Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 25, 2016

UCG: The Role of Women in the Media

Beverly Kubik's comments are around the 67 minute mark.

The very idea that these men even have to sit there and debate this shows the absurdities of it all.
Silly women, know you place!


  1. Not that it matters, but is Robin Webber gay?

  2. What a colossal waste of time. A very diverse group ( a bunch of old fat white guys ) of people worried about women teaching in a magazine that nobody reads.

  3. Ugh...Listened to as much as I could stand. All I can say is that the idea that the first century AD was the premier time to understand anything is what is killing these guys and keeping the reality of 2000 years down the Church road at bay.

    First of all, they would never think to ask if the examples they use from the NT even ever happened as written. Are the speeches and recorded conversations historical or , as one Greek writing style provides, merely what the author thought or wanted to characters to say to make his point? In may ways it is trying to figure out , by reading Hansel and Gretel, just how the Witches Ginger Bread House could withstand and survive a heavy rain. Clearly, witches houses don't absorb water and melt. That would be the answer.

    Ultimately, who cares what Paul, or others said or didn't say about such matters as this? Paul was completely wrong and a number of things including his view that "the woman sinned and not the man" and "women come from man and not man from the woman." How lame and wrong is that? Taking the mythical story of Adam and Eve is not a fair way to impose literal laws on real people. Men do come from women and no Eve literally "sinned" in any real garden with a talking serpent.

    Single men claiming to know the mind of God but actually upholding their cultural prejudices against women and the superiority of the man. The Bible will give them plenty of support for such false ideas because the Bible is full of false ideas about men and women, relationships and how all things work. Their single Christ lives with his never had a relationship Father, well just one evidently with a teenage girl but by the Holy Spirit which if a person is weird, sitting on his right hand. No wonder the Father can't just get up, show up and explain the program for these times and not depend on divining and teasing out answers from old books that made the cut while hundreds of others didn't.

    Anyway, just watching the meeting made me grateful once again to be free of such an incredible waste of life's precious time. Interesting to see how the men got the table seats and the women lined up along the wall in chairs. What a patriarchal clog in the drain it all is.

  4. Here is the problem and how to fix it...

    The problem started when it was allowed to teach women to read. People who read are going to think and have opinions.

    Simply stop teaching women how to read and this problem of thinking and opining will simply go away.

    In fact, apply this to lay member men too, and "church government" becomes all so much easier!

  5. Oh, I'm sorry... I tought I taw a talking terpent... I DID! I DID! I DID TEE A TALKING TERPENT!!!

    His foolish jester

  6. Thanks for the good laugh! Like Dennis, I listened to about as much as I could stand. What a waste of time other than reaffirming how glad I am not to be part of anything Worldwide Church of God related including its splinter franchises.

    Funny, I am sure the irony of a Church of God woman not being allowed to read scriptures in Church but the same woman is allowed to sing Dwight Armstrong scriptural hymns or any other special music was lost on most of the brain dead Council of Elders.


  7. All I see is a bunch of privileged old white men at the table with the women pushed to the periphery. Outside the circle as always. Only the men know what is right for the women. The patriarchy at its finest.

  8. Why would women even want to teach or speak or write in that boring old church. Stifling and boring, I might need an oxygen tank to stay awake for more than 10 minutes, or perhaps they could all take a whiff of laughing gas and speak in Mikey mouse voices, or is that hydrogen or nitrogen. That stuff that makes your tires bouncy. Please pump something into the air system for these meetings just so people don't fall into comas.

  9. Is Robin Webber gay? ROTFLMAO! You made my day!

  10. I'm curious why some of the men in the meeting refused to even glance in the direction of the women when they were speaking?

  11. Anon 9:13; Not that it matters, but are you gay?

  12. The conference is just public relations. Nothing will change. Personally, I agree with these old guys. There are lines that should not be crossed. Male/female differences and roles need to be respected. Eg, no women soldiers in the front line of military battles.

  13. The US Supreme Court has decided that it is NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE for UCG men to rape women and then insist that their victims carry to term and give birth to "UCG rape babies"
    It's a sad day for all the UCG rapists.(I know of three in my area, and wonder about a couple more.)

  14. Anon:
    Not that it matters, but do you live on this planet?

  15. I am TOTALLY all about GOD'S WORD!
    If my wife starts speaking when she shouldn't, I will go all "Old Testament" on her, per GOD'S HOLY WORD!
