Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

UPDATED: More Turmoil in Charlotte As Meredith's Gestapo Agents Fire Well Respected John Robinson

John Robinson

The previous video here was pulled by LCG due to the mounting negative publicity over its mistreatment of the Robinson family.  The members are questioning the horrible tactics of the leadership once again and LCG is not happy at being in the spotlight with more negative publicity.

A source added today:

Due to negative feedback from Robinson being fired the official word is that he'll be working from "home". 

This reminds me of the story parents would tell their kids about the family dog being sent to live on a farm when in reality they had it put to sleep.

A thinking person would think that Rod Meredith would have learned a lesson with the Leona McNair lawsuit and the impending Scarborough lawsuit, that is to keep his mouth shut and stop his knee jerk reactions.  But no, he has to lord it over his members and treat the good people like dirt while  coddling and overlooking the dizzying array of corruption that permeates his Charlotte HQ and upper echelon ministers.  All Meredith, McNair and Little Jimmy are doing is driving the loyal and sincere members out of the church because of their unChristian actions.  Meredith no longer has the attraction of the older COG membership and is incapable of drawing in new members.   Members are leaving  daily as Charlotte sinks deeper and deeper into corruption.  The mistreatment of members continues unabated; all to satisfy the delusional desires of power in a select few men.

From an LCG source:

One of the spies within the Charlotte congregation overheard the very well-liked John Robinson make a less than flattering statement about LCG administration and reported it to the Head of the SS, Rod McNair. Rod in turn gathered his investigation team (Jim Meredith and Wyatt Ciesielka) to see that justice was served (LCG justice that is – much different than actual justice).
Undoubtedly, Robinson was doomed PRIOR to the pretend investigation because standard operating procedure for Lil’ Jimmy, Arrogant Wyatt and Lying Rod McNair is to convict and then “appear” to be working backwards to prove that their verdict was warranted. One can also assume that this crooked Gestapo investigative team asked other people about Mr. Robinson but likely failed to ask his side of things until it was too late and the accused had already been sentenced by the Rod of God who can see into the hearts of all men to make his determinations.
My guess is that Robinson’s “less than flattering statement” was about one of these corrupt men or the ever vengeful Rod Meredith himself. There is no other explanation as to the swiftness and vengefulness of their abrupt actions towards the popular and dedicated John Robinson.
John Robinson was ordained in 2010 as an LCG deacon in Austin, Texas and then was quickly fast-tracked into a minister because Rod Meredith wanted to bring him to Charlotte to work as an editor for LCG’s Tomorrow’s World magazine.
John married the sister of Tess Ciesielka making him Wyatt’s brother-in-law. John and Wyatt are polar opposites. John is kind, considerate, quiet and likable  Wyatt’s character and reputation by comparison is shameful; especially for an alleged “man of God”.  Wyatt is the type of guy who would lie, cheat or steal if he thought it would push him just a little further up the LCG ladder. Ethics, truth and a humble attitude perpetually evade him. When John moved to Charlotte, he knew that he would be associated with Wyatt because of the family connection so he was quick to tell those meeting him for the first time that he was, “nothing like Wyatt”.  
John’s friendly personality, love of God’s word and humble attitude quickly earned him the love of many in the Charlotte LCG congregation (likely making the immature Wyatt jealous). The most annoying thing about John was the fact that he was a Rod Meredith cheer leader and undyingly faithful to LCG, even when they were behaving badly. John was also very involved with LCG’s youth activities and was respected as a leader among LCG’s young adults.
Last Wednesday at LCG headquarters John was fired and stripped of his rank as minister without warning. To add insult to injury, Meredith wants him gone as soon as possible.
All of this over an unflattering statement. The administration at LCG headquarters truly has thin skin. They are so puffed up on themselves that they can’t take the slightest bit of criticism without feeling inspired to annihilate the offender. 
Timing for this bully behavior couldn’t have been worse with members already upset over the recent re-emphasizing of LCG’s doctrinal “upgrades” (the rapture and the falling away of the world), the change of command to the Hard-ass Weston and the acceleration of activity in the Scarborough lawsuit.
People in LCG are starting to become more and more disgusted with the administrations over-reach of power and authority. It is precisely behavior such as this that shows the writing on the wall. We have all been through it enough at this point to know that a split is imminent. 



