Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dave Pack and 50,000 Restored Church of God Members To Soon Be Riding Around Jerusalem On Backs Of Angels

Just when you think the silliness of Dave Pack and Armstrongism can't get any sillier, Dave goes and opens his mouth.

Apparently after 49,300 Church of God members leave the three largest Church of Gods when their leaders die, they will be heading over to the Restored Church of God where they will  help Elijah Pack rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.  Before his bastardized creature he calls "jesus" returns, his First Dominion will be in place where he and his 50,000 church members will be riding around on the backs of angels in Jerusalem as they judge everyone.    While all of this has been going on in Dave's First Dominion, Satan and his demons are in heaven with Dave's god.  Then after this god gets really, really pissed at Satan,  he will be cast out of heaven back to earth where he will make war with Dave's 50,000 members and many will be deceived.

He is teaching that Matthew 24:15 proves there will be a third physical temple before the tribulation, Romans 2:9 shows the Jews are saved first and uses prophetic scriptures that mention Judah to conclude that God will give control of the temple mount to the Church and the Jews.   Elijah who is also that Prophet will restore all things and rebuild the temple and Church members will be judges who rule Judah and eventually the world, with healings and animal natures changed BEFORE the tribulation and the return of Christ at the 7th Trump but in the "presence" of Christ.  This will be preceded by the short work of Revelation 10:11, (the greatest Work ever!) which he claims is referred to as the times of refreshing of Acts 3:19.  This rule by perhaps 50,000 human judges residing in Jerusalem and riding on angels he calls the first dominion based on Micah 4:8.  After this millennial bliss (and he applies most of the millennial scriptures to this time) there will be the falling away of 2 Th 2 when many will be deluded because they liked the benefits but not the law of God.  Satan and the demons have been held captive in heaven during this "first dominion" and when they come back to earth the deception and tribulation begin.


  1. Dave is taking the devious art of proof texting to new heights. If I was a psychiatrist I'd say Dave was increasing becoming delusional and burdened with theologically intrusive thoughts. But as a layman I will merely suggest that Dave is becoming increasingly delusional with theologically intrusive thoughts.

    RCG and Dave's religious delusions are going to end very badly I suspect.

  2. I think satan has already had war with the deceived in RCG.

  3. The Bible is a playground for the mentally unstable. Its often confusing and contradictory content along with some of the most unstable and strangely acting human beings known to religion is capable of giving the most unstable of men any role model and role they wish to emulate themselves. Dave seems to be acting out just about every one of them as quickly as he can think them up.

    It is both sad and fascinating to watch it all unfold. I can't imagine the kind of person he appeals to or how brain dead they must be in their quest to be told what think and how it all is by someone else. Does anyone in RCG ever think..."This is all complete Bullshit" and tell Dave so??? Who are the brain dead mute 16 on his board and what kind of non-men are they???

    1. They've gone so far down the rabbit hole that they figure they may as well keep going and see where it ends up. I think you're right - this all ends in a bad place!

  4. I'm not sure there's 49,300 Armstrongites left on the planet. Although many of the remaining holdouts who still worship a dead man don't need to be riding around on angels to judge everyone already...

  5. Armstrongism has always had a predilection for going with the most extreme interpretations and behaviors. Part of the hook involved playing against the mainstream, deliberately choosing the weird or offbeat soas to appear to be enlightened or intelligent, and possessing all of the answers.

    And, when in doubt, hit it harder. Go further, become more extreme.

    This latest is simply a trip further along the road of fanaticism. I wouldn't rule anything off the table at this point, because as a group they are so far out of whack already. It would not surprise me in the least if Dave eventually had them drinking their own urine, based on the scripture that says "drink thine own waters". They are programmed to simply filter out the scriptures which would tend to provide balance or to promote a less extreme view. To them, if you ain't a fanatic, you ain't Philadelphian.


  6. "The Bible is a playground for the mentally unstable."

    OMG! This is one of the most intelligent statements I've ever read!

    PS: Don't tell Byker Bob because of 'family relationship stuff'.

  7. This isn't surprising considering that most Armstrongite ministers and members have a poor sense of reality. Dave has simply dropped any pretence of believing in reality, and now lives in Land Koo Koo. And all those poor souls who handed over to him their home mortgages. Image their mental state. This is like a horror movie.


  8. Let's see, the 3 shepherds dying by fire,,,hmm,,how many years ago was that...?!?!?!Now its everything in common,,,hmm,,,

    A desperate liar is running out of sheeple to trick and fleece. RCG once was around 3000 now maybe 1/3rd that number...

    Dennis's commments on DP's "Board" is right.....the bigger question is where are the brains of 1000 people?

    Hitler in the last days of the 3rd Reich gave out insane orders to non-existent armies as the allies closed in...

    Expect to see more insanity in Wadsworth...

    If ANY of you RCG members read this blog ask yourself
    "Am I being lead by a real minister of Jesus Christ?"

    You are more than running out of money You're running out of Time.

  9. Yes, riding around on the backs of angels and then dumped into the Lake of Fire.

    Picked the 'wrong horse' so to speak.

  10. Not that it would be any more rational or mentally stable, but I would love to see any of the array of prophets, leaders or "specially called" leaders do something more Biblical for a change instead of begging for more money. Here are a couple that would certainly be of note...

    Lying 390 days on his left side and forty days on his right side, like Ezekiel.

    Marry a prostitute named "Gomer", and have children with her, like Hosea.

    Dave should do both of these things, and then report back to us!


  11. The false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack that Satan sent against the former WCG people do not play nice at all.

