Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Booklet By Rod Meredith That A Few Rebellious Members Did Not Throw Out

Check out the "inside" story behind the early days of the church.  It's Rod Meredith at his bloviating finest worst.

This story was so secret that the church demanded that all the members destroy their copies.  Like good Christians should do, many did not.

The arrogance and superiority drips from Meredith's pen.

Read it here in Flip Book format:   The Inside Story of the World Tomorrow Broadcast 

Herb's office is the top right of the building and Ted's was top left.


  1. The irony here is that the flipping book was made from a .pdf provided by the Eternal Church of God in Billings, Montana. The photocopies of the pages were the most pristine ever in the history of making electronic copies of Radio Church of God booklets.

    One wonders how the booklet actually fits into the ECoG landscape?

  2. I think I still have a copy of this booklet, along with a 1972..., a US & BC..., an STP..., a few booklets with pictures of my wife or my sister in law. Gave almost all my old publications, letters, etc. to a Living Church guy who lives on my block. Had no idea the church had recalled it. Wonder why they did - too many photos of people who had left the organization?

  3. I can't help noticing those strange hair cuts with the high looking foreheads. They look like dorks, yet insisted that it's the godly look, imposing it on all male members. The bible warns about adding to scriptures. I wonder how many of these ministers are still stuck in the 1950s.

  4. Awesome- I loved the pictures! Thanks for posting this.


  5. I'm puzzled as to where I might have been when that booklet was published. I don't remember ever seeing it and I was in the thick of it all. Am I losing "it?" Maybe it came out briefly when I was in the "field." Couldn't have been around very long.

  6. Why and when did Armstrong demand that all the members destroy their copies?

    I didn't see anything so "secret" in it that would require the booklet's burning.

    Now, I could understand OTHER writings of HWA/GTA and WCG honchos to be embarrassing to the level of Herb wanting to erase them... but, this?

  7. Back in the early 1980's I worked at Intel at a time when the recently departed Andy Grove was CEO. On one occasion I was in their Santa Clara headquarters facility and had the opportunity to see Andy's "office" which was a cubicle. It was a big cubicle but it was still a cubicle made of the same brand of panels that all the other cubicles were constructed from.

    Looking at these pictures I remember Andy's cubicle as a monument to his humility and dedication to something bigger than himself. Herb and Ted built their offices as monuments to their vanity and dedication to their own egos.

    Anon 4:03 wonders why the booklet was recalled. Perhaps it was because too many impoverished members were appalled at the ostentatiousness displayed therein.

  8. Dear Readers,

    I recall someone here complaining about dating experiences, with there being severe "problems" with the attitudes of all the women he had dated.

    After flipping through the flip book, it occurred to me that maybe he got flipped off by the ladies if he was sporting any of those "Godly hairstyles" shown in the booklet.

    Just a thought, although it's more likely he was flipped off for sporting the "Godly attitude" exemplified by all of those top men of God shown in that and other church booklets.

    Ann Landers

  9. Ann, yours is the common 'shoot the messenger' reply that I keep getting. My point in the original post was that dating should be a profitable experience for both the woman and the man. It should not be the man doing all the giving and the woman doing all the getting. A good part of the blame lays with cowardly ministers, who like Saul, are too fearful of the people to put God first. So they teach the beloved exploitative 'give way' rather than trade.

    Cheers TradingGuy

  10. "One man said, incredulously, 'It's a mystery to me --- I simply can't understand it! Nobody ever did anything like it before --- and yet this Work keeps growing and multiplying in power and scope!'"

    This is a small but telling comment. Did anyone ever really say that? Maybe someone did, but it sounds like a phony quote made up by a grandiose personality. And if Herb and Ted made that up, what else did they make up? A lot, apparently.

  11. I believe HWA was uncomfy with RCM's self promotion n kiss up

  12. One great reason to pull this over-the-top promotional literature is that on page 10, HWA referred to the church being given two 19 year time cycles to complete the work. 1934 + 38 = 1972. It is not a stretch to say that he was way off on that prophecy.

    RCM should be ashamed of authoring this booklet. Especially lying about his uncle taking careful notes during HWAs prophetic sermons since 1943, checking the facts, and concluding that HWA was the only man to know what would happen before it happened (see page 12). Many have demonstrated that HWA’s prophecy failure rate was close to 99%. To me, this demonstrates that RCM was insincere from at least 1963.

    Someone in LCG should study his writings carefully as many of us have studied HWA’s old letters and articles and it would probably be help one break free of any influence from him.