  1. How dare Robinson blaspheme God... err I mean Rod Meredith.

    This is what happens when there is no mechanism for the generation of opinion or contrary thought, and the hierarchy is not replaceable. Unaccountable, unelected hierarchy ALWAYS devolves into this and the preservation of power, in religious or any other human organization.

    The flow of service goes the wrong direction in such organizations , from the bottom towards the top, when Jesus said to do the exact opposite, to be lowly, humble and being servants and sacrificers first and the beneficiaries are those on the bottom.

    How much it must suck that any off handed comment or thought can wreck an entire career in such groups. A bunch of Stepford Wife mentalities evolve Im sure. How frustrating it must be to think the truthful thoughts of reality, yet fearing always that you may slip up, let down your guard and express them.

    Well, at least the folks at LCG are prepared and trained in case North Korea's Kim Jong Un ever takes over the United States!

  2. In tough economic times, where does a younger man, mid-career go when he is exiled from a Church of God? Did he acquire any useful credentials, job skills, etc. before getting involved with the LCG? This can't be easy, emotionally or financially for him. Perhaps this is another crack in the dike for the LCG. I am looking forward to seeing it shrivel up and for them, and Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry, to start to sell off assets.

  3. Sounds as if the members should hold a referendum election. LCGexit.


  4. Neither he, his wife nor his two teen daughters are allowed to participate in LYC summer camping or hiking activities ((his two teen girls are devastated)according to Mr. Meredith.

  5. As if that weren’t crushing enough, McNair told John that if he wanted the church to pay for his move back to Texas, he need to leave immediately.

    I wonder how the average (non LCG administration) Charlotte member can possibly feel watching beloved friend after beloved friend suffer at the hands of these men? Will they just keep saying to themselves, "Mr. Meredith is led by God so if he says it's so, then I need to keep submitting to the government of God"? Or will they keep telling themselves, "it's not my job to correct the ministry, God will work things out in His time"?

    I've heard so many of these things people in LCG say to themselves to reconcile with the rampant abuse with which the ministry bullies their loved ones and friends. Do they never tire of it?

  6. I used to attend with both of these guys in LCG. Whoever wrote this is spot on. My first thought was ,John would never last in Charlotte simply because his grandfather wrote Herbert Armstong's tangled web. And as you can see Rod always keeps a grudge. It's just sad to see these groups continue with the hatred.

  7. Robinson is not alone in the latest purge. Richard Ames’s assistant was caught in the same investigation, and was seen packing up things from his office last week. There have been homosexual rumors floating around Ames’s assistant for years, but Meredith always protected him because he always worked hard to make Rod look as good as possible. Rod always finds ways to protect his favorite gays and pedophiles, as long as they proclaim Rod’s greatness. In LCG, it’s OK to be a woman-hating homosexual as long as you love Rod Meredith. LCG leaders should be ashamed that a homosexual was allowed to abuse women for years, but only when he dared to say something critical about Meredith he became a target of the HQ Gestapo.

  8. This is so sad. The whole family uprooted from Austin to Charlotte. John's mother-in-law, Renee, a widow has to be torn up. Her husband , a minister in LCG , died of a few years ago. She dealt with that trauma now she had to see her daughter and son-in-law treated like this. How will the sisters Audry, Tess and Jodie get along. How will John and Audry's teenage daughters cope. It is hard to believe Wyatt was part of the Gestapo that got John fired.

  9. I watched a documentary on the history of either IMB or the Ford motor company. What I definitely remember is that the CEO had the habit of building up a executive, being his mentor, giving him promotions, then firing him. He did this many times. It's like one of those 'Games people play' thingy. Seems both Pack and Rod are doing the same thing.


  10. I can attest to the sickening treatment that John and his wife have received by the ministry at the Home Office. Its sickening to see the way they were treated. How much lower can these men sink? They are all devastated, especially the children. Their friends have now been told to turn their backs on them due to Meredith's remarks. Its all so disgusting. I am starting to hate everything this church stands for because it certainly is NOT of God.

