Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 23, 2016

Mark Armstrong Weekly Melt Down...You Won't Find Him Riding In A Gay Parade!

Mark Armstrong is following in his daddy and grand-daddy's shoes.  The world is going to hell in a hand basket and its his duty to wake every one up.

The entire country's falling apart and he's not able to say the things he wants to say.
If you don't despise the authors of our Constitution; hate our national history; root for the eradication of our traditions; support an unlimited and unlawful influx of foreigners from central America, the Middle East and northern Africa; agree with the socialist mandate of Obamacare; believe in man-made global warming and unlimited spending on “green energy”; support the "right" to same-sex homo-mony; and agree with whatever the first black president says or does, then you're a bigot, racist homo-phobe. This stance of "liberal progressivism" has been pretty clear for some years now, and has been one of the subjects covered in numerous monthly letters, weekly updates and articles.
Before Mark spouts his nonsense about racism and bigotry, he had better examine his own worthless thoughts and imaginations and especially those of his daddy that he just cannot ever seem to imitate.
This organization was founded by Garner Ted Armstrong to educate, to witness and warn our peoples of the curses for having turned away from God and His laws; if you're waiting for us to hop aboard the anti-American bandwagon and ride down Broadway in the "gay" parade, it may come as a surprise, but you've come to the wrong place.


  1. The things Mark Armstrong says are just so ridiculous. He just disgraces himself in his weekly updates. His mind is warped with xenophobia and loathing against people he does not like. He disgraces himself.

  2. Of course they're going to be angry about all the foreigners. It was much easier to sell America as Israel when everyone was white, even if half or more were actually German.

    There was a time in the US when there were no tacos or margaritas. Cultural changes actually enrich our lives. Why do some people insist on maintaining blandness?


  3. Wait, wasn't he supposed to have been marched off to a secret FEMA re-education camp constructed underneath a Wal*Mart and forcibly gay-married during Operation Jade Helm? How are his diatribes getting to the outside? Guards!


  4. Garner Ted Armstrong had his own faults and sins that he was never able to control or overcome, and that he did not even seem interested in trying to control or overcome. Whenever anyone mentioned GTA's own bad behavior, GTA would accuse them of “trafficking in other people's sins” and make it sound like that was the unpardonable sin. Who is Teddy the Dink to blather on and on even after death about other people's faults and sins?

  5. His message is basically "Hail Caesar... as long as he's OUR Caesar and not the homo's Caesar!"

    Not much Christianity there. Jesus said His followers would be at odds with the government, but should try to obey the government where possible and should pray that the government would leave them alone to be Christian.

    Nobody is forcing Mark Armstrong to marry another man or to use a woman's restroom. Maybe he should shut up and preach Christ crucified?

  6. This may come as a surprise to Mark, but we don't want him in our parade!

  7. If HWA did restore 18 esoteric "truths" lost for 1900 years, at least some of those were the "truths" of early Jewish apocalypticism which some scholars think were zoroastrian in origin.

    According to Bart Ehrman, 1st and 2nd century jewish apocalypticism encompassed 4 broad themes:

    1) Dualism: Belief in opposing forces of spiritual good and evil. The forces of evil were in control of the present world. According to gnosticism, these forces had also created the world. According to Robert Price, dualism entered into judaism from zoroastrianism during the Babylonian exile, as it had not previously included it.

    2) Pessimism: As the forces of evil attempted to dominate, things were going to get worse before they got better—a lot worse. Because hostile forces were in control, attempting to make this world a better place was a futile endeavor.

    3) Vindication: A universal revolution would occur when the spiritual forces of evil would be vanquished followed by judgment and restitution. No one, either living or dead, would ultimately get away with anything, and those who sought to take advantage by siding with the forces of evil would gain anything for their troubles in the long run except to bring shame upon themselves.

    4) Imminence: It was believed that this vindication would happen very soon—certainly with their lifetimes. No one would know the day or the hour, and it would come suddenly and without warning, like a thief in the night, so that those who did try to take advantage would be ensnared.

    Armstrongism certainly majored in the majors in terms of jewish apocalypticism.

    Interestingly enough, Ehrman doesn't believe that the historical Jesus was an apolcalyptic preacher. It is his opinion that the earliest christian teachings were moral teachings, and the apocalyptic aspects were added through the creative writing of later new testament authors.

    Even more interesting is that although HWA convinced people that Armstrongism was a restoration of the "pure" primordial jewish religion practiced by Moses and restored in the 7th century under Ezra, with the addition of the dispensation brought by Jesus, archaeology shows the "pure" primordial jewish religion would have been the polytheistic religion of the Canaanites, that included El and Yahweh in its pantheon.

