (Go Rest High on That Mountain..love it) or other songs than what's in the COG hymnal(sure you know about this too and I do like some of this and I guess all that prases Him is good)?

    Just a wonder from the Wanderer and for those who "Mourn the loss of themselves" but boot strap it and off we go..from The Artists Way...great book (not promoting but wanted to show where wuote was from for readers).

    And..the photo scares me mommy.

  10. They have goed them therefore about as far as they ever will

  11. Without a vision, the church vanishes.

  12. With genuine, unchained love in my heart, as a NOBODY, under Jesus' Grace, I write this small message to YOU, if you are reading.

    Dear Friend, I truly believe that God will save us through His Power alone and not by our might or our greatness. I believe that all of this corruption and all of these paychecks in the splinter groups must cease before the real Work of God can really reach the masses.

    We MUST HUMBLE ourselves! We MUST cast off all of our vanity and our fears and LET that perfect Love, that comes down from The Father of Lights, permeate every part of our minds and hearts.

    I am DONE with the mind games, and the hypocrisy. I am searching for the true sheep of God. I am looking for YOU. Yes--YOU! Presently, my assembly is with the homeless, the fatherless, the battered women, for I know that they are humble and hurt and desperately looking for a Deliverer, and that Deliverer is ONLY Christ.

    Oh, Dearest Friend, with tears in my eyes, do not EVER give up on Christ Jesus our Lord! He is our ONLY Intercessor. We don't need one top dawg to get Christ's attention for us. Christ came down here, was tempted in every way that we were but never sinned, died a HORRIBLE death, was abandoned by his dear friends, was rejected, was humiliated, but never was led astray. He was treated like a slave, like the worst criminal that ever lived, but we know that HE was--is--a KING. And He did it all for YOU. And for me, for anyone who will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways.

    So what do we do now? Where do we turn?? Since none of these splinter groups have united and have not purified their hearts and become meek and humble, will you stand up and stand together with the free thinkers in Christ's Love? I will have no part in lies and trickery and hypocrisy! I am sick with haughty, cold-shouldered tares. From such people, I MUST turn away!

    We are under Grace, and through our loyalty and through showing love to God first and thus by showing love to others and esteeming others much, MUCH more than ourselves, how will we unite? WHERE will we gather, as spoken in Nehemiah???

    I am looking to God and waiting upon Him to show me where to gather, but all-the-while, I know I must be doing my Father's Business. What a joy it is to show love to strangers, to people I know are suffering! I am a nobody, I am NOTHING, but through obeying God's Expectations of Love as a child, I can feel something, I can know the Truth, I can experience part of His Coming Kingdom, I can transcend the hate, pain and confusion going on in this world.

    I want to stand with Christ, and if that means for now I must do it alone, so be it, Amen. But please, I'd rather stand together with YOU, as we stand together for Christ.

    Like the loaves and fishes, God can do whatever He wants, He can take a very small amount and multiply it and feed His Flock. I KNOW that God does not need money to preach the Gospel--did Christ? All Christ needed was faith through fasting and prayer and love to heal and preach the Gospel. He relied every day on His Father to provide: a meal here and there and a random place to rest His Head. He never desired fancy cars or fancy houses or fancy vacations or praise from people to know that He was Loved or qualified to Preach the Gospel. We can do the same! Once we cast off the pride of life and the cares of this world, can we finally Finish the Work!

    It's funny how all of this writing and this thinking and sincere feeling has really got my heart thumping! I hope you had a peaceful Sabbath. I thank God that I sure did. Thank you for reading, Dear Friend.


  13. FedUp at 5:59 PM said... Perhaps you are too well fed that you have time to write stuff like this.

    With genuine, unchained love in my heart, as a NOBODY, under Jesus' Grace, I write this small message to YOU, if you are reading. Oh, no! Not another fake, insincere, strings-attached “love” story written by another con-artist. I hate those things.

    Dear Friend, I truly believe that God will save us through His Power alone and not by our might or our greatness. I believe that all of this corruption and all of these paychecks in the splinter groups must cease before the real Work of God can really reach the masses. Oh, oh. What do you want from me, STRANGER? Since God has all power while you are just another NOBODY with no power, why don't you just go away and let God take care of everything?

    We MUST HUMBLE ourselves! We MUST cast off all of our vanity and our fears and LET that perfect Love, that comes down from The Father of Lights, permeate every part of our minds and hearts. YOU must humble YOURSELF first! You must cast off all YOUR vanity.