  11. I am surprised that John Robinson was even part of the LCG considering the devastating information that his grandfather wrote in the Tangled Web about Armstrong, Meredith and the church.

    1. Agree. Really he should have known better than most what he was dealing with.

  12. People generally cite the loss of their friends as being the major negative when they leave the church, or are disfellowshipped. I always found that as a member of WCG in the classic era, you really had to hold most of the brethren at arms length. You had to be extremely careful about who you allowed yourself to become close to. By virtue of the doctrines, people were so judgmental, and so inclined to tattle. You had to constantly bite your tongue, because it was so easy with one or two careless words to open the door to an inquisition. If you weren't careful, the church would intrude into every little nook and cranny of the matters most if us consider deeply personal. And if somehow you aspired to any sort of leadership role, basically, you had no private life, and you no longer had any control. For preservation and survival, I learned early on to keep all relationships with church people, and especially with the ministers, very superficial.

    There could also no longer be family, at least not in the traditional sense. I was quite shocked at the Feast of Tabernacles one year to hear my parents state that they wished the ministers would put one of my siblings out of the church. Back in the day, both family and the ministry used to even threaten those of us of draft age with Viet Nam if we did not toe the line. The ministers are allowed to have so much power over the members, and they really have so little wisdom, sense of justice, compassion, or common sense, that their power and authority is an automatic recipe for horrible and flagrant abuse. At the risk of alienating a few readers, I have to say that a large percentage of the ministry were flaming assholes. There just are no other words to describe their twisted condition as human beings.

    If someone still believes that the Armstrong doctrines are true and binding, the only intelligent course of action is to keep those doctrines at home, independently from any of the organizations. In reality, ACOG churches are nothing more than centers for abuse.


    1. This is very true and I have done something similar. Don't let your 'church friends' know your true deep down thoughts. It's the only way to survive. And the power of prayer is the best advice. Sometimes you sense something is amiss at church but don't know what. If you take your concerns to God the father and Jesus Christ our brother and high priest and saviour it's amazing how you can suss things our, how you end up seeing what's really going on.

  13. I hope John and Audry will be called to testify at the upcoming law suit. Another case of how the church and members turn on its own

  14. I see James Malm is lying on his blog. He is copying the things you post here as if he has a secret source. That secret source is this blog. Why dose he have to lie?

  15. Malm has been copying things off this blog for a long time lying that he has a secret source. I know this for a fact as my sources do NOT give him information. His entries on his blog are just rewrites of the specific things that only I have posted. Everything about Malm is a lie. From his Judaizing, his fraudulent legalist doctrines to his prophetic utterances. He is no bible scholar. All he does is plagiarized things out of other peoples books and rewrites then according to his beliefs. Its the exact same thing Dave Pack did with his booklet rewrites. Flurry did the same till he lost the lawsuit and and had to dish out 3 million dollars for the real booklets. Not a single one of these men have an original thought in their Judaizing brains.

  16. I feel sorry for the whole family but especially the girls. I hope this doesn't turn them from God.

    Meredith is so awful.

    I don't understand how people can put up with him!

  17. Who was Richard Ames' assistant?! Please reveal. Was it Tom Turner? Bill Bowmer?

    So two people were purged? Or were there more?

    Maybe they are cleaning house before Fuhrer Weston comes on officially in a couple of days.

  18. Many of us in LCG will be leaving. Many are disgusted with the leadership and their manipulations of members and doctrines.
    Charlotte is a miserable place to be now.


  19. Nothing new under the sun. This another example of Psalm 2:

    Psalm 2:2 As the kings of the earth (ministers)take their stand and the rulers (elders)conspire together against the LORD and his anointed one,(church members) they say,
    Psalm 2:3 "Let us tear off their shackles (the 10 commandments) from us, and cast off their chains (the 10 commandments)."

  20. Congrats Anon 7:52, to you and the others that are leaving not only LCG but the other groups as well.
    I am a rarity here but I believe fully in scripture, no exceptions. I know that puts me at odd's with some but we all tend to respect each others convictions.
    Having said that, it is my belief that you Anon 7:52 and those of like mind, are indeed passing the judgment imposed in Revelation 11:1.
    You will certainly reap the benefits of your decision.


