Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

COG False Prophet Does Not Like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump

Leave it to a non-voting self-appointed Church of God leader to put forth his opinions on the current field of electoral candidates for president.  For some reason COG leaders have felt that they are the end-all when it comes to voicing opinions on governmental processes, even though none of them have wherewithal to get off their pampered gluteus maximus and cast a real vote because they are too godly.

Doubly-blessed and self-appointed Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel has this to say about Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton proudly promotes sexual immorality that the Bible condemns–her speaking fees and the Clinton Foundation suggest at least a minimal love of money. She also despises those who hold to biblical marriage and the rights of the unborn. She promotes class warfare and other forms of covetousness. She claims Christianity, but certainly does not practice biblical Christianity.
Hillary promotes immorality while the leadership of the Church of God has been filled with pedophiles, serial adulterers, and stalkers.  That's apparently ok.  Its wrong for a presidential candidate to have personal views while it is ok for COG leaders to be sexual perverts.  Talk about a double standard!

As for her taking money for speaking fees, what about COG leaders demanding 30% in tithes and offerings so they can build monuments to their own vain glory.  Why is that not an issue?  COG ministers destroy families, marriages and lives as they promote class warfare in their own ranks with the privileged elite living in luxury while the membership suffer.

Prophet Thiel and the rest of the COG leaders claim Christianity but do not practice biblical Christianity.

The Doubly-blessed prophet then declares this about Donald Trump:
Donald Trump is an admitted adulterer who said he has never repented before God, and he approves of various behaviours that the Bible condemns–he is also a proud, boasting, lover of money.  He despises many. He promotes nationalistic covetousness. He claims Christianity, but certainly does not practice biblical Christianity.
Donald Trump admits he is an adulterer.  He admits it. Herbert Armstrong was a child molester.  His son Garner Ted was a serial adulterer.  Neither admitted it.

Other ministers in the Church of God are also adulterers, pedophiles, raging alcoholics, and more. Of which, none of them have ever repented because they STILL are doing it.

They spiritually abuse their members and get by with it while other COG leaders refuse to say anything because "they are our brothers."

Herbert Armstrong, Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith, Vic Kubik, David Hulme and others, were/are proud, boastful, arrogant and lovers of money.  That's not an issue though because "they are our brothers."

Prophet Thiel and the rest of the COG leaders claim Christianity but do not practice biblical Christianity.

Until Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel and the rest of the non-practicing pseudo-christian leadership of the Church of God start voting; their opinions are worthless.


  1. I started voting while still in the church, way before it was kosher to be able to vote. I did not care what HWA or others thought about voting and still don't. This post is spot on at the double standard that is in place in the Church of God. Thiel is a lair and a fraud. Why anyone follows this phoney is beyond me.

  2. These are also views that a church teenager perhaps taking Civics class, American History, or Problems with Democracy would be better off not expressing in class.

    Citizens never, under any circumstances, get to vote for a perfect candidate. The voters wouldn't ever even elect a perfect candidate. History tells us that a perfect candidate will be crucified. Thinking voters will generally identify the values most important to them, and vote for the candidate or party which most closely adheres to them. The US is not a theocracy, so ethics are generally more of a criteria than morality. It is not a perfect system, but it is still the best known to man.

    Bob Thiel generally expresses and misapplies the most facile, naive viewpoints on any given subject, a bad habit which makes the people he wishes to attract unable to relate, automatically turning a deaf ear.


  3. "a minimal love of money"? LOL I have a minimal love of groceries, rent and gasoline. So I spend my minimal love of money on those. What a dork.

  4. Bob Thiel so often insisted to anyone who bothered to read him that one must join LCG. All is well in LCG. God is with LCG. Etc.

    Then by December 2012 he decided he did not like being in LCG anymore and turned his back on everything he had said to prop up LCG. If he was wrong about LCG then why should one trust him now?

    When he was in LCG it was easier to think he was sincere since he did not ask for money. But now that he has his own organization to maintain he has lost that advantage. And although he insists otherwise, he was never even ordained a minister. He should have just left writing about esoteric stuff alone.


    On another topic, for your attention, here are PCG's Andrew Müller and Robert Morley talking about how "shocking" and "crazy" things are in Scandinavia from a recent broadcast of theirs. (Trumpet Hour, April 22, 2016, 6:45-7:55.)