  12. Why can't Dave have the brethren do something normal? Like having them ride through Jerusalem as witnesses on Harleys? With uncorked pipes, that would attract major attention! It'd be guaranteed to be reported on major media throughout the world! I know what 50,000 Harleys looked like on the Laughlin Run! Hard to ignore.


  13. Is this really any surprise? The nutty predictions coming out of armstrongism are not new. Nutty predictions are what they do! Sounds like a Geico commercial!

  14. After a guy has claimed about himself to be someone "prophesied" to arise within the pages of an ancient text, I can't help but wonder about the mentality of those who continue to listen to anything he has to say, or, perhaps even worse, send him money.

    What are they thinking? To me, whenever someone says something about themselves that has the potential to be self-serving, one should definitely be suspicious about the potential that it probably is. And the more grandiose claims one makes about oneself become, the less probable and the more probably self-serving they must simultaneously and necessarily become also.

    Do the people who continue to "send it in" take Davey at his literal word? Even taking a "wait and see" approach while continuing to hand over your cash, which Dave doesn't discourage, btw, saying that anything else is a strategy that's too risky, already commits one to taking leave of their senses.

    Let's say he claims *amazing* things will happen before a certain date, and what happens instead is *nothing.* Demonstrably and unambiguously falsified. What is the mentality of someone who still continues to take someone like Davey at his literal word?

    Rinse and repeat. Now what is the mentality of someone who still continues to hang on Davey's every word?

    Surely all the relatively sane initial followers of Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, and others, must have been winnowed out by now. The now-concentrated mass of people who still continue to take these guys with even an ounce of seriousness must surely be as mad as their leaders.

  15. I believe I have found the source of Dave's fairy tail about flying into Jerusalem on the backs of Angels which he now has added to his Never Ending Story . With a little Luck Angel he will reach Fantasia...er...Jerusalem.


  16. 'Elijah who is also that Prophet will restore all things and rebuild the temple'
    That must be Herbie. Maybe Jesus is teaching the dead false prophet the trade.

  17. It's amazing how much madness can escalate. At least, with his British-Israelism and carefully crafted interpretations of Daniel and Revelation during the cold war times, Herb had a semblance of believability for a while. That all came crashing down in 1975. Since then, none of the wannabees has been able to craft any kind of message that thinking people can latch onto. That well is dry, and there ain't no water in there!

  18. Given some of the RCG folk who have posted here before, I might concur with your suspicion of madness, 3:14.


  19. Anonymous at 3:14 PM said...

    “Even taking a 'wait and see' approach while continuing to hand over your cash, which Dave doesn't discourage, btw, saying that anything else is a strategy that's too risky, already commits one to taking leave of their senses.”

    It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to understand that a PROPER “wait and see” approach SPECIFICALLY involves NOT HANDING OVER YOUR CASH while you “wait and see.” You MUST “wait and see” from the SAFETY OF THE OUTSIDE of the cult. History also suggests that you should NOT PUT YOUR LIFE ON “HOLD” while you “wait and see.” With perfect 20/20 hindsight, it could also be said that the best approach would have been not even to listen to the babblings, and not even to read the scribblings, of these lying, thieving psychos in the first place.

    This sort of PROPER “wait and see” approach has already worked wonderfully in the past with David C. Pack's August 31, 2013 Haggai/Zechariah prophetic guess that totally failed. Those on the OUTSIDE got to see safely what a bunch of nonsense it was. Those on the INSIDE felt that they had too much at stake to admit the plain truth that they had been lied to and robbed.

    The SAFE OUTSIDERS with their popcorn and drinks are watching the satanic horror thriller show known as the Restored Cash Grab with rapt fascination, as psycho Dave Packman (the devourer of everyone's house, not just the widow's house) goes on to lie and steal like a raging demoniac.

    The AT RISK INSIDERS of this unreal “reality show” are actually suffering greatly, but are forced to smile and pretend to believe the latest version of whatever they are told, are forced to pretend that all the nonsense makes sense and that they have proven it from their own Bibles, and are forced to go “all in” like reckless gamblers and “obediently send 'common'--or no salvation if you don't.”

    You can always join a satanic cult later and hand over everything you have at that time, but you can never get back anything that you handed over in the past to a satanic cult.

    Remember, dear little children, to STAY SAFE. STAY OUTSIDE of the satanic cults.

  20. I'm glad that when reasonable people hear a bunch of "uncorked" motorcycles riding down their street, they call the police.


  21. Anonymous at 3:14 PM said...

    “Surely all the relatively sane initial followers of Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, and others, must have been winnowed out by now. The now-concentrated mass of people who
    still continue to take these guys with even an ounce of seriousness must surely be as mad as their leaders.”

    The psychological trickery and abuse can be severe with the COG False Prophets like Gerald Flurry, David Pack, Ronald Weinland, and others. They start off pretending to be just humbly standing up for the truth. By the time their false prophecies, massive doctrinal changes, and evil agendas, ought to be obvious, their victims will have “invested” (actually WASTED) so much time, energy, and money, that they cannot accept the plain truth that these are false prophets who are just out to lie, steal, destroy, and kill.

    Some people trapped in Gerald Flurry's PCG now fear that their own crazy family members and fake PCG friends will cut them off totally if they leave the PCG. Some PCG members are sex perverts who are just there to prey on a captive bunch.

    The lies that David Pack told them are all that anyone in the RCG will have left. All their goods will be gone. They won't even have the comfort of the lies and false prophecies if they leave the RCG.

    Anyone still listening to Ronald Weinland must love prophetic fantasy fiction.

  22. Marry a prostitute named "Gomer", and have children with her, like Hosea.

    Thanks, I will pass this advice along to TradingGuy.
