Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

COG Pastor Was Murdered Over Money

More to the story about Ed Acquisto killing John Cloud in a cemetery.  Both were COG members and Cloud had his own church that he pastored.

Edward Acquisto was given a “significant” loan in 2011, Police Chief Thomas Blakey said, and an argument about paying it back led Acquisto to shoot and kill John Cloud of Kingston, Mass., in the town’s Pocasset Hill Cemetery on a Monday night earlier this month. 
Blakey would not say how much Acquisto “legally” borrowed from the congregational church he and Cloud belonged to, but did say Acquisto apparently reneged on the agreement to pay it back. 
“It does not seem that there was anything substantial paid back,” Blakey said. Newport Daily News

After Acquisto shot and killed Cloud, he then ran from the police till he was cornered and shot as he emerged from his car holding a gun.

Acquisto was killed in a driveway of a home on Ford Farm Road, across from the town cemetery, after a brief police chase about an hour after he shot Cloud in the cemetery. Acquisto drove into Fall River after shooting Cloud and was chased back into Tiverton by Fall River and Tiverton police who spotted his car about a half-mile from the Tiverton border. Acquisto was shot and killed by police after emerging from his car with a gun in hand.  Newport Daily News

Even The Drudge Report had a link to it today:  COPS: 80-Year-old Kills 81-Year-old by Grave



  1. Since they were 80 and 81 years old, their deaths are no big deal. I read in the paper that a 17 year old woman was killed by a drunk driving on the wrong side of the road. She was having a driving lesson. My heart goes out to people like this, not to old people a few years away from a natural death.

  2. The reason why this is a curiosity is that members are taught that major events or sins such as this will not happen in "God's true church" primarily due to the exclusive presence of the Holy Spirit within members, and also due to God's protection. The fact is that there really is no particular difference between what happens in the Armstrong churches and the rest of the churches which exist. There may be fewer war-related deaths, due to the doctrines on military service, but that is about it. Mental illness or depression are not properly diagnosed or treated in the ACOGs, and that has caused significant problems over the decades.


  3. Lesson on personal lending of any kind. If a bank is NOT willing to lend to someone, then you can be virtually 100% sure that you are not going to be paid back by lending money to that person. Stop thinking that you are "kinder that old mean bank". There is a real reason why that persons credit is bad.

    View such lending more of as a "grant" and expect to NEVER be paid. EVER!

  4. If you lend people money, you are giving them the choice between the friendship or keeping the money. If the sum of money is large, they will keep the money.
    Of course what complicates this is the 'Christian' thingy. I've been tripped up by giving people the benefit of the doubt because they are Christian's, only to be taken advantage of. It makes it harder to assess people.

  5. Agreed. Don't lend money to friends and family.

    We helped three different graduate students financially. From the advice of relatives and friends we knew better than to lend them money. Instead, we gave them the money, which carried two benefits. First, it kept us from giving (and the friends from expecting) too much. We could honestly say we could not afford more; someone getting a loan might expect more, since presumably the lender would be deprived of the money only temporarily. Second, it bypassed the complication of devising repayment schedules and the resentment that would ensue if they were not met.

    We told each of them we would accept repayment if that's what they chose. Or when they were able they could pay it forward--help out the next person in need. Two of them repaid us. The third did not. I do not know whether he paid it forward or not, because we stayed true to the spirit of gift-giving and did not inquire about the matter.

  6. I saw that on the Drudge Report. Never linked it to HWA's family business.


  7. “80—year-old man kills 81-year-old man in cemetery...”

    That is an example of one of the unfortunate problems with the so-called COGs. They are full of old men and women who grew worse and worse with time rather than better and better. By the time they are old, many COG men and women are so rotten that it is not safe to be anywhere near them.

  8. I've spent a considerable amount of time with inmates while they're incarcerated and after release; yet, I cannot say I've got much of the motivation and scene figured out. Although I care about these people, I often detect an insider mentality exists - and regardless of how close I may become with someone, I will never be fully accepted and will always remain as an outsider. That phenomenon reminds me of COG culture.

    I'm not one hundred percent certain about this memory but, I have a vague recollection of Fast Eddie being about what he could get from church members while he was in the slammer. In a way, that's typical prison survival instinct, given that there are limited opportunities to make a living while locked up, and the best options are merely unethical, as opposed to illegal. However, I also see that type of manipulation and self-serving greed as being a common meme amongst COGers too.

    Prison and COG culture, and their players, have a deadly lot in common.

  9. When people are old, they figure that they have little to lose since they have lived their lives. This can make them very dangerous. I've noticed that sometimes God threatens their children, in order to keep them from lashing out at people.

  10. 8.18 PM To figure out the criminal mind, I suggest you read Dr Stanton Samenow's books on criminals. He has made understanding criminals his lifes work. One of his books is 'Inside the criminal mind.' For instance, he states that the 'oxygen' of criminals is the thrill of the crime.
    I was in the church for 8 years, and it was obvious to me that the typical church member had the mind of a bully. This was easily discernable by the accompanying negative self image. So yes, prisoners and church members have much in common.

  11. "To figure out the criminal mind, I suggest you read Dr Stanton Samenow's books on criminals. He has made understanding criminals his lifes work. One of his books is 'Inside the criminal mind.' For instance, he states that the 'oxygen' of criminals is the thrill of the crime.
    I was in the church for 8 years, and it was obvious to me that the typical church member had the mind of a bully. This was easily discernable by the accompanying negative self image. So yes, prisoners and church members have much in common."

