Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Living Church of God: Satan Is Cleverly Deceiving LCG Members By Trying to Divide Us From Within

Rod Meredith is back with a new post on LCG's web site talking about a recent Family Weekend that was such an outstanding success that Satan is now extremely pissed off and is attacking the church.  Satan is soooooooooo mad that he is resorting to little tricks in order to deceive LCG members.

The entire weekend was inspiring and brethren were very vocal about how much the outstanding seminars helped them, along with the special Bible Studies held on Friday night and Sabbath morning, and then the final sermon on Sabbath afternoon. So we have much to be thankful for, but we certainly need to ask God’s direct blessing on the “follow through” of this presentation so that people around the world may be moved to act on the Truth—not just hear about it and enjoy it.
However, brethren, a very real Satan the Devil is fully aware of what we have been doing. More than most humans, of course, Satan knows where God’s Work is being done in a powerful way and where the greatest impact is being felt in His Work around the world. I am sure that he was not pleased at what we were doing at the special weekend event. He is not pleased that we have been growing through our increasing impact on the Internet, our outstanding television programs, our large circulation of Tomorrow’s World magazine, etc. In his time, Satan will react and try to “bring us down” if he possibly can. He always tries to divide and conquer. We know that. So we should all be praying fervently for God’s protection and deliverance from his vengeful attacks against God’s people and God’s Work. 

The question that needs to be asked right now, is Satan really ticked off at LCG for the family weekend  or are the problems LCG now currently facing a result of the looming court trial hanging over Rod Meredith's head?  The church has always used Satan and other issues to divert attention away from controversies that the church brought upon itself.  Many think this is exactly what Meredith is deceitfully talking about here.

Rod Meredith wants all LCG members to believe he is the most humble and most sinless Church of God leader to ever have trained at Herbert Armstrong's feet.  It's always important when a Church of God leader writes an article or preaches a sermon to invoke Herbert Armstrong.  People are supposed to be impressed. The problem with Meredith is that Herbert Armstrong did not think Meredith was a good leader.  HWA rebuked him many times, even sending him to Hawaii for a year for his continual bad attitude.  When HWA was looking for a successor Meredith was deliberately overlooked because of his atrocious treatment of church members.

Meredith has never taken any responsibility for his abusive actions and mistreatment of members.  Instead he blames everything on Satan.  Satan is the one currently confusing members with the lawsuit. This lawsuit is happening because Satan is trying to divide the church.
Through the decades I served in God’s Work under Mr. Armstrong—and ever since, as well—I have often noticed how Satan is able to confuse people and somehow divide them if he possibly can. He will cause many to become upset about basically little things, and yet turn them aside from their part in God’s Work. Satan is extremely clever at this!

Who really is dividing the LCG right now?  Satan, troublemakers or abusers of the brethren from within the organization?

You can read his entire letter here: Personal: Overcome and Grow In Unity.  Its the usual rant where gays, Muslims, and rampant sexual immorality are his target.  For some reason he always glosses over the rampant sexual immorality going on right under his nose or has covered up the sexual improprieties of his children that are well known throughout the LCG.  Meredith needs to get off his sex bandwagon.  60 years of these endless rants prove there are deeper issues going on with the man than any of us have ever thought.


  1. This laughable .... really Rod....this is all you can come with? "The Devil Made me do it?" The Devil is trying to deceive the people? How about this... YOU did this all by yourself. And it is you that is trying to deceive the people.
    Just goes to show that you are still unfit to lead Gods people just like Mr. Armstrong said so long ago. You really should look at yourself and ask yourself if you have ever really repented. Mr. HWA did not think so and neither do I according to your fruit. It stinks.

  2. All the GOGs stomp on the truth, freedom of speech, and passing moral judgment in the name of 'unity.'

  3. I guess that ol' devil made Herbert lust after his daughter, too! I was living about an hour's drive from Pasadena when "Satan attacked WCG" in 1978 using the California state government and Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes. As an AC grad, I knew about some of the rotten things, but I'd always taken the church's side in any discussion, right up until the "receivership crisis". After that, I was no longer willing to give WCG leadership a pass. I really began to feel like a sucker for sticking up for Herbert & his cronies. Looking back on it now, I wish I'd had the courage to walk away from everything WCG, but I allowed friends & family connections to continue as a churchgoer & tithe slave.


