Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Here's Your Chance To Live In A COG Prophet's Home! Dave Pack Selling His Home

402 Pheasant Run, 
Wadsworth, OH 44281
Zillo ad here.

Dave Pack has been suffering one financial set back after another with his over ambitious building program, defecting ministers and members who took their tithe money with them.  Ever since he told his dwindling membership that the money sitting in their retirement accounts, investment accounts and other savings all belonged to God (i.e. Dave Pack) and that they must send it all in, he has left himself sitting high and dry financially.  There is nothing left but the forced tithes of the few remaining members.

Now Dave has put his home up for sale. We should all realize that this is a wonderful gesture by Dave as he donates all of the money to the church for the gospel message!  As God's greatest minister to ever lead a Church of God since Jesus sat down to feed the five thousand, Dave has finally set the example as the most giving minister the church has ever seen.  His gift of over $300,000.00 to the Restored Church of God is amazing!  Well done Dave!  We all know that you would NEVER dream of moving into a bigger and more beautiful home like those ministers in LCG, PCG and UCG do.  No sir!

I hope all of the furniture in this home is 
"staging furniture", because if it's not, Dave has no taste at all!


  1. Talk about tasteless! Obviously HWA's high quality did not were off on Dave after spending so much time being taught at Herb's feet.

  2. Wow. Hopefully the proceeds go into the common pot which will help the poor within RCG to be housed, fed, and to survive. It would be awful if somehow this was just a sleight of hand maneuver in which the right hand gave to the left behind the back.

    I would have thought that an ACOG leader would have a much more expensive home than $300,000.


    1. that's my thought as well bb,very very few cog leaders would.....

  3. Don't count on any of the money being give to the church. I was just being snarky. You and I both know he has no intention of giving any of those proceeds to the church. The church most likely has bought him a new house and will let him live in it just like his idol Herb. All of his gold, silver and fine art are church property. Dave would never own any thing that ostentatious now would he?

  4. I just wonder where he's moving to...



  5. Dave needs to move out of that old dump and into a brand new, bigger, better house on headquarters property to reduce his daily commute time. Plus, he now needs a private jet to reduce his commute time to far away places. A new Rolls Royce for getting around the headquarters property would help too.

    It makes no sense for any RCG members to buy Dave's old place, since they would be required to remortgage it, or sell it, immediately and send the money to Dave.

  6. He probably just couldn't live with those honeyed oak kitchen cabinets any longer. Can you blame hiim?

  7. Yeah, what is the world is going on here?
    Perhaps a real Credit-Crunch - after tens-of-millions-of-dollars
    in carefree borrowing & spending to build the imitation Herbieland theme park?

  8. The question will be moving to what next? Is he now being prepared to lower his standard of living or is he retreating to the comfort of his campus where he might feel safer? Perhaps he's about to build his splendid auditorium with a loft apartment? That way he could have his "House for God" and take the title of "Most High" at the same time.

  9. He probably just couldn't live with those honeyed oak kitchen cabinets any longer

    Even worse is its tiled floor! That's a horrible kitchen for the money.

  10. I spent a number of months at the RCG cult. Pack made it known to all, that he, and his gang of sixteen had taken all the equity out of their homes and given it to the church. This was a requirement for all that would have the honor of surrounding him, and giving him wise counsel:).The plan is for Dave and the " chosen ones " to build new homes on the most beautiful campus this side of Pasadena. Now the big question is since Pack, and his team of bobble heads will be selling their homes and breaking even, who is paying to build the new homes? Now it couldn't possibly be that he didn't really take the equity out??? It sounds like Ronco may need to head over to Giant Eagle with his binoculars and keep us posted.

  11. Looking at Mr. Pack's house it is plain he has suffered greatly. Look at his personal sacrifice. He is an example to all of us.

    He is selling his old house. It is just to old and run down.


    Since time is short and the end is near, there is no need for a new house. Here is Dave's new temporary house.


  12. He bought the house in the late 90s for around $283k. The house is listed for 334k.

    Lets do some assumptions here. The house sells eventually for a little less, say $325k. There is the real estate commission and the closing costs, probably in the neighborhood of $20k (6% commission, escrow, title , etc). This reduces the final net sale benefit to Pack of $305k.