    The fact is, judaism, and later, christianity are religions that have been evolving since the Jews first began to think of themselves as distinct from other Canaanites, only about 3000 years ago, and that Armstrongism, although it harkens back in some respects, represents yet further evolution, as it seeks to make 1st and 2nd century jewish apocalypticism palatable to 20th and now 21st century Americans.

  8. Get a load of this bizarre nonsense from Mark Armstrong's latest "weekly update" (May 20, 2016). He seems to think illegal immigration is some sort conspiracy by the United Nations and President Obama.

    "The United States is undergoing an onslaught of mass migration from terrorist states and from central America choreographed by the UN, an anti-American president and agencies led and populated by his own hand-picked bureaucrats."

    What a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Mark Armstrong disgraces himself once again.

  9. GTA' s grandkids appear to have recently posted comments over at Gavin's. Let's see what comments they may contribute here. I would be curious as to their opinions regarding these offensive attitudes which Mark expresses. GTA carefully measured and modulated his public statements on such matters. He knew that what ever he said about these different groups could become a stumbling block to potential church members who were part of the groups. No need for shock value or inflamatory remarks if they would end up offending some of the brethren.


  10. on May 23, 2016 at 5:28 PM
    Redfox712 wrote:-

    ""The United States is undergoing an onslaught of mass migration from terrorist states and from central America choreographed by the UN, an anti-American president and agencies led and populated by his own hand-picked bureaucrats."

    "What a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Mark Armstrong disgraces himself once again."

    WHHAAT! You mean to say that none of it is true?


  11. This is Westboro Baptist stuff. Hate speech.


  12. "GTA carefully measured and modulated his public statements on such matters."

    I remember him getting booted off WGN superstation for something like that. So, he walked on eggshells to get back on.


  13. "The United States is undergoing an onslaught of mass migration from terrorist states and from central America choreographed by the UN, an anti-American president and agencies led and populated by his own hand-picked bureaucrats."

    He is probably referring to something like CALAIS.


  14. Mark's inner-Limbaugh is coming out. Rush frequently uses the same string of words: "[sexist,] racist, bigot, homophone."

  15. ralp[h.f writes, "WHHAAT! You mean to say that none of it is true?"

    Apparently, this blog entry has shocked Mr. ralp[h.f.

    Well, ralp[h.f,
    Don't leave us hanging! Please grace us with your knowledge of what's true.
    Do tell!

    Captain Curious

  16. Hey - stop picking on Ralph. It more in the COG's were like him, they would be much more tolerant organizations!

  17. on May 24, 2016 at 5:40 AM
    Captain Curious wrote:-

    "Don't leave us hanging! Please grace us with your knowledge of what's true.
    Do tell!"

    If you mean what I have read or heard, then here are:
    A few samples:-

    why not do your own homework?


  18. on May 24, 2016 at 12:06 PM
    Mark wrote:-

    "If more in the COG's were like him,...."

    Thanks, Mark, for your moral support. As an aside, while I do see myself as a 'member' of THE Church of God, I am no longer associated with ANY corporate religious group.

    ps. from May 24, 2016 at 5:40 AM - What kind of character copies an obvious typo?

  19. Why are the visitors and flag count so dramaticly lower for this blog the last week or so?

  20. Ummm, dunno there, 6:37. Could it be that Satan is attacking us?


  21. We don't want any Armstrongite leading our parade!

  22. In regards to Ralph's comment,

    Before I start I wish to state that this response is simply a response to the comment. I do not wish to get into a feud with anyone who have moved on from Armstrongism. These words are offered as part of a debate regarding this topic.

    When one writes mere words without being able to talk to people face to face such non-verbal communication can seem so cold and sterile. I do not want to give cause to anyone to be annoyed.

    This is an important topic that deserves wide ranging debate and it is perfectly natural and to be expected that people will reach differing conclusions about this important topic.


    And now to the topic at hand.

    It is my understanding that at present the rate of illegal immigration into the United States is actually going down and that deportations have reached record highs under President Obama.

    What I objected to regarding Mark Armstrong's latest weekly update was the insinuation that President Obama was deliberately letting these illegal immigrants into the United States. It is true that many illegal immigrants seek to get into the United States and have gotten in.

    But for Mark Armstrong to insist that President Obama and the United Nations are deliberately orchestrating their immigration to the United States is absurd fear mongering. That is what I objected to regarding Mark Armstrong's weekly update.

    He is crudely combining two issues (illegal immigration and President Obama's administration) together and allows him to present these two things as though they are sinister allies working together on a common goal.

    And Mark Armstrong is not the only one within the COGs to spread such a tall tale. On the June 10, 2015 broadcast of PCG's Trumpet Hour in a segment containing Joel Hilliker and Jeremiah Jacques it was speculated that the Obama Administration was deliberately letting illegal immigrants in to get more voters for the Democratic Party.