  4. “Who really is dividing the LCG right now? Satan, troublemakers or abusers of the brethren from within the organization?”

    Jesus said: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand” (Matthew 12:25, NIV).

    Satan blew up the WCG, including even many of the buildings now. He used his troublemakers the apostate Tkaches, plus a lot of bad little people, to do it.

    Satan divided and scattered the Splinter Groups. He used his most abusive troublemakers of all, the false prophets such as Gerald Flurry, David Pack, and Ronald Weinland, plus a lot of bad little people, to do it. A disgusting number of revolting little people like to be the minions of the false prophets.

    Satan divided the UCG into the UCG and the COGWA. He used his usual troublemakers the leaders, plus a lot of bad little people, to do it. The UCG was always--even at its peak--already wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked, but now both UCG and the COGWA can each be twice as wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. This is all okay with everyone in them as they all still think that they are rich, increased with goods, and have need of nothing. It is always good to hear that they are doing just fine on their own and don't need any help or support. Even as they crumble to pieces, they claim to be rich, and increased with goods, and say they have need of nothing. You really have to admire their positive mental attitude after such a shocking fall and in the face of their impending trials and great tribulations.

    Satan divided the GCG into the GCG and LCG. They called it the Living Church to distinguish it from the GCG which went bankrupt and ended up the dead church. Now, there are rumours that Satan is going to subdivide the LCG. Even though the LCG has always been just as wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked as the best of them, and has never really grown, and is utterly incapable of carrying out its continual threats to “shake the nations,” or even be noticed by them, Satan will probably use his presiding troublemaker, and a lot of bad little people, to “shake the LCG.”

    In theory, things can be divided up quite fine. Satan used many bad little people from the WCG to try to spread the idea that to be utterly divided up into Independent individuals who all disagree with each other on doctrine is the ultimate spiritual state. With so many demons behind them and encouraging this idea of theirs, you might have expected that their idea would have gotten even further than it did, except that these scattered and disagreeing people lacked the effective mass communications, infrastructure, financial backing, assistants, and teamwork that HWA had used to spread his teachings. Plus, by definition, they cannot agree with or get along with anyone else, and nobody can stand them.

  5. 1:46, you may want to Google "Is Satan Omnipresent". Several excellent papers on the topic will appear on a list, complete with appropriate scripture references.

    According to the Bible, omnipresence is a unique characteristic of God. Angels and demons are centered in one place at a time, "coming and going". Also, It is said that if you resist Satan, he will flee. Humans are capable of incredible evil on their own, totally apart from the activities of Satan.

    Theoretically, if HWA/WCG were not of God in the first place, the wisdom of Gamaliel would have kicked in at some point. Others have commented that the splinters do appear to have been "spewed from the mouth of God". Some of them are definitely more toxic than others, but not a single one of them is either prospering, or noticeable.

    I believe you may be in search of a greater concept. The mold you outlined is deeply flawed, and a bit simplistic.


  6. Anon 1:46 writes 'Satan blew up the WCG, including even many of the buildings now. He used his troublemakers the apostate Tkaches, plus a lot of bad little people, to do it.

    Satan divided and scattered the Splinter Groups. He used his most abusive troublemakers of all, the false prophets such as Gerald Flurry, David Pack, and Ronald Weinland, plus a lot of bad little people, to do it. A disgusting number of revolting little people like to be the minions of the false prophets.'

    What your saying is that either Satan has more power than God or the lcg and spit-offs have nothing to do with God. Could it be that God spit Meredith and company out of His mouth and no longer calls them His? Maybe God has had enough of so called Christian ministers defaming His holy name?

    Anyway, no matter what the correct answer is, its the Lake of Fire for Rodney and those who follow the false prophets. The leaders love is for money and the power that follows. As to the members who chase after such, to the Lake of Fire for empowering such a man who does the work of Satan the devil! None of you will receive salvation for such filthy evil works. The world will be a better place once it is purged of such grievous evil people as yourselves.