    But he still would have an outstanding mortgage balance. Assuming a 30 year loan , with a 10% down payment back in 1998, on the $283k house at that time, and a consistent payment record, Pack would still owe about $150k on his mortgage.

    THUS... he will only net out (at most) $155k out of this sale.

  13. The landscaping is the nicest part of this house. The rest of it is rather bland and uncreative with no personality. Oh, just like Dave Pack himself?

  14. Dave is moving to Petra where he has the most superfantabulous, modern fur lined cave known in the history of mankind!
    He will be riding there in his mega-fiery chariot pulled by phantasmagorical horses from the heavens on his way there.
    Elijah needs no stinking planes.

    Honestly you heretics, don't you get that a super prophet like Dave Passover Pack do not live in crummy little track McMansions like that. Sheesh.
    If only you people would study the booklets Dave has written for you, you would all know this to be true.
    Get with the program people.

    Hugs, RCG former Member

  15. The question will be moving to what next? Is he now being prepared to lower his standard of living or is he retreating to the comfort of his campus where he might feel safer?

    I assume he's moving toward a cult compound model like the FLDS or David Koresh (or Flurry).

  16. Hopefully, whoever buys it will consult a priest to thoroughly go through it, with incense and holy water prior to moving in.


  17. The bank donates some money back to the bank!
    Who will still hold the purse strings?


  18. I could live there but my wife would hate all the oak and tile. I would just need plenty of rooms for books and my retro stereo and vinyl albums, a cable and internet hookup and a shower and a big bed. Don't think I would want to live in Wadsworth, though, even if it does have a Giant Eagle store.

  19. These photos kinda symbolize everything I think has gone wrong with many esp the ministry within the cogs. The gym has the most personality. The is no individuality, no space set up for little hobbies going on. The place has more chairs than a doctor's waiting room.You can imagine people sat hanging on packs every word.

  20. The prophet's new $1m home will get it right: Spacious kitchen w/ hardwood floor.

  21. He sits in that BIG lounger chair watching Aron Ra demolish his TV show.

  22. If those pictures are of Dave's furniture it proves once again what a dull person he is. All of those chairs remind me of polygamists sitting around the feet of their prophets.


  23. David C. Pack started off claiming to be restoring all the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong as they were at the time of HWA's death in January 1986. DCP wanted to attract former Worldwide Church of God members who still believed something to his new Restored Church of God splinter group.

    If their bodies came, their wallets would come too. Tithes, offerings, building fund donations, and continual fundraisers were just the beginning. Eventually, DCP would try to access all their assets.

    The burning desire for even more money caused David Pack to “restore” the idea of “common,” which meant that everything that everyone else had was to become David's--not shared among them all. Since HWA had never taught this idea, DCP reasoned that HWA could not have been the Elijah who was prophesied to come and RESTORE “ALL” THINGS, as HWA had claimed to be in his old age. It was obvious to DCP that he himself must be Elijah, and that HWA was actually Moses. Six hours of mind-numbing noise with 130 non-proofs were made up to fool everyone. DCP even went on to claim to be That Prophet too. A couple books that DCP himself had previously written to prove the old ideas quickly got deleted. DCP is now trying to CHANGE ALL THINGS and STEAL ALL THINGS.

    These MAJOR DOCTRINAL CHANGES mean that David Pack can now teach whatever he wants to, and everybody is supposed to be afraid not to go along with it all. What HWA had taught is now irrelevant. DCP, who was one of the biggest nitpickers the COGs had ever seen, said that only nitpickers would find fault with his own TRULY MASSIVE DOCTRINAL CHANGES.

    Rather than restoring what Herbert W. Armstrong had taught, David C. Pack is now just another false prophet making HUGE CHANGES to what HWA had taught.

    Now, David Pack just makes a loud, satanic, sucking sound as he sucks all money, possessions, life, truth, and hope out of everyone who followed him.

  24. "Don't think I would want to live in Wadsworth, though, even if it does have a Giant Eagle store."

    Actually, the Giant Eagle right down the street from Dave's compound is running some great specials this week that Dave might like to purchase.

    There's a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE special on All Natural Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops. Plus, Sugardale Hickory Smoked Bacon is also on sale.
    If Dave would like to clean up his act, Dave can buy a few cases of the Sparkle Paper Towels that are now on sale.
    And, if income and membership are down, Dave may feel better after taking advantage of Giant Eagle's big sale on Bayer aspirin!
