Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, April 28, 2016

UCG: Creepy New Jelly Video

If we thought the creepy Jelly videos could not get any worse, wait till you see this one!
As one person on Facebook noted; Jelly goes into orgasmic delight while stirring potatoes for the Sabbath meal.

What were you thinking UCG?
What were you thinking?

Lets not discuss the singing....Oy!


  1. Ghastly days! Its obvious they were NOT thinking when they did this video. Do kids actually watch this shit?

  2. As I understand from hanging out here all involved are nice people by most standards so I will refrain from personal attacks.

    That said:
    a) Is that mistletoe hanging by the window?
    b) The saddest part to me personally is when the singer said she was looking forward to celebrate the sabbath with her family. And yes exactly as I expected, this white chick rings the bell and enters the premises, instead of her (7? siblings, sorry profiling here by nature).

    But hey, my opnion is colored by personal experience. So if you like the video good on you.

    The entire color scheme and weather portrayal reminded me somewhat of german public television portraying happy families and ideal germany. If I had time I would research if any of germanic origin were involved in the production.


  3. Men in UCG now wear hats in their own homes and while visiting others on the sabbath? I am glad I left UCG last year. It got to be embarassing.

  4. I'm waiting for a "Jelly adventure" wherein a prospective new UCG member asks Jelly, "Why are all members of your 'Council of Elders' men? I'd think since there are 12 of them, at least ONE could be female!?"

    How would such a "Jelly adventure" proceed?
    With Jelly stating, "God says that women are toast, and the natural order of things is for 'Jelly and Friends' to be on top of toast." ?

  5. "Jelly Loves the Sabbath and YOU will too or else."

  6. I had heard rumors and urban legends that there were black people who attended the USA UCG. Like most, I just chalked it up to apocrypha, and mythology. Surely nothing more substantial than unicorn legends are.

    So the video is a revelation!... yes indeed, there are at least TWO black people in the United States in the UCG! Blacks represent 17.3% of the USA population, so if demographics mattered, this would imply that there would be at least 1500 blacks in the UCG United States.

    However, there is nary a black to be found in the UCG, and in all seriousness, blacks likely represent less than 2% of the UCG's USA population, an underrepresentation of some 90% vs. the black population in the country.

  7. The saddest part about this video is that some in the UCG actually think it is a useful tool for their children. Instead of teaching them about Christ and the things he came to do and did on our behalf they place all the significance upon a day. The law always trumps in the Church of God.

  8. We should all be grateful that Jelly is not conducting UCG sex education classes for the young teenagers! Can't imagine what those videos would be like!



  9. Maybe they should have a black puppet, too!

    She could be named, "Nellie" (I'll let you guess about that conjunction), and Jelly could put her in the back row at the Feast of Tabernacles, telling her she's lucky to even be there because, #1) She's on her period, #2) She's a woman, and #3) She bears the Mark of Cain.

    Jelly could then have a new video exclaiming it was "The Best Feast Ever!" because Nellie had knitted him a scarf from cotton that she'd personally picked in the cotton fields.

    (Of course, the scarf would match his hat!)

  10. Connie, one of the last few times I attended United a number of years ago, there was a young, very smart, sharp black man who knew the score. He attended because of his friend who was 2nd gen Armstrongism.

    He asked me point blank if it was necessary to keep the Holy Days to achieve salvation. I told him honestly that it did not appear to be.

    That was the last anyone saw of him in the UCG.

    Well educated, very sharp black people won't be attending United very long if they come. In fact, it may well be one and done.

  11. I'll give this video an EE rating for Extreme Embarrassment...

    Where's Cowboy Joe when you need him?


  12. Here's a few Jelly episodes you won't see posted anytime soon:

    Jelly Loves His Neighbor
    Jelly Loves Jesus
    Jelly Serves His Community at the Soup Kitchen
    Jelly Turns the Other Cheek for a Member of COGWA

    However, you're likely to see a lot more about how Jelly loves keeping other Old Testament rituals such as:

    Jelly Deleavens His Room
    Jelly Sacrifices a Lamb as a Sin Offering
    Jelly Tithes on His Mint, Anise, and Cumin
    Jelly Buys a Cotton-Polyester Garment and Has to Return It

  13. Looked like Jelly was "Galloping the Lizzard".

  14. They should have called him "KY Jelly".

  15. 10.18AM. Can a person obtain salvation without keeping the holy days. According to my bible, no, no way. Just one example, Christ was killed on the Passover to honour that day. People should read their bibles instead of depending on a member opinion. He was sharp and well educated?? So was Lucifer when he chose to become Satan.

  16. Production aside. My biggest grief is with the content objective. While I no longer believe in the concept of Sabbath observance as being necessary to Salvation, I respect that people can enjoy that day. But this video elevates the day to being worshipped in itself. Most kids watching this will not love the Sabbath but will feel as though there is something wrong with themselves for not doing so.

  17. I am starting to think black people might be smarter than white people. Not too many of them in these stupid WCG splinters and I bet not too many of them voting for Trump either.