  21. itsmecog: this blog is the only place we have a voice any more, at least where we can talk about the corruption in the church. I am grateful for this blog even though I disagree with it at times. Our common heritage unites us.

  22. BB your 7.21PM write up is excellent. When I came into the church in the 1970s, no one told me anything, I had no idea what the church and ministers were really like. So I learnt the real hard way. I went to a minister for advice, only to be deliberately given bad advice, and when I said that can't be right, I got verbally bashed. Message being, the minister is 'boss,' and I should do and believe what ever he says. After that, I was invited to a members house, and later discovered that everything that I said was written down and given to the minister. I mentioned this to a member. His answer, he went to a members home for dinner, only to find a tape recorder under the dining table. Yep, a tape recorder under a table.
    I do wish someone had told me what the church was really like from the word go.
    The one point BB I disagree with, is your claim that they have a little sense of justice. My personal experience with two of my ministers, was they were rigging all the moral rules, in order to create a paradise for narcissists. This is an inversion of justice, of cause and effect. To me, such ministers are the tip of the ice berg. They tell what many other ministers and members harbor in the privacy of their hearts.

  23. I hope and pray that the Robinson family will leave Armstrongism all together and not go back LCG, UCG or any other Armstrong adhering group. They are good people.

  24. Over the years, I encountered several kind, truly Christian people in the COGs. I really don't know why they stay in such hurtful groups. It's one thing to fellowship with other flawed human beings. It's another thing to let them make your life a living hell.

  25. "Don't let your 'church friends' know your true deep down thoughts. It's the only way to survive. And the power of prayer is the best advice. Sometimes you sense something is amiss at church but don't know what. If you take your concerns to God the father and Jesus Christ.."

    While I understand the sentiment and caution of one actually still in an abusive church and heirarchy, I disagree. This is precisely the problem that allows the abuses to continue. IF a group of laymembers had simply stood up to Joe Tkach Sr in the day and said "NO" and you're leaving" or put Joe Jr's office furniture out on the street with a firm "and don't come back" what may have been different?

    There is NO difference between member and minister in the right to speak up and mean it. The mental and emotional or even physical problems of a Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or RCM which cause the problems in the first place have every right to be addressed by the members but by MANY members who I KNOW FEEL and SEE WHAT THEY SEE AND FEEL.

    The gutless ministry and board members also have the right if not the FIRST responsibility to confront lunacy but we know how that goes. If most of the ministry , and most feel what they feel and see what they see so don't kid yourself, went to RCM and "explained" to him with teeth that he is retired now for the sake of the church, no offense, all would get clarified to the good. If loyalists who don't think things through and are loyal just to the man resist, retire them too with a nice pat on the head and a thank you.

    Forget the taking your concerns to God, Jesus or Zeus. When young in the ministry I "bless" "guide" "inspire" "please help" "could you maybe fix" "bless the work" "Give HWA wisdom" ad naseum and we know how that went.

    Unless you think your God actually IS the author of confusion, chaos, emotional trauma, depression and anxiety in a religion that is supposed to be loving, safe and encouraging in difficult times, you are kidding yourself. Nothing will happen and you will probably get just the opposite. And no, that is not to be interpreted as "God's answer to my prayers." It is no answer.

    Vote with your feet. Vote with your funds. Or better yet, face the problem and solve it by confronting the offending leader. If he comes to fight with a club, you come with a club and a knife. If he returns with a club a knife and a gun, you bring two guns and 12 disciples with you along with the Board and 100 members....

  26. Thank you, Dennis, for the voice of experience.

    If 11:38 PM truly does "suss things" and "end[s] up seeing what's really going on" then he/she is complicit in the evil that he/she uncovers. If 11:38 PM believes in a Judgment Day then he/she is facing a fearsome fate.

    I voted with my feet a long time ago and I am better off in so many ways.

  27. Dennis,

    You know I love you (in a manly way, all hetero and...... well, you know).
    I also know the way of the "man of words" using linguistic symbolisms and figurative speech.