    I am DONE with the mind games, and the hypocrisy. Then why do I suspect that you are just getting started with all the mind games and the hypocrisy? I am searching for the true sheep of God. I am looking for YOU. Yes--YOU! What do you plan to do to the true sheep of God once you find them? Lead them astray and eat them? I plan to go into hiding from your type. Presently, my assembly is with the homeless, the fatherless, the battered women, for I know that they are humble and hurt and desperately looking for a Deliverer, and that Deliverer is ONLY Christ. How is it that you ended up homeless, a bastard, and battering women?And why do you freaks always end up thinking that you are the Christ?

    Oh, Dearest Friend, with tears in my eyes, do not EVER give up on Christ Jesus our Lord! Oh, quit balling, you sissy. And stop pretending that you are my friend, STRANGER. He is our ONLY Intercessor. We don't need one top dawg to get Christ's attention for us. Great! Then what do we need with a little bottom dog like you? Christ came down here, was tempted in every way that we were but never sinned, died a HORRIBLE death, was abandoned by his dear friends, was rejected, was humiliated, but never was led astray. He was treated like a slave, like the worst criminal that ever lived, but we know that HE was--is--a KING. And He did it all for YOU. And for me, for anyone who will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways. Then stop this scamming and turn from YOUR wicked ways.

    So what do we do now? Where do we turn?? Let me guess. You think we should turn to you. Since none of these splinter groups have united and have not purified their hearts and become meek and humble, will you stand up and stand together with the free thinkers in Christ's Love? I will have no part in lies and trickery and hypocrisy! It sounds like you are jumping in with both feet to take part in the lies and trickery and hypocrisy. I am sick with haughty, cold-shouldered tares. From such people, I MUST turn away! Please turn away from the good people too and leave them alone as well. They need this the most.

    Look out below....

  14. Look what is coming down from above...

    We are under Grace, and through our loyalty and through showing love to God first and thus by showing love to others and esteeming others much, MUCH more than ourselves, how will we unite? WHERE will we gather, as spoken in Nehemiah??? I'm sure you'll try to think of some way and place to do whatever evil thing you are up to.

    I am looking to God and waiting upon Him to show me where to gather, but all-the-while, I know I must be doing my Father's Business. God will not show you where to gather, but I'm sure you will stop waiting for him and will try to come up with some place on your own. I'm sure you are doing your father the Devil's business. What a joy it is to show love to strangers, to people I know are suffering! I am a nobody, I am NOTHING, but through obeying God's Expectations of Love as a child, I can feel something, I can know the Truth, I can experience part of His Coming Kingdom, I can transcend the hate, pain and confusion going on in this world. And I'll try to transcend your demon-inspired blathering.

    I want to stand with Christ, and if that means for now I must do it alone, so be it, Amen. But please, I'd rather stand together with YOU, as we stand together for Christ. Don't stand so close to me. If we stand too close, you could get your noise in my ears, and your hands in my pockets.

    Like the loaves and fishes, God can do whatever He wants, He can take a very small amount and multiply it and feed His Flock. I KNOW that God does not need money to preach the Gospel--did Christ? Glad to hear that you don't need money, since you will not be getting any from me. All Christ needed was faith through fasting and prayer and love to heal and preach the Gospel. Then shut up and start fasting and praying. He relied every day on His Father to provide: a meal here and there and a random place to rest His Head. He never desired fancy cars or fancy houses or fancy vacations or praise from people to know that He was Loved or qualified to Preach the Gospel. We can do the same! Why do I suspect that you cannot do the same, but will end up needing some fancy sports cars and mansions? Once we cast off the pride of life and the cares of this world, can we finally Finish the Work! Any work that God had for HWA to do is done, having ended with his death in 1986. Fat chance that God needs the likes of you to do anything.

    It's funny how all of this writing and this thinking and sincere feeling has really got my heart thumping! I hope you had a peaceful Sabbath. I thank God that I sure did. Thank you for reading, Dear Friend. Your sneaky, deceitful heart can thump away all it wants to, strange STRANGER, but don't think you will be getting your hands on my money.

    Now, I am fed up too!


