Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 19, 2016

It Takes 3 1/2 Years to Complete Holy Orders In Bizarre COG Splinter Cult

Its been quit some time since we have heard about Eric King.  He has been busy making thousands of predictions,  searching for UFO's, communing with extraterrestrials, and working on his psychic powers.  King is so attuned to his extraterrestrial Anoh that he now has developed an intense study program for his acolytes.  Acolytes may now take "Holy Orders."

This extraterrestrial that regularly talks to King is also a follower of "Jesus."  Anoh is part of the angelic beings that did not follow Satan in rebellion. Now they fly around the world in UFO's delivering "human potential" messages.

“The knowledge that you receive at SOCT is important knowledge because it leads you to master your own consciousness. Through the power of Yeshua Hamashiach you are transmuted, forgiven and strengthened to become a New Creature in Christ. All socters have the Holy Spirit working in and through them. We must always stay concerned about personal advancement according to the Divine Precepts of the Order. We are interested in regeneration.” ~ 

“We begin to understand how our thoughts and actions influence all that surrounds us. We are wise in that we seek not only spiritual but scientific methods of dealing with problems. We experience self-transformation on all levels. We manifest the White Light of our bodies. It surrounds us and all socters become awake, aware and alert of the presence of this Great Power. As we move into the New Year [2016] let us continue steadily on our path and in so doing remember….Peace, Tolerance, Truth; Salutation on All Points of the Triangle; Respect to the Order.” ~ Anoh (December 2nd 2015)

Part of the ritual in King's Holy Orders is celebrating the "Lord's Supper."

As Christians we partake of the “Lord’s Supper”. This ritual was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself and is a powerful transformative experience when one truly understands what all the symbols used mean. We also use symbols and objects in ritual to strengthen the over all experience. Sacred material tools are used. ~  

When a socter performs a ritual he or she comes to a higher awareness. The student is no longer in his or her home while doing this but instead the student is in a Sacred Temple, a Holy Place. Visualization is extremely important while in ritual. The student now is in direct contact with Divine Intelligence. The rituals help one to “Know thyself”. The student develops a different feeling about him or herself and their relationship to all that surrounds them. A more holistic view of life becomes a reality. ~ 

All of you acolytes out here had better start putting your brains to work!

In ending this paper I will say that if you study with us here you will learn a lot about yourself. We have wonderful Human brains. We have so much potential to create a better world and collectively we have not succeeded thus far in doing so. SOCT teaches the Seventh Message which contains the necessary knowledge and practices to create a better world. Won’t you join us in our efforts? Together we can achieve amazing things. ~
Peace Profound,
Sir Eric William King

 Sir Eric in intense study draped in his prayer shawl


  1. "We are wise in that we seek not only spiritual but scientific methods of dealing with problems."

    Well, that's refreshing. If you were to lose the mysticism and gnostism, and along with the delusions of granduer you might actually get somewhere.

  2. Ceremonial Magick in a COG? training?
    I'm still waiting for the Jedi COG.

    "I must get back to my training."
    "No demon from the kingdom of Persia will delay me for 21 days!"

  3. I'm thinking Eric is old enough to have seen "The Martian Chronicles" and perhaps fantasizes about playing the Roddy McDowell part (priest) in his own remake.

    Who knows what might be possible if there were extraterrestrials who were able to bend the time-space continuum to visit earth? Would they play tricks like leprechauns and ACOG ministers? Could we trust them to tell the truth, assuming that they could communicate in one of the human languages? Would they come in peace, or to enforce an agenda? Frankly, if they raised their voices to confirm Jesus Christ, that would be seen as partisan, causing some to trust them, and others to immediately cry "fraud".

    Eric, if he has any luck at all, is going to attract some really strange followers with this stuff. But, so far as the strangeness quotient goes, he's right in there with the folks who purchase ads in the Journal.

    Frankly, I'm surprised that an ACOG leader hasn't yet emerged imitating "The Dude" Lebowski! Oops! My bad. People would probably actually like and follow someone like that!


  4. I prefer not to urge readers to follow a particular course of action according to a prefabricated world-view. Does it count as consistent if I urge you NOT to follow one? I'll risk it. Don't follow the course of action this guy recommends. He claims he has all the answers, and that all you have to do is accept them.

    You might find a nugget of wisdom among all his prescriptions and proscriptions, and if you find one, by all means tuck it into your inventory and make use of it. But whoever slavishly adopts a prefabricated system always finds it chafes in spots and cramps in others. It's like wearing second-hand shoes. They're never comfortable, because they've been broken in to fit someone else's feet.