    Müller: Sanders tries to tout Scandinavia (like Denmark, Sweden, Norway) as more as his model. Although those nations aren't nearly as nice a place to live in as he makes it sound like. And in a lot of ways aren't really socialist. ... They don't own the means of production. They're still capitalist nations with just a really, really huge bureaucracy. Really. With the progressive income tax. ...

    Morley: And some of them like Norway have a lot of oil resources.

    Müller: Yeah. And they've got natural resources that help them out somewhat. And even then, I mean, there are a lot of things that happen in countries like that that would be shocking to an American mindset. ...

    Müller: I've just read another case, which is actually quite common over there, of the government stepping in and taking, like, three children away from their Christian parents because they spanked them occasionally. No trial. No federal judge. Just a bureaucratic agency...

    Morley: Bureaucrats arrive at the door and knock at the door.

    Müller:...can take that which is....um, yeah. That would make front page headlines in America. But in Europe I don't think that gets much of a rise [much attention] anymore.

    Morley: That is just, just crazy.

  5. Talking of stalkers, before I stopped attending services, I was stalked by not one, but several members including my minister. The common denominator seemed to be that these people did't have a life. The church is stacked with sickos.

  6. Sadly and of course, Mr Thiel's church has also been blessed with double doses of stalkers, neurotics, masters of arrogance and hypocrisy, liars about their supposed Th.D's, criminals, sickos, conspiracy theorists, narcissists, sexual perverts, psychos, adulterers, pedophiles, psychologically impoverished nutcases, raging alcoholics and general all-around wackos.

    I've seen such double bubble trouble before!

    Bazooka Joe

  7. on April 28, 2016 at 10:09 AM
    Bazooka Joe wrote:-

    "Sadly and of course, Mr Thiel's church has also been blessed with double doses of stalkers, neurotics, masters of arrogance and hypocrisy, liars about their supposed Th.D's, criminals, sickos, conspiracy theorists, narcissists, sexual perverts, psychos, adulterers, pedophiles, psychologically impoverished nutcases, raging alcoholics and general all-around wackos."

    Presuming you mean "The Continuing Church Of God", do you have some evidence of such a broad claim, and would you publish it?



  8. Redfox712 said...

    On another topic, for your attention, here are PCG's Andrew Müller and Robert Morley talking about how "shocking" and "crazy" things are in Scandinavia from a recent broadcast of theirs. (Trumpet Hour, April 22, 2016, 6:45-7:55.)

    Müller: I've just read another case, which is actually quite common over there, of the government stepping in and taking, like, three children away from their Christian parents because they spanked them occasionally. No trial. No federal judge. Just a bureaucratic agency...

    Morley: Bureaucrats arrive at the door and knock at the door.

    Müller:...can take that which is....um, yeah. That would make front page headlines in America. But in Europe I don't think that gets much of a rise [much attention] anymore.

    Morley: That is just, just crazy.

    Ha! That's nothing!

    Consider how truly SHOCKING and CRAZY things are in the PCG!!!

    Sickos like Ronald Morley try to pair up other people's children with horny old folks two or three times their age who can't keep their filthy old hands off them, and acts rude and angry if they have been trying to politely avoid the old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG. At the same time, his perverted brat Robert Morley goes around bad mouthing their victim to the other people. They keep up their satanic attack until they get rid of their victim. No trial. No appeal. No justice. No honesty. No decency. Just the satanic bureaucracy of the PCG.

  9. From my memories of WCG there were several ministers (evangelists too) who loved to interrogate young women about their sex lives. They wanted to hear explicit details. Back then I was so innocent I didn't realise this in itself is a sexual perversion -- hearing accounts of other peoples sexual activities or usually lack of them, and then probably fantasizing about it later. Yes I remember some of those lecherous looks from the pulpit and even some guy complaining that my skirt should be over my knees and I should keep my knees together when I was like 11 years old. Then there was another minister who spanked teenage girls at SEP.........seems kinky now.

    When we came to choose a mate there were the matchmakers - always male ministers, at Ambassador College. Some of the people they stuck together amazed me, maybe that was motivated by some kinky sexual depravity too?