    But since we speak of contronting, NO guns.

    I won't have my little sweet cousins as collateral.

    Please continue.


  28. 6.57 AM Dennis, I've heard that point of view expressed towards Hitler and similar. For instance, why didn't all the people just ignore Hitler or some similar dictator, and the problem is solved. Why didn't the German generals just ignore military leader Hitler. But it is not the way the world works, or ever has worked, Organizations are like organisms that are built over time. There are loyalties, commitments, obedient to authority, beliefs about the organisation. The Nazis had to be bombed out of existence, the French guillotined their Aristocratic leaders, Napoleon had to shatter nations to rearrange their social system. It's either brute force, or changing the belief system of those in the organisations.
    Your "solution" is not realistic. Where's reality?

  29. Nck..i don't understand your point. The first paragraph is a quote the rest is me taking issue with it.

  30. 8.01 anon. Interesting analogy. I think all authoritarian governments use the same tactics. Everything I have read of Stalins time is like this. You start with ideals and win people over with great hopes, then corruption affects the leadership who are drunk with power, next is paranoia and then persecution of dissidents. Its hard to get out of a communist or fascist country, but a church? Isn't this the basis of America, freedom of religion which includes freedom to defy a controlling religion.

    I suppose there are sheep everywhere, people who just want to believe. There have always been people leaving the COG's. Back in the 60's some people left quietly when they found they didn't agree with everything, or maybe their child was dying and they needed to go to a doctor. Then in the 70's there were waves of people who left when GTA was exposed and John Tretrech wrote Ambassador Reports. It is always easier to leave with others rather than alone. Many of us have a little anarchist still alive in us, and we left. After that there were plenty of opportunities to leave and many even most did, but there is that small group that stayed, the faithful. I notice a lot of them had strong family connections, like they were children of powerful evangelists who had always enjoyed a position of royalty within the church. They then inherited these positions. So out of the remaining members I wonder, how many are the old timers and how many new converts?

  31. Dennis,

    I think you are adressing 8:01. Your answer fits his remark.

    My posting only focussed on the "gun".
    As I said, I won't have my little cousins as "colatteral" if someone might be tempted to confront with a gun.

    I take your musings as an "eye for an eye" but there are enough loons out there.


  32. June 26, 2016 at 6:51 PM

    They build you up to tear you down.

  33. Have you ever chosen to ignore the warning sign
    Give the benefit of doubt, just to ease your mind
    Have you ever turned your head, when someone's doing someone wrong
    Everyday's a new surprise

    Have you ever been the victim, lying to protect someone
    And you're positve they done you wrong
    Have you ever known someone, who controls with bribes and tears
    Everyday's a new surprise

    Have you ever known someone who builds you up to let you down
    Sincere apologies, sugar-coated promises
    And as usual, it's everybody else's fault, ono

    Ono, ono, some things remain the same
    Some people never change, ono

    (Ono, ono, ono, ono)

    Wake up sheeple!

  34. "But since we speak of contronting, NO guns."

    I fixed'ed it fer ya!
    But since we speak of contronting, KNOW your guns!

  35. Well if the jackasses in Charlotte are tired of the negative publicity then start treating the members like the Children of God they are. Can you imagine Christ doing the things to the members that LCG leaders do?

  36. Gotcha NCK. Guns were meant figuratively as in big guns... bring bigger

  37. So since John Robinson was fired, had his ordination as an Elder revoked and his family can't attend the LYC, does this mean that he and his family have been "marked and disfellowshiped"? Anyone know?

  38. It's just astounding to me now, how much inexcusable crap people excuse, rationalize, and tolerate, and then still keep sending in the money every month.

  39. LCG headquarters in in an uproar that this story was leaked to Banned.

    Members are irate over what they did to John and the blow back has been far more than Meredith and his henchmen were expecting.

    They are presently in the middle of trying to figure out a new spin to the story to make it look better than reality. Sadly, John is probably so desperate to stabilize the situation for the sake of his wife and children that he will willingly participate in whatever made up story Meredith/McNair come up with.