  7. Isn't it about time that LCG publish two new booklets for skeptics:

    Does Meredith Exist?


    Seven Proofs Meredith Exists!

    Better hurry though....

  8. Rod Meredith wrote:

    "...However, brethren, a very real Satan the Devil is fully aware of what we have been doing...Satan knows where God’s Work is being done in a powerful way and where the greatest impact is being felt in His Work around the world...Satan will react and try to “bring us down” if he possibly can. He always tries to divide and conquer. We know that. So we should all be praying fervently for God’s protection and deliverance from his vengeful attacks against God’s people and God’s Work..."

    Rod, if you were Satan: how would you do it? He'd take away your ministerial credentials when you, like a typical hireling (John 10:12-13), fled from WCG and left God's Work and God's sheep behind to form Global. You have no ministerial credentials unless you made them up yourself. The same could be said for xcog leaders like Winnail, Franks, Weinland, Flurry, Pack...etc. You didn't care for the sheep you left behind.

    How could Satan do all of that? It’s simple: by his own will!

    "And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his WILL." 2 Tim 2:26

    Rod, you have been snared already, so why should Satan care about you and anything you or your fractured group does? Global is gone. Living is anything but living.

    You ask: pray for God's people and God's work, but I suggest if they exist that God's people and His work are elsewhere and not with you. You have no credentials! HWA had a message. What message do you have? You strive to spread some of HWA’s message.

    Incidentally, Satan wouldn't go out and mess around with widows, the elderly, but would grab someone like yourself, someone like Winnail...xcog leaders that Satan can use to encourage large numbers of people to go astray. We know a widow can't do much of anything to impact an organization. So, Satan has already gotten to you and yours and you don’t even know it! You are blind to it.

    Rod, you know that Satan has his ministers, who are counterfeits of the righteous ministers of God:

    2 Cor 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
    14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
    15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

    We witness all of the scattering and problems associated with Living and we say: "Well, that all sounds ‘normal’ if Satan is really driving them..."

    In reality, you are now seeing how the hirelings are destroying your organization from within and you are part of the cause. There is nothing wrong with hirelings, but it's just that some hirelings do do bad, evil, things. What you sow will be reaped.

    I suggest that Satan is no longer as interested in your organization, your manmade group, as much as you think. Satan, by his own will, it appears has already snagged, snared, you and yours.

    As HWA often told us: there is a cause for every effect...


  9. Took a look at LCG's new issue of Living Church News. Seems to be a lot of focus in it concerning the Armstrongite Holy Days.

    LCG has also released a new issue of their recruitment magazine.

  10. Once again, look for the propaganda. "We're the best church. We're doing the Work better than anyone else." The steady drone is very effective in brainwashing all of LCG. It's the only reason anyone is left.

  11. Satan, schmatan!
    The splinterings and continued shrinking of HWA's legacy have NOTHING to do with Satan, but have EVERYTHING to do with the fact that they're dated cults full of mostly elderly brainwashed minions, and are led by petty tyrants who want to be "Top Dog" and who have wildly unrealistic and overblown opinions of themselves.


    It's sad that some ascribe the decline or growth of churches to supernatural forces (whether it's Gods or Devils that are credited), when there are more realistic and mundane explanations for those 'wild world of armstrongism' phenomena.

    (To be fair, that last sentence applies to the 'non-COG' world of churches, as well.)


  12. When Rod met with cogwa a few weeks ago I wonder if he mentioned that he and the other Rod were being sued? I wonder how cogwa feels about the meeting now.

  13. Floyd 1944 wondered: "...When Rod met with cogwa a few weeks ago I wonder if he mentioned that he and the other Rod were being sued? I wonder how cogwa feels about the meeting now..."

    Might cogwa's LEADERS "feel" something like Governor Christi as he stood behind Donald Trump after getting the results of "Super Tuesday?" We can't see the cogwa leader's faces, but Christi's was obvious for all to see...and there was not a single smile or any apparent enjoyment about Donald's winning speech!