    Let me give you an example: my take on the Lord's Supper. It is a powerful symbol. Ingesting, digesting, and assimilating something into the chemical makeup of your own cells has to be the most intimate kind of togetherness possible. So for some people carrying out the ritual can have the effect Christians claim of making people feel at one with Jesus.

    Not for me. I do not need to wait for a special ceremony to feel a special closeness from the act of taking nourishment. As a materialist, I am aware of the material in whatever I eat, whenever I eat it. It all came from other living things, or (like salt and water) the earth itself. My bowels break down the molecules, and my blood transports the pieces to my cells to power them and make repairs. What I feel close to then is the plants and animals that gave up their lives so that I might live. Eating chicken pot pie, I acknowledge my debt to the wheat, the peas, the carrots, the onions, the chicken, and the incidental spices and seasonings. Working backward, I acknowledge the plants and animals that died so those food sources could thrive. And so on, back to the very earliest microbes 3.8 billion years ago. For all that time, we can view every life form that ever came into being as a means of assembling and concentrating a quantity of organic material so that it might nourish some other life form.

    Looking forward, I acknowledge that my own molecules will within a few months or years get broken apart by flames in a crematorium or by microbes that turn flesh to compost in the bottom of a grave. From there the atoms that formerly constituted me will nourish still other forms of life, including wheat, peas, carrots, onions, chickens, and incidental spices and seasonings. The thought edifies me.

    Heaven forbid that I would urge you to adopt this view. It probably wouldn't fit. And for goodness' sake don't ever expect that I will institute a training program to instill it in anybody else. However, if you do find a nugget of wisdom here, by all means tuck it into your inventory and make use of it.

  5. Eric is mixing 'Gaia' with Christianity. http://www.gaiatheory.org/

  6. what church of god does this? that's wild,and this eric king? who is he.....wow

  7. Erics terminology and wording is very New Ageish. No doubt, his draws are overflowing with such books.

  8. "Sir" Eric? He's the king of his own private kingdom, and he only knighted himself? I would have expected more of him. Like, "His Majesty," or something. I think for once he's selling himself short.

  9. It's almost cool not to "roll on Shabbas" as John Goodman's character taught us in "The Big Lebowski", but all of this extraterrestrial stuff won't attract splinter surfers. To an ACOG-programmed mind, ET is a code name for demon.


  10. Definitely too much time on his hands.... Dave Pack has the same problem.

  11. Im going to start my own religion using predictions generated by my own proprietary "Magic 8 Ball"

  12. from topic header:-

    "Anoh is part of the angelic beings that did not follow Satan in rebellion. Now they fly around the world in UFO's delivering "human potential" messages."

    I have yet to understand how so many people believe that spirit beings need a physical, material craft to travel from point A to point B. It used to be said "There's one in every crowd" Now I think the number must be in the hundreds. LOL

    Even so, perhaps I am still missing something.


  13. Dennis, the dollar has lost half of its value since 2000. Hence the 30K pay you mentioned, would be the equivalent of 60K today. If you don't mind me asking, about what year was your 30K pay.

  14. on May 19, 2016 at 12:27 PM
    Retired Prof wrote:-

    "You might find a nugget of wisdom among all his prescriptions and proscriptions, and if you find one, by all means tuck it into your inventory and make use of it."

    Good idea. I believe we can all learn from almost any other man, just be careful as to whom you listen and listen with a discerning mind.

    "Let me give you an example: my take on the Lord's Supper."

    As distinct from the Passover the Lord's Supper can be a powerful and distinct reminder of the Sacrifice made on our behalf.


  15. 9:04, more like $41,000, unless you are relying on your apocalyptic ACOG minister for the formula. There are charts and formulae on the internet which make it easy to calculate such things.


  16. As an example of one of Dennis's comtemporaries, with the skill set I first started building at AC Press following two years as a theology student at the college, at the end of the '80s, I was earning about $30K per year, had company vehicles, gas credit card and also had medical insurance. What was killing me was child support and daycare. Fortunately, I had one ace in the hole. My girlfriend worked in the banking industry, and although we lived paycheck to paycheck, we lived fairly well. In the second quarter of 1989, I was hired by the industry leader in my field, with a substantial raise, full medical insurance, 401K, and a substantial car allowance and expense account.