    John likely doesn't yet see that God's church wouldn't treat people the way he has been treated or hasn't realized that God's true church wouldn't lie to cover their collective asses. I'm sure the spell has been broken at least in part though. It might take him another year of being awake to the abuses in LCG before he gets brave enough to make a move but once you are the victim of something like this, it's extremely difficult to stick your head back in the sand.

    Knowing how LCG has operated in the past, they will come up with a story about how John needed to return to Texas to care for his mom. Another option could be that they need to make budget cuts and he was the last editor hired so he was the 1st one fired. Or they decided to let him work remotely from home. The LCG spin doctors are weighing options. Whatever they come up with will probably be posted in the Weekly Update in an effort to counter act the readers of this and other blogs.

    The original story posted on this site is the truth but LCG have become masters at re-writing the truth if the truth makes them look bad. John was fired and stripped of his minister title for saying something unflattering about LCG administration. Period. What ever they come up with next is bull.

  40. Some of us in LCG are taking bets to see if HQ will send out a "must play" video or read an official letter from Meredith during services. We know we will be lied to. Brethren are used to snow jobs from HQ now. I am sure this blog will get mentioned again as being a tool of Satan and that we should not be reading here. This will send more members to this blog. Meredith and McNair are too dumb to realize that they no longer have any power left to control us.

  41. Hello,,,, what I do not understand is HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY STAY ??????,

  42. Why on earth would anyone remain in the LCG and "take bets" as to what their honchos' next moves are?

    If you were really in the belly of that beast, would Jesus mind if you walked up to Meredith (or one of his ministers) and gave him a swift kick in the balls and then stuck a pork chop in his mouth while he was writhing on the ground in pain?
    Only your Jesus knows for sure..

    Given the scripture that Jesus plans to stick a sword in his mouth and whirl around with it killing so many people that it results in a 'river of blood' 7 feet deep, I doubt that Jesus would mind if Meredith and some of his ministers got kicked in the balls by those they've offended and hurt.

  43. Please do not kick Mr. Meredith in the balls.
    Yea, verily, his time hath come - without need for ball-kickings.
    (As in 'very soon")

    Can I claim dibs on one of Rod's eyeballs? (Also his left middle finger and right foot if the LCG will sell them at reasonable prices.)

    As an artist, I'll use them in a rotating psychedelic sculpture I am planning to build that will also incorporate locks of Donald Trump's hair.

  44. This kind of witch hunt has Rod McNair written all over it. John was good. McNair is evil. Oil and water. In LCG, bad behavior is rewarded and good behavior is extinguished.

    John can't see it yet but this is surely a blessing.

    In time he will be grateful.

  45. You are right about McNair. His dirty hands are all over this. Its another one of his power trips. Those of us in Charlotte are sick of the guy. We hope that he will get axed when Mr. Meredith dies, but our other fear is that with Weston taking over, the Gestapo agent will be given even more power to abuse.

  46. McNair is going to be where the buck stops for the Scarborough lawsuit. He was the main instigator of all the things surrounding them just like he is with John. If it ends up costing LCG a fortune, maybe they will clip his wings. We can only hope.

    As it stands, it sometimes feels like McNair is actually the one leading the church because Dr. Meredith seems to believe whatever he says.

    I love my church and I hate to see what's been happening. I pray that God will reveal what McNair is doing and allow all his lies and meanness to be exposed before it's too late.

  47. I respect your love for your church. However the lack of love mercy respect kindness etc is not going to change. The leadership at lcg has never followed Jesus, his words or examples. If the leadership saw Jesus eating with sinners he would be kicked out of their fellowship. Who will you follow.

  48. Boy you sure know how to push the buttons of the leaders here in Charlotte! It has just started around that John is "working" from home and you already have it up. They are NOT happy here.

  49. A troubling question is why are there no virtuous GOG slivers? You constantly hear comments like 5.25 AMs "I love my church but... ." Why don't these same people flock to a non tyrannical, rights respecting church? And why love an abusive church? What happened to cause and effect? The implication is that members secretly approve the various evils in their churches.