    Yours Truly,
    The Dedicated Follower of HWA,
    and the REJECTOR of the FedUp Fraudster

  15. Well, that didn't go very well. :P Really? I really meant what I wrote. I am a nobody, and I really felt compelled to write all of that. I am a very young person, new to the Truth, and I have been very, very discouraged lately. If you really knew who I was, you'd feel pretty bad about what you just wrote. Because of all of the hypocrisy and betrayal, I'm not really sure which church to turn to, except towards my Savior.

    I have NO desire for money. God provides for my every need and continues to bless me in so many ways. God is Good all the time, and all the time God is Good.

    I hope we can all put our faith and trust in God 100% and not in each other and turn to Him, and in doing so, we will find each other. I just feel an urgency to get it right--right now.

    Anon 8:47, you sound very bitter and that you've been burned too many times. I'm sorry about that. I wrote with an open heart, with good intentions, and you spun it a totally different way. Maybe you should work on not reading between the lines--a person can go crazy doing that...You should speak kindly, with self-control, because that is how Christ would handle the situation. It was almost unreal what you wrote.....

    And I've almost been the victim of mind games, but I have not taken the bait. I have been rejected and played a fool by the people I trusted and loved dearly. Do I still love them? Yes, very much so, and I'm really trying to just let God avenge me, although many would have shouted back by now. Am I vain? No, I am not. I have no desire to glorify myself, I have been broken. I only desire to glorify God, because therein lies my comfort and peace of mind. But I take comfort in the fact that Jesus understands my pain.

    All I sought in my post was encouragement and unity in courage to stand up for what God wants in each of us. I desire no money, no fame (hence an anon name), no glory, none of that, because it should all belong to God.

    I wrote: "I am looking to God and waiting upon Him to show me where to gather, but all-the-while, I know I must be doing my Father's Business."

    To which you replied: "God will not show you where to gather, but I'm sure you will stop waiting for him and will try to come up with some place on your own. I'm sure you are doing your father the Devil's business."

    Your first sentence doesn't make any sense: God will never leave me nor forsake me--one of His people--and He will show us where to gather if we're truly following Him, but if it's God's Will that I stay behind and serve and grow in another way, then that is what I need to make it into the Kingdom. That is quite a leap to say I am doing the devil's business! I almost didn't respond to you, but I felt sorry for you. I'm really going to pray for you because you sound so angry and mixed up.

    You sound like you've been hurt a lot, but the only way to overcome that is to overcome that hurt with goodness and with kindness on your tongue, not poison or hate. We're not to hate anyone, that is a true sign of being a Christian. I'm so frustrated because all I want to do is good and to stir one another up unto good works. Instead, I attract people who just want to find a punching bag. Maybe it's just further testing so if you're wanting me to go the extra mile with you, I just have.

    Does anyone have anything positive to say???


  16. FedUp at February 28, 2016 at 1:53 AM said...

    Well, that didn't go very well. :P Really? I really meant what I wrote. Sure you did. Sure you did.

    Does anyone have anything positive to say??? No, of course not! This Blog is about the COG experience, and, unfortunately, it is not a positive experience.

    FRIENDLY WARNING: The COG splinter groups are full of many greedy, lying, thieving, satanic impostors--like Gerald Flurry, David Pack, Ronald Weinland, Bob Thiel, and so many others. They will just increase your discouragement with their mind games, thefts, hypocrisy, and all around evil behavior. Do NOT follow them and do NOT become like them yourself. Please, please, please do NOT become another false prophet who preys on other people. Please, please, please do NOT come up with some crazy new prophetic theory.

    I believe you when you say that you are a young nobody at the moment, but there is no telling how Satan could use you in the future. Understand that people can be sincere and yet sincerely wrong. Your youthful sincerity and enthusiasm, combined with your ignorance, could go on to produce a lifetime of disaster for those who listen to you.

    Yours Truly,
    The Dedicated Follower of HWA,
    and the REJECTOR of the FedUp, Young, Aspiring Fraudster

  17. Yes. I have something to say. When I read your open letter, FedUp, it never occurred to me that some burned cynic who has never recovered would go rabid and make such an attack on you. I figured there might be a few anonymous drive by potshots taken, but someone has gone way way over the top here, and though it may be difficult, I would just interpret his response as the irrational rantings of someone who is fighting his own imagination, and has lost all humanity. I say "his" because that had to have been a guy. A woman would never write something like that. There are some people who want others to find solutions, but only the same solutions that they think they have found. These one trick ponies don't realize that we all need to follow what is in our hearts and souls, or any possible solution ends up being bogus. Some would interfere with your freedom to do so, just so that they can feel a cheap sense of temporary validation.

