Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Cretin's for Christ: Ron Weinland--The Motherload of Whacky


  1. Which "RON" Hell would it be worst to be in?...

    One ran by Ron Weinland or one ran by L Ron Hubbard??

  2. Ron Weinland and the Sharknado franchise, both have something in common. Both exist in some whacky alternate reality.

  3. Having by conditioned by the utter waste of life and wind nonsense every congregation was subjected to over HWA being "The Elijah" or "Zerrubabel" as spoken of in the Bible and declared by the likes of Gerald Waterhouse, splinter suckers are ripe for the next generation of their fake leaders and theologians claiming to also see themselves spoken of in the Bible. We all know well the antics and delusions of Dave Pack.

    Ron Weinland will come and go like every other delusional "prophet" and be a mere footnote in what religion can do to the human mind and reason.

    It is mental illness on the part of the one claiming such ridiculous titles, including the harmless and ineffective Robert Thiel, Malms and way too many others. Those who follow such nonsense will have only themselves to blame for their complete lack of critical thinking and the guts to tell their mentally unstable ministers what whack jobs they are. If you lose thousands of dollars to them, it is your fault for being so blind to reality and the actually origins, history and politics of scripture

  4. that guy seems to be as nutty as Weinland...

  5. There is always a forest for those who worship tree-stumps.

  6. I'm surprised that one of the stricter ACOGs hasn't chosen a nuclear bomb blast site as their Feast site. You know, to further scare them of the Germans. Imagine: "We decided that we would attend the feast at Nagasaki this year. It was either that, or the one on Anweitok Atoll. Mr. Pack said it would be good for our teenagers."


  7. It isn't mental illness -- it's just mental.

  8. The problem with that, BB, is that teenagers in "today's splinters" have access to the internet.
    Thankfully, and adding to the fact that even without the internet, pre-internet teens overwhelmingly have left cults like the WCG and it's offshoots.

  9. Anweitok Atoll....ahhh yes, operation red dog.