  50. So, if I am right ? correct me if I am wrong, McNair seems to be the main instigator in these horrific scenes involving very loving people in Charlotte. He is the pastor of Charlotte after all, does he go straight up the line to Meredith bypassing Winaile ? What ever happened to church government, it does not function in LCG. He, McNair also seems to be training younger ministers to become gestapo reps, the future is not looking good. This guy I hear had a very loving Dad. (Carl McNair) whom I understand kept the faith once delivered. How then does his son become a very poor excuse of a human being I also heard from a source in the Phillipines whilst NcNair served as pastor there that they showed their gratitude (what they thought of him) by placing human waste at the puplt just before he spoke. Don't want to sound derogative of the man but something has to give some where. Too much favouritism from Meredith which seems to part of the problem.

  51. So, If I am right?

    You are so right... McNair is a spoiled narcissistic brat. He is Mr. Carl McNair's youngest child. But he is nothing like his father. He has more in common with his name sake Rodrick Meredith. He is what is created when people run around and suck up to the minister by kissing their kids asses so they will talk good to the minister about them. He has never had a real job, never been in the real world where he would learn how to behave himself. He has always lived in the Ambassador bubble.
    Yes he was in the Philippines. And they could not stand him. It got so bad that HQ had to bring him back to the States in disgrace. But what could they do with him...put him over another church??? NO, lets bring him to HQ where we can keep an eye on him...
    And that is where he was until RCM found he need someone with no morals or character to do his dirty work. And look at what has happened...Gestapo squads, women who run around telling lies about other people and getting them put out of the church because they are jealous of others.
    People who will not stand up for the truth or are too scared to stand...
    Because someone will tell McNair and he will come after them.
    It is all so sicking... You know what McNairs problem was with Patrick Scarborough???
    Patrick always put the people first in trying to find accommodations at the feast. And he did negotiate really good deals...even RCM said that Patrick was the best negotiator he had ever see.
    But jealous Rod McNair wanted to be over the Feast sites. So he started backstabbing Patrick to RCM and lying about him. But you know what he can not prove one single thing about Patrick. It is all lies.
    And now they are in a lawsuit over slander... Thanks alot Rod...
    I can bet that LCG is pinning all their hope on just settling this mess in negotiations. Before it can go to trial. That way they can get it sealed and no one will know all the lies they told.
    Then they will just tell the people that Patrick is a money grubber and they can go on sucking the brethren dry.
    Please send more money we need more money...even though the big shots at HQ make salaries in the 6 figures.
    Did you know that brethren???? They really do make A LOT of MONEY from you. RCM, Winnail, Little Jimmy, Ames, David Meredith, Elizabeth's husband Stafford, Phil Sena , they need you to send more money so they can live like kings.
    Well they are not getting any more of mine. What are you going to do???

  52. I wonder what might happen if someone was told "You're disfellowshipped!". And he replied, "Like hell I am!", and kept showing up at services with a mess of body guards. Has that been tried before? These ministers act as if there is no superior force to confront them. I think it's because disfellowshipped people try to keep their soon to be ex brethren thinking that they are still Christian, thus acting as if the ministers really had authority. (They don't!).


  53. BB,

    Yes it has been tried before.
    This exact scenario happened 4 times with the most powerful man on earth involved including the body guard part.



  54. BB church meeting are a private assembly. Property rights give them the legal right to exclude people, just like movie theatres or night clubs if you violate their rules. If you refused to leave, they call the police, who will arrest you for trespassing.

  55. 10:53, perhaps that's why nobody ever raised a serious confrontation with Joe Tkach Sr. We've taken them to task for not having done this in the past. But you are right. As a biker, I was once asked to leave a private yacht club at which I had tailgated my way up to the bar. I left without making a scene, and it must have been amusing to the patrons. On previous visits, it had not been a private club.

    Still, a police incident at an ACOG splinter service would accomplish several things. It may make the evening news. It could also make the public aware of the location of the services. And it would certainly make church members ask questions. But, probably the best recourse a church member has is to secretly shoot a video of his disfellowshipment on his phone, or other electronic device, and to post it on youtube. (But, please give Gary the scoop by posting it here, first!)