    Through my son's experiences, I got to meet some of the people who found themselves in prison or in halfway houses. My son taught me that the people who had lost everything, and were bottoming out, had quite often had their souls stripped bare, losing all of the pretensions that most of us cultivate and maintain, and a certain number of them found it easy to reach and be reached by God in their condition. I hope that you are volunteering and working with the homeless, fatherless, and battered women, as opposed to being forced by personal circumstances to live amongst them. Strong and compassionate people can make a profound difference in peoples' lives at critical junctions, leading by example when others are seeking answers to the things that had been missing in their lives. Had there not been such people present at the most critical junction, my son would have never succeeded in turning his life around. He was well on his way to becoming a career criminal.

    Keep on seeking, and you will find. Sometimes we need to switch our minds into neutral so that we can be open to the solution that God has for us. Your response to the gutless taunter reflects a high state of spiritual development. I hope he thinks very deeply about everything you said to him. Everything happens for a reason. Others will see from his example how cold and heartless it is to attack the vulnerable. Maybe some will switch to positive, and begin helping others rather than expressing contempt. One can only hope!


  18. Dedicated Follower of HWA,

    Knock it off! You may not get out very often, so you wouldn't know that FedUp has been a poster on Mike's DDTFA blog, a blog created to expose Ron Weinland for the false prophet that he is. So, it is very likely that the organization she has been burned and betrayed by is Weinland's PKG. For all we know, she might have lost all of her friends and family as her mind became opened.

    This is not one of the Kitchen family who takes delight in taunting us, or Bob Thiel, or one of Gerald Flurry's stooges coming to attack and condemn us to the Lake of Fire. It is someone who is at that point in her life when she is asking some of the same questions we all asked ourselves in the aftermath, yet clearly someone who wants God to be part of the solution. Your cheap shots are not helping her! This is the type of person whom we as a community of been there and done thats should be embracing, and showing compassion to. I hope nobody ever bullies you when you need friends and understanding!


  19. Biker Bob. Thanks for your last two posts. I was going to comment but you covered it very well. I am glad you said what you did to the girl asking for guidance. Keep up the good posts


  20. FedUp at February 28, 2016 at 1:53 AM said...

    “Well, that didn't go very well. :P Really? I really meant what I wrote. I am a nobody, and I really felt compelled to write all of that. I am a very young person, new to the Truth, and I have been very, very discouraged lately. If you really knew who I was, you'd feel pretty bad about what you just wrote. Because of all of the hypocrisy and betrayal, I'm not really sure which church to turn to, except towards my Savior.”

    Oops. There appears to have been A GREAT MISUNDERSTANDING. Hopefully you will cheer up a little bit after I explain what happened.

    Your original comment on February 27, 2016 at 5:59 PM did not provide enough details about yourself and your own personal situation for me to understand correctly what you were saying. As a result, I TOTALLY MISREAD YOUR LETTER. It never occurred to me that it might have been written by a young girl. And what sort of guy would ever write that way other than a sneaky old man writing in a syrupy style to try to con people? It read to me like an initial cult start-up letter full of spiritual fluff written by another crazy rebel trying to start another crazy splinter group with him as the leader and prophet and money collector preying on vulnerable people. All that “Dearest Friend” stuff had me downright scared and ready to run for the hills! The entire letter seemed like a cleverly crafted diabolical plot. That is the reason why I responded to it the way I did. When you read what I wrote, understand it in that context, and have a laugh.

    Something about the way you write has a way of horrifying me. Either that, or else the way I read between the lines and imagine the worst is driving me crazy. If I did get it all wrong, then I do feel pretty bad about what I wrote, and apologize for discouraging you even more. I do hope that I was all wrong with my careless, paranoid assumptions and that you really are sincere and honest and not trying to start anything too unsavory.

    If you are just a young person and new to the truth, I certainly do not want to discourage you. In fact, I wish you all the best. I truly wish that I could tell you of a church to go to where you would be safe and taught the truth. Tragically, even the COG scene today is overrun with many false prophets wasting everyone's time and money with their nonsense and trying to destroy people with their evil. As someone once explained to me, you still have your own Bible and you can still read that for yourself. You seem to have figured that out already, but I hope you read this anyway.