    Well said! What I've noticed is that these wannabee "Godly people" have a bag of tricks. One of the first tricks they pull out is to appear respectable, respecting and oh-so intelligent in order to gain others' trust. That's also common in slimeball salesman training.
    The bullying is hidden in the bag of tricks, but pulled out and used when the salesman deems it necessary.

  12. The looks are - The smile is a lie
    The clock drags on - The smoke is in your eyes
    You know the blame is someone's
    But you don't quite know who
    In your mind - if it could only be different in your heart
    If only you could run away from it

    Prisoner, prisoner (if you could only say)
    Choosing death for life
    Prisoner, prisoner (you are a prisoner)
    Smiling executioner

    If money - if love was in your life
    Ifs run out - got to realize it's time
    Confusion, delusion, alive in destitution
    In your mind - if it could only be different
    In your heart - if only you could run away from it

    Prisoner, prisoner (if you could only say)
    Choosing death for life
    Prisoner, prisoner (you are a prisoner)
    Smiling executioner


  13. on June 29, 2016 at 11:26 PM
    Anonymous wrote:-

    "....not to old people a few years away from a natural death."

    Having attained the age of 80 years last November I really don't appreciate that comment. At any age, if you want, you can still find life to be one big exciting and continuing learning curve. Most useful for being of assistance to others in the world to come.


  14. Ralf, a young dog costs more than a old dog (all else being equal), and a young person is worth more than a old person (all else being equal). I'm old as well, but that's the way it is. You are like an old car, blowing smoke. Accept that reality, learn to live in the real world, the truth shall set you free.
    Alternatively, you can reality check by asking out a young woman, or trying to get a job. Good luck, ha ha ha.

  15. It's spooky looking at his face. Look into my eyes, look into my eyes.

  16. I remember when our minister, Jim Franks, asked the congregation to pray for Acquisto's release. God was working with him, he repented of his sins, was called and converted, la de da de da. I never did. No interest. So glad that I'm not one of those responsible for the death of John Cloud by praying for Acquisto's release.

  17. on July 3, 2016 at 6:51 AM
    Anonymous made several comments that I found quite amusing.

    1. "a young dog costs more than a old dog (all else being equal)" I don't know, I don't own a dog. Perhaps it is because the older dog is more content and knows where he stands. LOL

    2. ".... and a young person is worth more than a old person (all else being equal)."
    Worth more in what, gold or experience of life? LOL

    3. "You are like an old car, blowing smoke."
    I let my driving license expire two years ago. LOL

    4. "....the truth shall set you free."
    You have no idea as to just how free I am.

    5. "....you can reality check by asking out a young woman,"
    I will readily admit that I admire the sight of a pretty girl but am just not interested in asking one out. My 25 year old grand-daughter usually asks me out for a meal when she's in town. LOL ps. I'm usually the one that pays for it. LOLx2

    6. ".... or trying to get a job."
    I have an ongoing job in the graphics field, providing a service to others, that I created for myself around four years ago.


  18. Jim Franks was before my time in the Ocean State but, I wonder what he thinks about his chosen converted killer now? I doubt Franks is discussing Acquisto with the bigs at COGWA.

  19. What I've found over the years is that in very many cases, if "the world" considers an individual to be personna non grata for any number of dozens of reasons, it might be a good idea to follow their lead, or at least to take precautionary meaures. It is a wonderful thing to love and to forgive, but some people are predisposed to doing certain things, and they can "fall" at any time.

    You also have to take a look at the type of crime. People have been successfully rehabilitated from thievery. Rape or child molestation, otoh, are usually a pathology, involving poor impulse control, or faulty filters. Take a lesson from the effectiveness of annointing for various illnesses, and apply that to baptism's effectiveness in controlling certain criminal tendencies.

    Wise as serpents, harmless as doves.


  20. Ralf, you talked past my points. Asking out a young woman for a date, is not the same as taking out your daughter. You appear to be in denial. Your body is worn out, your expiry date is just about due. Your kicking the bucket tomorrow, would be no disaster, as it would be for a young person. Admit it, admit it.

  21. This case is a good example of the fact that life long habits always trumps peoples 'repentance.' Never once in the church did a person repent when I complained of abusive behaviour. I complained dozens of times over 8 years, yet all I ever got was a slight pause, then back to the old ways. When I complained to ministers, all they did was protect the person. Repentance, what repentance?

  22. As it has been said, it is unfortunate youth is wasted on the young.

    Leave Ralph alone.

    Acquisto was no great loss. John Cloud had a family and grandkids, intelligence, kindness. One of the most important qualities in a person is kindness. That's who you remember most in life.

  23. on July 3, 2016 at 9:54 PM
    anonymous wrote:-

    "Asking out a young woman for a date, is not the same as taking out your daughter."

    Correction: my grand daughter and I usually don't ask her, she asks me. LOL.

    "Your body is worn out,..."

    I disagree. Well worn but not yet worn out.

    "....your expiry date is just about due."

    I sometimes think I've passed it. LOL

    "Your kicking the bucket tomorrow, would be no disaster, as it would be for a young person. Admit it, admit it."

    I don't think either of us would worry or be concerned about it, that is, until the resurrection.
    I admit, it would probably be a disaster for someone close to the young person.


  24. 4.56 AM 'leave Ralf alone.'
    Ralf has not indicated that he wants to be left alone. He is a 80 old man, and capable of speaking for himself.
    No one likes a self appointed policeman.

  25. to Anonymous on July 4, 2016 at 11:11 AM:-

    Thank you for your kind words.