    The thing that kept the ministers going was they knew they had a calling. I'm sure most pastors and evangelists did well, but the real workers, preaching and local elders probably struggled.


  17. Science is all about objective observation and there doesn't seem to be any of that with this kook.

  18. I know for a fact that the lower levels of elders didn't do all that well. Most were heavily in debt if they had much of a family to support. As in all corporations, those at the top flew high, but those under them who did the grunt work did not, even though they had it better than most of the other employees.

  19. BB charts and formulae are only useful if you know what year Dennis's $30K refers to.

  20. Apocalyptic minister? Christ Himself made reference to the tribulation. It is in the Bible.

    1. Are you comparing an ACOG minister to Jesus, 2:11? Let's keep the discussion real.


  21. We are stardust!
    “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.”
    “The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.”
    “we make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers”
    “We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
    “Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.”

    Carl Sagan

  22. I believe that would be in the early towards the end in the early to late 90's. I recall having a savings of $1200 and doing all I could to keep it there. Rarely was I able to increase it. I also had my boys cullinary college bills (Johnson and Wales) which took me the ten years of the 90/s to pay off etc. Plus by then , fleet cars were gone and we had to use our own and get mileage

  23. Anyone else (usually Ron Paul's people) who might be concerned that the US dollar has lost 50 or more % of its value, and what this may or may not mean to American workers should visit realfactbias.com/ and read the second entry (Saturday, Feb 25, 2012).


  24. One of the problems in determining the relative values of money for different eras is, how do you index these dollars? What are the criteria?

    First, modern economists have settled on a managed annual inflation rate of 2%. Why? That is a value at which they are fairly confident that the economy will not fall into deflation, which is the cause of depressions, but in no way constitutes hyperinflation, another type of economic crisis. However, due to the popularity of less expensive goods, manufactured offshore, US citizens today enjoy a higher quality of life, a life filled with electronic devices, less expensive clothing, furniture, and household items. Recently, cheap gas prices have also been a factor. These factors sidestep the monetary equation.

    Do you index the dollar against silver? Check out the price of silver in 1980, and compare it with 2016. How about gold? For a number of those same years, gold prices remained lackluster, and then gained in value in response to the financial meltdown of 2007-8. 2008 was also when liquidity was injected into the economy via the printing of additional money supply, which is now being gradually withdrawn as the economy improves.

    Do you index the value of the dollar against other currencies? The dollar, yen and pound sterling are considered to be the top reserve currencies, along with the euro, and the Chinese yuan. These float against one another based on relative strength. The yen experienced decades of weakness, due to a lackluster Japanese economy, which defied stimulation. Currently, negative interest rates are being employed in Japan, since below zero was the only way of going lower.

    All of which is to say that this is an area which is susceptible to being made to appear better or worse, dependent upon various statistics, and which ones are emphasized. Guess which ones will mysteriously leap into one's consciousness if one believes that English-speaking white people are about to be punished for forgetting their identity and culture?

    The original statement was that the dollar had lost half its value since the year 2,000. If you base your conclusions soley on the inflation rate, $138.29 today is the equivalent of $100 in 2,000. You have to go back to 1988 dollars for $201.30 today to be the equivalent of $100 then. The average annual rate of U.S inflation has been 2.53% between 1988 and 2016. Between 2,000 and 2,016 it has actually been 2.05%. Does that look like our money is losing its value faster? Like things are accelerating to the end? $100 in 2008 dollars is $110.60 in 2016!

    Dennis was not earning the equivalent of $60,000 in the late '90s with his $30,000 salary.


  25. No BB, I am rather comparing Jesus to Jesus. He did make reference to the tribulation. You cannot rip out pages of the bible that you disagree with.

    Matthew 24:21 for then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world to this time; no, nor ever shall be.
    Matthew 24:22 And unless those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved. But for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened.

  26. BB regarding the American dollar, if you compare it to the Canadian dollar, as Canadians do every day, it has gone up in the last year. I was thinking the Canadian dollar had gone down and lost 30% of its value in a few months because it is affected by oil, but the American $ has gone up recently compared to most currencies. I studied economics for a while and concluded it was the 'dismal science' and really is it a science at all?

    It is hard to compare the value of things today compared to the past, plus values differ from country to country. Food is much cheaper in the US than say Europe. Housing is cheaper in the US than in Canada. Electronics are cheaper, cars are cheaper, housing is more expensive in cities but not in the country. I see a future where we might all live in mobile units - like camper vans surrounded by our electronics and being serviced by various centers like huge shopping malls with large parking areas for all the mobile living units. We might long for nature, but it might be too risky to be exposed to all the mosquitoes and other disease bearing insects.