    Now, please, please, please do NOT confirm my initial fears by going on to claim to be a prophetess with some crazy new prophetic theory that you think God has called you to spread. If any such thing EVER happens, then go back and reread my first 2-part comment on February 27, 2016 at 8:42 PM.

    Yours Truly,
    The Dedicated Follower of HWA,
    and the REJECTOR of blah blah blah....

  21. Byker Bob, thank you for reaching out to me! Ahhhhhhh, was it that obvious that I was a girl?!! hahaha Oh, well. That cat's outta the bag! :) (There, now I can use smileys again!) Anyhow, I've looked for a way to contact you via this site, but I haven't found it yet. Anyway, you and me and friends who care like we do should stick together! I'm always keeping an eye out for what you have to say, since you're pretty level-headed. And you guys seriously make me laugh when trying to come up with new cog names. :) What was it--Intergalactic Church of God? Farrr out, dude!

    So yeah, I'm a girl. I have NO desire to start another splinter group--that is NOT the answer. We must reach the true sheep in all of these splinter groups by standing in the gap with humility and the boldness of Christ's Message. I just keep praying and trying to be a light and serve those who obviously need help.

    Because I'm anon, I can say that it is truly healing to give and help! It feels so good, it is so healing. How much more healing would it be if I could reach out to them and talk with them about Jesus and His Coming Kingdom? I wouldn't dare mention an affiliation with a cog because they might serve as a stumbling block, what with all the problems these cogs are having right now.

    And I'm definitely not a prophetess--labels are good for nothing--they only get you into trouble! I'm fine being a nobody, I have no desire to tell you who I am, I think more can be accomplished that way. Besides, God knows who I am, and I'm happy with that.

    Hey, no hard feelings to the anon guy who tried to chew me up and spit me out. :) At the time, I just honestly felt so compelled to overcome this grief and disappointment with something positive to say, hoping to reach at least one person who was feeling sad or lonely or discouraged.

    Because it's therapeutic to me and helps me, can I just say, "I agape you guys!" (Just trying to overcome evil with good.) No, I'm not drinking, and I've never done drugs. :P


  22. FedUp on February 29, 2016 at 2:25 AM said...

    “Hey, no hard feelings to the anon guy who tried to chew me up and spit me out. :) At the time, I just honestly felt so compelled to overcome this grief and disappointment with something positive to say, hoping to reach at least one person who was feeling sad or lonely or discouraged.”

    I hope that what I wrote did not leave you traumatized for life. Like I tried to explain, I really thought your first letter was written by another sinister old man who knew how to use all the usual religious sounding talk and psychological tricks to try to pull off his cleverly crafted diabolical plot to set himself up as yet another false prophet on the COG scene so he could abuse people and access their wallets in the name of God, starting with the poor and downtrodden as his first victims. At the time, I just honestly felt so compelled to try to stop this sort of thing with some negative comments hoping to discourage him and warn others.

    I don't want to pry or have too many details, and I am pretty sure that I will not be able to help, but could you give me some idea what you were talking about above when you mentioned “this grief and disappointment”? What is the problem? What sort of thing is troubling you?

    Yours Truly,
    The Dedicated Follower of HWA,
    and the reluctant ACCEPTOR of strange STRANGERS

  23. Anonymous 1;06 pm I think your take on the ministers is spot on. They never seemed to be able to grasp that the members have God''s spirit and were always treating us as less than they were and as evil while they were good. There is an obscure scripture which says that he who denies that Christ is coming in the flesh has the spirit of antichrist. The ministers seemed to deny that Christ's spirit was in the members and so maybe that scripture refers to them. People need to be freed from oppressive religious men.
    The scripture I was referring to is 2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is coming (now in us?) in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Once again Anonymous, thanks for y our post.

  24. Anonymous 1;06 pm I think your take on the ministers is spot on. They never seemed to be able to grasp that the members have God''s spirit and were always treating us as less than they were and as evil while they were good. There is an obscure scripture which says that he who denies that Christ is coming in the flesh has the spirit of antichrist. The ministers seemed to deny that Christ's spirit was in the members and so maybe that scripture refers to them. People need to be freed from oppressive religious men.
    The scripture I was referring to is 2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ is coming (now in us?) in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Once again Anonymous, thanks for y our post.