    Does he care about telling the truth? Apparently not. Not as long as he lives well and continues to maintain the respect of those that remain convinced that God is working through him. -Kevin

  13. 2.55PM the 38 comes from the golden rectangle. 38% is rampant in nature (many body and facial ratios are 38%), and many ancient Roman, Greek and Egyptian buildings are of this ratio. However, what works best with timing are the Fibonacci numbers. These are a series of numbers derived by adding the previous two numbers together. They are rampant in nature (eg, the number of sections in a leaf), and are hard wired into the human mind, causing an emotional reaction. These numbers are 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89.144,244, etc, etc. Notice for instance, we have two eyes, 5 fingers, 8th circumcision, for 21 days Satan fought Michael in Daniel, the 144,000 in Revelation. From the declaration of independence, till Obama coming to office (2008) is 233 years. That is the time God gave America, and is now taking back His blessings. This new date of 2008 becomes the new starting point for timing purposes. Hence 2008 plus the Fibonacci number of 8 gives our present year of 2016, making it a high probability date for a major occurrence. Adding 21, gives 2021 as another high probability year for a major occurrence. But it's always probability, not certainty as the ministers claim, since timing can conform to a multitude of geometric patterns, with some patterns being more probable than others.
    I know all this, since I am a trader.

    Cheers. tradingGuy

  14. Oops, it's 233, not 244 that is a Fibonacci number.

    Cheers TradingGuy.

  15. One great reason to pull this over-the-top promotional literature is that on page 10, HWA referred to the church being given two 19 year time cycles to complete the work. 1934 + 38 = 1972. It is not a stretch to say that he was way off on that prophecy.

    RCM should be ashamed of authoring this booklet. Especially lying about his uncle taking careful notes during HWAs prophetic sermons since 1943, checking the facts, and concluding that HWA was the only man to know what would happen before it happened (see page 12). Many have demonstrated that HWA’s prophecy failure rate was close to 99%. To me, this demonstrates that RCM was insincere from at least 1963.

    Someone in LCG should study his writings carefully as many of us have studied HWA’s old letters and articles and it would probably be help one break free of any influence from him.

    Does he care about telling the truth? Apparently not. Not as long as he lives well and continues to maintain the respect of those that remain convinced that God is working through him.


  16. Anon 10:39 asks if Rod Meredith cares about telling the truth.... RCM has proven himself a liar over and over again. Obviously he does not care about the truth. Just power, control, manipulation, money and whatever story he can sell to keep it.

  17. Anyone else find it coincidental that Joe Tkach Jr. worked at Intel from 1984 to 1986, and that Anonymous April 8, 2016 at 6:32 AM (who worked at Intel in the "early 1980s") claims Herb and Ted "built their offices as monuments to their vanity and dedication to their own egos." Maybe Anon 6:32 spent some time in those offices and decided he wanted one for himself...?

  18. Did AICF actually help fund the motion picture Paper Moon starring Tatum O'Neal?
    Very freaky if it is actually true.

  19. "Did AICF actually help fund the motion picture Paper Moon starring Tatum O'Neal?"

    Where does this question suddenly come from?

    Yes, AICF was major in that production.
    Stan Rader's son is still heavily invested in companies that are involved in media and movie production. As is Robert Kuhn in China.

    What drew more flack from the membership however was the sponsoring of Everest House publishers, that published works that were utterly contrary to wcg beliefs. Even in the realm of occultism I believe.


  20. Trading Guy,

    It seems you are a follower of that other Armstrong, (pi - man), arent't you not?


  21. Nick you have lost me. Who is pi- man? I like to think of myself as being a follower of truth rather than of some man. The benefits of following others as a tool of growth, diminishes with age anyway. And I'm no spring chicken. Perhaps people should be following me, though I don't like the idea.

    Regards TradingGuy.

  22. "Where does this question suddenly come from?"

    Rumors. Check out the screenplay for Paper Moon.
    Strange parallels and freaky tells. But the movie was released May 9, 1973.
    The reason I have doubts is because AICF was started in 1975, right?

  23. Paper Moon and Wild geese were two movies that the church had its hands in . Wild Geese brought huge embarrassment to the church after Herb came back and said that the Queen was joining him at the movie premier. She called him out on it and the church hushed it up.


    THE QUEEN was far from amused when Herbert Armstrong tried to drag her name into his religious Circus. He hoaxed his followers by claiming that she had agreed to help him host a London film premiere.

    But Buckingham Palace had never heard of the Worldwide Church of God and was quick to deny any link Armstrong boasted that he had arranged the first showing of the war drama The Wild Geese in aid of handicapped youngsters. And in a newsletter to 65,000 church members, he said, "Queen Elizabeth II has promised to co-host." http://www.midnightministries.org.uk/wcg/wcga27.htm

  25. the AICF also created a new, glossy, secular, coffee-table, commercial magazine called Quest, with a circulation of several hundred thousand copies. Additionally, the AICF bought the book publisher Everest House, and funded the motion picture Paper Moon starring Tatum O'Neal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Rader

  26. AICF was up and running when Paper Moon was funded with tithe payers money.