    But unfortunately for Mark Armstrong and those within PCG's 1% this accusation is but a story. They seem to enjoy but it is just a story.


    With that done I wish to send the best of regards to Ralph and welcome your contribution to this topic. It shows you care about this topic.

  23. The origins of this cliche regarding the deliberate encouragement of illegal immigration for the purpose of adding new Democrat voters, to my knowledge, lay with Rush Limbaugh during the Clinton administration. By that point in time, his listeners had apparently forgotten that it was Ronald Reagan who signed the Simpson-Mazzoli act into law in 1986.

    One of the problems with the talking heads who write for the ACOG recruitment magazines, and speak on the various broadcasts is that in the absence of any real insights or deeper fund of knowledge on their favorite topics, they all too often simply regurgitate a potpourri of Rush Limbaugh and Herbert Armstrong cliches. This practice fools many of the church members due to its very familiarity, but in dealing with "the world", it fails to make any points. We can say many things about GTA, but he did come up with consistently original material in his heyday. He read voraciously, and had an outstanding staff of researchers. It's why he even upstaged the old man.


  24. on May 25, 2016 at 12:05 AM
    Redfox712 wrote:-

    "When one writes mere words without being able to talk to people face to face such non-verbal communication can seem so cold and sterile."

    So true, Redfox712, and thanks for your responsive comments. With text communication vital missing ingredients are facial expressions; the lifting of an eyebrow, the smile or frown, the grimace and gesticulations. At least you know there is a live body at the other end.

    "It is my understanding that at present the rate of illegal immigration into the United States is actually going down and that deportations have reached record highs under President Obama."

    Perhaps I'm reading the wrong news bulletins from other than "prime" media sources but the understanding I get is the opposite of yours. I did give a few reference links that contributed to my opinion, can you give a couple that support yours?

    "What I objected to regarding Mark Armstrong's latest weekly update...."

    I have never listened to nor read any of Mark Armstrong's material and have no desire to do so, Much the same as I have no desire, apart from a couple of exceptions, to listen to or read material from other Armstrong adherents. In saying that, I must admit that on odd occasions I do drop into their websites to see if any positive changes have been made. So far I haven't found any.

    "It shows you care about this topic."

    I care about this topic because I care about the US. I would say that I have an affinity for the USA having visited on several occasions to attend Feast sites and thoroughly enjoyed the country side and the people I have met. A wonderful country to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. I remember returning from one visit to Kansas and the female examiner at the airport looked at my passport and said "From Australia huh. You're a lucky man." She was right, and still is. (so far)


  25. Ralph, I checked out the 3 links you left here to show what your "truth" is.
    Unfortunately, I'm unable to climb onto your bandwagon, since what you linked to ranges from flat-out wacky conspiracy theory sites to articles by people known for "reporting" flat-out lies.

  26. on May 26, 2016 at 6:07 AM
    Anonymous wrote:-

    "....since what you linked to ranges from flat-out wacky conspiracy theory sites...."

    Can you suggest some links that report the truth as you know it?

    "....to articles by people known for "reporting" flat-out lies."

    Will you tell me which ones they are so that I can check them out?


  27. Ralph, it's hard to communicate with an armstrongist- especially when he falsely claims to be "other-than" an armstrongist.

  28. on May 27, 2016 at 8:47 AM
    Anonymous wrote:-

    ".... it's hard to communicate with an armstrongist- especially when he falsely claims to be "other-than" an armstrongist."

    How can I make it easier for you? But then, perhaps you don't have any answers after all.
    BTW, what is an Armstrongist, as distinct from an Armstrongite? Also, why do you claim I am an Armstrongist, or don't you have an answer to that one either?


  29. "Armstrongist" and "Armstrongite" are colloquial terms, and are often used interchangeably. Colloquial terms are casual and conversational.
    Sort of like "cult"
    On this blog, when people use the terms, "Armstrongist" and "Armstrongite", readers understand what's meant, even though different readers may have slightly differing definitions of those terms.
    It's usually "Armstrongists" and "Armstrongites" that take exception to and want to argue over the use of those terms- much as people in cults often take exception to the use of the word, "cult"
    A person who was once in the WCG cult and has been reading this blog for many months would have to be practically brain-dead(yet another colloquial term) to not have an accurate idea of those terms' meanings.

  30. on May 28, 2016 at 6:33 AM
    Anonymous wrote:-

    "Armstrongist" and "Armstrongite" are colloquial terms, and are often used interchangeably. Colloquial terms are casual and conversational.
    Sort of like "cult".

    Thanks for that enlightenment.
    So, now can you offer some evidence to prove that I am what you describe as "an Armstongist/Armstrongite"?

