Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Dave Pack and Thousands Who Leave Church of Gods Will Convert the Jews To the Darkside of RCG

Old Davey Boy is up his delusional tricks again.  He still imagines thousands will be leaving various COG's to jump ship to his organization where they will all convert the Jews to the dark side.
However this conversion will be happing prior to the millennium.  There is a new era that Dave has dreamed up, "The First Dominion."  This is a time period prior to the tribulation where God ha delayed the trip so that Dave and his crew can convert the Jews and do other fun things.

Overtime Dave's prophecies fail, he come sup with  new ideas on why God has delayed the endgames.  Of course this si something that all the various splinter grouse do when they lie to their men era.  From Bob Amos Elijah Elisha Thiel to Gerald Flurry and Rod Meredith.  Everyone of them liars make excuses as to whyGod has delayed the return of Jesus.  One lie after another.

Also the saints (The members and those that have returned to the Restored Church of God from the “splinters”) will join Christ in a semi-spiritual state. In splendor or “resplendent” Matthew 13:43 (still flesh yet in a spiritual state of glorification) and assist Christ in converting the Jews first, Micah 4:5, saying the lower case g in the word god, means judge, yet in Hebrew means “Elohim” or God. So they will be Godlike, Exodus 18:19, 20, 21. Isaiah 1:26, 27. God will supercharge them with gifts, 1 Corinthians 12:8, 9, 10. The saints will have to go through judgement before this. Psalm 50:3, 4, 5, - 1 Corinthians 3:13, 14, 15, and 1 Peter 1:7 -4:12 -4:17. David Pack is saying this is not Christ returning in glory to reign for a thousand years. This is before that. Christ will be in this first dominion for an unspecified number of years. David Pack also says in his sermon, events and situations in the world are not really near the full time of the end, and this first dominion will give the world more time, before the tribulation starts. One important detail should be mentioned here. We could say there is the scripture that says, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Corinthians 15:50, the scriptures he uses when referring to the first dominion, say “the kingdom” only, not the Kingdom of God yet. That is Christ’s millennial rule. However, he does make a revealing error when he uses Matthew 13:43 in describing the saints flesh/spirit condition. In this it says, Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the” kingdom of their Father”, which would be the same as saying the kingdom of God. He says the saints will all live in Mt. Zion with Christ, John 14:2.


  1. Cheese and rice! Is Ohio one of the states where medical marijuana is legal?

    If at first you don't succeed, try try again is not supposed to apply to making prophecies. In prophecy, it's one strike and you are out.


  2. Dave needs to put his Bible away for once and get a real life while he still has time to enjoy it. That Book has messed the boy, the man and ALL his followers up royally.

  3. Converting Jews to Packism is as evil as forced conversion to Sharia.

  4. "Semi-spiritual state"? Is that like Batman n Superman or Supergirl and Wonder woman? Sounds like half baked to me. Does he just make this stuff up? Yes he does....

  5. I wanna be a saint. Oh, wait, that means I first have to go sign up with RCG? Shucks. I donwanna be a saint that bad...

  6. Maybe prequels? Where do the bread crumbs lead?


  7. DennisCDiehl said...

    “And of course...now we see that once again..."God has given us more time" Isn't that about the 25th time in the COG experience?”

    In his Clarion Call sermon/satanic fit a number of years ago Dave wanted people to remortgage their houses and send in the money, with the assurance that they would flee to a place of safety before most of it became due and repayable.

    It is nice to see that the plan has changed so the people can stick around and repay their debts like honest borrowers rather than trying to scam the banks.

  8. I wonder if everyone has pondered the full implications of victimization and cycles as they relate to cultic ministries.

    Victimization often initiates a cycle that follows generations. An abused child frequently grows up to abuse his or her own children, despite having hated being abused. This is true of many forms of cruel or aberrant behavior.

    The same holds true of ministerial abuse, such as fleecing for tithes, discipline beyond appropriate for certain crimes or sins, lying overdramatized false prophecy, and many other forms of abuse common to Armstrongism. This "stuff" that Dave Pack and others are doing is simply the perpetuation of cycles which HWA inflicted on them when they were younger. This is why it appears so normal to members, almost as if it is to be expected. The problem is, when members believe this sort of behavior is OK, or sanctioned by "God's" ministers, they don't think twice about inflicting it upon all others who are around them. It is darned hard to break these cycles and to elliminate such behavior even after one has left Armstrongism, and is trending towards more rational and humane thought processes.

    It is important, when we see or hear of these guys' ridiculous antics, that we don't just laugh them off, although it is tempting to do exactly that. There is serious damage being done, and a human toll is being exacted.


  9. BB I just read a book on the tactics used in abusive Christian churches. The techniques are well known by Christianity as a whole. They 'steal' these ploys from one another. It was painful to read, since the ploys were, and are still being used in the COG splinters. One thing that struck me was that even the author, a former victim of a tyrannical church, stilt does not comprehend freedom. To her, 'normal' is tyranny-lite. People have their sense of normalcy twisted, and never fully recover.
    To any such person, I would recommend reading books on assertiveness. There are many such books on the market. Elderly people in these LGC type churches, being treated like children is an abomination. And an inversion. People in these churches should be taught and encouraged to be super independent as in 'obey God rather than man.'

  10. A lot of people who are involved in armstrongism and even have left armstrongism don't realize how damaged they are from the abuse of armstrongism.

  11. To 9:55 and 3:17,

    One said, To her, 'normal' is tyranny-lite. People have their sense of normalcy twisted, and never fully recover.

    Reminds me of interviews of women in Warren Jeffs' cult. (It's a fundamentalist splinter from of Mormonism, much like many Armstrongist splinters adhere to what HWA taught).

    The women, although clearly brainwashed and taken advantage of - and under the thumb of micromanaging ministers (even to the extent that they were 'passed around' from one husband to another- with new sets 'sister-wives' and children each time), these women spoke of the wonderful "total freedom" and "connection with God" they were experiencing by being obedient to commandments of their male 'elders'.

    They were unable to see the damage done to their own psyches, their families(however loosely defined), and their children.