  27. Using the K.I.S.S. principle:
    Cheap markets require cheap labor. Americans, increasingly, can't afford their own production. So, they stretch the dollar by buying from the cheap laborers. Eventually, the economies will balance out but with a much greater dispersion of the differences between rich and poor. The biggest warning sign to watch for is when the dollar puts less and less food on your table.


    1. You think they did this because cheap goods are needed? Hell no! It has more to do with corporate profits. Profits are much greater when you can exploit third world citizens who are unprotected from predatory labor practices or environmental hazards. There is one small truth to your premise. The people in lower socioeconomic classes can now enjoy goods and products that would have been unimaginable for their parents.


  28. BB said,"You think they did this because cheap goods are needed?"

    The price of cheap goods from afar is all that more and more Americans can afford. Not only that, we are consuming it with more and more debt. Debt is like a snare that traps future income. Inflation and lower wages increases the need for cheap goods from afar because we are increasingly unable to afford our own production when we try to sell it back to ourselves. Also, I should mention that these 3rd world cheap laborers can't afford to purchase what they produce for us. That exploitation is the profit for the Corporation. And if you want to continue to maintain the standard of living through exploitation of cheap labor from afar, you tighten the previous snare. We are now being exploited in the same way that Britian was exploiting the young American economy, back then, through their exploitation of slaves and cheap labor, with the predatory Dutch East India Company, except we have been tricked(by whom?) into allowing it to happen to ourselves all over again. We need a new Tea-Party Revolution and I'm not referring to the tea-bagger political party. Because, if we didn't have our navy and military, we would already be someone's banana republic.


  29. Why does ever single post here turn into polemic on trade????? It's getting disgusting and kills the conversations.

  30. The polemic on trade is also in some ways preaching to the choir. Some here are entrepreneurs and business owners.

    Apparently, some also do not realize that Keynsian economics have been exported to third world countries around the world. The workers in many of these countries are now gradually being transformed into a consumer class, an emerging class which will drive the world economy, much the same as does the US middle class. This has already taken place in China and India, as world trade seeks a new equilibrium. There are international consortiums which plan and orchestrate all of this. In some cases, we are already witnessing increases in expense for the overseas products to the extent that some of the manufacturing jobs are returning to the US. However, the kinds of people who are expecting an apocalypse in our times will continue to go out and seek evidence to support that theory. It's what they do. They are simply incapable of following an evidentiary trail. That ability has been programmed out of them.


  31. Where do depressions and recessions come from?

  32. "Why does ever single post here turn into polemic on trade????? It's getting disgusting and kills the conversations."

    I agree anonymous, but I have not shared my POV yet. So, I will do so now and be done with it. I will keep it short and simple.

    I don't remember explaining my premise or even you asking me what my premise is. You are telling me what my premise is. It is NOT a paranoid fear of an economic apocalypse. Depressions and recessions DO happen! I believe that the primary cause of eventual trade wars and world wars is the Keynsian model succumbing to the Laws of Nature. There are better ways to live and let live.
    "In a world where England and the other European nations saw exploitation as the natural scheme of things, America’s founders had a more enlightened understanding of how to thrive without exploiting or being exploited. Wrote Benjamin Franklin, “There are three ways for a nation to become wealthy. First, by war and taking away the wealth of another by force. Second, by trade, which to make a profit requires something cheap. Third, by agriculture, where by planting a seed you create new wealth as if by miracle.”"
    What happened to the early American economy did not happen in our lifetimes. It happened over 200 years ago. The old saying "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" is still true for us today. So, if the dollar doesn't fall for another 25 or 50 years, it will be through our continuing exploitation of lesser economies with our military might. It pains me when the political tea-party is so ignorant about the history of the original tea-parties.


  33. Long wave cycles of free market economies were first studied and identified by Nicolai Kondratiev. For a short primer on them, Google that name.

    What is interesting is that the majority of money today is digitally exchanged and rarely physically changes hands. Also, over the past twenty years various "bubbles" have existed or have been created. These have been a method of earning money at a time when interest rates on savings accounts are nearly nonexistent.

    Those who do read ip on Kondratiev will notice the parallel between his seasonal cycles of the economy and the Jubilee years of the Bible. Kondratiev "winter" and Jubilee are both a necessary time or process when debt is purged from the system so that a fresh cycle can begin.