  18. 11:46, another school of thought is that Jesus was killed on Passover to fulfill that day. This epochal event opened the door to the New Covenant, providing an escape from the Hagar like bondage imposed by the Sinai covenant. The priesthood changed, becoming after the order of Melchizedek, and the temple veil was torn from the top (God's perspective) to the bottom (man's perspective). In order for a covenant to be rendered obsolete, and null and void, one of the parties had to die. God (Jesus) was the party who died. When I was finally able to read the epistle to the Galatians without my Armstrong filters, I realized the profoundness and meaning of the New Covenant. For any interested parties, I'd highly recommend an open-minded reread of Galatians, from start to finish, so that everything can be appreciated and understood in context.


  19. According to my qur'an, one does not need to keep the jewish holy days or sabbaths to obtain salvation. According to my vedic scriptures, this is also not necessary to obtain salvation. According to my book of mormon, also not necessary. If the bible does say what 11:46 claims it does (who's to say anyway?) it's outnumbered by other equally inspired scriptures. Plus, salvation is relativistic, right? Doesn't everybody get the particular version of afterlife they've spent their life imagining, hoping, pining, and not living this life to the fullest in order to obtain?

    I always hate it when I book a hotel room, and what I get stuck with is nowhere near as nice as the room pictured when I made the booking. It would truly suck if you got to the afterlife and find you're stuck with the eternal disappointment of an afterlife that's nowhere near as nice as the one you'd misspent your entire life trying to book.

  20. Stephen, why mention other 'holy' books? This implies that truth is determined by majority vote. Really?

  21. Actually, it doesn't.

    What it does imply is that if there really were a real god who cared about us and wanted all men to know about about him, then, from the dawn of the human species, every shaman, every prophet, every holy man, in every civilization and culture in every corner of the world would have been receiving a consistent, coherent message, and when civilizations got together, they would compare notes, and say, "Yeah, that's exactly the same thing that our god has been telling us," right down to the smallest details, including which days to dedicate to this god.

    Obviously, this is not what happened, therefore...

  22. on May 1, 2016 at 10:53 AM
    I think it was Stephen, wrote:-

    "What it does imply is that if there really were a real god who cared about us and wanted all men to know about about him, then, from the dawn of the human species, every shaman, every prophet, every holy man, etc...."
    "Obviously, this is not what happened, therefore...."

    No, it didn't happen that way. I would suggest that the main reason it didn't is that there is a competitor in the field who has free reign, up to a point. That competitor wants us to listen closely to his point of view and accept what he says instead. So far he has made a pretty good job of it. I would also suggest that this has been allowed to continue so that we may have a choice. A choice to follow one way or the other, otherwise we become as robots and I don't believe Yehovah wants or wanted that to happen.
    Its got something to do with FREE WILL. Its got A LOT to do with FREE WILL.


  23. Stephen,


    That is all.

  24. 10.53 AM Actually, what you suggest has already been tried, and it didn't work. In the beginning God created the angels and did exactly that. Everyone was told the truth from the same infallible source, and look how that turned out. Satan etc. So God in His great wisdom is letting mankind pursue every imaginable false god, to prove through the school of hard knocks, that only His way works. The purpose of human history is to destroy false gods. It's quite logical. On this point, I've come to the conclusion that most ministers deep down don't believe in the ten commandments. It's all dominate exploit, exploit dominate, ie bully morality. They feel this is what 'really works.' Just like Satan.

  25. Stephen,

    Then both Maslow and DNA are Gods.

    So HWA was right after all in:
    -putting an emphasis on Maslowian comforts
    -The single purpose of 'God" is to reproduce, procreate and inherit the universe

    DNA goes out of its way to secure the reproduction and procreation of itself. It's single greatest achievement and the pinnacle of all creation is MAN at the top of the Pyramid.
    Man is DNA's creation to fulfill it's ultimate destiny. To reproduce and survive as the container of life.


  26. Most doctrines of all major religions apply to DNA.

    Hindu are right on the molecular and atomic level.
    Christians are right on the level that Man is the Carier or Vessel of the Sacred in himself (that is DNA).
    Strict adherence to Islam and Catholic doctrine ensures the survival of DNA and I am not even talking about the Mormons.

    All social interaction and social adhesion serves the purposes of Maslowian comfort and the procreation of that that is inherent in the vessel of man. (dna)

    DNR was a big thing in early Armstrongism. He was half right. It should have been DNA.
    If Elon Musk gets its way. DNA is soon going to start claiming its inheritance among the stars, starting at planet Mars.


  27. DNA sucks. It is an unstable element in all its ways.
    You can even change your own. SEE HERE


  28. DNA fails. Well, at least it got us right.
    We humans get it wrong almost all the time. I'm depressed about our future, now.

  29. That jelly character is awful. Why couldn't they have gotten a child a ting the role instead. It's awful, as far as I'm concerned that blue puppet represents a demond.