  34. BB:"However, the kinds of people who are expecting an apocalypse in our times will continue to go out and seek evidence to support that theory. It's what they do. They are simply incapable of following an evidentiary trail. That ability has been programmed out of them."

    Hell know, not me!

    Thanks for your concern. I used to be a young republican. Then I was a libertarian who argued for freetrade. Now I am still a libertarian but wiser. I enjoy your postings and eagerly wait for your responses, but I don't suffer from amusia, hence the quote above. ;)


  35. Ah well, DBP, the most likely cause of an economic meltdown in the future would be the destruction of the system which handles digital exchange. Think fast, what would you do if your license, Social Security Card, credit cards and debit card were suddenly stolen or non-functional? Who has enough cash setting around to even get them through the next week? Even if you had gold or silver in a safe deposit box, without I.D., how would you access it?


  36. The sun will still shine, the crops will still grow, if we can hold on to our private property and be free to do what humans have done long ago, we might survive.


  37. "What would you do?"

    Most, if not all Americans would have to submit. I mean, what good is freedom if you don't have a roof over your head and can't put food on the table!


  38. "Apparently, some also do not realize that Keynsian economics have been exported to third world countries around the world."

    Some, don't yet understand that Keynsian economics causes a predatory economy.

    "...the most likely cause of an economic meltdown in the future would be the destruction of the system which handles digital exchange."

    Who controls and owns this digital exchange?

    "...what would you do if your license, Social Security Card, credit cards and debit card were suddenly stolen or non-functional?"

    Create a new government to “protect the individual against exploitation of a more powerful neighbor.
    This reminds me of something.
    SSC? a militarized bankrupt government has no security to offer to its citizens till,...some before the firing squad and some behind the plow. And for continuing the exploitation of others, mandatory drafts.
    CC? DC? Me and you don't control those, the banks do, and the governments that they lobby, and want to extort and run.

    "Who has enough cash setting around to even get them through the next week?"

    What if the cash they have saved is worthless. Why do most people prefer gold and other items that can hold onto its intrinsic value?

    "Even if you had gold or silver in a safe deposit box, without I.D., how would you access it?""

    Not everybody keeps their gold, valuebles, and yes, even cash which is more likely to be unable to hold on to its expected value, in a bank.

    "There are international consortiums which plan and orchestrate all of this. In some cases, we are already witnessing increases in expense for the overseas products to the extent that some of the manufacturing jobs are returning to the US."

    Because, the economies, one previously high and the lower ones, are balancing out.
    "International capitalism, typified today by international banks and multinational corporations, are concerned only with profits, and these profits are too often based on exploitation."

  39. "The subtext of American history from this country’s founding until 1913 was the struggle between those who wanted banks in charge of monetary policy, and those who wanted the government of the people to determine how much currency is coined. The battle was decisively won by the banks in 1913, when the Federal Reserve was established, insuring that U.S. currency would be debt-based, issued through private banks."

    "A year later, the World War began in Europe and European bankers had loaned the Allied powers $15 billion. But by 1916, the war was going poorly for the Allies and the bankers needed two things to secure their loans. First, they needed for the United States to enter the war and shift the balance of power towards the Allies. Second, they needed for America to loan the Allies an additional $15 billion from the U.S. treasury. And so Woodrow Wilson, the man who ran for President in 1916 on the platform “he kept us out of war” (not, we should note, “he'’s gonna keep us out of war”) got us into war on April 6, 1917, just weeks after his inauguration. America’s “victory” in that war may have set the country on the road to ruin. At the end of the war, the Allied powers were victorious, but bankrupt. Without money, they had to repay the United States in goods. Well, goods are good, right? Not exactly. At a time when America was already prosperous and self-sufficient, Congress lowered the tariffs in order to import the goods and collect the war debts. From 1919 to 1929, America imported $43 billion in goods — and that meant $43 billion that our own industries weren’t earning. Plants closed, and by late 1929 there were 12 million unemployed."
    "Meanwhile, European banks had $3.5 billion on deposit in U.S. banks. When they “drafted” those reserves, America’s banks were caught short. And the economic house of cards came tumbling down."

  40. I guess he didn't care about my answers to his questions?
    It goes to show that Darwinism is still at work ;)

    "They are simply incapable of following an evidentiary trail. That ability has been programmed out of them."

